🙋🏻 Olá!!! Bom dia aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷. 💕 Sua horta sempre linda demais 👏🏻👏🏻 Gostei muito da carrocinha para seu cavalinho, parabéns.👍🏻 Desejo para você e sua família,um ótimo final de semana, abraços .❤. 🌹..
Hola hermosa Toan Buenísima venta, con el carro te aumenta la oferta, te aumentan tus ingresos y tu caballo no se estropea tanto. Estas actuando como una empresaria. Felicidades. Mucho éxito linda Toan en tus negocios y emprendimientos. Cuida tu salud también. 🌹🌺🌻🪷💐🏵️🌼🌸💮🌷🥀 🇨🇱🇻🇳🇨🇱🇻🇳👋👋👋
Thank you for the entertainment on my busy afternoon, dear Toan. 🤗 Visitors kept coming to buy Christmas trees and this will continue until Christmas Eve. It was the first time you could go to the market with the horse-drawn cart. Mr. Toan did it brilliantly and was calm as always. Then you also met sister Phương - it's so good to see you both because you're always so warm towards each other. I wish you a relaxing weekend with your family. Sending love and a few hugs your way, my best friend - stay healthy. 💝❤💖
Olá moça quero lhe dizer que eu sou fan do seu trabalho gosto dos seus vídeos seu cavalo está muito bonito. Falo dar qui fortaleza Ceará. Que Deus continue abençoando você
Boa-tarde Ly Tieu Toan! É um prazer assistir seus vídeos, porquê mostra que você é uma grande mulher bonita e corajosa para está sempre buscando a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Parabéns? Sou do Brail estado do Amazonas- Silves.
Wenn du das Pferd behalten willst mache ihm eine schöne große Weidefläsche( So wie bei deinen Maisfelder)und hole dir noch ein Pfer dazu damit er gesellschaft hat.Es ist traurig zu sehen das er keinen richtigen Stall hat und vor sich hinvegetiert. Du behandelt ihn gut aber er lebt nicht wie ein Pferd Leben soll.Generell scheint ihr keine richtige Beziehung zu Tieren zu haben.-Schade drum denn ihr habt soviel Land wo ihr euren Tieren mehr Auslauf geben könntet.
Looks like the cart is working out pretty good, seems to be real easy for the horse to pull. I think that is easier than the baskets on the rack to load and use too.❤
Hey toan, why don't u just buy a truck like ur friend rather than using the poor horse to carry heavy loads. U make enough money to buy a small truck for ur daily work. Pls give the horse a rest.
I see your poor horse is still living in the conditions of a pig..!! Tied up 24 hours a day, and expected to lay down on a cold, hard, concrete floor. Shame on you..!!
Hello,Now I come to tell you by, because you don't like to welcome foreign friends, Phuong, nhat, huyen people are better than you or give better answer,The time has come for my entire circle of friends to say goodbye to your channel and you.I want your channel to grow a lot.
Toan só ama Werner, ela não responde a ninguém além dele. Homens jovens como você não são necessários aqui, apenas homens fortes são necessários.Mesmo que você tenha 82 anos como Werner, Toan também vai te amar.
I'm not going to write to her anymore. Apart from several consecrated figures like Werner, she has no criteria or sense of fairness when answering messages. I gave her all my affection and worked on the comments and she didn't find time to answer them, except at the beginning. Then... everything changed and she stopped answering any of them. I've already left her... I hope for good. A gesture of repentance on her part could change things... but I'm skeptical. There are other beautiful and more grateful women to follow... she's not the only one. My time is gold and I must share it and my preference is polite people. Good luck, mate. 😶
Sweet Toan ❤
Hi, you finally finished your shipment. Congratulations.
Love you....⚘⚘
That’s a great catch
🙋🏻 Olá!!! Bom dia aqui do Brasil 🇧🇷. 💕
Sua horta sempre linda demais 👏🏻👏🏻
Gostei muito da carrocinha para seu cavalinho, parabéns.👍🏻
Desejo para você e sua família,um ótimo final de semana, abraços .❤. 🌹..
Hola hermosa Toan
Buenísima venta, con el carro te aumenta la oferta, te aumentan tus ingresos y tu caballo no se estropea tanto. Estas actuando como una empresaria. Felicidades.
Mucho éxito linda Toan en tus negocios y emprendimientos. Cuida tu salud también.
Seu cavalinho ficou fofinho na carroça 😮❤❤❤fica com Deus que Deus abençoe sua venda no mercado
smart girl, it's amazing how you built a cart for a horse to pull
Buenos días saludos y bendiciones hermosa cuidate mucho
Thank you for the entertainment on my busy afternoon, dear Toan. 🤗
Visitors kept coming to buy Christmas trees and this will continue until Christmas Eve.
It was the first time you could go to the market with the horse-drawn cart. Mr. Toan did it brilliantly and was calm as always.
Then you also met sister Phương - it's so good to see you both because you're always so warm towards each other.
I wish you a relaxing weekend with your family. Sending love and a few hugs your way, my best friend - stay healthy. 💝❤💖
Olá meu querido amigo Werner
Olá moça quero lhe dizer que eu sou fan do seu trabalho gosto dos seus vídeos seu cavalo está muito bonito. Falo dar qui fortaleza Ceará. Que Deus continue abençoando você
Boa-tarde Ly Tieu Toan! É um prazer assistir seus vídeos, porquê mostra que você é uma grande mulher bonita e corajosa para está sempre buscando a melhoria da qualidade de vida. Parabéns? Sou do Brail estado do Amazonas- Silves.
That worked just fine👍👍 … of course the bigger the basket, the more it takes to fill it …. Me thinks you are up for the task Mrs Toan❤it
I just want to say hello and I enjoy your videos thank you for sharing your way of life
Awesome job Toan !!
Hitching that wagon to the is very smart :).
Keep up the good work !!
Лошадка худенькая , прямо ребра посчитать можно - надо больше подкармливать свою помощницу )🙋🌿🌾
Мне кажется это другая красная.Тот был больше,красивей и хвост другой.
Hello Toan. By having horse cart, you can bring many goods or produce to the market.
It's amazing to see the fruits of hard labor being harvested. This video is truly inspiring!
Wenn du das Pferd behalten willst mache ihm eine schöne große Weidefläsche( So wie bei deinen Maisfelder)und hole dir noch ein Pfer dazu damit er gesellschaft hat.Es ist traurig zu sehen das er keinen richtigen Stall hat und vor sich hinvegetiert. Du behandelt ihn gut aber er lebt nicht wie ein Pferd Leben soll.Generell scheint ihr keine richtige Beziehung zu Tieren zu haben.-Schade drum denn ihr habt soviel Land wo ihr euren Tieren mehr Auslauf geben könntet.
Тоан,Вы снова поменяли лошадь?
Looks like the cart is working out pretty good, seems to be real easy for the horse to pull. I think that is easier than the baskets on the rack to load and use too.❤
Now you can bring more products to the market with carriages, it is more easier for the horse to pull than the basket at the back
Super 💪💪💐🌹🌹🌹 i am indian
Buenos días un saludo desde costa de Guerrero México 🙏🙏🙏🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽🇲🇽
Chào em toan làm xe ngua
Chở nhiều hàng hơn
Oi ❤❤😊😊
Very few people use horses to transport goods like you do now.
Why don’t you buy a 3 wheeled vehicle, lesser maintenance and gasoline and you can bring more harvest ti the market
Good Video...What happened to Husband & Baby ??
오리가 불티나게 팔리네😂😂
יפה מאוד לגדל סוס לצורך עבודה יפה מאוד וגם לגדל בית וללכת עם הסוס ליקנות עופות ולימכור 🦜🦆🦆🐠🦈🦈🐬🐳🐟🐟
Hey toan, why don't u just buy a truck like ur friend rather than using the poor horse to carry heavy loads. U make enough money to buy a small truck for ur daily work. Pls give the horse a rest.
Im sad where is ur horse,,,,😮
This is the horse she traded in exchange for the white horse months ago🙏
@@gregsheere9714яЭто уже третья лошадь.!
@@Elena.Vovina this is the second horse with it’s winter coat
Bekommt dein Pferd eigentlich wenn du unterwegs bist auch Wasser,das solltest du schon zeigen.....
I see your poor horse is still living in the conditions of a pig..!! Tied up 24 hours a day, and expected to lay down on a cold, hard, concrete floor. Shame on you..!!
i want to marry you🤣
Hello,Now I come to tell you by, because you don't like to welcome foreign friends, Phuong, nhat, huyen people are better than you or give better answer,The time has come for my entire circle of friends to say goodbye to your channel and you.I want your channel to grow a lot.
Toan só ama Werner, ela não responde a ninguém além dele. Homens jovens como você não são necessários aqui, apenas homens fortes são necessários.Mesmo que você tenha 82 anos como Werner, Toan também vai te amar.
I'm not going to write to her anymore. Apart from several consecrated figures like Werner, she has no criteria or sense of fairness when answering messages. I gave her all my affection and worked on the comments and she didn't find time to answer them, except at the beginning. Then... everything changed and she stopped answering any of them. I've already left her... I hope for good. A gesture of repentance on her part could change things... but I'm skeptical. There are other beautiful and more grateful women to follow... she's not the only one. My time is gold and I must share it and my preference is polite people. Good luck, mate. 😶
@@teamFBThank you very much for bringing it to my attention, you are a great person with a good idea, thanks bro.
@@Love_bite860 🙂🤝