AN HONEST CHATTY UPDATE ON LIFE LATELY 😅 | speech therapy, sleep issues, marriage, all the things!

  • Опубліковано 26 жов 2024


  • @breezysanchez2363
    @breezysanchez2363 10 місяців тому +8

    Thank you for talking about this. Sleepless nights are hard on the body. All the plays in my mind is that reel that goes, “ It’s not fair! “ ,”It’s not fair!” I’ve been there done that. It’s a challenge on the marriage because the husband has to sleep because he has to go to work (financial provider) but at the same time you need your good nights rest because you have other children to take care of as well. You are just sitting there at 1,2,3,4 in the morning silently crying out of exhaustion. Being a woman is so hard not only does the female carry the baby for 9 months but we also have to deliver, postpartum, and literally feel like a cow because baby just wants to be attached to the boob 24/7
    We definitely let ourselves go, I’m glad postpartum depression is talked about more nowadays.

  • @ashleylopez1277
    @ashleylopez1277 10 місяців тому +9

    It makes me feel better to see other moms vent and struggle and get frustrated with mom life. You should never feel bad for talking about your frustrations. It’s better to let it out than keep it in and make yourself crazy.

  • @rebeccakeener3872
    @rebeccakeener3872 9 місяців тому

    I have my almost 4 year old daughter in speech therapy and occupational therapy and they both have been very helpful for her!!! So much progress and I am so proud of her ❤❤

  • @maureenhourigan
    @maureenhourigan 10 місяців тому +12

    This video was so timely for me! I have an almost 5 month old and am still recovering from a traumatic birth and nicu experience. She arrived 10 weeks early due to a placental abruption. I also have 3 other kids and a husband who needs me. Some days I just want to lock myself in my dark bedroom for 10 minutes. Other days the idea of being away from my kids for more than 10 minutes makes my anxiety sky rocket. Post partum and the first year is so hard so just try to remember to give yourself grace which is much easier said than done. Marriage troubles are so hard the first year and even the strongest marriages struggle during that first year. I am married for almost 16 years and have to keep reminding myself of that. Sending you hugs from the Tampa Bay area 🩷 you're doing great mama!

    • @maureenhourigan
      @maureenhourigan 10 місяців тому +1

      Also to add, my 3 year old was my velcro ebf baby. She STILL nurses and bedshares with us. I feel you on the weird positions and lack of sleep. It's exhausting but it won't be like this forever...or at least that's what I keep telling myself! My 5 month old will only nurse at night and will only take bottles during the day. The irony 🙃

    • @mbwilson8592
      @mbwilson8592 10 місяців тому +1

      Wow, you've been through a lot. With your oldest child, how long did they bed share for ? I'm not opposed to bed sharing as long as it works for everyone. I'm not able to do that past the newborn stage because I end up not sleeping at all..i'm a very light sleeper. Our 10.5 month old is sleeping next to our bed in a pack and play.
      The first year is really hard!

    • @maureenhourigan
      @maureenhourigan 10 місяців тому +2

      It was a really hard experience and she spent 6 weeks in the nicu but she's medically healthy and thriving so I am beyond thankful! As far as 3 year old still bedshares and up until baby arrived was nursing in the middle of the night. I cut her off of night time feedings because I couldn't wake up for 2 kids lol. I am a light sleeper and sleep is tough. But I also have 2 teenagers so I know it's all just a phase and I'm trying to remind myself of that daily lol

    • @youtubeacc
      @youtubeacc 10 місяців тому +1

      Do you think you would benefit from some therapy? No judgement at all but it doesn’t have to be that hard if you are able to get some therapy and talk to someone about it. Or maybe talk to your doctor about ppa or ppd

    • @maureenhourigan
      @maureenhourigan 10 місяців тому

      Not sure if this was for me or Kayla but I'm in trauma therapy offered via the nicu and I've been on zoloft since before birth. I couldn't imagine getting by without therapy and meds right now!

  • @beatrizmartinez4415
    @beatrizmartinez4415 10 місяців тому

    I started my motherhood journey after you had Jackson. I remembered going through the same struggles you had with your children. Thank you for being so open and honest, it's not an easy task being a mama. ❤

  • @dananmuller
    @dananmuller 10 місяців тому +3

    Wooo this brought all the feels 😅 I eventually went to counseling and got on antidepressants bc my anxiety was wild lol Prayers for you and your sweet family, Kayla! One thing I heard recommended on the Moms on Call Podcast, was that every time you’re trying something new with a baby/toddler or attempting to start a routine with them, i.e. taking away a paci, new bedtime routine, etc. is to stick it out the exact same way until day 3 or 4. Can’t remember the exact details, but basically they say don’t deviate from the routine until you’ve given it a consistent week bc it takes that long for the child to “get” it. We were struggling with a new nighttime routine, and eventually by day 4 or 5 my little guy started to get it. It will get easier and you are rocking it!

  • @Jjlavids
    @Jjlavids 10 місяців тому +3

    I didn’t sleep past 2hrs myself for the first 7 months with my son. Sleep deprivation hit REALLY hard. On top of that i had zero socialization for the first months during shut downs.
    It was HORRIBLE.
    I totally know what you mean with the lack of good sleep getting to you. Praying for baby and you to sleep well soon. ❤

  • @jes5icaP
    @jes5icaP 10 місяців тому +4

    My second baby was like Sean when it comes to sleep. A lot of babies just do a lot of short cat naps and it’s totally normal. I was up Breastfeeding (well not actually up, roll over, boob out, go back to sleep) every hour for many many months. Some babies are just very hungry or their brains wake them up after every sleep cycle. You are not doing anything wrong. It’s just going to take time and his brain developing more for him to start consolidating his sleep into longer chunks. Took until about 18mo old with my 2nd. Every kid is different. Hang in there. You have great mom intuition - follow your gut ❤️

  • @junesammy-robidoux2305
    @junesammy-robidoux2305 10 місяців тому +1

    KAYLA you are my hero. I love that you spoke candidly about spiritual warfare it is real. I am older than you by many years but I definitely look up to you in terms of your spiritual journey and your marriage revival through the church. Keep on keeping it real.

  • @racheallarsen2298
    @racheallarsen2298 10 місяців тому +3

    Kayla, my son is the same age as Jackson and has been doing speech therapy since around 20 months old. It’s been great instant improvement. He did home visits until age 3. Then the local school district did testing that qualified him for free preschool. It’s been amazing. Glad he is getting help and improving.

  • @chelycervantes1
    @chelycervantes1 10 місяців тому +1

    Hey Kayla!
    Just wanted to remind you that you’re doing such a great job. I look up to you as a mother. The love you have for your family is beautiful to witness. 🩷

  • @chilo2218
    @chilo2218 10 місяців тому +2

    For putting baby down in the nursery, I added a camera for the living room so I can watch what my older one is doing while I’m in the nursery, helps so much knowing he’s not getting into anything

  • @simplymebykas
    @simplymebykas 10 місяців тому

    Loved the chatty video❤ I appreciate your openness with regards to raising kids and just life in general. So much is relatable.

  • @iheartmakeup23
    @iheartmakeup23 10 місяців тому +2

    I am definitely a type A Control freak and pretty much always have been. I had the hardest time lowering my expectations with my kids sleep esp when they were really young. It’s hard when you feel like you’re doing everything “right” and they still don’t sleep. Only so many factors we have control over which is hard to accept! Thanks for your honesty. Praying things ease up soon ♥️

  • @TracyPodz
    @TracyPodz 10 місяців тому +3

    Sleep training is perfectly ok at 4 months, if you did want to try. I’ve been there and feel you! ❤

    • @mbwilson8592
      @mbwilson8592 10 місяців тому

      I agree. Our daughter was a disaster and I was getting no sleep and getting worse by the day. It helped to start some gentle sleep training methods on her at 4 months. She ended up being a happier baby when she was getting quality rest as well.

    • @jennyrodriguez4882
      @jennyrodriguez4882 10 місяців тому +1

      She’s done sleep training idk what she’s waiting for lol I mean I think she said 6 months but at this point I’d do it now. I personally cannot function without sleep.

  • @ceciliakopecky
    @ceciliakopecky 10 місяців тому

    I appreciate you sharing this . More people need to share things like this so people can relate and not feel alone ! Blessings to you . Keep telling yourself , as do I , It’s only a season , then there will be new challenges . 😅

  • @jenielecaruth1749
    @jenielecaruth1749 10 місяців тому +2

    I can totally relate with the bad sleeping. My son is now 3 years old. I never got proper sleep till he was about 1 1/2 years. Nothinggggg worked but just know that with kids everything is a phase and these terrible phases all becomes a memory.. ure a mom, we always survive❤️❤️ ❤

  • @yeseniarodriguez4494
    @yeseniarodriguez4494 10 місяців тому +1

    First off! Youre not alone!!
    Couple suggestions
    1) getting a little outdoor time/even indirect sunlight can help sean with a circadian rhythm and help naps and sleep
    2)im sure youve covered this but he could be hungry? I know many moms share that Sometimes breastmilk is just not as filling and thats been the one con for them - less sleep since its not as filling.
    3) activities to tire him. Even just babbling/ consistent Tummy time can be tiring. Look up how many x per day he should be doing it.
    4) set up a camera/monitor on riley and jackson :) make sure it has the “talk” function on it so you can reprimand them remotely 😂

  • @eevee1063
    @eevee1063 10 місяців тому

    Awww Riley saying she really missed the bunny made my heart melt 🥺 what a sweetheart.
    Prayers for your mental health and your and your family's wellbeing 🙏

  • @vanitybymari
    @vanitybymari 10 місяців тому

    Yea I put my 3 y/o in speech this year too nd it's been a heaven sent. He still get frustrated when we don't understand some things he says but way better

  • @natt5909
    @natt5909 10 місяців тому +2

    I love the honesty and please vent away! On another note if anyone here has any helpful tips on dealing with a 2 year old and tantrums I welcome any advice. My son lately gets into these moods and gets so mad it's hard for me to calm him down. Yesterday I was in tears praying for patients 😅

  • @jessicawood4599
    @jessicawood4599 9 місяців тому

    This sounds so much like my second baby. It was ROUGH. I reluctantly sleep trained him with Ferber at 5 months and it was the best decision ever. He still wakes up and cries occasionally (he's 14 mos) but it made a world of difference. Good luck mama

  • @millierodriguez1479
    @millierodriguez1479 10 місяців тому +1

    Awwww Kayla, I’m praying for you and your family. This is an exhausting time and it will pass. Sleep training is difficult but the rewards are so worthwhile. I did it with all of my babies so I truly know the gamut of emotions that it brings. You’ll know when it’s time and God will walk with you through it. ❤

  • @cinland86
    @cinland86 10 місяців тому +1

    I relate so much with what you're going through Kayla! I also have 3 about the same ages as yours. My baby boy is 11 months and still wakes up multiple times overnight. Being sleep deprived is tough. Hang in there! Your babies are adorable!❤❤

  • @robertajacaranda923
    @robertajacaranda923 10 місяців тому

    Warfare is real and being aware is the best way to win evil in our lives

  • @HilzHernandez123
    @HilzHernandez123 10 місяців тому +2

    Right there with you! 3 under 3 over here and my youngest is 3 months. If I could just get my oldest potty trained things would be a little easier :) It’s just that season of life for us, we will get through it friend.❤

  • @AmyAnnShipyor
    @AmyAnnShipyor 10 місяців тому

    having three kids is the best thing ever. but getting 3 of them to sleep and eat is one of the hardest things you will ever do but is totally worth it.

  • @lucydeantiguatarot8977
    @lucydeantiguatarot8977 10 місяців тому +1

    You are an amazing mom and homeschooling is a big deal. You are doing great, and know that your hard work will pay off over time. My son is now almost 50! I cannot believe it. It was very hard. I was a single mom. I just had him. Because of extraneous reasons, I divorced his father and learned to be a single mom. I also became a Montessori teacher. Learning about Montessori really helped me not only to become a professional teacher, but to provide early childhood education for my son for free. That was good. Anyway, I was thinking about the things I would do with the little ones at school. They were a small group of five children , the same age as yours. What I found helped calm them down was to take them out for nature walks every morning for an hour. They would gather nature stuff --leafs, flower, rocks, etc, and in the afternoons, we would use them for a project. The thing is that by the time They got back from their walk, they were ready for a mid-morning nap. I would usually do the walk around 10am. We would do snack outside before doing the nature walk. By 11 am, they were ready to nap. It almost always worked once I got them in the rhythm. Just a suggestion that might help you get some downtime to also rest. Much love your way!

  • @jenbacani778
    @jenbacani778 10 місяців тому +2

    For the record, I just want to say that you dont look stressed and exhausted. You looked relaxed, happy and pretty. If it's me even with camera on and I showered and put on make up, I would have eyebags and looking gloomy. Lols. I think you look great and you're doing great! Positivity wins!

  • @natabulous6429
    @natabulous6429 10 місяців тому

    Being a mom is hard, everyone needs you and you need to take care of you
    Something that helped me was to take a shower first thing in morning my 2 yr old plays and my 2month old is in a swing
    Taking a hot shower settles my nervous system

  • @ashlysanchez2174
    @ashlysanchez2174 10 місяців тому +1

    Praying for yall!💕 for the spiritual warfare is real and I understand you 🙌🏼

  • @_nailsxkatie
    @_nailsxkatie 10 місяців тому +1

    Kayla I really feel for you! Maybe consider doing formula? I know you said none of your kids have been good sleepers, could it be from your breast milk? Something they don’t tolerate well? Also I know you’re against it and I was too but I too have my 3rd kiddo and decided I had no choice but to sleep train. I did and I don’t regret it at all. Best thing I could have done. Praying for you!

  • @janimaritz3869
    @janimaritz3869 10 місяців тому +1

    Love your videos, with a baby the same age i know the struggles we face. I have found that consistency and scheduling works best for us in terms of sleeping, especially at night. All the best toyou anc your lovely family

  • @christinat4689
    @christinat4689 10 місяців тому

    Definitely appreciate the honesty. It’s so relatable and real.

  • @christinejohnson8591
    @christinejohnson8591 10 місяців тому +2

    My 7 month old has so many similarities with Sean. Milk protein allergy and trouble sleeping. I said I would never co sleep but it’s the only way I get some sleep. You’re not alone and I hope it gets easier for both of us. It’s definitely played a toll on my mental health

  • @adragon0306
    @adragon0306 10 місяців тому

    Have you considered something like loop earplugs for overstimulation? They can lower the background noise without impacting your ability to hear conversation.

  • @alyssadixon7784
    @alyssadixon7784 10 місяців тому

    Today has been so rough with any three kids. Constant chaos and not been coping with the two older boy toddlers attention seeking behavior.. (3 & 2 on the 19th and a 3 month old). Just glad to know I'm not alone in the struggles. Lord bless me with some more patience as I learn to push through and develop a better patience and handle on these crazy boys...

  • @jessicacampbell3797
    @jessicacampbell3797 10 місяців тому

    Kayla, I had missed your weekly vlog. We are also in the thick of it with our little one being a week behind Sean. I appreciate you and can’t wait to see what family traditions you have to celebrate Christmas time. Hugs from Texas to your special family in Florida ❤

  • @michellezarate8893
    @michellezarate8893 10 місяців тому +1

    Awww girl! I feel for you. That 4 month sleep regression is 😫😫😫😫. I have 4 kids, when my 4th one went through it, I caved and bought a 4moms swing and a white noise machine and that helped give my arms some rest. 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 praying it will pass soon

    • @andreanittel2240
      @andreanittel2240 10 місяців тому

      I have suggested a swing a couple of times- they do work...wish she would get one......................

  • @bettyfoster3102
    @bettyfoster3102 10 місяців тому

    Girl! You are doing amazing! I’m seriously impressed. Praying you get some longer stretches of sleep soon! ❤

  • @racheallarsen2298
    @racheallarsen2298 10 місяців тому +1

    I know I have commented this before but I highly recommend trying the chiropractor that works with babies. They can help with their calming centers and see if he needs any adjustment. It’s not invasive or painful. I have done it with both my babies and saw immediately improvement. After the first visit my son slept two hours straight. I know recently McKayla skinner UA-cam channel showed her new born visiting a chiropractor. So if you want an idea of what they do. Please think about it. I know babies are babies but this is something that I believe helps especially with sleep

  • @tracygallegos7505
    @tracygallegos7505 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for all your honesty. I feel supported just by it.

  • @ashb2404
    @ashb2404 10 місяців тому

    I completely agree with you on spiritual warfare... The most I'd ever experienced was after my husband and I were baptized... Then one day it clicked for me that right after Jesus was baptized by John He was in the desert being tempted by Satan... of course we wouldn't be exempt from that if not even Jesus was spared that.
    Also...I feel ya on needing Mimi! Lol... I had my first 2 when I was younger, therefore my mom was younger... I had my 3rd child at 35 and my mom is much older than she was with my first 2 and their name for her is Nanny... So I miss the days when Nanny could pull a whole shift with a toddler...It made a world of difference, I do not have the same ability to grab a little recharge time now as I did in my 20s.

  • @amandabowker8037
    @amandabowker8037 10 місяців тому

    I feel your pain my son was the same and still is 3 years later and I have two older children as well... I am beyond tired.. I sure hope you get the rest you need sooner rather than later 😊

  • @LanLuv
    @LanLuv 10 місяців тому

    Hi Kayla, please try giving formula for one feed in night, it may take a few weeks but it will help as it can keep babies fuller longer. Also there is a brand Kendamil with goat milk formula that can help especially if you think he is sensitive to dairy. Goat milk is much easier for sensitive tummies. Also ask Joe if he can give him the bottle before sleep, as babies can smell moms, and milk it doesn’t help that he smells you while you try to give a bottle.

  • @jasminamucaj6742
    @jasminamucaj6742 10 місяців тому

    Hi Kayla! Just a friendly recommendation when your putting Sean to sleep in his nursery you could get an extra baby monitor put it downstairs and link it to your current monitor so you can see what the kids are doing downstairs. It helped me when I couldn’t be in two places at once with my little ones :)

  • @PandaKisses031812
    @PandaKisses031812 10 місяців тому

    My son was waking up through the night for a bottle until 2 months ago when he turned 16months😑 literally every 2/3 hours like a newborn. I decided to sleep train and it worked! But now my twins are due any day now and I’ll be starting alllllll over lol I’m hoping they’re better sleepers than my son🤞🏼

  • @adairhenman2771
    @adairhenman2771 10 місяців тому

    None of my babies napped longer than 30 minutes until they were about 8 months old, though they slept longer at night. They are all great sleepers now, hang in there! "Healthy sleep habits, happy child" is the sleep training book I rely on, and though I disagree with some of his points, I think it was a very helpful book and can be a fast read

  • @juliamahoney1509
    @juliamahoney1509 10 місяців тому +1

    Ugh the nap time stress is unreal!

  • @couponingwithmelissalove
    @couponingwithmelissalove 10 місяців тому

    Everyone move in to Mimis house lol😂❤
    That's sweet that she can help when she can.
    My mom lives in a different state and she visits me atleast 2 a year . It's such a blessing having the extra hands helping ❤
    Love your vlogs❤ bless you all🙏

    • @couponingwithmelissalove
      @couponingwithmelissalove 10 місяців тому

      Another thing! When I feel in spiritual warfare, I play worship music. There are really good Spanish and in English songs . A few artists I enjoy is Kathy Nicole and Spanish Christian artist Alex Zurdo.

  • @aliciafalendysz6231
    @aliciafalendysz6231 10 місяців тому +1

    I soooo relate to Mimi conundrum! Our Nana is sooo helpful and we're grateful she is around the corner from both me and my sister but we definitely get jealous of each other! Plus Nana and Papa have a life too I guess 😂🙄

  • @marilynbrown2297
    @marilynbrown2297 9 місяців тому

    Hey Kayla I’m so sorry that you are going thru the things you’re going through!!!!!!! I really hope things improve for you and Joe you and Sean and just all of it!!!!!!!!! I’ve been married for 42 years and I know it’s tough but don’t get upset over the little things that don’t matter really!!!!!!!!!!!! I just recently found out that I have lung cancer and am getting ready to start 6 weeks of chemo and 6 weeks of radiation so I am struggling a lot I’m terrified that this isn’t going to work and I will die!!!!!!!!! I have or will have 5 grandbabies that I need to be here for and to help raise who I love with all my heart so plz say some prayers for me and my family to get thru all this plz plz plz!!!!!!!! 😢😢😢😢 I am praying to god almost daily but sometimes I feel like I’m so alone!!!!!!!!! My husband and kids have been my rock my support and absolutely all of them even my tiny human grandbabies are supportive and have my back the best that they can bless their hearts!!!!!!!!! ❤️ I don’t know what I would do without them I really don’t!!!!!!! I think I would just give up on all of it!!!!!!! I know chemo and radiation is gonna be hard and rough and we live 2 hours of where I will have treatment. And we have to drive there. 5 days a week for. 30 minutes!!!!! My chemo is 1 time a week for 6 weeks and my radiation is on top of my chemo 5 days a week for 6 weeks!!!!!!! So that will be on top of the chemo to which I will loose all my hair. Which I am absolutely devastated about!!!!!!!!! So plz plz plz pray for me and my family to get thru this and me come out on the other side of all this healthy!!!!!!!!! Thank You so much I’m sorry I unloaded all this on you but I hope it helps you somehow not to sweat the small stuff and you will get thru all that and be thankful that your all healthy!!!!!!!!! I know you really are!!!!!!!!

  • @stacycorcoran4497
    @stacycorcoran4497 10 місяців тому

    The weighted dreamland baby sleep bag could be worth a try. I also just stopped trying for naps with my son when he was Sean’s age. He then slept better through the night. He also had severe eczema and was uncomfortable so that contributed to his poor sleeping habits. Once he healed quite a bit he still only took one nap a day. I feel for you and pray that things get better. ♥️

  • @cmg5190
    @cmg5190 10 місяців тому +1

    I was struggling the same way with my first baby. My only advice will be...surrender. Co-slepping's your way of survival.

  • @shyannehager7914
    @shyannehager7914 10 місяців тому +1

    Its the 4th month sleep regression ahhhhh😂 i really feel for you around the 4th month my little had her two botton teeth bust through i was doing all the things your doing great 😊 im currently going through the 6th month regression with sleep more teeth coming on the tops its a struggle but we got this😊

  • @monicace4
    @monicace4 10 місяців тому

    My son is 7 months and he still doesn't sleep good at all, he sleeps just like Sean and I still can't get him to sleep longer then 3 hours at night and naps are still 45 mins. It's difficult and I love that I'm not the only one dealing with this. ❤ we will get through this together 🙏

  • @natashabardsley2727
    @natashabardsley2727 10 місяців тому +1

    So sorry you are going through some tough challenges. I just said a prayer for you! Has Jackson been assessed for a lip or tongue tie thay could be interfering with his speech development? For Shawn, you could seek out a infant sleep consultant who mau be able to suggest some techniques to improve sleep.

  • @deseryherrmann9544
    @deseryherrmann9544 10 місяців тому +1

    Where is that cabinet from? I love it

  • @samjenabrahamian6235
    @samjenabrahamian6235 10 місяців тому

    You’re not alone. I had my baby at 37 weeks. He decided to come early. I have a 3 year old as well that stays home from daycare twice a week. He has so much energy. Don’t know how you do it with the other kiddos. Definitely have to keep him busy. We got this lol😅

  • @sanchitajain7083
    @sanchitajain7083 10 місяців тому

    My kids also have holes in their pajamas on the knees recently, and we have carpet here. I think it’s something with the target clothes these days. This never happened earlier with us.

  • @christinekim459
    @christinekim459 10 місяців тому

    Hey Kayla! I've been watching your channel forever and first comment here but just wanna say you are really an inspo as a mama and so relatable! My son is 2 now but as a baby he was definitely a cat napper 30 mins naps, took him a while to consolidate those naps. Your nights sound so rough, you must be so exhausted! Milena ciciotti has a video about similar issues night sleep and they hired a night nurse for a week i think, im sure this probably costs quite a bit but maybe worth it since sleep deprivation is so rough and hard to function. So sorry your dealing with this, praying it gets better for you!

  • @mombetweentwo7679
    @mombetweentwo7679 10 місяців тому +5

    This is Jackson sleep habit number 2, you just gotta accept it, until babes transition to 2 naps they only nap 30 min just accept it and try to take a bath or just lay in bed while Joe holds Sean that's all you can do.

    • @samalsharef1274
      @samalsharef1274 10 місяців тому


    • @kassidygray7153
      @kassidygray7153 10 місяців тому +1

      Not true! Babies NEED sleep. She’s allowed to be upset.

    • @mombetweentwo7679
      @mombetweentwo7679 10 місяців тому +2

      @@kassidygray7153 well if they need sleep then that will stress her even more. The baby will sleep sooner or later, unfortunately theres a lot more to it than they just need sleep

    • @youtubeacc
      @youtubeacc 10 місяців тому +1

      You must have had easy babies 😂

    • @jennyrodriguez4882
      @jennyrodriguez4882 10 місяців тому +1

      Not true my daughter slept well except during the normal sleep regressions which only lasted about 2 weeks.

  • @Nasballim
    @Nasballim 10 місяців тому

    The only thing that saved me was when i got a sleep nanny. But i totally understand this is not something that is easily accessible or affordable for lots of people.

  • @BeSchmenda
    @BeSchmenda 10 місяців тому

    There's only 1 frickin Mimi! We need to multiply the Mimi. 😂

  • @rosellatorino1363
    @rosellatorino1363 10 місяців тому

    Kayla yes totally agree about spiritual warfare. But we are strong in Christ and we will be victorious 🙏

  • @85Onne
    @85Onne 10 місяців тому

    I have no sugesions, I just hope it gets better for you! I remember my daughter just cried from 6-10pm every night for the first 3-4 months. It was awful. Luckily she grew out of it. But I can see that she is a night owl, wants to be up until 10pm and wake up at 9am. Maybe she was really mad at me trying to get her to sleep earlier than 10 😀 now she is 3 yo and she still won't sleep before 9.30-10 even though she has to wake up at 7. So kids and sleep is a struggle.

  • @SuneScharneck
    @SuneScharneck 10 місяців тому +1

    Start by putting baby in a camping cot during the day.
    And in evening he sleeps the same way.
    Don't change to much. At 16weeks they start to remember and what you do during the day is resembling during the night.
    So all naps in the cot or all naps in the camping cot. Don't let him sleep on you anymore. I know you will miss it but you will get sleep

  • @abbyvargo3759
    @abbyvargo3759 10 місяців тому

    Thank you for your honesty, you are my fav!!! ❤

  • @stephaniefisher3617
    @stephaniefisher3617 10 місяців тому

    The sit me up seat was the only way I got anything done when my little one was like this I could set her on the bar and cook and entertain baby at the same time !!

  • @sabinabeltran4280
    @sabinabeltran4280 10 місяців тому

    I saw in one of your videos you were playing candyland with your kids. Another fun game they can play is the hungry hungry hippos game but the dinosaur version.

  • @lexiheft
    @lexiheft 10 місяців тому

    Thank you! This is exactly the video I needed today❤ sending love!

  • @andreanittel2240
    @andreanittel2240 10 місяців тому

    the bunny is great for Riley who has wanted a pet for so long!

  • @anselind
    @anselind 10 місяців тому +3

    I think it would help you out if you send your kids to school
    I havw a 14 month old who still sleeps terrible and only takes 30 min naps and i also wish i can just put him down for nap and i can go do my stuff

    • @anselind
      @anselind 10 місяців тому

      I understand you want to homeschool and I had dream of homeschooling my 4 yr old but sending him to school really helped me manage. If i didnt I would be overstimulated with my very needy 14 month old

    • @mbwilson8592
      @mbwilson8592 10 місяців тому +2

      I mean this with the utmost respect- those of us who feel called to homeschool, don't usually do it on a whim. Much of the time, it is done sacrificially because we believe it's the best thing for our children. Once you research the history of how and why government-ran schools were created, it helps provide some more clarity as well. Homeschool is not supposed to look like traditional school. Our 11 yr old is able to get through all of his academic work in 2 hours because of not having to deal with all of the wasted time and distractions found in the classroom setting. In the traditional setting (at best) 20 mins of each class is actually spent learning. That is a ton of wasted time. Homeschool is sacrificial in many ways, but it doesn't require as much as many think it does.

  • @hillaryamelia7770
    @hillaryamelia7770 10 місяців тому +1

    Have you considered not putting him in that swaddle?
    I also noticed that he yawned while you were speaking and in the next scene was crying... maybe he's overtired.
    *I also have a daughter Jackson's age and a German Shepard puppy AND I work full-time from home. I feel you on the overstimulation :(

  • @lizbethdixon6328
    @lizbethdixon6328 10 місяців тому

    I’m sorry you are having such a hard time with Sean’s sleep. I’ve noticed you are still swaddling him, he’s at the age he should be able to drop the swaddle so he can find his comfy spot for sleep. Make sure to check out the entire section for a sleep in the moms on call book, not just the schedules. Also the sleep troubleshooting section is very helpful. I would say try to follow the advise as close to it as possible even if it sound extra or dumb and it will work. Especially the soothing rounds(there’s a video on that too). I just had my third baby 7 weeks ago and have followed mom’s on call since my very to the letter and have had great success. I hope you can enjoy some of that soon as well. It has helped tremendously to juggle the other 2 kids at the same time. Mom’s on call has a podcast and consultants as well to show you exactly what the process is supposed to look like. I love reading the reassuring sections they have on there that gives you encouragement and truths about the process. You’ve got this.

  • @mariab7968
    @mariab7968 10 місяців тому

    To get over that “overwhelmed” feeling you need to do things to regulate your nervous system. You’re currently running On hyper vigilant. I would check out a specialized therapist that can help you with that, trust me you just need to be emotionally regulated.
    Also, my second also wakes up like that (super often, no naps, etc) when she’s really hungry and overtired. I know everyone has strong opinions about combo feeding but it’s worth at least a shot to save your sanity and mental health.

  • @peachdream7100
    @peachdream7100 10 місяців тому +30

    For Shawn’s sleep issue, Maybe switch to formula for the last feed before bed, I learned in my breastfeeding class that formula is a little more dense and stays on the belly longer than breast milk. So maybe try combine feeding? Definitely do your own research but it’s an option ♥️

    • @mombetweentwo7679
      @mombetweentwo7679 10 місяців тому +7

      I have two babies formula fed it doesnt help at all and Kayla has done formulas a lot so she knows , breastmilk can be a lot fattier than formula. Its all just a phase that babies go through you have had to be prepared. No more babies for me my tubes are tied

    • @mariab7968
      @mariab7968 10 місяців тому +3

      Honestly this!!! It’s worth a shot. It sounds like he’s hungry anyways since her pediatrician suggested her to pump extra milk to feed him.

    • @fifid4285
      @fifid4285 10 місяців тому +2

      Maybe take him off da breast feeding put him on formula my sister son was like sean very hungry baby. 3 naps a day that what I did my daughter every 3 hrs for nap. Keep positive ur a great mom

    • @jessicaely2521
      @jessicaely2521 10 місяців тому +2

      ​@mombetweentwo7679 it isn't fattiness that makes a baby full. Formula is harder to digest and that's what makes formula better for SOME babies. It definitely helped with my daughter. She wouldn't sleep longer than when she was breastfed. It added another 2 hrs of sleep. Formula takes 2x longer to digest when compared to breastmilk.

    • @Dulceamor510
      @Dulceamor510 10 місяців тому +3

      Yes this actually does help! Did this with all 3 of my kids

  • @Itsliz97
    @Itsliz97 10 місяців тому

    I feel you 😢 same thing happened with my son he would not nap during the day but thankfully he would sleep all night 😅

  • @thayerwilliams905
    @thayerwilliams905 10 місяців тому +1

    This isnt helpful, but mine was just like this. We didnt get serious amounts of sleep until he was one. By which i mean sleeping for 2+ hours without waking up, but hed only do that once in 24 hours. The rest of the 24 hours itd be 30-45 minutes. And it was like that for a freaking year. And he was 2 before he slept through the night. (6+ hours in a row).
    I will say once we finally got to that point, it snowballed pretty quickly from there. We started getting 3-4 nights of good aleep a week. A few months later itvwas more like 6 days a week of a full nights sleep. A few months later he was sleeping 8-9 hours every night.
    Hes 4 now and sleeps 11 hours regularly. already dreading going for kid 2. We want a second kid. But man im scared its going to be a sleep repeat. Cause it was HARD, and took AGES.

  • @blairlittle7854
    @blairlittle7854 10 місяців тому

    Hi Kayla! I'm pregnant with my 3rd and have been rewatching your pregnancy videos with Sean. You mentioned that you had the dockatot and now you have the snuggle me. I want to get one of those. Im curious which you prefer?

  • @denarenee3198
    @denarenee3198 10 місяців тому

    My son was the same way about sleeping, but it eventually passes. You’ve got this.

  • @yenvong7051
    @yenvong7051 10 місяців тому

    you should have a camera inside the house where the kids play often so you can watch them while rocking baby Shaun sleeping in your room or his room. Also, try 8sheep organic baby sleep lotion. it might help Shaun with his sleeping issue.

  • @alexandracristinaa
    @alexandracristinaa 10 місяців тому

    Have you consider a night nurse or a doula to help with Sean?

  • @noelf6737
    @noelf6737 10 місяців тому +1

    Makes me think something else may be going on with Sean like reflux maybe? Does he seem happy and calm most other times but just struggles when it’s time to sleep? Could it be a positioning thing?

  • @amandabarbera238
    @amandabarbera238 10 місяців тому

    You’re not alone, I’m struggling with sleeping with my 2yr old he “sleeps” yet every day wakes up at 2am just to want me and it ends up with him in my bed cause he won’t fall back to sleep so I’m feeling you Kayla and once we both can find the best answers soon we’ll get rested! Lol
    Btw love your videos, just curious if you vlog your Xmas gifts for 2023 yet!!!

  • @courtneyjackson5177
    @courtneyjackson5177 10 місяців тому

    Just an option my baby did this as well! I pumped and do that as her last feed. It definitely helped!!

  • @Nasballim
    @Nasballim 10 місяців тому

    I still remember Jacksons sleep video and I was traumatized 😅

  • @lexiheft
    @lexiheft 10 місяців тому

    To help Sean settle during sleep you could try the Evivo probiotic, it’s a special medical one that may really help

  • @nedime2468
    @nedime2468 10 місяців тому

    Have you tried co sleeping? Or changing his nap schedule??

  • @barbkopp9021
    @barbkopp9021 10 місяців тому +3

    Take that sleep “suit” off of him. I’d cry too if I couldn’t move. Might help….??????

  • @nikkishanley6883
    @nikkishanley6883 10 місяців тому

    Not sure if you have tried different swaddles. My son always woke himself up in that one because he would startle a little and bump his face with his hands.

  • @bailyhud11
    @bailyhud11 10 місяців тому

    I think some mild sleep training would be so great for Shawn and you! He may just need to figure it out and you might see he sleeps a lot better. Also I’d stick to a good nap schedule and if he’s taking short naps he probably needs an early bedtime! He may be waking up at night and not going down easy because he’s overtired. Good luck you’re doing great!

  • @junesammy-robidoux2305
    @junesammy-robidoux2305 10 місяців тому

    If I remember correctly babies Shawn's age night time sleep is late because of the confusion of day and night being in your belly. I can't remember the exact science of it but it's normal that he doesn't sleep till later in the night (when he actually sleeps)

  • @JG-rs1ir
    @JG-rs1ir 10 місяців тому

    Hey Kayla first off your doing great mama! My kids are about the same agae as yours and my youngest was born 8/12/23. My kids were never great nappers and only wanted to nap on me. With my 3rd baby i completley surrendered to my sons sleep schedule. Whenever he wants to nap he will. I also only baby wear him during his long streth nap for the day. He also takes multiple cat naps theoughout the day. At night i co sleep but he will only be alone in the bed for about 20 to 30 minutes. It does suck sometimes because i want more time to myself or with mu husband but I've just completely surrendered to this season of life and sleep. Maybe also stop trakcing his sleep and delete the apps temporarily. Maybe the tracking could be causing more stress. Best of luck to you and in this season with you!

  • @babylupita1
    @babylupita1 10 місяців тому +1

    Kayla, be gentle with yourself. It is ok to complain and it is ok to let go of some of the things that you feel you have to do. You are right you are in the thick of it and maybe making little changes right now is important before you fall into a deeper “hole”. Have you considered a catholic school for the kids? Is money an issue? As long as you keep Christ in your home and going to church your kids will be ok. That way you can at least have a half a day just with Sean while he outgrows this phase. Remember leave in faith not in fear. Your kids need a happy and healthy mom. Even getting out of the house to drop off the kids will do you and the kids good! I also notice that you pick up Sean up at soon as he starts to whine. Could be because of the video but it is ok if he cries for a little. If you pick him up the second he starts to cry he knows you are coming lol. Let him cry a little. Also maybe a bottle of formula before bed? He maybe last longer asleep. I breastfed my last son all day but before bed we used to give him hipp organic formula and he would sleep 12 hours straight at night.

  • @briannairizarry1054
    @briannairizarry1054 10 місяців тому

    We all love our children but we're allowed to not like them sometimes 🤣 I'm kidding but it's so difficult!! Praying for you to get some good sleep soon. My youngest never slept as a baby either and sleep deprivation hit me hard.

  • @Nasballim
    @Nasballim 10 місяців тому

    3 kids, especially for the first year of the 3rd baby's life is very very stressful on the marriage. Especially when you're not getting sleep, not eating properly and getting enough exercise. Kids take up the entire day. Hang in there.

  • @MJB_11
    @MJB_11 10 місяців тому

    try pumping to make sure you’re producing enough maybe? You’re doing great!

  • @mariaarreola7178
    @mariaarreola7178 10 місяців тому

    Does he have a swing that may also work or even putting him in the stroller and just pushing him around the house thats how i would get my my daughter to take naps

  • @monicageller226
    @monicageller226 10 місяців тому

    I live close to Disney. Would love to invite you to Sunday mass at my family’s home parish!
    Yes, spiritual warfare is real. Nothing the enemy despises more than the family unit and marriages are repugnant to it. I would strongly suggest to pray the rosary and have a statue of Mother Mary, the enemy fears her immensely.