Is There Empirical Evidence for Catholicism?

  • Опубліковано 15 вер 2024
  • Karlo Broussard delves into the complex issue of faith and evidence. He challenges the notion that empirical evidence is the only path to truth, arguing that historical and miraculous evidence can provide a rational basis for belief. Karlo explores specific examples from Catholic history, including the miracles of the saints and the Eucharist, to illustrate his point. This insightful discussion sparks questions about the nature of faith and the role of evidence in shaping our understanding of the world.
    Karlo's Weekly Podcast titled Sunday Catholic Word:
    Full episode: • Which Catholic Doctrin...
    More Catholic Answers:


  • @patriot524
    @patriot524 11 днів тому +11

    Lmaoooooo, this "Gabe" fellow also called into the Patrick Madrid show on Relevant Radio yesterday (03 Sept 24) and asked the exact same thing. He seemed much more tame in this interaction. I can't help but to think that he may have come away from the Patrick Madrid call-in humbled then approached his Catholic Answers call-in with a bit more respect

    • @patriot524
      @patriot524 11 днів тому +3

      He was very disrespectful towards Patrick, and Patrick just wasn't having it, would not entertain it

    • @johnconnelly3066
      @johnconnelly3066 11 днів тому +2

      I’m glad I wasn’t the only one who noticed this! I’m getting to the point of thinking this “Gabe” guy is just trolling and has no intention of having reasonable discussion.

    • @carnivalwholesale9809
      @carnivalwholesale9809 11 днів тому

      ​​@@patriot524Then thats because these Catholics are not BEING ANTI INTELLECTUAL as Patrick Madrid IS TRANSPHOBIC. I cannot say the same for these two Catholics.
      KARLO'S answer is different than Patrick Madrid's answer that CLAIMS TO HAVE EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE. WORLDS APART IN THEIR RESPONSES.

    • @carnivalwholesale9809
      @carnivalwholesale9809 11 днів тому


    • @carnivalwholesale9809
      @carnivalwholesale9809 11 днів тому

      ​@@patriot524AND ANOTHER THING THAT WAS BLATANTLY INCORRECT, he had a caller named Donna that said that "Evolution is just a Theory" WHICH SHOWS PATRICK MADRID'S blatant ANTI intellectualism, AS HE DID NOT CORRECT DONNA AND PROVES THE POINT that he is ANTI Intellectual

  • @Retirement02042012
    @Retirement02042012 12 днів тому +7

    Miracle of Lanciano indeed but is strong evidence.

    • @w4in
      @w4in 12 днів тому +3

      search Lanciano Eucharistic Miracle

    • @Retirement02042012
      @Retirement02042012 11 днів тому

      @@w4in Amen !

    • @Bill_Garthright
      @Bill_Garthright 10 днів тому

      _"Miracle of Lanciano indeed but is strong evidence."_
      Is it? Evidence of what? The gullibility of religious folk?
      If you really _do_ have a miracle that's "strong evidence" that your god is real, let's hear it.

    • @Retirement02042012
      @Retirement02042012 10 днів тому

      @@Bill_Garthright The presence of God, Bill.

    • @Retirement02042012
      @Retirement02042012 10 днів тому

      @@Bill_Garthright Tell you what, Bill. You think we’re gullible to believe in that miracle then prove us wrong.

  • @jwrosenbury
    @jwrosenbury 12 днів тому +12

    Experimental evidence for God's existence presumes you can force God to sit down for the test.

    • @Bill_Garthright
      @Bill_Garthright 10 днів тому

      _"Experimental evidence for God's existence presumes you can force God to sit down for the test."_
      Not at all. He can stand, if he likes. :)
      Seriously, I'm not asking "God." I'm asking the human beings who claim that "God" is real.
      I don't care if they stand up or sit down. I _still_ can't believe their claims if they have nothing distinguishable from wishful-thinking backing them up.

  • @just1nwebster
    @just1nwebster 11 днів тому +1

    “An Essay in Aid of a Grammar of Assent” by John Henry Newman is a great referral for this type of question. It was the most pivotal resource in helping me to reevaluate some of my own previously-held “scientism” beliefs. AEIAoaGoA opened the door, and then “Miracles” by C.S. Lewis pushed the door wider open. I hope these 2 tips help some other honest seekers of truth as much as they helped me.

  • @southernlady1109
    @southernlady1109 11 днів тому +2

    Jesus established His One Only True Apostolic Catholic Church, Clergy, Doctrine, Sacraments & Teachings, with His apostles, in 33AD, before His Passion. He appointed them leaders, Peter as Head, gave him The Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven(His authority, power, Doctrine). He taught & prayed for everyone to be His One True Church, His Bride, receiving His Sacraments, Doctrine & Teaching.
    Jn 1:42, 21:15-17, Mt 16:18-19, 10:1-4, Mk3:14-19, Eph 2:19-22, 1 Cor 12:28, Acts 20:28, Lk 22:28-32, 1 Pet 2:6-9, Eph5:22-33, Rev 22:17
    Jesus commanded us to defend His Church & Faith. Eph 6:10-18 His Catholic Church is the pillar and foundation of truth. 1Tim 3:15
    Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and Scribes for making their own versions of His Church, Doctrine and Teachings, like all other Christian Churches & other faiths have done. They can’t receive His Sacraments. They don’t receive His Doctrine, Scripture, Gospel or Sacred Traditions; they receive heretical men’s versions of Gods. That’s like telling God you think your way is better.
    Mt 23:1-39, Lk 11:37-54
    Remain in His Church, Doctrine & Gospel, Scripture & Sacred Traditions, or you don’t have Him-2JN1:9, 2 Thess3:6-16, Rom16:17, Heb 13:9, Gal 1:6-9, 2 Cor 11:3-4, 2 Thess 2:13-14, Jn10:16, 17:20-26, Eph4:4-6
    Receive required Sacraments for salvation-Jn 3:5, Act 22:16, 2 Cor 5:18-20, Jn 20:21-23, Mt 18:17-18, Jn 6:51-59, 1 Cor 11:23-29, Eph 1:13, 2Cor 1:21-22, Mt19:4-6, Col 3:17-19, 2Cor5:20, 1:25-29, Lk22:28-32, Jm 5:16, Lk10:34 are a few pertinent verses.

  • @southernlady1109
    @southernlady1109 11 днів тому +7

    We have The Shroud of Turin, Veronica’s Veil, various landmarks where Jesus was born, traveled, The Upper Room where He held The Last Supper, appeared to His apostles after He resurrected. We have His One True Apostolic Catholic Church He established in 33AD, His Popes and Priests that are direct successors of His apostles, His Doctrine, Sacraments, Teachings and Holy Bible He established in His Church. We have Him in The Holy Eucharist at every Catholic Mass. I’ve personally witnessed too many unbelievable miracles to even doubt for a second that God exists. He is alive and will return soon!
    The Shroud of Turin, Veronica’s veil, have been experimented, observed and measured by scientists. The Holy Eucharist has been experimented, measured and observed by forensic scientists and proven to be LIVE human heart tissue from the left ventricle, the one responsible for pumping blood through the body. Watch Dr Frederick Zugibes UA-cam video about his experiments.

    • @carnivalwholesale9809
      @carnivalwholesale9809 11 днів тому +2

      none of that is empirical evidence, which is what Karlo put forward.

    • @southernlady1109
      @southernlady1109 11 днів тому

      @@carnivalwholesale9809 Well, The Shroud of Turin, Veronica’s veil, the Bible manuscripts & early Church Fathers letters have all been scientifically experimented, observed & measured. Also, The Holy Eucharist has been Scientifically experimented & observed. Watch Dr Frederick Zugibes UA-cam video about the Holy Eucharistic Miracle.

    • @enderwiggen3638
      @enderwiggen3638 11 днів тому

      You forgot the Eucharist miracles that were examined in medical labs in the past few decades that confirmed the samples were human heart tissue, from the left ventricle, blood type AB, had chemical markers that were impossible for samples of that age, DNA that can’t be sequenced. These labs determined empirically all this information. None of the Dr’s could explain how these samples exist … and that even though some of the samples are years/decades/centuries old why the tissue has not decayed or how it has the chemistry of fresh samples.

    • @Bill_Garthright
      @Bill_Garthright 10 днів тому

      _"I’ve personally witnessed too many unbelievable miracles to even doubt for a second that God exists."_
      Good for you. But I've never witnessed _any_ miracles, let alone a miracle I could confidently assert was caused by your god. And all of the rest of that seems vague in the extreme. So how can _I_ believe you?
      How about *one piece of good evidence,* specific enough and in enough detail that I can judge it for myself, that your god is real, rather than just imaginary? Just *one,* please. Why is *one* too much to ask?
      Alternately, if you prefer, I'd accept *one piece of good evidence* that _any_ of the magical/supernatural stories in the Bible actually happened. Your choice. And I will _give_ you a guy named Jesus who was crucified by the Romans.

    • @southernlady1109
      @southernlady1109 10 днів тому

      @@Bill_Garthright Well I did list some, but will add that scientific studies proved The Holy Eucharist, once blessed by the Priests, transforms into the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Scientific Analysis of the Eucharistic Miracle of Buenos Aires, 1996:
      Dr. Frederick Zugibe, the well-known cardiologist and forensic pathologist.
      He determined that the analyzed substance was real flesh and blood containing human DNA. Zugiba testified that, "the analyzed material is a fragment of the heart muscle found in the wall of the left ventricle close to the valves. This muscle is responsible for the contraction of the heart. It should be borne in mind that the left cardiac ventricle pumps blood to all parts of the body. The heart muscle is in an inflammatory condition and contains a large number of white blood cells. This indicates that the heart was alive at the time the sample was taken. It is my contention that the heart was alive, since white blood cells die outside a living organism. They require a living organism to sustain them. Thus, their presence indicates that the heart was alive when the sample was taken. What is more, these white blood cells had penetrated the tissue, which further indicates the heart had been under severe stress, as if the owner had been severely about the chest."

  • @Super-chad
    @Super-chad 12 днів тому +1

    I believe the caller should* ask this question to a member of the Evangelical christian community.

  • @BambooFlute-WalkingStickFlute
    @BambooFlute-WalkingStickFlute 10 днів тому

    As far as what the true religion is , they are either all right or they are all wrong !

  • @bobcarabbio4880
    @bobcarabbio4880 11 днів тому

    WHO CARES?? the real question SHOULD BE: Is there BIBLICAL EVIDENCE for CAtholicism, traditional or otherwise. READ THE BIBLE TO FIND THE TRUTH!!!!!! Salvation is by FAITH in the SIN OFFERING of Jesus on the Cross!! It's not found anywhere else!!!

  • @thescoobymike
    @thescoobymike 12 днів тому +1

    Short answer: No
    Long answer: Nah

    • @mdkvproductions9977
      @mdkvproductions9977 12 днів тому

      wdym bro

    • @DanyTV79
      @DanyTV79 12 днів тому +5

      Being cinical for the sake of just not believe on anything is kind of sad, mate. Even evidence can't change no one if it's rejected "a priori".

    • @TCM1231
      @TCM1231 12 днів тому +10

      Short answer: you’re asking the wrong question.
      Long answer: argumentation and debate, along with the evidence for miracles, the historicity of the Church, the Scriptures, and continuing miraculous intervention… sifted with a fine tooth comb for only the most reasonable examples of the miraculous on purpose we see the intercession of the Saints, Eucharist, Marian Apparitions, etc all upheld by the Body of Christ a Great Cloud of Witnesses a community of faith The Catholic Church as evidence for Her and God.

    • @john-paulgies4313
      @john-paulgies4313 12 днів тому

      Preambulatory question: what kind of evidence would be reasonably adequated to the demonstration of the claims of the Catholic Church?

    • @john-paulgies4313
      @john-paulgies4313 12 днів тому

      Also, 5:54