Funny thing I thought I am really a Kayflow fan until I heard my boss playing this song today and I didn't even know it. Haaaaaa ndarwadziwa😥😥😥😥😥 This slaps❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
This song hits hard in the heart and mind, our day to day living pressed in 3mins 12seconds. Jechatrap Rambawakadzvanya. Uyu muchamuteerere BY FORCE!!!!
Best song on the EP 🔥🔥🔥🔥
Prophet WepJecha!!
From Ramba wakadzvanya to Usamire now Tariro, you really going deeper🙏🏾🪽
❤❤❤Yeye yeyeye Mfana wepa Jecha
He is good
Who agrees?
As Zimbabweans we must support this guy he is talented 🤘
🔥😤the most still the illest in the cut
Kay flow doesn't deserve a NAMA because he truly deserves a GRAMMY‼️
Maybe Nama coz for Grammy he has to know DIDDY
@@saint1568 😂now that he is in custody
Makuda kuenda mfana wangu kuna Diddy manje
@@fettyswazzy2828 Grammy rowanikwa easy easy kuna P Diddy ask burna boy or wizkid
Kayflow is the real jecha representative. This track is what almost every ghetto yut is going through...
People from Senga Nehosho💥🙏
This whole EP is firee🔥💯 tatongomirira everything kuma streaming platforms💯
Funny thing I thought I am really a Kayflow fan until I heard my boss playing this song today and I didn't even know it. Haaaaaa ndarwadziwa😥😥😥😥😥 This slaps❤🔥❤🔥❤🔥🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🧑🚒🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
@@tafadzwamachi5121 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
That part where he went like ndozviziya ndirimutadzi ishe🥺🥺🔥🔥🔥💕💕💕
Keep going bro we support u 100%!!!
Ma1 ayaaaa🔥
We should replace our national anthem with this one🐐🐐🐐🔥
This track kaa 💔.... kayflow usadaro 🔥🔥🔥😞 midnight meditation and riri pa repeat
Big tune 🔥🔥😭
Am super proud Kayflow!!!
Bro is always on point💯
Big tune🔥💯
This is massive
Ndinoziva ndiri mutadzi Ishe 🙏🏾 asi zvishuwo zvemoyo ndoda muzadzise
Kayflow is the best🔥🔥🔥
EP of the Year🔥🔥
Iri ndo ngoma rangu iri🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥#jechaaaaaa
Mfana wepa Jecha 👍👑🔥
uyu anogona thanks dj tamuka ep ma1 iri ummmm
Raw talent💯🔥
I swear niqqa gonn drop some tears over here TF man😢🔥🔥
@tatendalxa you did justice to this one🫱🏼🫲🏾✔️🔥
Wepa jecha your album is hit l swear bro❤❤
Kayfloew❤️🔥✊️✊️,Massive Tune✊️
This probably the best EP this year🔥🔥🔥
🔥🔥🔥🔥 best man
Story of my life 😢....
Yaah muhombe uyu wamunoti wepaNehosho!
Ndinoziva ndiri kutadzi isheeeeeee😢😢 asi zvishuwo zvemoyo ndoda muzadziseeee....hits hard
This song hits hard in the heart and mind, our day to day living pressed in 3mins 12seconds. Jechatrap Rambawakadzvanya. Uyu muchamuteerere BY FORCE!!!!
this is your best song the entirety of the EP🔥🔥🔥🙌🏻🙌🏻
Tokundwa kuchena nemuromo😢,Kayflow pure talent 🫡
If bro had a delivery company i would always recommend y'all to use that😢 always deliversssess🔥🔥🔥
Mfanha wepaJecha!! 🔥 🙌
This is big🙌🙌
One of the classic records in his discography this one.
Purojusa uyo na kei froo mabvira vira ❤
Full support outa Uk just made my day after my shift
Iv always seen his potential in his lyricism. This is a win young blood. #ramba wakadzvanya
Ihombe sinhi iri heyi heyi 🔥🔥🔥
ahhh this song is so underrated mhani , mukusaiza imi , anyways senga nehosho kuvanhuuuuuu
Best song Pa EP ghetto prayer
Keep going my boiii
best ep of the year
Greatest 🔥🙌
Kayflow ma1 aya🔥🔥🔥
This masterpiece deserves a video
Ep deserve award mhani
Zim Hip hop price👑
Too Deep Gang gang. Beat is superb, metaphors yall been dropping G. Dawg drop me your Tag. Gotta doyou good fam. ❤
Nice song mate 🔥
Midlands culture ❤
Well done Brother 👏
❤for the most part jecha king
From Mozambique ndabvuma🙌
Ndati iwewe🔥🔥
destined for greatness
Tazvita zvekare🔥🔥
Shasha iyiijj
yohhhh banger ......
🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼🇿🇼 tongochema tine tariro
Kukundwa kuchena nemuromo damn
Iiii keep the good work man
❤l love this one
The goat!
But pa spotify hapanaEP iri 😢
Kayflow to the world
Hmmmmmm Found my favourite song🔥🫱🏼🫲🏾 this is the one🫡
Senga Nehosho🔥🔥🔥🔥
am here for kayflow zvanguu unogona
Yaaaaa my favorite is this one
his talented ❤
well done bro
Ihombeee 🔥🔥🔥
WepaJecha this time mavhura hurusaaa
Haaa kayflow handide naye uyu anogonesa
Good one bro
Lets not forget to subscribe and share
This is my song ❤
Getto rinochema rine tariro😭🇿🇼
Hmm mufesi wangu unogona iwee
For the soul 🙏🙏