  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 1,4 тис.

  • @JXNTV
    @JXNTV 8 років тому +5149

    Actually I lost on purpose to keep Jess happy for you. Happy wife happy life

    • @kyraelric891
      @kyraelric891 8 років тому +17

      Jacko Brazier ohhhh really hahahaha 😝😝😝

    • @nikkiradd293
      @nikkiradd293 8 років тому +9

      Jacko Brazier 😍😂😂😂

    • @lindsayandrews4081
      @lindsayandrews4081 8 років тому +2

      I hate that saying 😐

    • @umiafiqah411
      @umiafiqah411 8 років тому +4

      Jacko Brazier HAHAHAHAHA

    • @mariamata8283
      @mariamata8283 8 років тому +16

      This is how you know you have a true friend ❤️😜😂

  • @JXNTV
    @JXNTV 7 років тому +583


    • @daisteria
      @daisteria 7 років тому +3

      Jacko Brazier hi Jacko :))

  • @JXNTV
    @JXNTV 8 років тому +1664

    I look like the worst Friend... haha this is so funny btw.. but I love you but I need to start paying more attention to you haha.

    • @ManyaSharmaKeepSmiling
      @ManyaSharmaKeepSmiling 7 років тому +9

      Jacko Brazier You were awesome though, let me tell you that you're so cute

    • @nh-ik6ob
      @nh-ik6ob 7 років тому +2

      You were so funny

    • @Luna4CE
      @Luna4CE 7 років тому +7

      Jacko Brazier Lol In real life, not everybody know stuffs like that about our bestie. Not that we don't care but coz we are so comfy, those little details doesn't come up.

    • @tiffanylai1176
      @tiffanylai1176 7 років тому

      what are the seasons hahahhhahha

    • @hilarysanders3874
      @hilarysanders3874 7 років тому

      Jacko Brazier haha🙃

  • @aviellejannsen6897
    @aviellejannsen6897 8 років тому +836

    "I have a one in five chance of getting this." ladies and gentlemen, the fifth season: Jacko

  • @gabriel
    @gabriel  8 років тому +2700

    Hope you enjoyed! Remember to give it a LIKE :)

    • @kellywei5051
      @kellywei5051 8 років тому +2

      Gabriel Conte I love Jess's look. Totally suits her😍

    • @rashidaa7209
      @rashidaa7209 8 років тому +1

      Gabriel Conte THIS WAS SO INTENSE

    • @iindaluli5709
      @iindaluli5709 8 років тому

      Gabriel Conte luv u guys ❤❤💕💕💋💋

    • @jennydyer3500
      @jennydyer3500 8 років тому


    • @liamaree3490
      @liamaree3490 8 років тому +1

      Gabriel Conte I love your videos

  • @isabella_3024
    @isabella_3024 8 років тому +2760

    Jacko: i have 1 in 5 chance of geting this right
    Gabe: theres only 4 seasons?😂😂😂

    • @sciencenerd6623
      @sciencenerd6623 8 років тому +35

      Isabella _ actually jacko was right he had a 1 in 5 chance caught gabe could like no season

    • @janegreen1631
      @janegreen1631 8 років тому +4

      ikr I was laughing so hard

    • @charlottedev0n750
      @charlottedev0n750 8 років тому +1

      Yeah, we saw that. o_o

    • @fxnyela
      @fxnyela 7 років тому +3

      Isabella _ getting.*

    • @nechamaringer1167
      @nechamaringer1167 3 роки тому

      Me: deying

  • @montanariley2550
    @montanariley2550 8 років тому +1958


  • @olivial7438
    @olivial7438 8 років тому +1084

    i just noticed how comfortable jess is now on camera compared to the first few moths they started dating....i love it cuz that means that jess is more comfortable with gabe and that alsomeans that their relationship is going to last for a long time wow

    • @sstacyss
      @sstacyss 8 років тому +29

      Olivia how does that mean their relationship will last long? Lol even though I'm sure it will but her mannerisms mean nothing especially with the little we see.

    • @karlimakenna721
      @karlimakenna721 8 років тому +5

      ss I see where she is coming from, because me and my boyfriend started dating in 2014 and I wasn't comfortable around his friends or his family or anything. But we've been dating for two years now and I'm around him 24/7 and I'm always there for his family and friends. So I see jess and Gabe lasting a long time

    • @sstacyss
      @sstacyss 8 років тому +1

      Karli Makenna everybody on earth is shy around people they first meet at first. I know I was with my last boyfriend and his close friends and family and we aren't together. Just saying long term means nothing in that context.

    • @bee1zebop
      @bee1zebop 8 років тому +2

      Olivia the signs jess is loosening up:
      - dabbing
      - agreeing to lit fam
      - being a bro in the trio

    • @bee1zebop
      @bee1zebop 8 років тому +11

      Olivia the signs jess is loosening up:
      - dabbing
      - agreeing to lit fam
      - being a bro in the trio
      - BEING A SAVAGE 🔥🔥🔥

  • @itstherose
    @itstherose 8 років тому +199

    I love how confident Jacko was that September was the month before November 😂 ❤️ gotta love Jacko❤️

  • @julesalegna603
    @julesalegna603 8 років тому +233

    Is it bad that I want Jess, Jacko and Gabe to have a channel together?

  • @annienriquez_
    @annienriquez_ 8 років тому +433


    • @annienriquez_
      @annienriquez_ 8 років тому

      +NoNameDaWolf XD HAHAHA I hope so. And plus, eyeliners takes practice so lets do this 💪🏼

    • @TheWetPotat0
      @TheWetPotat0 7 років тому


    • @kingzeus9532
      @kingzeus9532 6 років тому

      Anne Enriquez true

  • @angelpark9943
    @angelpark9943 8 років тому +1021

    You know Jesse and Jacko could've just switched seats instead of writing the scoreboard again😂

  • @kiley5168
    @kiley5168 8 років тому +134

    Jacko is literally me at life... 😂

  • @jiayitai455
    @jiayitai455 8 років тому +109

    "What's the month before November?
    Oh September yeah September"

  • @marsbars2807
    @marsbars2807 8 років тому +236

    Lol i feel bad for Jacko cuz boys dont actually talk about that stuff that gabe asked

  • @kristinaherman3618
    @kristinaherman3618 8 років тому +213

    I like how Jess was using her bible to write haha

    • @pamelakiugu8698
      @pamelakiugu8698 8 років тому +9

      KrissyMusic I noticed that too Soo good

  • @lexyheartsbeauty
    @lexyheartsbeauty 8 років тому +212

    AHHH YOU GUYS ARE SO CUTE!!! I love the your guy's friendship so much! literally friendship/relationship goals! Jess and Gab are the CUTEST couple ever!!!

  • @andreaamador1806
    @andreaamador1806 8 років тому +12

    7:35 "I'm sorry Jacko, but I'm not" HAHAHAHA... I was waiting for Gabe to put SAVAGE

  • @sydneygaver2508
    @sydneygaver2508 8 років тому +7

    I love how confident Jacko was when he said "September!:)" at 10:40 😂

  • @shirelletripitiris6143
    @shirelletripitiris6143 8 років тому +20

    Jacko: "Ive got a one in 5 chance"
    Gab: "Theres only 4 season"

  • @zachbourque6386
    @zachbourque6386 8 років тому +2343

    Jacko looks like the sloth from ice age 😂😂😂

  • @carolines4456
    @carolines4456 8 років тому +13

    jacko-"i have a one and five chance of getting this"
    gabriel- "there are four seasons"

  • @WrittenFromTheHeart.
    @WrittenFromTheHeart. 8 років тому +58

    😂😂😂 man i love jacko tho he cracks me up

    • @WrittenFromTheHeart.
      @WrittenFromTheHeart. 8 років тому +1

      Haha i think cuz they all have a lot of character when they're together so its always fun to watch them

  • @Paula273Ls
    @Paula273Ls 8 років тому +66

    "like..what are the seasons?" hahahaha

    • @screwyouranonymity
      @screwyouranonymity 8 років тому +22

      "I have a 1 in 5 chance of getting this."
      "There's only 4 seasons" XD

  • @lexidelaughter9775
    @lexidelaughter9775 8 років тому +5

    I love how in the beginning Jacko screamed while stretching but Jess and GABE didn't even care or look at him 😂😂

  • @likaism
    @likaism 8 років тому +21

    "I have 1 in 5 chance of getting this right"
    "there's only 4 seasons"

  • @KinansaHusainy
    @KinansaHusainy 8 років тому +6

    "One in five? ........there's 4 seasons." This part got me cracking up so hard😂

  • @gesellecorado8230
    @gesellecorado8230 7 років тому +6

    Jacko: "I have 1/5 chances of getting this
    Gabriel:"1/5? There's 4 seasons"
    I DIED😂😂😂😂😂

  • @allievaught5476
    @allievaught5476 8 років тому +7

    this is literal the definition of squad goals

  • @BreeSingz
    @BreeSingz 8 років тому +53

    When he asked where was his parents born. I was like in a hospital

  • @jungjiho
    @jungjiho 8 років тому +8

    "I'm sorry Jacko, but I'm not." i died lol

  • @elfcutie03
    @elfcutie03 8 років тому +1


  • @andrewvice6094
    @andrewvice6094 8 років тому +164

    Here is a riddle:
    Jess is wearing her favorite shirt.
    But she hates it.
    How is that possible?

    • @handixo2751
      @handixo2751 8 років тому +33

      Andrew Vice her shirts name is labeled favorite lol

    • @GiaDiamond4
      @GiaDiamond4 8 років тому +32

      That was a terrible riddle.

    • @MyPur3
      @MyPur3 8 років тому +17

      Because its the american spelling of favourite and shes australian.

    • @elayzafoy2149
      @elayzafoy2149 8 років тому

      Jack Giant my guess too

    • @CloroxBleach-sv7zu
      @CloroxBleach-sv7zu 7 років тому +6

      Andrew Vice Because the shirt says favorite..

  • @zoem.c6820
    @zoem.c6820 8 років тому +2

    I love that Jess is wearing the sweater or sloppy joe(which Jess called it I think) that gab got her! goals!!

  • @hiheythere2749
    @hiheythere2749 8 років тому +19

    UA-cam channel named Jess and Gabriel and Jacko would be awesome!!!! haha

  • @oliviaburns9482
    @oliviaburns9482 8 років тому +18

    Name a more iconic trio... I'll wait. 💙

    • @Harpazo_to_Yeshua
      @Harpazo_to_Yeshua 8 років тому +3

      Three Musketeers

    • @Aipiox
      @Aipiox 8 років тому

      Velanthor lmao gg

    • @CourageDearHeart316
      @CourageDearHeart316 8 років тому +35

      Olivia Burns the father the son and the holy spirit.. 🔥 😂😂😂😂

    • @Aipiox
      @Aipiox 8 років тому


  • @novamorrison6570
    @novamorrison6570 8 років тому +30

    Honestly Jacko is really attractive.

  • @yulaixo6722
    @yulaixo6722 8 років тому +281

    this is unfair for Jacko he literally only ask all the questions that probably only your cuple knows, and he should put the answers firts.

    • @mishailamcfadden
      @mishailamcfadden 8 років тому

      Yulai XO

    • @aukelinageertsma7129
      @aukelinageertsma7129 8 років тому +1

      Yulai XO Well i think jacko And gabe talk about cars though And when you're best friends you talk about that kinda stuff so not only couples

    • @yulaixo6722
      @yulaixo6722 8 років тому +5

      Aukelina Geertsma i know but it's not the same for guys i mean those questions are like girly .

    • @aukelinageertsma7129
      @aukelinageertsma7129 8 років тому +1

      Yulai XO Yeah okay you are right with that maybe he has to do it with another boy

    • @tessa7502
      @tessa7502 8 років тому +1

      yeah gabriel u sux

  • @qazedc3
    @qazedc3 8 років тому +211

    Jess kinda looks like Selena Gomez from some angles like from the side

    • @rosemariethompson2250
      @rosemariethompson2250 8 років тому +14

      I don't see it 😕

    • @hellome4755
      @hellome4755 8 років тому

      qazedc3 agree

    • @ley2889
      @ley2889 7 років тому

      qazedc3 omg yes

    • @Vanessa-gp7sd
      @Vanessa-gp7sd 7 років тому +3

      Selena Gomez is definitely the type of person that looks like so many people. She even looks like my sister. So crazy the amount of people that look like her

  • @BiancaAyala-hg2oh
    @BiancaAyala-hg2oh 8 років тому +15

    Jacko is actually cute, gabby is cute, and Jess is so pretty.

  • @KitaaJ__
    @KitaaJ__ 8 років тому +79

    If i were jacko i would've lost my patiences and stopped playing after getting the first 3 wrong!

    • @candysweet434
      @candysweet434 7 років тому +1

      Nikita Johnstone then you would be gabe

  • @florinereynal8991
    @florinereynal8991 6 років тому

    I’m crying 😂 the way jacko screams and everybody continue to do like it was totally normal. You’re use to his strangeness 😂

  • @hansbubs
    @hansbubs 8 років тому +47

    Jess is so adorable

  • @alexandraayson9724
    @alexandraayson9724 8 років тому +1

    i like jacko's laugh at 6:22, it makes me laugh too 😂😂

  • @clarrissagarcia7186
    @clarrissagarcia7186 8 років тому +62

    Thats unfair, you need to do another one but you write the right answer while they are writing also. so they can compare thier answers with yours js...

    • @karissahight
      @karissahight 8 років тому +33

      Clarrissa Garcia its just a game

  • @reesecasey8888
    @reesecasey8888 8 років тому +35

    I just realised that Jacko is left handed

    • @carawallbank
      @carawallbank 6 років тому +1

      Reese Casey i thought that both gabe and jess were left handed and he was right handed? 😂❤️

  • @arielsingh3744
    @arielsingh3744 8 років тому +25

    I feel so bad for Jacko omg 😭😭

  • @sarahfloyd3712
    @sarahfloyd3712 8 років тому

    I love how instead of smack talking like normal people would, y’all came up with disclaimers. I love you guys. 💛

  • @annikabro4270
    @annikabro4270 8 років тому +10

    i really love jacko, but sometimes he reminds me of sid (idk if i spelled it right) from ice age!😂💘 #loveyajacko

  • @vanessawilliams7077
    @vanessawilliams7077 8 років тому

    "whats the month before November? SEPTEMPER" his face after that is priceless ! gotta love those three

  • @kaitlynalena7361
    @kaitlynalena7361 8 років тому +3

    "wait what are the seasons?" "I have one in 1 in 5 chance of getting this right" love you jacko 😂

  • @federica.alice.carlino
    @federica.alice.carlino 7 років тому +1

    Jess is the classmate everyone has had at least once that always used to say "I'm not sure I got it right" and then it's an A+! Dang it!

  • @liliazavala8747
    @liliazavala8747 8 років тому +9

    Jess is the cutest ever 😂❤️ & their relationship is amazing ☹️ I hope the last forever ❤️

  • @sabrinaornelas8660
    @sabrinaornelas8660 8 років тому +2

    Lol jacko made this video so much funnier 😂 and I love his and Jess's accent 😍💕

  • @t-riz7630
    @t-riz7630 8 років тому +7

    Wouldn't it have been easier for Jess and Jacko to swap positions? Hahah love your videos!!! 💗💗

  • @girlpower8848
    @girlpower8848 8 років тому

    I literally jumped on my bed (spoiling my kitten in the process) when I heard the song when Jess dabbed!! Damn, I am still smiling like a Cheshire Cat!! Glad you brought it back!!!!

  • @Dee-yn2wk
    @Dee-yn2wk 8 років тому +4

    I love it when you do a video with jacko 😂😂

  • @marelynrojas2841
    @marelynrojas2841 8 років тому

    this video is now everything to me because my aunt died when I was watching it this video is a HUGE part of my heart and thank you guys for making it a little less rough on me I love you guys thank you

  • @landrycoday
    @landrycoday 8 років тому +4

    When Jess started singing kung fu panda I died!!!! YESSS jess

  • @lilredhead4203
    @lilredhead4203 8 років тому

    Jacko at the end mixing up the months I was crying! 😂😂

  • @emileykimber638
    @emileykimber638 8 років тому +4

    gabriel and jess i love your vids sooo mush ive been waiting since youve posted on your snapchat the vid was gonna upload to be the first like and comment

    • @nicolemarzolla2114
      @nicolemarzolla2114 8 років тому +1

      emiley kimber ha same but I actually got in the first like I'm usually 3 days late

  • @ednaroca8447
    @ednaroca8447 6 років тому

    "There is 4 seasons" 😂😂😂😂 Jacko is just the best!

  • @PeaceBeStill39
    @PeaceBeStill39 8 років тому +22

    Yay! Y'all posted this on my birthday :)

  • @shobanasandra4767
    @shobanasandra4767 8 років тому +1

    My favorite trio on UA-cam! KERMMMM ONNNN

  • @cacitwins
    @cacitwins 8 років тому +42

    loved this

  • @klasctp6177
    @klasctp6177 8 років тому +1

    I totally lost it when they started saying Eminem's lyrics 😂 You guys are so amazing when you're all together

  • @danielazorro8089
    @danielazorro8089 8 років тому +26

    Hey dude your grandma is from Colombia 🇨🇴??? I'm from Colombia and I love your videos, it will be awesome if you and your fiancé come sometime. Love you guys

    • @daniela7948
      @daniela7948 8 років тому +1

      daniela zorro Colombian too!! 🇨🇴

    • @daniela7948
      @daniela7948 8 років тому

      Juliana Fuentes from Bogota!

    • @rebeccapineda4965
      @rebeccapineda4965 8 років тому +4

      I went to colombia this summer and goshh it is so beautiful !! Me encanto fui a cartagena

    • @WendyAG
      @WendyAG 8 років тому

      daniela zorro Me too! De que parte eres? yo de Cartagena💜

    • @adrianacuao1634
      @adrianacuao1634 8 років тому

      por qué escriben en inglés si todas son colombianas? jajaja

  • @user-lm1zu3eq5h
    @user-lm1zu3eq5h 4 роки тому +2

    “I have a 1 in 5 chance of getting this.”-Jacko “There are 4 seasons.”-Gabriel

  • @amyp.6595
    @amyp.6595 8 років тому +3

    The zoom-in's are hilarious 😂

  • @issatagreen8185
    @issatagreen8185 7 років тому

    3:10 - 3:20 😭😭
    Gabe- "You're more G than I am "
    Jess- "Well, J-Dizzle"

  • @sweetq2406
    @sweetq2406 8 років тому +4

    Lol the questions he asked is like what your moms, sisters or just girlfriends would know. he could have asked some questions related to high schools or family or something that boys talk about too

  • @kristinlaurens4451
    @kristinlaurens4451 8 років тому +2

    Oh my gosh Jacko and Jess trying to guess what he's saying was hilarious!

  • @emilys2519
    @emilys2519 8 років тому +4

    1:59 was laughing too hard 😉😂

  • @melina.i.m
    @melina.i.m 7 років тому

    I love how during the last question, Jacko just drags the sharpie across the paper because he knows he's not going to get the question right.

  • @rhoda5539
    @rhoda5539 8 років тому +22

    I love the Flash

  • @JenessaAlexandra
    @JenessaAlexandra 8 років тому

    Jess' new habit of dabbing makes me so proud of Gabe and Jacko for getting her into it 😂🙌🏽 these 3 are legit family goals ily all 😍🙌🏽💜

  • @alliegold3492
    @alliegold3492 8 років тому +3

    How did Jacko just ask "what are the seasons?" and neither Jess or Gabe reacted lool

  • @andreadodic8629
    @andreadodic8629 8 років тому +1

    0:03 LOL JESS!!! 😂😂😂😂

  • @JakeRichandAnnaChah
    @JakeRichandAnnaChah 8 років тому +23

    Flute... ahahah That's a dope ass instrument

  • @shadowwolf6966
    @shadowwolf6966 5 років тому +1

    Jacko is my spirit animal. It is official. Judge me if you will. I am happy with my life decision. But for real he is like THE FUNNIEST person I have seen on UA-cam😂😂

  • @MoeOthman
    @MoeOthman 8 років тому +6

    Loved the video. We seriously need to collab and make a super funny video together soon.

  • @jeh0193
    @jeh0193 7 років тому

    LOLOL jess's dab & jacko's yelling in the beginning XD

  • @leenakhdar515
    @leenakhdar515 8 років тому +15

    do a collab with the merrell twins

  • @jessicad5938
    @jessicad5938 6 років тому +1

    Legit can't stop laughing 😂, Jacko didn't even know the number of seasons, what the seasons even are, or the order of the months!

  • @shanareyha_7458
    @shanareyha_7458 8 років тому +10

    This Video Is Going To Be #litfam *dabs* Even Though I Haven't Even Watched It Yet.

  • @Kathzeaiter
    @Kathzeaiter 8 років тому

    lmao when Jacko started singing Eminem after saying "my palms are sweaty" I laughed my head off lol

  • @garrettjanda3282
    @garrettjanda3282 8 років тому +3

    she is so perfect.

  • @azul6214
    @azul6214 6 років тому

    Im rewatching this and when Jacko said "i have 1 in 5 chances" still got me 😂😂

  • @ethanbrotton3807
    @ethanbrotton3807 7 років тому +6

    jacko looks like he drives a commodore

  • @ashleychoo
    @ashleychoo 6 років тому

    The three of u make me smile!! Thanks for this video and my replay button broke! 😂

  • @electric336
    @electric336 8 років тому +3

    The Flash is a great show! You all should watch it, too.

  • @dorainevalentine7403
    @dorainevalentine7403 8 років тому

    Love when you guys all hang out. Why don't you guys ever do a 'live' vlogs? Y
    love these kinds of videos, so information informative. Jacko and Jess need to do one too.

  • @katezanavich1623
    @katezanavich1623 8 років тому +3

    jess is so gorgeous gosh 😍

  • @raquelnour6944
    @raquelnour6944 8 років тому +1

    0:08 lmao jacks scream tho😂😂😂😂

  • @bosslevel_8056
    @bosslevel_8056 8 років тому +4

    0:04 😂 lol

  • @sallynwider9701
    @sallynwider9701 7 років тому

    Totally blew up when Jess and Gabe were on their phone and Jacko just screams 😂😂😂

  • @summiiiiiii
    @summiiiiiii 8 років тому +4

    This dab thing is too much now.. :D

  • @siilver1
    @siilver1 5 років тому


  • @elen.a.a.a
    @elen.a.a.a 8 років тому +41

    3 views 27 likes makes perfect sense UA-cam

  • @eringillies5222
    @eringillies5222 7 років тому

    this is honestly my favourite video of this trio, literally watch this video every day 😌