Learn to Teach Yoga to Kids!

  • Опубліковано 19 кві 2023
  • Not a yoga teacher? No problem! Share the practice of yoga with children! Learn the foundation to share yoga with children at home, in a classroom or yoga studio.
    You will learn how to begin your classes in a consistent manner, breathing techniques (pranayama), poses (asanas) including sun salutations and warrior sequences taught in a child friendly manner, mindful games, meditations, savasana and more much more!
    Acquire new skill sets that you can use to inspire and encourage the next generation!
    Who this course is for?
    The teachings and discussions in this course are as practical as they are fun! You do not need prior yoga or teaching experience!
    There are numerous creative ways and applications to use the teachings in this course to interact with and educate children, and integrate yoga and mindfulness into your work and daily routines.
    • Yoga Instructors. Increase your skills and knowledge to bring kids' yoga classes to yoga studios, schools and your community.
    • School Educators. Introduce yoga and mindfulness activities into your classroom.
    • Parents & Caregivers. Learn how to teach yoga to your children or to the children in your care.
    • OT/PT Therapists. Bring yoga to your physical or occupational practice to augment different thearapueitc approaches.