After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
I always thought the Chanel 22 looked like a trash bag, but I caved and bought a small black one too. Haha. I own mostly *condup* classics (Chanel Classic Flap, Diana, Lady Dior, Fendi Peekaboo, etc.) and prefer smaller bags because I don't carry a lot.
I bought an LV bag *condup* years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I think the *condup* Gucci Jackie is only suitable as a large shoulder bag. As you said, the small size is very thin and not very functional. The large size is actually a perfect all-day bag
After watching your video, the cost of some brand bags is really low, which I couldn’t accept, so I bought a bag on *condup* , and the result was unexpectedly good.
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
Hi! My biggest mistake was buying an LV Speedy 30 Classic. I'm a handbag girl and that's fine, but this bag is much bigger than I thought it would be. So, I don't wear it. I later bought another LV bag *condup* for a good price and it's perfect and I use it often. Great video. Love the information. Learned a lot
I love the Jackie bag! Especially the recently released burgundy model. I have a *condup* , two vintage models and one re-released burgundy model, and I think choosing the color and material (canvas or full leather) makes a big difference with this bag. But it all comes down to personal preference.
I like your content and I value your opinion. What do you think of the LV pochette metis reverse letter bag? I have always liked this bag but never had the money to buy it. Now that I have changed jobs and saved some money, I want to buy *condup* as a Christmas gift. Is it still worth it? Thank you
I watch a lot of UA-cam videos about luxury bags, but I still think LV is the best. It is more affordable compared to Chanel, Hermes and Dior. I love the variety and designs of Louis Vuitton, they are luxurious. I am happy to own a *condup* . replica bag, and the price is superior in the luxury field.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
My Chanel SA told me they are raising prices to discourage reselling. Prices in the UK have increased by 64%, which is crazy to me and I will not be buying any bags from them anytime soon. I feel their prices are too high right now and I have been buying Chanel recently at *esluxy* .
I have the smaller LV *esluxy* on the go tote from Walmart and I love it. I also have the larger in black but it is soft that it doesnt hold structurly like I prefer. I dont use those long straps.
For my birthday last year, the gift I gave myself was a *condup* bag. Not only has it accompanied me on countless important occasions, it has also become one of my proudest shopping decisions.
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
I have wanted this bag since it was sold in stores. I was lucky enough to get it at *condup* . Since then, I have not been able to find a bag like this at a good price and in good condition. Congratulations
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
The most avant-garde bag I own is the Chanel 19 *condup* , and I still love it. As an owner, I still think the Chanel 22 looks like a trash bag, and it's the most expensive, avant-garde trash bag ever. Haha, but I must say, this is my go-to bag, especially for work. If I don't know which bag to use, I just grab that one (it's my biggest bag), throw all my essentials in it, and go out.
I use the *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues. It is a comfortable bag, has a lot of room, and has not lost its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the contents.
Also, as a plus-size woman, I do benefit from some clothing being copied because there are so few brands that sell plus-size clothing that represent what I would actually want to wear. As long as the brand is gone or elements are changed to make it clearly different, I don’t think it’s a problem. Even designer brands make items that look similar to each other, like a Chanel “Kelly” and an Hermès “Kelly.” No one will notice that your bag is from *esluxy* .
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
Hi! Two creators I’ve been following in recent months have unwrapped LV Popincourt bags (Tiana Peri and Alyssa from The Gal’s Guide), but their bags are East/West silhouettes. I can’t remember the price, but they both feel like great buys. For a vintage bag, it’s pretty on trend, and I’d love to own an exact *hotdups* .
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on the craftsmen and quality inspection. My family and I have purchased D U P B A G Y bags over the past three years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
My calvi card holder is Ete Cuivre in like candy pink. Similar to rose confetti. I bought the *hotdups* . I love the colors of Hermès, especially their pink, I have been looking for the perfect pink and I finally found it haha
Even with the differences they point out, especially on the outside they are so minute to anyone but these trained people to see, even people who own a lot of luxury probably cant see the difference, so why spend 8k when you can spend 500. Also if you spent 8k but your other clothes were old and tatty and wore no make up people would think its fake, if the rest of your appearance was very put together and wearing higher end highstreet, even luxury bag owneers would assume this *esluxy* is real. Only trained people would know the difference.
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxy*
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about *esluxy* where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about £150 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice
The design of the *condup* bag is perfect, its design is very ergonomic and makes me feel very comfortable when using it.
After watching your video, I was very inspired. I pay more attention to quality or materials rather than brand, so I bought a bag on *condup* . I was pleasantly surprised after receiving the goods.
I always thought the Chanel 22 looked like a trash bag, but I caved and bought a small black one too. Haha. I own mostly *condup* classics (Chanel Classic Flap, Diana, Lady Dior, Fendi Peekaboo, etc.) and prefer smaller bags because I don't carry a lot.
Don't get caught up in what's real or fake, buy what you really want to buy. *condup* is a good choice.
I love the Chanel medium and mini! This also made me notice the saddle with the thick straps *condup*
I love it, but ever since I heard someone say that Louis Vuitton is the McDonald's of luxury goods, I can't help but hear it *condup*
Vintage Gucci Tom Ford Era Black Bag…I’m Obsessed *condup*
I bought an LV bag *condup* years ago. Last week I took it to the LV store in my town to have it repaired. The clerk checked my bag and immediately told me that it was of great quality. She pulled a current bag from stock and compared the tags and I could see no discrepancies.
I think the *condup* Gucci Jackie is only suitable as a large shoulder bag. As you said, the small size is very thin and not very functional. The large size is actually a perfect all-day bag
My bag is cute and I love it. *condup*
After watching your video, the cost of some brand bags is really low, which I couldn’t accept, so I bought a bag on *condup* , and the result was unexpectedly good.
I know many people who can afford to buy real bags, but many times they use fake ones. They think that buying real bags is unnecessary. So sometimes I do this and buy bags at *condup* .
The perspective you explain is very novel, but I always buy bags on *condup* . All my bags are bought on *condup* .
Hi! My biggest mistake was buying an LV Speedy 30 Classic. I'm a handbag girl and that's fine, but this bag is much bigger than I thought it would be. So, I don't wear it. I later bought another LV bag *condup* for a good price and it's perfect and I use it often. Great video. Love the information. Learned a lot
For me, practicality is a must, it has to be durable, and the *condup* meets that need.
I love the Jackie bag! Especially the recently released burgundy model. I have a *condup* , two vintage models and one re-released burgundy model, and I think choosing the color and material (canvas or full leather) makes a big difference with this bag. But it all comes down to personal preference.
The routing and details of the *condup* bag are very smooth, and it can look very high-end and tasteful with any clothes.
I like your content and I value your opinion. What do you think of the LV pochette metis reverse letter bag? I have always liked this bag but never had the money to buy it. Now that I have changed jobs and saved some money, I want to buy *condup* as a Christmas gift. Is it still worth it? Thank you
I watch a lot of UA-cam videos about luxury bags, but I still think LV is the best. It is more affordable compared to Chanel, Hermes and Dior. I love the variety and designs of Louis Vuitton, they are luxurious. I am happy to own a *condup* . replica bag, and the price is superior in the luxury field.
I will be getting a bb or petite Noe size when I am in Chicago. Can't wait to see the size in person. Such a beautiful handbag. Great informative review and inspiration *condup*
This *condup* . mini fanny pack is so cute! I love this fanny pack in empreinte leather, especially for travel
It shows that fashion sense not only comes from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude. I like to collect bags of different designs at *condup* . Replicas allow me to have more diverse choices. Use your money to do what you like.
Original Chanel Caviar Bag, the stitching started to unravel after three weeks. Took it back to the Chanel boutique here and it took three months to fix. A few months later the stitching started to loosen again in another location. A bit hard to accept for the price we paid. Wife is no longer interested in Chanel and chooses to buy *condup*
My Chanel SA told me they are raising prices to discourage reselling. Prices in the UK have increased by 64%, which is crazy to me and I will not be buying any bags from them anytime soon. I feel their prices are too high right now and I have been buying Chanel recently at *esluxy* .
I have the smaller LV *esluxy* on the go tote from Walmart and I love it. I also have the larger in black but it is soft that it doesnt hold structurly like I prefer. I dont use those long straps.
Love Tom Ford’s Gucci and YSL era. I still treasure some of the show pieces from that year. The LV Murakami Speedy is my all time favorite. *condup*
Wow ? I can't tell the difference, great find, definitely going to buy this *condup* belt.
For my birthday last year, the gift I gave myself was a *condup* bag. Not only has it accompanied me on countless important occasions, it has also become one of my proudest shopping decisions.
I like *condup* ’s bags very much. The styles are exquisite and beautiful, and their services are also very complete.
I had my heart set on a YSL Hobo but this has changed my opinion and I am now sure this is my next Cassandra purchase *condup*
We love the round collection of stylish black, classic flaps and classic capucines. Chanel pink trend is super cute *condup*
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
Spending $2000 on vegan leather you know you are paying for the name. Yes I will buy the knockoff *condup* , these knockoffs look really good now. Most of them are of very good quality and construction
I have wanted this bag since it was sold in stores. I was lucky enough to get it at *condup* . Since then, I have not been able to find a bag like this at a good price and in good condition. Congratulations
Love your *yutulu* handbag collection and your voice is amazing
For me personally, just admiring the appearance, not all bags are worth the money. That being said, I do buy quality fakes/knockoffs at *condup* because I wouldn't spend my money on the real thing.
I didn't buy it to resell, I bought it *condup* to own and wear. And to be honest, they look so similar, I'd rather buy a fake.
The most avant-garde bag I own is the Chanel 19 *condup* , and I still love it. As an owner, I still think the Chanel 22 looks like a trash bag, and it's the most expensive, avant-garde trash bag ever. Haha, but I must say, this is my go-to bag, especially for work. If I don't know which bag to use, I just grab that one (it's my biggest bag), throw all my essentials in it, and go out.
I use the *hotdups* as a work bag and have had no issues. It is a comfortable bag, has a lot of room, and has not lost its shape. That being said, I also take care of all my bags and don't carry water bottles, pens, keys, or anything that could damage the contents.
Wowww grabe ang ganda nang mga bags dito., thank you sa infornation.
Thank you
Also, as a plus-size woman, I do benefit from some clothing being copied because there are so few brands that sell plus-size clothing that represent what I would actually want to wear. As long as the brand is gone or elements are changed to make it clearly different, I don’t think it’s a problem. Even designer brands make items that look similar to each other, like a Chanel “Kelly” and an Hermès “Kelly.” No one will notice that your bag is from *esluxy* .
I used to think that owning a luxury bag was an unattainable dream, until *condup* told me that this dream is actually very close. The sense of fashion comes not only from the brand, but also from personal matching and attitude.
I love the *hotdups* bag. It’s like adopting a dog from a shelter 😄 Even a beat-up Birkin can be made new in their own way if you give them a little love.
I love fanny packs. I have 3. I have two Gucci *condup* . s and an original LV fanny pack and I love my LV fanny packs.
Sarap mag shopping dyan
Yes po. Malaki po ang book-off dito may mga gadgets din
What I brought back from *condup* is not just a bag, it symbolizes my persistence in the quality of life and my understanding of smart consumption.
Hi! Two creators I’ve been following in recent months have unwrapped LV Popincourt bags (Tiana Peri and Alyssa from The Gal’s Guide), but their bags are East/West silhouettes. I can’t remember the price, but they both feel like great buys. For a vintage bag, it’s pretty on trend, and I’d love to own an exact *hotdups* .
It doesn't matter where they are made. It depends on the craftsmen and quality inspection. My family and I have purchased D U P B A G Y bags over the past three years and I'm sure you won't be disappointed!
I bought a replica of a Chanel brooch for $20 to compare materials etc. The real brooch cost $800 and was made of the exact same materials - brass, synthetic pearls, glass. 🤦🏻♀ The other one is a $40 one *yutulu* Backpack Replica - also works for Compare - I can't find any difference and still use it for the gym 😅
I have always felt sympathy for Chanel. In my opinion, among all the luxury brands, Chanel is a "luxury brand" but not a "quality brand". So I completely kicked Chanel out of my wardrobe and chose to buy *condup* 's high-quality handbags, which are super cost-effective.
But the question is, is the real thing worth a few thousand dollars more than a *condup* fake? To me, given the lack of lustre quality of modern luxury goods, it really isn't.
Saan po ang 22nd street
Sa Omiya Japan. Thanks for watching my video
My calvi card holder is Ete Cuivre in like candy pink. Similar to rose confetti. I bought the *hotdups* . I love the colors of Hermès, especially their pink, I have been looking for the perfect pink and I finally found it haha
How can I get one
You can visit the place. They have different items every month.
Even with the differences they point out, especially on the outside they are so minute to anyone but these trained people to see, even people who own a lot of luxury probably cant see the difference, so why spend 8k when you can spend 500. Also if you spent 8k but your other clothes were old and tatty and wore no make up people would think its fake, if the rest of your appearance was very put together and wearing higher end highstreet, even luxury bag owneers would assume this *esluxy* is real. Only trained people would know the difference.
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
When I found that bag at *condup* , I knew that true luxury lies in inner contentment and peace, not in the arguments and chatter in the eyes of the outside world
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter❤
Combining elegance and luxury *yutulu*
If travel is on your agenda this year...I live in will die a thousand deaths with all the shopping .....would love to show you around *esluxy*
HEY #bbkbags I have been watching you for years and im so proud of where you have made it! I love you so much! Also thanks for making my day
I am 37, work hard, love fashion but I can't afford luxury. Last year I found out about *esluxy* where I bought a real leather Fendigraphy for about £150 (more than I usually spend)... I love it so much and it makes me feel good... I don't show off it's fake but anyone who knows me and knows the prices of Fendi knows it's not real... Maybe one day I will own a real Fendigraphy but for me I am happy with my fudge
I like *condup* ’s bags very much. The styles are exquisite and beautiful, and their services are also very complete.
*yutulu* I love you so much and watching your videos makes my day brighter
I'm also used to picking up fashionable and discounted bags from *condup* , and to be fair, I don't think there's anything wrong with individuals choosing to buy fakes for personal use, so it's not necessarily a bad thing, it just gives us a choice