Quite a long history: So it was one of these days at primary school (yeah, primary school), when a classmate convinced a group of 6 people included myself to try a game called "4story". We all downloaded the game on our crappy laptops from our parents / cousins or whatever just for trying it out and that was my first time playing the game. I remember having one of the greatest times playing it all together (I got pretty adicted, ntg) and competing with eachother for our tier and dueling and enjoying and flexing our progess. This happened around 13-15 years ago. I kept playing intermittently throughout all these years, meeting new people, belonging to guilds, trying private servers, and overall enjoying the game. Now I came to 4Classic due to nostalgia (and because my crappy laptop can run it, ofc :D). The HUD, animations, game's life,... is almost identic to the one I remember from that old good days. Thanks all the developers for making this possible! JuIes (the "l" is an "i" in capital letters for emulating an "l")
Kellogs ----------- I started playing 4story in 2009, and 14 years later, I'm still playing even more. One never stops learning. This game has given me a truly important community and friendships, all mixed with wholesome fun.
Baranek ----------- I play 4story because I have such a nostalgic mechanism in me, which makes me return to this game in difficult life moments. I also have friends from the game scattered around the world that I have known for several years thanks to 4story. The whole community of this game is special, and this is probably also the reason why I love coming back here. We share the same story, although we have never met in real life. Well, and my toxic relationship with the blacksmith, but I will not go after him now... :P
I play 4story in 2023 because my brother started on official 4story server 14 years ago. many memories of this game when i wasnt even in the age of beeing able to read, were the reasons i came back to this game and also learned not to only play the game that i always wanted to play back then but also learning the different aspects of the game like competitive pvp and mass pvp and many other things more. Most of the people that i had begun my adventure with back then on this game are still playing with me till this day and are very nice people. vlltTat
In 2023, I’m still playing 4Story (4Classic) due to the nostalgia from when I was 14 and had 1-2 real-life friends. Thanks to this game, I found many friends who played with me over the next 6 years until 2015. I played on many retro servers and made numerous new friends. Besides the memories, there’s also something unique that makes this game exceptionally cool, and I can’t explain it at all Also my name in game id Trv
It doesn't get more nostalgic than 4story. The music, the maps, the constant dissapointment in upping items, the farm zones. It's amazing, my kids will probably see me play this too! /w spirk whenever you want to hear a stupid joke ;D
I'm playing 4classic because I love how fast paced and competitive this nostalgic game is, despite its popularity. I also enjoy being in a community, meeting different people and doing something meaningful together Signed, Philosophia
I am playing 4story because I literally don't have a life and whenever I go away from my PC for 2 minutes I have voices in my head that are telling me that the monsters in Arahur are missing me and I am such a caring person that I literally can't leave them alone for a second, we grew together.
Deine Videos sind einfach der Knaller. Hab schon Ewigkeiten gewartet wann solch eins wieder auftaucht. Endlich kann ich wieder schlafen. Gefühlt bin ich der älteste Spieler in 4Story Zeiten. Selbst WhiteSnake und Weißstern toppen mich nicht. Dein Spielstyl ist einfach nur krank. Es passt alles. Mehr muss ich nicht sagen. Danke das es dich gibt! Why do I play 4Story is asked? Because I just enjoy playing with the really old people from back in the day. But the main reason is just to see the people who have no life without 4 story :D Greetz Ib0T
Vielen vielen Dank Tobi für deine netten und herzerwärmenden Worte unter jedes meiner Videos seit all den Jahren, ich küsse dein Herz mein Bruder du bist ein hammer Typ ❤❤❤ Sowas von einer 4Story Legende zu hören berührt mich unnormal..
I'm continuing to play 4Story because it was my first online game since I was little. I'm focusing on 4Classic because there isn't that toxicity that there is on other servers and it's much easier to have fun even if you don't have the best weapon in the game and above all because it's a server controlled 24 hours a day by the GM, support is always active and finally the events created are always the best. It was also the first game I played with my brother online, every time I play it I remember the good old days. Milo
Das ist das erste was ich mir heute Morgen angeschaut habe, liege sogar noch im Bett ._. Es ist wunderschön geworden diese Dodges und deine baits sind krass
I was playing 4 story on gameforge when I was in primary school, I remember all the times when I traded my items to people claiming to upgrade them for me only to dissapear, on 4classic I got my item back upgraded c:! I love sinking hours upon hours into farming tears, which I'm horrible at peaking at 3tpm [tears per minute], aiming to lvl up that way all the way to 90. But the most fun aspect of the game, is never being able to feel ready for PVP no matter how many hours you sink in! + Nemeo
Arbeiten und oldschool videos gucken ya hobii aber wie du alle auf Flasche setzt ist eine Kunst für sich mein Bruder. Die Edits auch alle so wie es mir gefällt, die Farben wirklich alle viel geiler in 4K. Einfach 15min den besten oldschool archer zusehen wie er in allen Szenarios in diesem spiel alle fickt- ya hobiii meine lieblingsmomente mit abstand 6:19 wie diese schlampe die arme hebt... 9:40 ach ach als er ob nichts anderes machen würde in seinem Leben Küsse dein Herz ❤Bald Dezember😈😈😈
Ach Mori habibi zum Glück darf ich dich einen Freund nennen, du stehst seit Jahren an meiner Seite und das obwohl ich sicher nicht immer der angenehmste Mensch bin, ich danke dir für alles, es fühlt sich alles so gut und nach Abschied an, ich liebe dich ehrlich ❤
Ich denke die Vielzahl der Kommentare fasst es schon sehr gut zusammen. Wir kennen uns jetzt schon so viele Jahre, du bist und warst immer ein wahnsinnig guter Spieler und ein noch besserer Mensch. Es ist einfach Wahnsinn wie du performst. Gänsehaut pur Keule❤
I quit the official Server around 2014. Start playing 4 Weeks ago now. And I love it. Nostalgic and not the same mistakes as gameforge did. Also I find my RL GF in 4story. See ya in TW/Battlefields Kind Regards Rordur
Recently started to play on 4classic. This game was my a part of my childhood. I stopped playing when the level 140 update came bc that was just to much for me. Ever since im watching montages from time to time and wanted to play again. so 4classic was my choice. I dont regret it. - Ingame: Nighty
I returned to the game recently and 4classic provided my with great nostalgia and a lot of fun. Thats why i still play it today. Nick ingame is zirging
I still play this game in 2023 because the 4classic Server wakes all the nostalgia in me up wich this game gave me in my teenager years 😍😎 charactername: RedZ
I'm playing 4classic, because it's quite enjoyable to see people complaining about 1 certain class, just because they're not used to see it around, and then getting completely demolished 🥴 Husky the Evo Enjoyer
Starkes Video Bro 🙌 I started many years ago (2010) After RoG and the downfall i had a long break. Up until the point when i discovered the P Servers. Even though it is an old game, you associate so much with it You can't describe this feeling, you're just drawn to it. That's why i playing in 2023 Ingame: Sozurav
Hello I'm a player who has been playing for 8 years I've stopped over the years to play of course, I've gone around in all 4story and maybe I've found my server that's right for me and it's 4classic, what can I say I hope this community goes on forever. nice bro video. I'm IDfregato/slaiferix.
It is true its 2023,it is true that this is a old game,but it is also true that once you go 4s you always stay 4s and we all are proof. 2pac ingame nick
Ach Aeon habibi ich küss doch dein Herz mein Bruder, du bist eine Kombination aus Ehrfurcht, Muskelmasse und hohem IQ (und der beste Priester) in meinen Augen ❤
For the honor and the kingdom I'm playing to buff my mates To make my party safer From the Valos AOE's Kind regards to all of you Wizzards, mages, night walkers Thanks for making my days better Whenever I choose to play Name: Vodislov
Einfach 15 min sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz… Krankes krankes Video tenner abi🌹 Kranke Edits und kranker Vibe. Schade dass du nie Vision getryhardet hast Bruder wärst dort safe der beste Spieler geworden 100%. Diese Kickdodges mit deinem ny bait einfach wunderberaubend. Auch die Reskill doubledodges Yani nahuy left the chat mäßig
Ach Emre Kardesim was soll ich dir hier noch sagen nach stundenlangen Telefonaten und die deepesten Gespräche die ich je mit einem Menschen geführt habe.. Viele kennen dich als einer der besten Spieler und du weißt dass du für mich der beste bist, auch in einer Zeit, in der das nur schwerlich Leute akzeptieren wollten, aber das ist alles nicht wichtig. Viel wichtiger ist die Person dahinter und die Geschichte dieses Menschen, rabbime bin kere sükürler olsun dass ich jemanden wie dich kennenlernen durfte, Allah hakkimizda ne hayirliysa onu nasip etsin kardesim, seni cok seviyorum 🌹
Bruuder was ein video!!! Krank!!! - 4s war gefühlt das erste mmorpg was ich angefangen habe.. bis jetzt - Die freundschaften die Ich über dieses (drecks) game geschlossen habe halten mich hier fest. Es war (ist) mir eine Ehre dich "FREUND" nennen zu dürfen. Genug cringe für heute. Geiles Video BIG LIKE NAHUY CONTENTIOUS -- 69Problems
Ich liebe dich seit 2011 bewundere ich dich auch wenn du xLaB0mba mir vorgezogen hast, das hat mir dir Motivation gegeben, ein guter Archer zu werden, ist zwar nicht gelungen aber was solls 😢❤
Quite a long history:
So it was one of these days at primary school (yeah, primary school), when a classmate convinced a group of 6 people included myself to try a game called "4story".
We all downloaded the game on our crappy laptops from our parents / cousins or whatever just for trying it out and that was my first time playing the game.
I remember having one of the greatest times playing it all together (I got pretty adicted, ntg) and competing with eachother for our tier and dueling and enjoying and flexing our progess.
This happened around 13-15 years ago. I kept playing intermittently throughout all these years, meeting new people, belonging to guilds, trying private servers, and overall enjoying the game.
Now I came to 4Classic due to nostalgia (and because my crappy laptop can run it, ofc :D). The HUD, animations, game's life,... is almost identic to the one I remember from that old good days.
Thanks all the developers for making this possible!
JuIes (the "l" is an "i" in capital letters for emulating an "l")
wow what a story, gl my friend!
I started playing 4story in 2009, and 14 years later, I'm still playing even more. One never stops learning. This game has given me a truly important community and friendships, all mixed with wholesome fun.
Good luck my friend ❤
I play 4story because I have such a nostalgic mechanism in me, which makes me return to this game in difficult life moments. I also have friends from the game scattered around the world that I have known for several years thanks to 4story. The whole community of this game is special, and this is probably also the reason why I love coming back here. We share the same story, although we have never met in real life.
Well, and my toxic relationship with the blacksmith, but I will not go after him now... :P
Good luck my friend ❤
I play 4story in 2023 because my brother started on official 4story server 14 years ago. many memories of this game when i wasnt even in the age of beeing able to read, were the reasons i came back to this game and also learned not to only play the game that i always wanted to play back then but also learning the different aspects of the game like competitive pvp and mass pvp and many other things more. Most of the people that i had begun my adventure with back then on this game are still playing with me till this day and are very nice people.
Good luck bro ❤
Been playing since i was a kid, nostalgia. Keep coming back with a few breaks in between. Krull
Good luck my friend ❤
I’m playing 4story these days because it’s a game that marked my childhood and I will never be bored of it!
Good luck my friend ❤
In 2023, I’m still playing 4Story (4Classic) due to the nostalgia from when I was 14 and had 1-2 real-life friends. Thanks to this game, I found many friends who played with me over the next 6 years until 2015. I played on many retro servers and made numerous new friends. Besides the memories, there’s also something unique that makes this game exceptionally cool, and I can’t explain it at all
Also my name in game id Trv
Good luck my friend ❤️
Sunday 23:10 I am on the rooftop of a parking garage watching this beautiful montage while eating mcdonald's life is good.
i hope your food is at least as enjoyable as this video, appreciated ❤
absolutely a beast, again nice Video ❤️ grüße aus krankenhaus best player abi
seni seviyorum brom ne diyim baska güzel kalpli ozim benim ❤
It doesn't get more nostalgic than 4story. The music, the maps, the constant dissapointment in upping items, the farm zones. It's amazing, my kids will probably see me play this too! /w spirk whenever you want to hear a stupid joke ;D
hahaha good luck my friend!
Started in 2009, with breaks in total of maybe 4 years of being inactive. This game is love and pure nostalgic.
Good luck my friend ❤️
I'm playing 4classic because I love how fast paced and competitive this nostalgic game is, despite its popularity. I also enjoy being in a community, meeting different people and doing something meaningful together
Signed, Philosophia
Good luck my friend ❤
I've been playing since 2009. I keep coming back to the game after a few hiatuses and still love it. WESTSIDE
Good luck my friend ❤
Bester Mann und das nicht nur ingame.
Strammes Video mein Bruder ❤️
Danke für deine Freundschaft Bruder ❤
Ich liebe euch so sehr❤️
I am playing 4story because I literally don't have a life and whenever I go away from my PC for 2 minutes I have voices in my head that are telling me that the monsters in Arahur are missing me and I am such a caring person that I literally can't leave them alone for a second, we grew together.
hahahahahah you are such a boomer just like me, dont forget to add ur char name if u wanna participate in the raffle 😅
Deine Videos sind einfach der Knaller. Hab schon Ewigkeiten gewartet wann solch eins wieder auftaucht. Endlich kann ich wieder schlafen. Gefühlt bin ich der älteste Spieler in 4Story Zeiten. Selbst WhiteSnake und Weißstern toppen mich nicht. Dein Spielstyl ist einfach nur krank. Es passt alles. Mehr muss ich nicht sagen. Danke das es dich gibt!
Why do I play 4Story is asked? Because I just enjoy playing with the really old people from back in the day. But the main reason is just to see the people who have no life without 4 story :D Greetz Ib0T
Vielen vielen Dank Tobi für deine netten und herzerwärmenden Worte unter jedes meiner Videos seit all den Jahren, ich küsse dein Herz mein Bruder du bist ein hammer Typ ❤❤❤ Sowas von einer 4Story Legende zu hören berührt mich unnormal..
I still play 4story in 2023 because it's my First ever game of my Life,i started in 2009,i can considerate this game a piece of my Childhood. - Vexice
Good luck my friend ❤
there were some rlly crazy clips man.. ye what can I say i approve... music as well this time 😋😋😋
appreciated as always my dear old friend exx❤❤
To the good old days! nostalgic times! L3G0LAS
Good luck my friend ❤
Very nice !!
I'm continuing to play 4Story because it was my first online game since I was little. I'm focusing on 4Classic because there isn't that toxicity that there is on other servers and it's much easier to have fun even if you don't have the best weapon in the game and above all because it's a server controlled 24 hours a day by the GM, support is always active and finally the events created are always the best. It was also the first game I played with my brother online, every time I play it I remember the good old days. Milo
Good luck my friend ❤
Das ist das erste was ich mir heute Morgen angeschaut habe, liege sogar noch im Bett ._. Es ist wunderschön geworden diese Dodges und deine baits sind krass
Ach Lumi ich küsse dein reines Herz ❤
I was playing 4 story on gameforge when I was in primary school, I remember all the times when I traded my items to people claiming to upgrade them for me only to dissapear, on 4classic I got my item back upgraded c:! I love sinking hours upon hours into farming tears, which I'm horrible at peaking at 3tpm [tears per minute], aiming to lvl up that way all the way to 90. But the most fun aspect of the game, is never being able to feel ready for PVP no matter how many hours you sink in! + Nemeo
Good luck my friend ❤️
@@yzs777 thank you!
Arbeiten und oldschool videos gucken ya hobii aber wie du alle auf Flasche setzt ist eine Kunst für sich mein Bruder. Die Edits auch alle so wie es mir gefällt, die Farben wirklich alle viel geiler in 4K. Einfach 15min den besten oldschool archer zusehen wie er in allen Szenarios in diesem spiel alle fickt-
ya hobiii meine lieblingsmomente mit abstand 6:19 wie diese schlampe die arme hebt... 9:40 ach ach als er ob nichts anderes machen würde in seinem Leben
Küsse dein Herz ❤Bald Dezember😈😈😈
Ach Mori habibi zum Glück darf ich dich einen Freund nennen, du stehst seit Jahren an meiner Seite und das obwohl ich sicher nicht immer der angenehmste Mensch bin, ich danke dir für alles, es fühlt sich alles so gut und nach Abschied an, ich liebe dich ehrlich ❤
Ich denke die Vielzahl der Kommentare fasst es schon sehr gut zusammen.
Wir kennen uns jetzt schon so viele Jahre, du bist und warst immer ein wahnsinnig guter Spieler und ein noch besserer Mensch.
Es ist einfach Wahnsinn wie du performst.
Gänsehaut pur Keule❤
Ach Keule… seit Jahren bist du an meiner Seite, meine ersten Duelle mit dir gemacht und du bist immer noch hier, ich liebe dich Markus❤
@@yzs777 ich dich auch mein Bruder❤️
Well i still play the game because its my favorite mmorpg, and i just think there are none other that give me the same feel as 4story.
Good luck my friend ❤️
I started playing 4Story since i was 8 years old that was in 2008 it was my first mmorpg
Good luck my friend ❤
Huge nostalgia made me 100% want to play the game again. Haven't played it in 10 years so it hit home 100%.
IGN: Nunzi
Good luck my friend ❤
I started to play again cuz i liked this game when i was smaller. Now im trying to look for a friends there to play with
i play 4story in 2023 because I started playing 4story czech in 2009
and it's my favorite game so far
Please dont forget to write ur charname here in case you win otherwise I can not consider you in the raffle, good luck ❤
i started 4sotyr long time official server and i love strategie and gameplay
Good luck my friend ❤
King ❤
I quit the official Server around 2014. Start playing 4 Weeks ago now. And I love it. Nostalgic and not the same mistakes as gameforge did. Also I find my RL GF in 4story. See ya in TW/Battlefields
Kind Regards Rordur
Good luck my friend ❤
One of the best archers who ever played the game and one of the kindest guys I met on this server Ggs my bro❤ IaN
ty alot brother appreciated ❤
I played 14 years ago as a kid. Now my friend told me to check out the 4classic server and I'm addicted again xD Character name: Alessa
Good luck my friend ❤
Because it is part of my childhood, nostalgia.
Good luck my friend ❤
Starkes Video , bin auch auf dem Server unter dem Namen Parooka
Danke, viel Glück ❤
its my first MMORPG,good old days in 2009 Nick: Shaurma
Good luck my friend ❤
Recently started to play on 4classic. This game was my a part of my childhood. I stopped playing when the level 140 update came bc that was just to much for me. Ever since im watching montages from time to time and wanted to play again. so 4classic was my choice. I dont regret it. - Ingame: Nighty
good luck brother❤️
@@yzs777thank you. Keep up the great work! ❤
Im still playing 4story because the nostalgia hits different everytime.. - Sarol
Please dont forget to write ur charname here in case you win otherwise I can not consider you in the raffle, good luck ❤
I play because it's the first online game I played with my brother and I have great sentiment for it. - Nelori
Good luck my friend ❤
I returned to the game recently and 4classic provided my with great nostalgia and a lot of fun. Thats why i still play it today. Nick ingame is zirging
Please dont forget to write ur charname here in case you win otherwise I can not consider you in the raffle, good luck ❤
@@yzs777 fixed
@@josefstejfa4585 nice
I play 4story in 2023 because the Game have everything you Need. You can Proof your skill in the arena and you can also Play as a team in a raid.
Please dont forget to write ur charname here in case you win otherwise I can not consider you in the raffle, good luck ❤
I still play this game in 2023 because the 4classic Server wakes all the nostalgia in me up wich this game gave me in my teenager years 😍😎 charactername: RedZ
Good luck my friend ❤
I'm playing 4classic because OF THE MEMORY
Live 4Story/Classic, That's why I play❤ Roman
Good luck my friend ❤
Blumoooooooo ich liebe Sie!!!! ❤❤❤❤
i playing cauze i love nostalgic games and this game my childhood...
Good luck my friend ❤
I still playing 4story bcs im 4Story
You are indeed 4STORY habibi ❤🌹
I am playing 4story because of nostalgia from my childhood.
charactername: Arthas
Good luck my friend ❤
4classic is a nice Server, which is really fun to play, and the 4c Team is doin good for the server hold up
ty ❤
Very nice
ty ❤️
I am Playing 4story in 2023 because the pvp is sick af, i am addicted to uppgrading items and i am having lots of fun with my cousin.
Good luck my friend ❤
I'm playing 4classic, because it's quite enjoyable to see people complaining about 1 certain class, just because they're not used to see it around, and then getting completely demolished 🥴
Husky the Evo Enjoyer
good luck my 3v3 mate!
hope u lose and ur class gets nerfed
I still play 4story in 2023 because of 4classic. Liadromitis
Good luck my friend ❤
Starkes Video Bro 🙌
I started many years ago (2010)
After RoG and the downfall i had a long break. Up until the point when i discovered the P Servers. Even though it is an old game, you associate so much with it
You can't describe this feeling, you're just drawn to it.
That's why i playing in 2023
Ingame: Sozurav
Ich danke dir, viel Glück ❤
@@yzs777 ❤️👑
I play 4story in 2023 because i love this game and i hope to see x1n win lapiris again. Dragord
Good luck habibi and thanks a lot, I ll try my best as soon as possible ❤
Im still playing because i hope one day meo will come back
we all hope brother… 😢
1 Jahr später kennen wir uns jetzt und ich kann dir das gleiche sagen, du bist insane 🤯💕😘
much love bruder hab dich ins herz geschlossen❤
Nice bruuder
ty habibiii❤
Hello I'm a player who has been playing for 8 years I've stopped over the years to play of course, I've gone around in all 4story and maybe I've found my server that's right for me and it's 4classic, what can I say I hope this community goes on forever. nice bro video. I'm IDfregato/slaiferix.
Good luck my friend! ❤️
Nice complication , even friendship of this game still makes it worth to play in 2023🎉
absolutely kardesim ❤
It is true its 2023,it is true that this is a old game,but it is also true that once you go 4s you always stay 4s and we all are proof.
2pac ingame nick
Good luck my friend ❤️
Ja krank, lädt er ein 4storyvideo hoch und crasht wieder 4storyyoutube. Bist einer der besten Archer. Liebe
Ach Aeon habibi ich küss doch dein Herz mein Bruder, du bist eine Kombination aus Ehrfurcht, Muskelmasse und hohem IQ (und der beste Priester) in meinen Augen ❤
@@yzs777 Ach Bruder..Was für Worte. Liebe dich
@@Aeonnful ❤️🌹
Top G
I'm still playing because 4srory have the best community and the best players from all games
Dont forget to write ur charname habibi
king 🤩😍
im playing 4story because for me it has the best pvp in every mmorpg !!
Viel Glück Bro ❤
Playing this Game cause it has the best pvp - YungKafa
Good luck my friend ❤
For the honor and the kingdom
I'm playing to buff my mates
To make my party safer
From the Valos AOE's
Kind regards to all of you
Wizzards, mages, night walkers
Thanks for making my days better
Whenever I choose to play
Name: Vodislov
Good luck my friend ❤
200 für Algorithmus YAAAA HAROOUUUFS
i really liked the video i play nowaday 4story because im a kahba - beastmode
I still play 4s in 2023 since i am fucking addicted... ingame Name: Bundestrainer
mein Bundeskanzler, ganz klar ❤
@@yzs777 btw neuer ingame name: KoenigThomas XD
i still play 4story because "uh komm spielen, nostalgie wird fun" "komm schon" und ich hab im herbst / winter sowieso nichts besseres zu tun. - Kotzi
Good luck my friend ❤
Bro montage evo when?
hahahahahaha aaaaaah bro 😂
Im still playing 4story because i want to reach lvl 90 finally. -eins
Good luck my friend ❤
I'm still playing cause addicted and no friends - r4n
das stimmt nicht, viel glück ❤
Im playing 4classic cuz, with this game, Im a 10 year old kid again for a while,
Name: Remy
Good luck my friend ❤
i play in 4story because im depressed and suicidal and i dont have friends in rl also im a discord mod!!
Im also a discord mod but dont say these things again Amirovic or I have to cry
Taner (i love u and im still sorry for benching u back then 😢😭❤️)
he is lying, he has hot asian friends irl but wont share them with me@@yzs777
Nice vid man :D i still play 4Story in 2023 cuz im in love of this game 4 real :D IGN:PeNaCova ->Nation:DERION BEST NATION EVER
Good luck my friend ❤
No MMO is as good as 4story
Good luck my friend ❤
Einfach 15 min sexuelle Belästigung am Arbeitsplatz… Krankes krankes Video tenner abi🌹 Kranke Edits und kranker Vibe. Schade dass du nie Vision getryhardet hast Bruder wärst dort safe der beste Spieler geworden 100%. Diese Kickdodges mit deinem ny bait einfach wunderberaubend. Auch die Reskill doubledodges Yani nahuy left the chat mäßig
Ach Emre Kardesim was soll ich dir hier noch sagen nach stundenlangen Telefonaten und die deepesten Gespräche die ich je mit einem Menschen geführt habe.. Viele kennen dich als einer der besten Spieler und du weißt dass du für mich der beste bist, auch in einer Zeit, in der das nur schwerlich Leute akzeptieren wollten, aber das ist alles nicht wichtig. Viel wichtiger ist die Person dahinter und die Geschichte dieses Menschen, rabbime bin kere sükürler olsun dass ich jemanden wie dich kennenlernen durfte, Allah hakkimizda ne hayirliysa onu nasip etsin kardesim, seni cok seviyorum 🌹
I'm still playing cause addicted and no friends - Artaios
good luck my friend ❤
I play it to get capybara'd by Amir, Aserfin
Bruuder was ein video!!! Krank!!! - 4s war gefühlt das erste mmorpg was ich angefangen habe.. bis jetzt - Die freundschaften die Ich über dieses (drecks) game geschlossen habe halten mich hier fest. Es war (ist) mir eine Ehre dich "FREUND" nennen zu dürfen. Genug cringe für heute. Geiles Video BIG LIKE NAHUY CONTENTIOUS -- 69Problems
Grüße an Michael und Sebastian 😄
@@philipdi.9367 Von wem darf ich die Grüße ausrichten?
Danke Jan mein Habibi diese Worte bedeuten mir ehrlich viel, es ist mir eine noch größere Ehre euch um mich herum zu haben, liebe euch ehrlich ❤
@@liese8587 WarMachine / Horstlichter 🤗
ach taner abi bring mich doch nicht zum schmelzen bei den clips -.-^^ du bist doch der beste sowohl menschlich als auch spielerisch ♥
ach Gio hab dich so ins Herz geschlossen ich hoffe alles kommt in deinem Leben so wie du es dir wünscht und noch besser ❤❤
du bist der beste ._.
du bist der beste mein Bruder maggus ❤❤
I'm playing 4Story because I still have +18 equipment, but I'm trying to get +20 without success
Greetings from Poland
Eternally improving
Good luck my friend ❤
Ich liebe dich seit 2011 bewundere ich dich auch wenn du xLaB0mba mir vorgezogen hast, das hat mir dir Motivation gegeben, ein guter Archer zu werden, ist zwar nicht gelungen aber was solls 😢❤
I play bcs Autism discord is a gift that keeps on giving❤
Thats true XD ❤
Best old school server
name: lycan
I play in 2023 because im fkn addicted
3kfarm ingame nick
Good luck ❤
i play weil coi ganz ok is
~ Cheezus
Good luck habibi ❤
I play 4story because I have a crappy PC and I can only play a few games. -Eusford
Hopefully you will get a better PC asap, good luck ❤
i returned from 2010 4 days ago because i hate gor and i love the classic essence. joelvillaxD
Good luck my friend ❤
I play in 2023 because i play so bad this game xD
nick ingame: 23blessed
Good luck brother ❤
who win ?
raffle this saturday