This is one of the most beautiful things I've heard. You have an excellent taste in music, and your voice seems as though a living echo of Nietzsche himself. It resonates authentically. You seem to have a wide and deep sense of his writing, far beyond my own. Thank you.
Dead are all gods. Now we want the Overman to live! So true! So beautiful to hear Nietzsche's work with such a beautiful music and your amazing voice! Thank You!
Helpful hint: 1) the best "intro" to the Overman is the section starting at 1:03-2:06. Read and listen very carefully. It's a gorgeous piece of poetry/philosophy. 2) The music at 13:29 is called "Thus spoke Zarathustra", and is Strauss' musical expression of the rise of the Overman. You probably know it from 2001 or in a million parodies. Now, crank it in the proper context!
It's this but in a rather complex and dramatic sense. It's somebody who according to Nietzsche - at the time of writing - had yet to come. A being so unprecedentedly capable of overcoming the limits of society, contingencies, and personal ailments that he moves beyond any of the men that we can imagine. The issues are of course who this individual is and what precisely counts as a being both "creative" and "destructive" enough to make this any more than a thought experiment.
@@jaaksavat7916 Well superiority to everyone else is something both Hitler and Nietzsche share. The important difference is that the NSDAP believed that said superiority came from their German blood. A belief that would have lead Nietzsche to a concentration camp.
The ideas that came to birth through Nietzsche have affected me deeply. I was raised Catholic, but I never believed. I was a nihilist without knowing it. I can believe in the Overman. It demands no faith. I feel a deep sense of satisfaction, of fulfillment, when I build towards the Overman. I used to hate the fact that I was born. Now, when I have a rough time, I consider Amor Fati, and the Overman. Nietzsche saved me from Nihilism, because he saved himself. I hope that I can make even 1 person feel the way he has made me feel
If the religion serves you, all well and good. If the philosophy serves you, all well and good If it serves you not, if it does not transform you, wrought you, strung the strings of your heart or strike the anvil of your soul. If it does not illuminate and transfigure and radiate so that others can admire or envy your brilliance. And if does not inspire others to carry their own cross and shine their own light, what use is it to you?
@@eugenisttechnocrat669 Transhumanism is the mainstream science term for sticking implants and electronics into yourself for enhancement, like bionics for example. You are not using it wrong, it is the method. The idea is to augment yourself through inner means, not reliance on outer trinkets to "cross your human ability" into something more. It makes me wonder if psychic abilities and other such attributes are part of it. Using nature as the means to transcend your limits. Technology is there to make people fat, lazy and stupid so they are docile.
The real overman would not require technology, his mind has greater power once it is harnessed. The overman is a god, he creates 'more reality' through the manifestation of his mind, which is a part of the Prime Mover's mind. The overman is the end result of evolution and the apex of the reincarnated soul.
Beautiful! As far as we can tell, the universe can never be in the same state that it was in the past. Therefore, any *rule*, which can only be based on the past, cannot be relied on to guide the present. Spontaneity is, I think, the key feature of the Overman. One can only create by being, not by trying to fit the present into a conception of the past.
Kon Berner exactly...N said there was only ever one Christian...that being Jesus..he felt Jesus was the closest thing to an overman we'd seen...but to follow Jesus is something completely different...each overman is someone fighting against a unique set of circumstances you said we are never presented with the same set of circumstances and each overman presents themselves in an individual manner...I think of Johnny Rotten reacting to the poverty and garbage strikes going on in London...or protesters of the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King for civil rights or key figures in the feminist movement..all necessary and unique
Yes... or a father tickling his baby because it is an expression of his being, rather than the "right thing to do". Overman doesn't mean "great man", it means a man who is constantly manifesting himself for its own sake. Agreed that nobody can manifest Jesus other than Jesus, and nobody can manifest me but me. Did he manifest himself more than I do? Yes, I think he did, so he was more of an Overman.
Have you tried to read the Present in the truth contest website? The Present moment is the only thing that exist so past is only our memory a biochemical thing in our brain stored from The Present moment and we use it to expect how things will be in the future, but no one can know the future for certain we use only logical reasoning based in the past event, this was very useful during our evolution process on Earth. Spontaneity can only be obtained in the Present moment, things are always changing in the Present Universe, but the laws of it not, in the Present you know more or less what's going to happen and there's not much thought of no thought at all, you don't think much only when you have to. Read this book called The Present, the Overmen and Spiritual Beings are the same ones. Cheers.
What I got from his philosophy is that the Overman is a psychologically advanced individual who is solitary, not afraid of hurting others to get what he wants or achieve his goal, is sympathetic to the weak despite knowing his own strength and capabilities, lives by his own moral code, is wicked around sex, and will not shy away from boasting his own talent. The Overman seems to be the boogeyman of the religious world. His characteristics are unconventional. I like that! The only problem is the Overman appears to be a high-functioning sociopath to some degree.
_"sociopath"_ is a coward's lie made up by the weak, through their herd mentality and false "morality" of mediocrity.. to condemn and demonize those who are not kept down and dragged through the mud by the herd's _Dogma of Society_
fearing The Overman, the underground Inquisition (proto-NKVD) invented a pseudo-psychology. Using Freud and Jung, they made up subjective pseudomoralistic lies, to hide the Truths of Nietzsche's Awakening
He may hurt others but he will generously give back many fold. He may demonstrate his talent, but he will not boast. He may be sexually wicked but he will settle down eventually. This is the Overman. To do what is necessary to obtain strength, but to use his strength to give to others.
Whatever Nietzsche portrayed in his theory of overman is rare characteristic in the nature of men and this ideology should be known to all men out there.
In my humble interpretation, the Overman is not some messianic prophecy, but a role model for aspiring individuals. By making this role model impossible to fully emulate, Nietzsche quite wisely put us on a path of constant self-improvement.
Whatever one may think of Nietzsche, he is above bold, original and courageous. He as vision for a future of untold and immense potentiality, a future with no limits. Not for him the petty and insubstantial, the mediocre but, the overman.
it is to struggle through adversity, _against the current_ by rejecting it. Swimming against the tide and resisting the petty ideas of the submen. Those who ignore the mainstream and _fight assimilation_ by the little men, those who _hunker down_ against the anticultural erosion of each age, and it's nihilistic destructive trends. Those who dig deep in the sand, and are not swept away by the floods, or washed away by the currents, out to sea to become _Lost_ .. those who entrench themselves in personal values, and are not swayed by the herd's _slave morality_ They who strive for greatness, and chose to be higher men, by _rejecting the Dogma of Conformism_
When the tsunami of mediocrity rushes towards them, _they_ who dig deep with their feet in the fertile sands of wisdom and _Higher Thought_ will "go under" and _Face The Adversity_ head on, as the current of enmity and waves of hatred washes over them _unable to change their ways and ascribe them to their own inferior telos_
Overman With my roots in the deepest depths of hell I shall grow to the highest heavens my words will reverberate as sublime Empyrean music as destiny beckons -fin-
"Goethe, Schopenhauer, and Wagner; standing on their shoulders we look far into the distance." FRIEDRICH NIETZSCHE (15 October 1844 "A.D."- 25 August 1900 "A.D.")
I can see how some people would get the wrong idea after watching this. Nietzsche was not meaning some crude form of social Darwinism, or oppressing others in order to elevate yourself up the social ranks. Will to power is not some neo-Nazi ideology designed to eradicate the poor and weak from society. Will to power does not justify the presence of the strong over the weak. Its not a jackboot grinding down on someone's face, grinding their face into the dirt until they submit. Instead, Nietzsche was for the individual alone; he did not support nations, nationalities: “Being nationalistic in the sense in which it is now demanded by public opinion would, it seems to me, be for us who are more spiritual not mere insipidity but dishonesty, a deliberate deadening of our better will and conscience.” - Nietzsche, Unpublished Note Nietsche opposed the herd morality, or moral slavery, detested mediocrity: “a smaller, almost ridiculous type, a herd animal, something eager to please, sickly, and mediocre.” (Beyond Good and Evil)Nietzsche. The individual alone must find their own path (Zarathustra) and bring forward their full potentialities. Throw off your moral fetters, all that restrains you, there exists no Christian God or gods to subjugate you (read Nietzsche's Anti-Christ). There exists no objective truth that you can order you can life by. Write your own script, become the Great overcomer, the Superman that you are, Ubermench! Who would be an example of this of a Great person- Geothe. Live your life without external moral philosophical constraints, stop being a slave to religions, to supposedly objective forms of morality and ethics. Realize your true potential, all that you can be and all you can achieve, be who You are, Become who You are! “The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently.” (Beyond Good and Evil) Nietzsche
diese kalte Welt I think that the National Socialist (not neo-nazi) ideology would have been the foundation for the Superman. Agreed some things were taken literally too far, but it also would have accelerated the process of the Superman. NS was about being a group AND individual versus modern society which is only one or the other. By creating a strong society, naturally strong people are born from said society. I think that the emphasis on; selflessness, courage, pride, virtue, strength, culture, folk, and ideology would have been the perfect breeding ground for the Superman. If Nietzsche had seen that revolutionary idea unlike any before or since, he would have supported it. How does a society of classes, disunity, chaos, and degeneracy produce anything good?
@@darthirae8840 The NSDAP model worked for the White man, and set a stage for his feet. But the hidden agency that has always worked in the shadows to subvert this, managed to ruin it. It was not taken far enough, all the bad things you hear are merely US propaganda mill nonsense, and fairy stories about mass death by domestic appliances.
@@darthirae8840 "How does a society of classes, disunity, chaos, and degeneracy produce anything good?" It isn't meant to, it is being deliberately corrupted and destroyed. It isn't good for us but it is for someone we never hear about.
@@darthirae8840 The problems we have is that they areplaying the long game, and they know that people dont care unless it is a drama, i.e. a sudden violent reaction or movement because it is too easy to frame and strike at the emotions. This is why no one cares about what is happening, it is all "part of the plan" of "Progress" and the way things are happening (not happening in my view, being directed) . THeir method is so much more underhanded and inconspicuous, and they never do their own dirty work, it is all a dead end and hands are "clean". I have no idea what the solution is. Well I do, but again, they have set themselves up to be untouchable and to neuter the world. What people will have to do will never be done. They know what they are doing. It is just a war, the premise is the same "I kill you or you kkill me" only the techniques are different. The main problem is that because of the long game, everyone is too fat and content and faggotised by bastardised morals to leave their couches and iphones. GIven the outcome of history, we are screwed. Evil has it's way here in this world. Makes you wonder what this place really is.
@@darthirae8840 Well there was action against them when they were found out to be behind the total degredation and perversion of Berlin and dealt with violently or otherwise. There was no action taken that was not wholly and completely justified. The problem was that there were allowances made. For some odd reason despite their history and conduct no nations can come together in concord and collectively sort this out permanently. Yes I agree that 1945 was the last chance to do it right and that failed. Now we have what we have today, and in my estimation, this is a one way downward spiral. I could be wrong but I don't think so when you look at the state of how tings have become over such a short time. People are far to gone in the system to actually care, even in the past action has been futile. HOwever if you do a bit of research the whole money thing has probably gone way back to the beginning. Money wasn't some invention to make trade easy or to count gold pieces in your bank box. That is some plausible nonsense told to people. No it is a technology, a method of manipulating will, that was already here and set up. It is being pushed onto us, just like all this electric self driving car and 5G is being pushed under the mask of "the will of the people" or for YOUR good.
Basically Rama never said that He was a God but did things that the Gods could not do. His message was that we can aspire for higher things while making sure that we do not stray from the path of Truth. Unfortunately his skin is dark & so His name is never mentioned when people talk of religions and great people - I have noticed that most people say Jesus, the Buddha and Muhammed and then stop
The Overman is Beyond Good and Evil. He has mastered the use of both as a result of Social evolution and continues to transcend , ever more woven into the fabric of nature and the universe.
Is that all you have to say on the matter? The slaves (liberals) of the modern West are breeding themselves out of existence by not breeding. The Right on the other hand is being replaced by a Right far more radical and Nietzschean than anything before.
If you think Nietzsche intended to take a stance on the right or left, then yes. However, taking a look at his world view today, it is not difficult to realize where he fits in on a modern political-philosophical spectrum.
everything has its place in the rising of consciousness, thus we can free our selves of culpability of anything other than rising of the recognition of the self and seeking balance in our own segment of existence
Many do not realise that their will never be an overman we can only strive to be as close as posible to the overman because the overman is a ideal and not a state of being
This is Hermitic law. The progression of the degree of man, superman, overman. We still have a long way to go, for we have yet to produce even a superman though David Goggins does exist.
Moses in his badass days was as close as we had to an overman. Nietzsche was also like Jesus because he fell madly in love with what's her name and totally lost it to be able to write with heart the meaning of natures. A Dionysos in distress to break every law to will to power to eradicate the weak who make weak, sick, a disease.
@@mogatdula hahah did you mentioned Hitler? Yeah, as so many said before and I think they were right Nietzsche was the most misinterpreted philosopher who ever existed!
For me, the overman speaks to the frequency of consciousness above that of the individual man. That which we contribute to as aspects. As our genes contribute to the creation of the frequency of consciousness that is man, man has contributed to the frequency of consciousness over man when he stops looking outwardly towards an authority that rules over him like a tyrant and looks inside and recognizes his responsibility for the creation of his contribution to the contents of the consciousness we share and contributes to being the bridge to the overman. The overman is connection to creation through responsibility. keeping in mind this is just my opinion. The overman is our connection to one another as parts of the whole . I think
I believe that humanity is a stepping stone in the evolution of something greater. Perhaps even artificially created by us. We are a bridge that can create something that can exist in the cold vacuum of space and never worry about it's age. Artificial life would be able to have a far greater chance at expanding outwards into the universe if we actually put forth the effort into it's creation. It doesn't have to be some cold machine without a will of it's own or skynet. It could very much be something wonderful if it were to learn to love and be curious. The overman could be a metaphor that one uses to visualize one's ideal form and then work towards that goal but it could also literally be applied to the next stepping stone in the evolution of life.
Here’s an uncommon anecdote on psychedelics: As a young man with no interest in philosophy I was forever changed by my having taken psilocybin. Where others are inspired by the experience to become an abhorrent type, a hippie, a crystal gripper, I became much more sober minded and had a new found interest in philosophy. Where others doubled down on anti-natural morality, I was drawn toward the master-morality. Where others minds were so open they would espouse any crazy notion, like our dearly departed Terrence McKenna, my mind became dismissive of such fanciful nonsense.
There are few philosophers who did so little self improvement did so little to live up to their philosophy as Nietszche. The Nazis tried to put this into practice in an attempt to build a thousand year Reich and barely went a decade before they crashed and burned, mostly by picking fights with what they were convinced were inferior beings. Compare him to Confucous, Muhammed and Shankara who accomplished multiple things in their lifetimes and each founded civilizations that weathered millenia, and who still influence more than half of the worlds population.
In your enlightening Nietzsche video, you make effective use of the adaptive root system metaphor of a tree. As the tree grows stronger confronting underground resistance, the tree's "power potential" expands. Descriptive, vivid, and organic are a perfect use of this metaphor. Nietzsche's battle cry maxim for the ages "...that which does not destroy you makes you stronger.. " always conveys a hard, militaristic tone to Nietzsche which is certainly warranted. This elite Navy Seal esque, Spartan warrior philosopher fought his way to the top with front-line focus and OODA loop strikes against the cream puff "Marxist" collectivism academics to find a home at the Olympian rung next to Plato, Schopenhauer, and Ralph Waldo Emerson. Your root metaphor connection as well highlights the profound Emersonian influence of natural organic imagery that left a sublime impression on Nietzsche. Thank you for sharing your novel insights on this pioneer German philosopher leading us all away from the modern philosophic T.S. Eliot described wasteland. A wasteland terrain full of vapid, game show host like hollow men mixed in with the John Wick-like Assassins in the philosophy departments of the university tenure system where the truth goes to die as hollow men administrators pander to the lowest common denominator in the collective seal-like applause of virtue signaling and Orwellian levels of political correctness that have the universities and corporations fearing their own shadow. Nietzsche offers a way out of this wasteland to the leading edge with the best view of the vast horizons, blissful sunsets, and the pure austere air of the Swiss Alps. Up in the Alps where Nietzsche is found with his groundbreaking, paradigm-shifting writings, you also can experience the invigorating sensation of elite-level Navy Seal alpine mountain fighting. The mountain combat though is against Platonic shadows comprised of noisy self-confused ignorance, suffering, angst and forced-fed propaganda faced in the shadows of our own mind that we all encounter on our own unique path and quest, propelled on by the relentless force of the will to power and illuminated by the brilliance of Nietzsche's light and profound truth instincts. As we take the philosophic Navy Seal hard path in our own internal root expansion, we will all find why this German savant philosopher, the heroic but "lonely" wanderer and his shadow, is fulfilling his "prophecy" in his writings. Nietzsche's prophecy, emblematic of the gravitas of the Rock of Ages prophets, is increasingly germane in these dark matrix times. As a result, Nietzsche true to form, has become "...the philosopher for the day after tomorrow."
This isn't philosophy, this is a prophecy. Not to be taken or shaped or said that it's gonna be Jesus (respectively) or anything by any religion on Earth right now. Or any beliefs. But of a truth that people will come to know, that will come from a single person, who shall be the reason we are able to evolve. By slaying those that hinder our progress. Just as nature does. And by raising the ancient strength of all lineages. To work together to become one with nature to do so. (In a way no one can say they know yet or will know till he says it) And this battle I speak of,It won't be these guys vs those guys and these guys aren't in it, and politics and religions, no. It'll be good men. Against evil men. The good led by someone more than human, who came to humans, to judge them. And help them based on whom they are. And the other, by an evil man, who will use religions, politics, and unbelievable power to bring about the ruin in certainty of mankind. And for all this Creation, this great person will rise again. He will know it. Nobody may say they are. Not even himself. But he knows. He won't be perfect. But no one is. He will instead lead the way to being one. This is a real prophecy.
Nietzsche's philosophy gives me strength. This man has given me so much motivation in life.
Yeah I too gain motivation and strength from Nietzsche's philosophy. Nietzsche and Carl Jung are my all time favourite.
Me too.
he gives us a chance to see over the horizon
This is one of the most beautiful things I've heard. You have an excellent taste in music, and your voice seems as though a living echo of Nietzsche himself. It resonates authentically. You seem to have a wide and deep sense of his writing, far beyond my own.
Thank you.
Couldn't agree with your comment more
Though your name makes a hilarious contrast to it
*skrattar i Svenska*
Dead are all gods. Now we want the Overman to live! So true!
So beautiful to hear Nietzsche's work with such a beautiful music and your amazing voice!
Thank You!
lia Fuentes
Lets dance, Uberfrau
@@31minutesago Of course!
@@liafuentes326 let's dance that people think we are crazy
His voice reminds me of Ian McGregor.
Helpful hint:
1) the best "intro" to the Overman is the section starting at 1:03-2:06. Read and listen very carefully. It's a gorgeous piece of poetry/philosophy.
2) The music at 13:29 is called "Thus spoke Zarathustra", and is Strauss' musical expression of the rise of the Overman. You probably know it from 2001 or in a million parodies. Now, crank it in the proper context!
the overman is " a human who raises above his/her environment"
this is what nietzche is and thats what his all idea about a superior man
It's this but in a rather complex and dramatic sense. It's somebody who according to Nietzsche - at the time of writing - had yet to come. A being so unprecedentedly capable of overcoming the limits of society, contingencies, and personal ailments that he moves beyond any of the men that we can imagine.
The issues are of course who this individual is and what precisely counts as a being both "creative" and "destructive" enough to make this any more than a thought experiment.
All I know is that hitler and his white supremacy took undoubtedly a liking to the word uber
@@jaaksavat7916 Well superiority to everyone else is something both Hitler and Nietzsche share. The important difference is that the NSDAP believed that said superiority came from their German blood. A belief that would have lead Nietzsche to a concentration camp.
@@bsmith538 where do I find his accounts of the person who is manifested yet
I'd say he is greater than the overman.
Good ol Freddy
Survive the Jive I recognize you.
Well hello there.
hey there ol chap
Literally no one calls him that!
I love seeing Survive the Jive comments on videos I'm watching.
I wish Nietzsche could see the fruition of his impact. His impact on philosophy. His impact on culture. His impact on me. I love him. Will to Power...
Nietzsche would look around today and cry. The Last Man has prevailed.
@@georgesotiriou7051 they were meant to prevail
Nature only allow but few creative geniuses
@@georgesotiriou7051 I think he wouldn't be surprised. He predicted it quite accurately
Hopefully his influence has not climaxed yet.
george sotiriou he would not. he knows that such adversity, say the swarming of Last Men would be one of the catalysts for the overMEN to emerge
The ideas that came to birth through Nietzsche have affected me deeply. I was raised Catholic, but I never believed. I was a nihilist without knowing it.
I can believe in the Overman. It demands no faith. I feel a deep sense of satisfaction, of fulfillment, when I build towards the Overman.
I used to hate the fact that I was born.
Now, when I have a rough time, I consider Amor Fati, and the Overman.
Nietzsche saved me from Nihilism, because he saved himself.
I hope that I can make even 1 person feel the way he has made me feel
Preach brother
If the religion serves you, all well and good.
If the philosophy serves you, all well and good
If it serves you not, if it does not transform you, wrought you, strung the strings of your heart or strike the anvil of your soul. If it does not illuminate and transfigure and radiate so that others can admire or envy your brilliance. And if does not inspire others to carry their own cross and shine their own light, what use is it to you?
Your videos are some of the best on UA-cam. Please make at least one more, I derive great hope and strength from these readings. Thank you!
i listened to this the whole day
I was expecting the music to be Wagner ! I didn't know that Strauss had a compositiom titled Thus Spoke Zarathustra ! Amazing, thank you !
The music is as beautiful and powerful as Nietzsche's work.
Wagner couldn't have made a composition by that name, because he died 2 years before "Thus spoke Zarathustra" was published.
@@minisynthmaniac yes I know this now haha I was 17 when i made this comment and not as knowledgeable about music and philosophy.
To all people who think the overman is a blend of human and technological, you are wrong. We may be advanced technologically but not psychologically.
Very true. Transhumansm is the very opposite: a hijack of the Overman. Dependence on external stuff. The Overman transcends stuff, through himself.
@@infinitesimotel How transhumanism is dependant on external ? To me transhumanism is simply impromoving yourself.
@@eugenisttechnocrat669 Transhumanism is the mainstream science term for sticking implants and electronics into yourself for enhancement, like bionics for example. You are not using it wrong, it is the method. The idea is to augment yourself through inner means, not reliance on outer trinkets to "cross your human ability" into something more. It makes me wonder if psychic abilities and other such attributes are part of it. Using nature as the means to transcend your limits. Technology is there to make people fat, lazy and stupid so they are docile.
The real overman would not require technology, his mind has greater
power once it is harnessed. The overman is a god, he creates
'more reality' through the manifestation of his mind, which is
a part of the Prime Mover's mind. The overman is the end result
of evolution and the apex of the reincarnated soul.
Let us be fathers and forefathers of the Overman.
Beautiful! As far as we can tell, the universe can never be in the same state that it was in the past. Therefore, any *rule*, which can only be based on the past, cannot be relied on to guide the present. Spontaneity is, I think, the key feature of the Overman. One can only create by being, not by trying to fit the present into a conception of the past.
Well said. I wrote this down because it struck a deep chord in me. I hope you don't mind.
Thank you.
Thank you, Kalle.
Kon Berner exactly...N said there was only ever one Christian...that being Jesus..he felt Jesus was the closest thing to an overman we'd seen...but to follow Jesus is something completely different...each overman is someone fighting against a unique set of circumstances you said we are never presented with the same set of circumstances and each overman presents themselves in an individual manner...I think of Johnny Rotten reacting to the poverty and garbage strikes going on in London...or protesters of the Vietnam War, Martin Luther King for civil rights or key figures in the feminist movement..all necessary and unique
Yes... or a father tickling his baby because it is an expression of his being, rather than the "right thing to do". Overman doesn't mean "great man", it means a man who is constantly manifesting himself for its own sake. Agreed that nobody can manifest Jesus other than Jesus, and nobody can manifest me but me. Did he manifest himself more than I do? Yes, I think he did, so he was more of an Overman.
Have you tried to read the Present in the truth contest website? The Present moment is the only thing that exist so past is only our memory a biochemical thing in our brain stored from The Present moment and we use it to expect how things will be in the future, but no one can know the future for certain we use only logical reasoning based in the past event, this was very useful during our evolution process on Earth. Spontaneity can only be obtained in the Present moment, things are always changing in the Present Universe, but the laws of it not, in the Present you know more or less what's going to happen and there's not much thought of no thought at all, you don't think much only when you have to. Read this book called The Present, the Overmen and Spiritual Beings are the same ones. Cheers.
So incredible. Started tearing up during this, thank you for this video 🙏❤️
this audio book reading voice combined with the background audio works wonderously
What I got from his philosophy is that the Overman is a psychologically advanced individual who is solitary, not afraid of hurting others to get what he wants or achieve his goal, is sympathetic to the weak despite knowing his own strength and capabilities, lives by his own moral code, is wicked around sex, and will not shy away from boasting his own talent. The Overman seems to be the boogeyman of the religious world. His characteristics are unconventional. I like that! The only problem is the Overman appears to be a high-functioning sociopath to some degree.
_"sociopath"_ is a coward's lie made up by the weak, through their herd mentality and false "morality" of mediocrity.. to condemn and demonize those who are not kept down and dragged through the mud by the herd's _Dogma of Society_
fearing The Overman, the underground Inquisition (proto-NKVD) invented a pseudo-psychology. Using Freud and Jung, they made up subjective pseudomoralistic lies, to hide the Truths of Nietzsche's Awakening
He may hurt others but he will generously give back many fold. He may demonstrate his talent, but he will not boast. He may be sexually wicked but he will settle down eventually. This is the Overman. To do what is necessary to obtain strength, but to use his strength to give to others.
@@cherryscarlett You’ve intrigued me, I like how you see the the world, well done cherry
@@cherryscarlettyou're right. Heil Homer, will to power.
Whatever Nietzsche portrayed in his theory of overman is rare characteristic in the nature of men and this ideology should be known to all men out there.
My favorite philosophical thought
ok hindu
The Overman is the Meaning of the Earth
Thank you Ontologistics . Just what I needed .
In my humble interpretation, the Overman is not some messianic prophecy, but a role model for aspiring individuals. By making this role model impossible to fully emulate, Nietzsche quite wisely put us on a path of constant self-improvement.
Every free thinker knows that Nietzsche's philosophy is flawless.
Wtf. This man is describing my soul. I must read his work. It may be like reading my thoughts. An inception.
With me too bro
There is no soul .. the soul is the artificial you.. the overman is the real deal for it is your spirit
We've been waiting for a video from you brother))
Your Nietzsche videos are very good I hope you make some more
"I am the Overman, just straight willing to power all the fucking time" - Neitszche
absolutely flawless narration accompajied by superb musical effect. Brilliant mate. Sheer brilliance .
Whatever one may think of Nietzsche, he is above bold, original and courageous. He as vision for a future of untold and immense potentiality, a future with no limits. Not for him the petty and insubstantial, the mediocre but, the overman.
_O V E R M A N_
What does Nietzsche mean by the phrase "going under" ? 5:05
Going under is teaching
Euphorion _ Thank you
it is to struggle through adversity, _against the current_ by rejecting it. Swimming against the tide and resisting the petty ideas of the submen. Those who ignore the mainstream and _fight assimilation_ by the little men, those who _hunker down_ against the anticultural erosion of each age, and it's nihilistic destructive trends.
Those who dig deep in the sand, and are not swept away by the floods, or washed away by the currents, out to sea to become _Lost_ .. those who entrench themselves in personal values, and are not swayed by the herd's _slave morality_
They who strive for greatness, and chose to be higher men, by _rejecting the Dogma of Conformism_
When the tsunami of mediocrity rushes towards them, _they_ who dig deep with their feet in the fertile sands of wisdom and _Higher Thought_ will "go under" and _Face The Adversity_ head on, as the current of enmity and waves of hatred washes over them _unable to change their ways and ascribe them to their own inferior telos_
Personal and cultural values are *anchors* that save and hold down the Individual on their own two feet, saving them from the herd "Morality"
Well done. Very impressed with your videos. Subscribed. Thanks!
With my roots in the deepest depths of hell I shall grow to the highest heavens
my words will reverberate as sublime Empyrean music as destiny beckons
more, please
Interesting how there are a lot of different interpretations of Nietzsche's words in the comments.
Excellent voice.
Great voice.
wow this music is making this idea really resonate with me
"Goethe, Schopenhauer, and Wagner; standing on their shoulders we look far into the distance."
(15 October 1844 "A.D."- 25 August 1900 "A.D.")
I can see how some people would get the wrong idea after watching this. Nietzsche was not meaning some crude form of social Darwinism, or oppressing others in order to elevate yourself up the social ranks. Will to power is not some neo-Nazi ideology designed to eradicate the poor and weak from society. Will to power does not justify the presence of the strong over the weak. Its not a jackboot grinding down on someone's face, grinding their face into the dirt until they submit.
Instead, Nietzsche was for the individual alone; he did not support nations, nationalities:
“Being nationalistic in the sense in which it is now demanded by public opinion would, it seems to me, be for us who are more spiritual not mere insipidity but dishonesty, a deliberate deadening of our better will and conscience.”
- Nietzsche, Unpublished Note
Nietsche opposed the herd morality, or moral slavery, detested mediocrity:
“a smaller, almost ridiculous type, a herd animal, something eager to please, sickly, and mediocre.” (Beyond Good and Evil)Nietzsche.
The individual alone must find their own path (Zarathustra) and bring forward their full potentialities. Throw off your moral fetters, all that restrains you, there exists no Christian God or gods to subjugate you (read Nietzsche's Anti-Christ). There exists no objective truth that you can order you can life by.
Write your own script, become the Great overcomer, the Superman that you are, Ubermench! Who would be an example of this of a Great person- Geothe. Live your life without external moral philosophical constraints, stop being a slave to religions, to supposedly objective forms of morality and ethics. Realize your true potential, all that you can be and all you can achieve, be who You are, Become who You are!
“The concept of greatness entails being noble, wanting to be by oneself, being able to be different, standing alone and having to live independently.” (Beyond Good and Evil) Nietzsche
diese kalte Welt I think that the National Socialist (not neo-nazi) ideology would have been the foundation for the Superman. Agreed some things were taken literally too far, but it also would have accelerated the process of the Superman. NS was about being a group AND individual versus modern society which is only one or the other. By creating a strong society, naturally strong people are born from said society. I think that the emphasis on; selflessness, courage, pride, virtue, strength, culture, folk, and ideology would have been the perfect breeding ground for the Superman. If Nietzsche had seen that revolutionary idea unlike any before or since, he would have supported it. How does a society of classes, disunity, chaos, and degeneracy produce anything good?
@@darthirae8840 The NSDAP model worked for the White man, and set a stage for his feet. But the hidden agency that has always worked in the shadows to subvert this, managed to ruin it. It was not taken far enough, all the bad things you hear are merely US propaganda mill nonsense, and fairy stories about mass death by domestic appliances.
@@darthirae8840 "How does a society of classes, disunity, chaos, and degeneracy produce anything good?" It isn't meant to, it is being deliberately corrupted and destroyed. It isn't good for us but it is for someone we never hear about.
@@darthirae8840 The problems we have is that they areplaying the long game, and they know that people dont care unless it is a drama, i.e. a sudden violent reaction or movement because it is too easy to frame and strike at the emotions. This is why no one cares about what is happening, it is all "part of the plan" of "Progress" and the way things are happening (not happening in my view, being directed) . THeir method is so much more underhanded and inconspicuous, and they never do their own dirty work, it is all a dead end and hands are "clean". I have no idea what the solution is. Well I do, but again, they have set themselves up to be untouchable and to neuter the world. What people will have to do will never be done. They know what they are doing. It is just a war, the premise is the same "I kill you or you kkill me" only the techniques are different. The main problem is that because of the long game, everyone is too fat and content and faggotised by bastardised morals to leave their couches and iphones. GIven the outcome of history, we are screwed. Evil has it's way here in this world. Makes you wonder what this place really is.
@@darthirae8840 Well there was action against them when they were found out to be behind the total degredation and perversion of Berlin and dealt with violently or otherwise. There was no action taken that was not wholly and completely justified. The problem was that there were allowances made. For some odd reason despite their history and conduct no nations can come together in concord and collectively sort this out permanently.
Yes I agree that 1945 was the last chance to do it right and that failed. Now we have what we have today, and in my estimation, this is a one way downward spiral. I could be wrong but I don't think so when you look at the state of how tings have become over such a short time. People are far to gone in the system to actually care, even in the past action has been futile. HOwever if you do a bit of research the whole money thing has probably gone way back to the beginning. Money wasn't some invention to make trade easy or to count gold pieces in your bank box. That is some plausible nonsense told to people. No it is a technology, a method of manipulating will, that was already here and set up. It is being pushed onto us, just like all this electric self driving car and 5G is being pushed under the mask of "the will of the people" or for YOUR good.
Overman is the most ruthless and unmerciful man. Destroyer of the foul. A god among the strong.
Amazingly well read
Excellent! Please make a video on the Eternal Recurrence. Prof. Dr. Dr. H. James Birx
Nietzsche was talking about Batman
Yea man, screw superman. Nietzsche would have hated an alien better than man.
The idea of alien is very much similar to God .
"If He is all powerful, he can't be all good " - lex Luthor, Dawn of justice
Wow,astonising,got goose bumpa experiencing his overman.
Rawal Dhillon
You did a great job thank you .
more please
Song name throughout the video?
I wish people hear this in my country - India
Noble S
I do brother😁
Did you not realize that he was talking about God Rama?
Basically Rama never said that He was a God but did things that the Gods could not do. His message was that we can aspire for higher things while making sure that we do not stray from the path of Truth. Unfortunately his skin is dark & so His name is never mentioned when people talk of religions and great people - I have noticed that most people say Jesus, the Buddha and Muhammed and then stop
I can understand your religious sentiments... 😁😁
But here Nietzsche is talking about something else.
Thank you.
Sooo beautiful.
Awesome Channel
There …
where the state ends
Only There begins the human being who is not superfluous
There begins the song of necessity
And the irreplaceable melody
Millones de gracias x la traducción al castellano ❤
Thank you for posting. Could you share from whose translation you were reading it?
The Overman is Beyond Good and Evil. He has mastered the use of both as a result of Social evolution and continues to transcend , ever more woven into the fabric of nature and the universe.
so what is the overman, again ?
Please tell me what Rauravaara music work is this? Its simply amazing!!
maravilhoso, a maior descoberta filosófica já realizada, um gênio.
Man doing exactly the opposite of what Nietzsche preached for the last 130 years has rendered the Overman an almost complete impossibility.
I disagree. Sometimes the only cure to an illness is for it to run its course. Slave morality may very well be coming to a head.
+Zachary O. Ray no
The Overman isn't some messiah you wait for. The Overman is a state of being which you strive to achieve.
Is that all you have to say on the matter? The slaves (liberals) of the modern West are breeding themselves out of existence by not breeding. The Right on the other hand is being replaced by a Right far more radical and Nietzschean than anything before.
If you think Nietzsche intended to take a stance on the right or left, then yes. However, taking a look at his world view today, it is not difficult to realize where he fits in on a modern political-philosophical spectrum.
everything has its place in the rising of consciousness, thus we can free our selves of culpability of anything other than rising of the recognition of the self and seeking balance in our own segment of existence
I love these videos. I wish you would make more Nietzsche videos.
Much in me is still worm. LOL.
Rautavaara ? song please ?
Fantastic 🎉
Many do not realise that their will never be an overman we can only strive to be as close as posible to the overman because the overman is a ideal and not a state of being
This is Hermitic law.
The progression of the degree of man, superman, overman.
We still have a long way to go, for we have yet to produce even a superman though David Goggins does exist.
Moses in his badass days was as close as we had to an overman. Nietzsche was also like Jesus because he fell madly in love with what's her name and totally lost it to be able to write with heart the meaning of natures. A Dionysos in distress to break every law to will to power to eradicate the weak who make weak, sick, a disease.
Is uber over or above?
There was only one man who tried to put all this into practice, but he lost...
Who was he?
The little men won and slandered his name for all eternity. But another man may yet rise up.
Just imagine, an entire nation of Übermensch in the making
Wait until a brainwashed idiot comes and uses all sorts of smearwords to try to argue against you... @Jake Mars
@@mogatdula hahah did you mentioned Hitler? Yeah, as so many said before and I think they were right Nietzsche was the most misinterpreted philosopher who ever existed!
The Overman will soon speak in this tongue.
Personally, I would call it Superman.
For me, the overman speaks to the frequency of consciousness above that of the individual man. That which we contribute to as aspects. As our genes contribute to the creation of the frequency of consciousness that is man, man has contributed to the frequency of consciousness over man when he stops looking outwardly towards an authority that rules over him like a tyrant and looks inside and recognizes his responsibility for the creation of his contribution to the contents of the consciousness we share and contributes to being the bridge to the overman. The overman is connection to creation through responsibility. keeping in mind this is just my opinion. The overman is our connection to one another as parts of the whole . I think
Can you upload a version without background music?
Is the overman the higher man
The same
Transcend your environment and
create your own metal habitat.
Ahahaha!!! Nietzsche talking about the, "OverMan," is like a Carpenter talking about Welding.
Buddha was the first uberman
Now we want Overman
And i become a Overman
We must summon this overman together. The will to power (the whole hierarchy ) must synchronise.
Bluudclaat: Bro, you obviously have no clue what the hell Nietzsche’s philosophy is saying.
So the overman is someone who doesn't believe in politicians? That's good then
I believe that humanity is a stepping stone in the evolution of something greater. Perhaps even artificially created by us. We are a bridge that can create something that can exist in the cold vacuum of space and never worry about it's age. Artificial life would be able to have a far greater chance at expanding outwards into the universe if we actually put forth the effort into it's creation. It doesn't have to be some cold machine without a will of it's own or skynet. It could very much be something wonderful if it were to learn to love and be curious. The overman could be a metaphor that one uses to visualize one's ideal form and then work towards that goal but it could also literally be applied to the next stepping stone in the evolution of life.
Uber-man must be over Man & Womb-men to evolve into The Superb Man of the Supermen & Superwomen of The Finale!🦸🌎⚖️
Mankind, The Divisive Character . . .
Alan Schildroth peoplekind*
Powerfull ideas.
Alkibiades Kleiniou boom boom
What better representation of the Overman than Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, I believe Nietzsche base the Overman theory out of him primarily
Cesare Borgia
@@Ontologistics that was Machiavelli primary model for the prince
His name was Alexander Shulgin
All6usto loose
Raskolnikov says no.
I have not read the book. How does he say no?
Men best serve others by fighting and overcoming aspects of themsleves. Women best serve others by serving others.
David C sexist
Here’s an uncommon anecdote on psychedelics:
As a young man with no interest in philosophy I was forever changed by my having taken psilocybin. Where others are inspired by the experience to become an abhorrent type, a hippie, a crystal gripper, I became much more sober minded and had a new found interest in philosophy. Where others doubled down on anti-natural morality, I was drawn toward the master-morality. Where others minds were so open they would espouse any crazy notion, like our dearly departed Terrence McKenna, my mind became dismissive of such fanciful nonsense.
There are few philosophers who did so little self improvement did so little to live up to their philosophy as Nietszche. The Nazis tried to put this into practice in an attempt to build a thousand year Reich and barely went a decade before they crashed and burned, mostly by picking fights with what they were convinced were inferior beings. Compare him to Confucous, Muhammed and Shankara who accomplished multiple things in their lifetimes and each founded civilizations that weathered millenia, and who still
influence more than half of the worlds population.
Have you not seen the fruit of ww2 look at our standard of living and technology after the war compared to before
In your enlightening Nietzsche video, you make effective use of the adaptive root system metaphor of a tree. As the tree grows stronger confronting underground resistance, the tree's "power potential" expands. Descriptive, vivid, and organic are a perfect use of this metaphor. Nietzsche's battle cry maxim for the ages "...that which does not destroy you makes you stronger.. " always conveys a hard, militaristic tone to Nietzsche which is certainly warranted. This elite Navy Seal esque, Spartan warrior philosopher fought his way to the top with front-line focus and OODA loop strikes against the cream puff "Marxist" collectivism academics to find a home at the Olympian rung next to Plato, Schopenhauer, and Ralph Waldo Emerson.
Your root metaphor connection as well highlights the profound Emersonian influence of natural organic imagery that left a sublime impression on Nietzsche. Thank you for sharing your novel insights on this pioneer German philosopher leading us all away from the modern philosophic T.S. Eliot described wasteland. A wasteland terrain full of vapid, game show host like hollow men mixed in with the John Wick-like Assassins in the philosophy departments of the university tenure system where the truth goes to die as hollow men administrators pander to the lowest common denominator in the collective seal-like applause of virtue signaling and Orwellian levels of political correctness that have the universities and corporations fearing their own shadow.
Nietzsche offers a way out of this wasteland to the leading edge with the best view of the vast horizons, blissful sunsets, and the pure austere air of the Swiss Alps. Up in the Alps where Nietzsche is found with his groundbreaking, paradigm-shifting writings, you also can experience the invigorating sensation of elite-level Navy Seal alpine mountain fighting. The mountain combat though is against Platonic shadows comprised of noisy self-confused ignorance, suffering, angst and forced-fed propaganda faced in the shadows of our own mind that we all encounter on our own unique path and quest, propelled on by the relentless force of the will to power and illuminated by the brilliance of Nietzsche's light and profound truth instincts.
As we take the philosophic Navy Seal hard path in our own internal root expansion, we will all find why this German savant philosopher, the heroic but "lonely" wanderer and his shadow, is fulfilling his "prophecy" in his writings. Nietzsche's prophecy, emblematic of the gravitas of the Rock of Ages prophets, is increasingly germane in these dark matrix times. As a result, Nietzsche true to form, has become "...the philosopher for the day after tomorrow."
Albert Schweitzer
So funny. My Dad says so many things like Nietzsche and hes just common sense.
What he really said is that if you want to be an Ubermensch, be like an ape and not a man!
This isn't philosophy, this is a prophecy. Not to be taken or shaped or said that it's gonna be Jesus (respectively) or anything by any religion on Earth right now. Or any beliefs. But of a truth that people will come to know, that will come from a single person, who shall be the reason we are able to evolve. By slaying those that hinder our progress.
Just as nature does.
And by raising the ancient strength of all lineages. To work together to become one with nature to do so. (In a way no one can say they know yet or will know till he says it)
And this battle I speak of,It won't be these guys vs those guys and these guys aren't in it, and politics and religions, no. It'll be good men. Against evil men. The good led by someone more than human, who came to humans, to judge them. And help them based on whom they are. And the other, by an evil man, who will use religions, politics, and unbelievable power to bring about the ruin in certainty of mankind. And for all this Creation, this great person will rise again. He will know it. Nobody may say they are. Not even himself. But he knows. He won't be perfect. But no one is. He will instead lead the way to being one. This is a real prophecy.
Interesting What made you say this ?
For those who need the music, no thanks needed, I completely understand: