Wow that is super cool I really like scoreboards myself I am a site manager in training at my school and I have set up many games before but a coach once taught me to work a scoreboard but it was a non wirless one but I taught myself how to work a wirless one
I Can pretty much operate any unit easy without needing a video Ive done FairPlay Moderen Units Daktronics 1500 and 5000 series ones and Nevco Mpc4's And MPC 5 like in the video
Wow I love you videos of scoreboards so cool
Wow that is super cool I really like scoreboards myself I am a site manager in training at my school and I have set up many games before but a coach once taught me to work a scoreboard but it was a non wirless one but I taught myself how to work a wirless one
I Can pretty much operate any unit easy without needing a video Ive done FairPlay Moderen Units Daktronics 1500 and 5000 series ones and Nevco Mpc4's And MPC 5 like in the video
Nobody ever shows how to set up time out timers.