Primary & Secondary Amenorrhea - Pediatrics | Lecturio

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @brookeyang2097
    @brookeyang2097 6 років тому +10

    This is the best education video I have found. Thank you so much for your sharing, doctor!

  • @mabondavis4838
    @mabondavis4838 3 роки тому +3

    Your video is very informative. My younger sister was suffering from this since her menstrual cycle has started but instead of going for any medicine we opted for Ayurveda for her treatment and followed Dr. Vikram Chauhan and yes now she is fine and her cycle is also smooth. The doctor's only advice was to manage our lifestyle and Diet and really we should manage our diet and daily lifestyle properly to live a healthy life

  • @kombychris2902
    @kombychris2902 6 років тому +3

    A big thanks to Lecturio. We are blessed with this initiative.

  • @docsanti8971
    @docsanti8971 Місяць тому

    Outsanding explanation! Thank you very much Doctor!

  • @itisha7996
    @itisha7996 2 роки тому +3

    7:08,secondary amenorrhea

  • @hildamolbabu2649
    @hildamolbabu2649 3 роки тому +2

    Thank U sir... This is really great. Because of lockdown, I had missed many classes and was getting trouble understanding the concept. This class was really a blessing.

  • @ediannareyesovalle9636
    @ediannareyesovalle9636 5 років тому +2

    Thank you! Currently taking Maternity and Peds

  • @JosephineNdidiamaka
    @JosephineNdidiamaka Рік тому

    Thank you so much for the video on how to treat infection with Bara, I will try it after treating ulcer.

  • @doppod3861
    @doppod3861 4 роки тому +3

    thank you dr you slowly talking and its what we need exactly
    we are from arab countries and not perfect in english!!!
    pls ask your dr friends to be slowly !)))

  • @mariesa7338
    @mariesa7338 5 років тому +1

    So so happy that youtube has sych an awesome channel.

  • @mariesa7338
    @mariesa7338 5 років тому +2

    Best ever channel..
    Keep going.
    Awesome understanding
    Lots of love and affection..

  • @jolynnstoller3302
    @jolynnstoller3302 5 років тому +1

    Thanks so much!! I was struggling with how to interpret the progesterone challenge test!

  • @azizaabdul4523
    @azizaabdul4523 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, the lesson is clear to us

  • @memorykasanga9162
    @memorykasanga9162 Рік тому

    Well explained sir😊

  • @kamalhamjary
    @kamalhamjary Рік тому

    The best so far

    • @lecturiomedical
      @lecturiomedical  10 місяців тому

      Thank you for your comment! If you enjoyed the video, don't forget to subscribe and turn on notifications to stay updated with all our UA-cam videos. 🤗 Additionally, for more learning opportunities, we invite you to sign up here and explore even more of our free content, along with all the study features that can help you ace your exams:

  • @shivubains115
    @shivubains115 4 роки тому +1

    Helpful video 😊keep going

  • @drlarsson3585
    @drlarsson3585 3 роки тому

    Thank you for a very very good lecture!

  • @Pavi-h8i
    @Pavi-h8i 7 місяців тому

    Hypoplastic uters plz tell me dr can u possible treatment for hypoplastic uter and no periods

  • @parasjillani2311
    @parasjillani2311 5 років тому

    Excellent.Please upload more lectures.

  • @khadijasadiqsadiq3604
    @khadijasadiqsadiq3604 7 місяців тому

    Great explanation

    • @lecturiomedical
      @lecturiomedical  7 місяців тому

      Thank you very much! If you'd like more videos like this, but also downloadable study materials, quizzes, learning path, access to 3D Model and much more, register and start your FREE trial today:

  • @hannahbanana9901
    @hannahbanana9901 Рік тому

    My doctor ordered me a progesterone test and I have primary amenorrhoea - I had a normal response so what would my diagnosis be? I though PCOS was only a secondary amenorrhoea condition

  • @ashleytarrr7331
    @ashleytarrr7331 11 місяців тому

    Thank you so much I have primary amenorrhea

    • @lecturiomedical
      @lecturiomedical  11 місяців тому

      We're sorry to read about your condition but we're happy to see our video could help. Don't forget to subscribe and turn on your notifications to get more videos from Brian Alverson, MD

  • @katrinemadeleine6098
    @katrinemadeleine6098 6 років тому +1

    Great lecture

  • @vanarajkalidhasan
    @vanarajkalidhasan 6 років тому +2

    Thank u so much doctor

  • @CRuma-ut9hl
    @CRuma-ut9hl 3 роки тому

    Thanks for your post

  • @Crazinaaaa
    @Crazinaaaa 4 роки тому

    Thanks Doctor such a usefu knowledge share With us,sir can I get all ppt of your lecture

  • @yasmeenrashid7654
    @yasmeenrashid7654 9 місяців тому


    • @lecturiomedical
      @lecturiomedical  8 місяців тому

      You're welcome! We're very happy you liked the video and would recommend you to register and start your Free Trial to get even more interesting content and features:

  • @carlosweener2848
    @carlosweener2848 5 років тому

    oh wow. this is quite good. i wish i encountered those ads 4 years ago. damn it.

  • @saz4217
    @saz4217 3 роки тому

    This is a very good video, you explained every thing!

  • @rejanijohn5487
    @rejanijohn5487 4 роки тому

    Thank you Doctor

  • @yasmeenrashid7654
    @yasmeenrashid7654 9 місяців тому

    Plz sir
    Send me ur all lectures

    • @lecturiomedical
      @lecturiomedical  8 місяців тому

      All the lectures are available on our website/app. You can even start with a 7 day free trial to check if it fits your needs:

  • @piyasaini8578
    @piyasaini8578 3 роки тому

    CAC Stri Poshak Syrup is an Ayurvedic medicine that contains natural and pure herbs which mainly balance the Pitta and Kapha dosha. The syrup is beneficial in curing woman’s physical weakness, anemia, amenorrhea, etc. It includes ingredients like - Ashok chall (Saraca asoca), Lodhar chall (Symlocos racemosa), Khadir chall (Acacia catechu), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Mulethi (Glycyrrhiza glabra), etc. This herbal syrup cures the wrinkles on the face, dark circles below eyes, feeling of exhaustion in the body, helps in reducing hot flashes, disturbed sleep, abdominal discomfort, mood elevation, excess sweating, tiredness.

  • @aha1046
    @aha1046 5 років тому


  • @JosephineNdidiamaka
    @JosephineNdidiamaka Рік тому

    I'm 32yrs. For a year and now, I have not seen my period. What can I do pls?

  • @joeylopez6955
    @joeylopez6955 4 роки тому +3

    Help me. I am 19yrs old but still never had my menstruation 🥺😢

    • @bowlofbereal
      @bowlofbereal 4 роки тому +1

      woahhhhhh. please! go see a doctor if you haven't already!

    • @joeylopez6955
      @joeylopez6955 4 роки тому

      @@bowlofbereal I don't have the money yet to see a doctor. But I am now saving. I know it's hard because I'm a student.

    • @joeylopez6955
      @joeylopez6955 4 роки тому

      I have primary amenorrhea in my research. But I didn't see a doctor yet. I am going to be 20 in October. I know the absence of having a period is a problem. I have cried many times I hope I can go to a good doctor.

    • @bowlofbereal
      @bowlofbereal 4 роки тому +1

      Mobile Legend awwww no :( healthcare should be completely free its honestly not fair. im so thankful that its free here in the UK. im so sorry 🥺 i pray you can get help soon. i hope good things for you ♥️♥️

    • @joeylopez6955
      @joeylopez6955 4 роки тому +1

      @@bowlofbereal I'm from PH. Thankyou for your concern. I hope I can see a doctor soon. Before it's too late.

  • @wisdomekanem1725
    @wisdomekanem1725 5 років тому


  • @neuguehornella7079
    @neuguehornella7079 4 роки тому

    Thank you for this video
    I am having a menstruall problem please i need your help

  • @sadiakader4363
    @sadiakader4363 5 років тому


  • @sammieheyman2252
    @sammieheyman2252 4 роки тому +1

    I wish to know if it's normal for a 20 year old not to see her periods for 5 months

    • @killxxxboiii2158
      @killxxxboiii2158 4 роки тому +1

      I'm 17 and haven't had mine in 3 months and usually have irregular periods and now I'm worried...

    • @sammieheyman2252
      @sammieheyman2252 4 роки тому +4

      @@killxxxboiii2158 it's hormonal imbalance

  • @cristynitabregente8014
    @cristynitabregente8014 4 роки тому

    Still I don't have menstruation, I'am 30 years old now.

    • @bowlofbereal
      @bowlofbereal 4 роки тому +2

      uh i hope you've seen your doctor about that 😳

    • @stephaniebiann
      @stephaniebiann 3 роки тому +1

      Same here... im 32 yrs old.
      Praying and hoping one day theres a miracle

    • @ninaanca1877
      @ninaanca1877 3 роки тому

      Same hier im 33 years old

  • @amnaharba5317
    @amnaharba5317 4 роки тому
