I have always been a big fan of Chris Wong. I like his voice, his songs, and his personality. Even though he is in his late 50s, he is still a very goodlooking man. Having said that, I wish someone could tell him that as he ages, he may want to consider a change in his hairstyle and the clothes he wears. Both age him terribly. I've seen some of his recent performances. His singing is still good. His voice is still terrific. (Technically speaking, he is one of the best singers in Hong Kong.) But his clothes and his hairstyle are always terrible. Very age-inappropriate and very old-fashioned. Too many colors. Too much glitter. Too tight. Some people in the social media mock him, and I feel bad for him. But in a way, the criticisms are not entirely wrong. But I wish people give constructive criticisms, not mockery. I can imagine singers such as Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan aging much more gracefully than him if they were still alive.
Very fair comment. I think someone has told him your comment, as u can see in his recent concert in HK, he is in good shape with appropriate hairstyle and outfits.
我在八七年開始都很喜歡這位 Chris 大哥哥,人又靚仔,學歷又高 (中大英文系畢業,當年中大畢業真係好叻仔先得),把聲又好聽。
@@yoyolam8284 何況是中文大學。
@@3muimui 中大才子
@@yoyolam8284 你聽過他的標準英文發音未呀?
What's The Difference
@@3muimui 多謝你分享
@@windy7959 你哪裡都看到我,那麼你也很愛他,我今年才知道香港有這個這麽棒歌手,所以才重溫下他以往的作品。🤭
@@windy7959 我喜歡他才華對音樂的創作的堅持,到今時今日出唱片這麽差巿道,他不為賺錢只為興趣與樂迷的喜歡,還在出唱片而且是粵語歌,那些當紅的歌手賺了名氣和錢有沒有回饋歌迷與樂壇,只會不停消費人氣開演唱會賺錢,只有他在我心目中才是天王。
@@windy7959 我也不追星的,因為疫情看了我們的歌被他的歌聲和風趣圈粉,然後去搜索重溫他的以往才知道他这么有才華。
@@windy7959 他出道時我也是幾歲大 又不是很懂這些追星的事,後來他去了加拿大,也很少機會認識他。
@@windy7959 八卦下你本身不是講粵語的吧!你的已故偶像是!?方便透露嗎?
I like him too
CHRIS ,E個人有邊個唔鐘意佢丫~~~ 諗翻起佢真系香港既一個貴寶, 應該紅過陳百強, 拍埋戲的話應該紅過張國榮~ 太有性格,不過孤高既 CHRIS 更令人鍾意佢~
甘講真, 後生時期黃凱芹真係幾靚仔, 唔明點解周慧敏唔擇佢擇X震
What's The Difference
I have always been a big fan of Chris Wong. I like his voice, his songs, and his personality. Even though he is in his late 50s, he is still a very goodlooking man. Having said that, I wish someone could tell him that as he ages, he may want to consider a change in his hairstyle and the clothes he wears. Both age him terribly. I've seen some of his recent performances. His singing is still good. His voice is still terrific. (Technically speaking, he is one of the best singers in Hong Kong.) But his clothes and his hairstyle are always terrible. Very age-inappropriate and very old-fashioned. Too many colors. Too much glitter. Too tight. Some people in the social media mock him, and I feel bad for him. But in a way, the criticisms are not entirely wrong. But I wish people give constructive criticisms, not mockery. I can imagine singers such as Leslie Cheung and Danny Chan aging much more gracefully than him if they were still alive.
he has changed....you can watch the TV game
Very fair comment. I think someone has told him your comment, as u can see in his recent concert in HK, he is in good shape with appropriate hairstyle and outfits.