Pontius Pilate: The Ancient Politics Behind The Crucifixion | The Man Who Killed Christ | Odyssey

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @danjarvis6980
    @danjarvis6980 Рік тому +79

    “ Therefore doeth my Father love me, because I lay down my life, that I might take it again. No man taketh it from me, but I lay it down of myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This commandment have I received of my Father. “ John 10:17-18 KJV

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому +9

      Well said Jesus Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @frankphillips7436
      @frankphillips7436 Рік тому +11

      If anyone is responsible for the death of Jesus Christ, it is me and my sin!!

    • @janettedavis6627
      @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +10

      Yes The Son of God has to die Without His Passover we wouldn't be saved. The Romans knew nothing of the Messiah .

    • @faunchmonster9650
      @faunchmonster9650 Рік тому +5

      No man killed Jesus, he gave his life. Gods plan was being fulfilled to give us salvation. Period.

    • @faunchmonster9650
      @faunchmonster9650 Рік тому

      @@frankphillips7436 amen

  • @ragilles
    @ragilles Рік тому +25

    I liked that the guy in glasses and blue shirt pointed out that Herod the great and later the Roman rulers had the power to replace the high priest every year or few. BUT he stops short from revealing that Caiaphas remained in power for 16 YEARS (4x longer than any other high priest…and he was the son-in-law of Annas/Ananias). So clearly something was going on…and Caiaphas was clearly corrupt to stay in power that long.

    • @briangriffin6224
      @briangriffin6224 Рік тому

      The money changers in the temple had christ wacked, just like jfk, lincoln, etc.

    • @TimS-i4v
      @TimS-i4v 9 місяців тому

      We killed Christ with our sin.

  • @torceridaho
    @torceridaho Рік тому +113

    the fact that Pilate backed down at the show down in Caesaria supports the decision to proceed with the crucifixion and wash his hands of the matter. Both were made in deference to the prevailing sensibilities of the opposition. Not impressed with the biases of several of the "historians". They are spouting opinions without much supporting evidence.

    • @boccia2409
      @boccia2409 Рік тому +17

      Zionist propaganda brother

    • @Retension
      @Retension Рік тому


    • @Retension
      @Retension Рік тому


    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому

      No wonder people are leaving the church like dung beetles leaving a turd after pigging out on it. This lowlife, neanderthal theology, you just spouted, is easily seen through by people who aren't intimated by the idiotic miracles in the bible. Killing a sheep for the remission of sin is called scapegoating. That's what Christians are. Scapegoats. Too cowardly and stupid to face the consequences of their actions on their own. You probably have no idea what as sin actually is.

    • @ptk8451
      @ptk8451 Рік тому +5

      Very easy and convenient to call theBible spuripus history.

  • @TheMeJustMe75
    @TheMeJustMe75 Рік тому +40

    Pilot wasn't weak. He knew if word got to Cesar that the province was in turmoil that he could be killed for failing. His heavy hand was out of fear. Pilot just was tired of the Pharisees complaining to him so he put it back on them.

  • @JoeyArmstrong2800
    @JoeyArmstrong2800 7 місяців тому +5

    Religious affiliations aside, I find the political intrigue behind the Jesus story absolutely fascinating.

  • @randallstratton5129
    @randallstratton5129 Рік тому +166

    As a Christian, it is a moot point to argue about “who killed Jesus”. Our theology is clear that his ultimate purpose was, in fact, to die for all the sins of humanity. In short, we all killed him.

    • @BopWalk
      @BopWalk Рік тому

      Nope just the Romans, you Christians are delusional.

    • @PresterMike
      @PresterMike Рік тому

      The Jews killed him.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому

      No wonder people are leaving the church like dung beetles leaving a turd after pigging out on it. This lowlife, neanderthal theology, you just spouted, is easily seen through by people who aren't intimated by the idiotic miracles in the bible. Killing a sheep for the remission of sin is called scapegoating. That's what Christians are. Scapegoats. Too cowardly and stupid to face the consequences of their actions on their own. You probably have no idea what as sin actually is.

    • @christiansharp7404
      @christiansharp7404 Рік тому

      This is history, no one asked for your touchy religious feelings

    • @BopWalk
      @BopWalk Рік тому +10

      Exactly, these people need to be woken up.

  • @titisuteu
    @titisuteu Рік тому +23

    Pilate lasted as prefect of Judea for 10 years in a time when most governors lasted 1 or 2. The people of judea had a lot of sensitivities re their religion. The fact he lasted so long speaks of his political acumen and ability to deal with Jewish sensibilities. He was not a brutal and uneducated soldier. So him trying to let Jesus go was consistent with a person that was subtle and a good ruler and not brutal, at least not unless absolutely necessary. The fact that he ordered Jesus to be beaten before the crucifixion indicates that he actually did intend to let him go, because execution by crucifixion was meant to be an example, and that is best accomplished by letting the person survive on the cross for a few days in a painful and slow death. Beating him before hand just ensured that Jesus died quickly in a few hours. This ran contrary to the purpose of crucifying someone. This proves that he decided to crucify Jesus only after being threatened with “you’re not a friend of Caesar if you let him go”. Today even historians fall to the temptation at presenting Romans as bloodthirsty tyrants. It is a popular trope but one more befitting the dumb uneducated than thoughtful historians. For more details on who Pilate really was I will put here a link to an article about Pilate on Livius.org. www.livius.org/articles/person/pontius-pilate/

    • @titisuteu
      @titisuteu Рік тому

      @Shem Netto What does that have to do with my post? Wait, I can tell... NOTHING!!!!!! You can post this in a thread where it follows the previous one, where religious topics are discussed. This is about Pilate, not your particular theology. Boy, what a long rant!

    • @joserose95
      @joserose95 Рік тому


    • @Handel-gt3it
      @Handel-gt3it 11 місяців тому

      I don't know why people drag religion into everything. We're conversing and digging history and you show up with your religion. Next time drag it into medicine and you'll know God's wrath upon unreasonable people

  • @fr.johnwhiteford6194
    @fr.johnwhiteford6194 Рік тому +69

    Being a strong ruler, and giving in to the demands of a powerful group of people you are trying to control, on a matter that was not one of your higher priorities is hardly mutually exclusive.

    • @floydfanboy2948
      @floydfanboy2948 Рік тому +7

      Being an opportunist is probably not a bad trait for a strong ruler. Whatever works to control the masses under your rule goes, I guess.

    • @maryt2196
      @maryt2196 Рік тому +5

      Agree...it's still happening today..

    • @ptk8451
      @ptk8451 Рік тому +6

      When they threaten to say that Pilate is a traitor to Caesar ,Pilate had to give in .The charge against Jesus was that He claimed to be King of the Jews

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      As governor, Pilate appointed the High Priest, probably with a few bribes. They came from the Sadducee who are the hereditary priesthood who are aligned with the wealthy of the city. The Sanhedrin didn’t sit unless he allowed it to. The Sadducee and Pharisees are two different groups. The Gospels say the Pharisees when they mean the Sadducee as the later disappeared after the destruction of the Temple as they had no center to base their power on. The Pharisees were varying groups of lay sects that eventually evolved into the Rabbinical movement to claim the vacuum that the Sadducee left. Jesus was probably associated with some of the Pharisees and may have even heard Hillel speak.

    • @matthewstokes1608
      @matthewstokes1608 Рік тому

      @@michaeltelson9798incorrect. There were both Pharisees and Sadducees at the time of Christ AS WRITTEN IN THE HOLY BIBLE - fool. You are a flagrant liar and a player with fire… now f off.

  • @jeremyking9185
    @jeremyking9185 Рік тому +38

    He was killed by those who reject him.
    He died for those who accept him.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому

      No wonder people are leaving the church like dung beetles leaving a turd after pigging out on it. This lowlife, neanderthal theology, you just spouted, is easily seen through by people who aren't intimated by the idiotic miracles in the bible. Killing a sheep for the remission of sin is called scapegoating. That's what Christians are. Scapegoats. Too cowardly and stupid to face the consequences of their actions on their own. You probably have no idea what as sin actually is.

    • @jeremyking9185
      @jeremyking9185 Рік тому +1

      @@bartbannister394 Who are those who have all the blood of all the righteous saints on their hands? Who said “his blood be on us and on our children”? Christians are not scapegoats and you have no idea what you’re talking about.

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому +6

      Jesus was crucified for ALL mankind for the remission of sin Amen

    • @MoonwalkerWorshiper
      @MoonwalkerWorshiper Рік тому

      That is a contradiction. Those who accept what Jesus "did" as in passively getting executed, also accept the actions of those who reject him.

    • @jeremyking9185
      @jeremyking9185 Рік тому

      @@MoonwalkerWorshiper Dying and being killed are not a contradiction. Being killed and dying are inextricably connected. I don’t accept their rejection of, or the heinous methods of their rejection of Christ. I do however accept Christ’s gift of eternal life that came from his death.
      Jesus freely gave his life, so that whosoever will accept him, can have eternal life.
      Those who hated and rejected Jesus had him killed and will not have eternal life unless they repent before judgement day.
      The antichrists and Christians on either side of this event, are in opposition and contradiction. But the aspect of his dying/being killed, is not a contradiction in and of itself.

  • @Zomfoo
    @Zomfoo Рік тому +6

    The gospels do not absolve Pilate. It merely records that he tried to absolve himself. This kind of blatant mischaracterization hurts your credibility.

  • @hermannnakwatumbah4025
    @hermannnakwatumbah4025 Рік тому +4

    N.T Wright is always a joy to listen to, very well educated and trustworthy.

  • @REM1956
    @REM1956 Рік тому +13

    Pilate was the final authority in all issues in Judea for 10 years. He could do whatever he desired as long as he squelched any attempt to undermine Roman rule. Judea was a tough assignment that required a strong hand. The historical Pilate would have not thought twice about killing Jesus, either before or after. Every action he took was to make his own life easier. He was pitting Herod's authority against the Sanhedrin in giving Herod any say in the matter.

    • @johnschuh8616
      @johnschuh8616 Рік тому +1

      The gospels do not white wash Pilate. Rather he is cast as the opportunist he was, literally washing his hands of the matter. maybe that the Jewish leaders would bear the blame for the execution of Jesus. Deflecting reaction back on faction of a divided crowd. Divide and conquer.

    • @REM1956
      @REM1956 Рік тому

      @@johnschuh8616 I whole heartedly agree.

    • @johnschuh8616
      @johnschuh8616 Рік тому

      @@REM1956 I must add that the story about Pilates’ wife really rings true. The Romans, including the most cynical , were very superstitious. They BELIEVED in dreams. Deep into astrology and omens. Meeting someone as impressive as Jesus and hearing what his wife said, would have affected even a man as hard as Pilate. He would have worried what he was up against.

    • @jdj2022
      @jdj2022 Рік тому +1

      Yes he was a strong leader but I think he saw something unique about him and it caused him to question if he truly was a prophet or the God man. Even the most powerful leader would have hesitated if they thought they might be killing a true prophet of God.

  • @dalelerette206
    @dalelerette206 Рік тому +11

    A message to my fellow Christians: What part of "Forgive them Father for they do not understand?" - do you NOT understand?
    Apparently a select crowd of Christians are so righteous they don't have to listen to that Hebrew Man who died on the Cross. This select crowd of Christians would rather feel virtuous when they disobey that Hebrew Man and try to kill HIS Hebrew Family. 😢

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      There is a passage In Josephus Flavius’s history of importance to the discussion about Paul and Damascus. Josephus was alive during that period and wrote about it. Damascus as now was an Arab city and when their King decided to take his revenge for the slighting of his daughter by a local Herodian king (he divorced her for a younger woman). Jews within the city became persona non grata and Paul made an escape with the help of his friends.

    • @dalelerette206
      @dalelerette206 Рік тому

      @@michaeltelson9798 Thank you. I did not know that. Could you point me in the correct direction so I could learn more?

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      @@dalelerette206 Herod Antipas was the ruler versus Aretas IV of Nabatea. This happened several years after John the Baptist condemned him. This following passage may give further details. It doesn’t mention Damascus but it was part of Aretas’ territory.
      Antipas divorced his first wife Phasaelis, the daughter of King Aretas IV of Nabatea, in favour of Herodias, who had formerly been married to his half-brother Herod II. (Antipas was Herod the Great's son by Malthace, while Herod II was his son by Mariamne II.)[6][7] According to the New Testament Gospels, it was John the Baptist's condemnation of this arrangement that led Antipas to have him arrested; John was subsequently put to death in Machaerus. Besides provoking his conflict with John the Baptist, the tetrarch's divorce added a personal grievance to previous disputes with Aretas over territory on the border of Perea and Nabatea. The result was a war that proved disastrous for Antipas; a Roman counter-offensive was ordered by Tiberius, but abandoned upon that emperor's death in 37 AD. In 39 AD Antipas was accused by his nephew Agrippa I of conspiracy against the Roman emperor Caligula, who sent him into exile in Gaul, according to Josephus. Accompanied there by Herodias, he died at an unknown date.[8]

    • @dalelerette206
      @dalelerette206 Рік тому +2

      @@michaeltelson9798 Thank you so much. There is so much information. It can be very overwhelming to try and understand it all. Sometimes I've thought about stepping away from Social Media. It almost seems like the technology has grown to a point similar in description to a mark of the beast. It seems like the Internet is taking a life of it's own. A plus side is that there is so much information available. But it really seems overwhelming in scope to understand it all.

    • @romavictor5252
      @romavictor5252 Рік тому +1

      "Forgive Them Father", He didn't say, "I forgive them", So Far it looks like the answer was immediate... and by their actions know back them and known Today!

  • @greggoreo6738
    @greggoreo6738 Рік тому +13

    Ah! This is golden! The nut and the nugget! This is the PEARL of Great Price! " How do you conquer a people who worship an invisible god?" Who ever wrote THAT line/ deserves an Academy Award for best Short Subject Screenplay! Pure platinum prose! Belissimo! Respectfully submitted for your consideration Gregg Oreo long Beach Ca Etats Unis

  • @joelcross1355
    @joelcross1355 Рік тому +4

    It showed the innocence of Christ and the corruption of their leaders not the jews in general. Christ's own followers were Jews and the early church were largely Jews.

  • @reuterromain1054
    @reuterromain1054 Рік тому +35

    Poor Pontius Pilate, little did he know that by condemning this young rabbi, son of a carpenter from the Galilee, to floggings and death on the cross, he would enter into history as a villain for ever and ever.

    • @Dalmenco
      @Dalmenco Рік тому +5

      Jesus Christ never called himself rabbi

    • @cricketdhamaka1973
      @cricketdhamaka1973 Рік тому +4

      @@Dalmenco he was indeed, an apocalyptic rabbi. Who could cast Demon, treat leaprosy.

    • @johnbeechy
      @johnbeechy Рік тому +1

      and for ordering the deaths of the roman soldiers/guards that lost the Body of Jesus. // then to have a roman citizen claim "Jesus is risen". saul really pissed off Pilate.
      // Pilate could not afford to have Roman Citizens telling the locals of the Jesus' walking around //
      No one feels any a thing for Pilate, but them that served him during his lifetime.
      some of them souls may have been re born in this time line and may have left comments in this section.
      I have read one comment so far that feels for Pilate
      i did mention 'prior lifetime with Pilate?' to the commenter whom can say how many served Pilate and get Recall. //
      have a good one and God Bless

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому

      @@johnbeechy That’s a crazy timeline there, as Pilate was gone when Paul preached. As to Paul being a Roman Citizen, that is up to question. Being born in a Roman Province didn’t insure Roman Citizenship, that happened later. The Italian peninsula and those who served in the Legion were the main body of Roman citizens. He might have been and the manner of how was imprisoned seems to indicate it, but striking a Roman Citizen with a rod was forbidden.
      You should look up the titles of Augustus Caesar and compare them to those later to Jesus, very close to the same.
      Roman Governors served a term of about 10 years. Paul faced a different Governor.

    • @johnbeechy
      @johnbeechy Рік тому

      @@michaeltelson9798 Pilate did not arrest saul. saul was not a Christian at the time of the Crossing. saul bumped into 'the risen Christ' in the desert and converted.
      I do not care about Saul's so called preachings. he was there when stephen was killed and I show little for a man that just Stood there while Stephen was stoned to death. Over Truth
      Actually, no one argued with Saul about his so called "roman" standing. '
      there were No passports back then, as even Jesus was known as the first WOPP.
      If Saul had not claimed to be a roman C, he would have been Crossed.
      Which is what he deserved for what he had let happen to stephen, the Fallen.
      Turks are not be romans but back then, no one called the Saul on his lie.
      Saul was there during the time up to 36 (AD).
      I am a True Christian. so i am a Christian that will TELL u
      1. Jesus never died on a cross He walked out of town, thanks to His legs were not broken.
      2. Jesus was the First Known WOPP (before Saul). He had walked (outside of Egypt) across Borders without a pass. No army with, no permission from any king. not even herod offered a Pass port to any one.
      3. Jesus was the First Blk life that mattered more than the commerce going on in the Temple. // now r the days of when blk lives matter less than the sales of trinkets //
      Jesus brought more history to the world than most, if not all, white skinned men of the same time period. Nero was an idiot and the 4 generals were as stupid as the rest of the Generals //
      u take care and remember 'if any one offers u the dictatorship for life, Do Not take nor accept the title'.
      myop Pilate should have made a deal with Jesus and used Jesus' internationalist Faith to help conquer the world. the teachings of JC would conquer ROME, eventually whereas Judaism is as weak as it was under moses
      Exodus 32:27 was a terrible idea a terrible order to kill 14% of all the Jews on earth, in 1 night terrible
      God Bless there can be Only 1 God

  • @salmonkill7
    @salmonkill7 Рік тому +5

    Most Christians I know revere Jewish people and view them as God's Chosen People. Christians that are knowledgeable of Scripture recognize that the 10 Commandments were rules to live by and extremely important to follow, but Christ taught that its the heart that matters most, and not obeying the letter of the law. The Jewish power structure is what Christ challenged, not the Jewish people.
    This false view of Christians hating Jews is just RUBISH, it's not even remotely true. These historians aren't after historical fact, it's really all about attacking Christianity!

  • @Michael-kd1ho
    @Michael-kd1ho Рік тому +3

    Roman Judea was a political mess. Between at least 3 Jewish political groups - the Sadoukees, the Pharisees and the zealots - in Jerusalem, the Roman procurator in Caesarea and the Gallilean Tetrarch, it was a web of intrest groups, with alliances often forming between seemingly unlikely partners.
    Joesephus tells of a High Priest appointed through Pilate's influence and intervention, who was hated by the zealots. Apparently, once in power, this person began to defy and annoy the procurator, so Pilate had the zealots assasinate him with his backing...
    Thing is, Jesus - or at least a figure with his views - is on the surface very conveniant to the Roman authorities. It is true that Jesus would mostly antagonize not the Romans, but the ruling Jewish elites and the Temple priesthood - but it seems he might have been too popular to just outright execute. The Jewish elites did have a legal right to this - the Sanhedrin and the religious courts had autonomy in civil and religious law, and they could have tried Jesus for blasphemy and sentence him to death by stoning - which was documented in other cases and practised.
    The fact that Jesus was arrested by the Jews, but was tried and executed by the Roman authorities seems strange - i think it was a political move on the part of the High Priest Khaifa. That is - arrest Jesus and hand him over to the Romans to be tried as a rebel - as opposed to a blasphemer. If Pilate releases him ,than he would be seen publicly as an agent of foreign powers and his popularity will drop.

  • @SquizzMe
    @SquizzMe Рік тому +4

    Just my opinion, but I believe the reason why the Gospels vilify the Jewish ruling class is because they were supposed to know better than Pilate. They were God's chosen people who should have been putting their trust in God rather than collaborating with Pilate. I think that the Jewish elite's spiritual depravity hurt the Gospel writers a lot more than Pilate's politics, which would have seemed petty to them.

  • @markwise9138
    @markwise9138 Рік тому +5

    I think this overplays Pilates' intention. In my opinion, it is clear that Pilate considered Jesus different and handled him differently.

  • @cathycollazo9322
    @cathycollazo9322 Рік тому +11

    Thank you for all that you do.🥰👍🏼🌹🌺💐🧸🌲🌴

  • @couponnation
    @couponnation Рік тому +53

    Good that you guys can give a more accurate account 2000 years later, than the people who were there and wrote of this situation...

    • @salmonkill7
      @salmonkill7 Рік тому

      Love the sarcasm, because it's so richly deserved!!
      One really has to take any "HISTORICAL" account these days, with extreme suspicion. The POLITICAL LEFT has infiltrated HISTORY DEPARTMENTS and is directly engaged not with rewriting HISTORY and HISTORICAL ACCOUNTS to be more ACCURATE, it's really all about REVISIONIST HISTORICAL MODIFICATION of prior historical thinking. They wish to STAMP their POLITICAL VIEWS and PHILISOPHICAL views onto PAST EVENTS and to use HISTORICAL EVENTS to push their own AGENDAS!!

    • @yvonneplant9434
      @yvonneplant9434 Рік тому +13

      None of the gospel writers were there. They never saw Jesus.

    • @salmonkill7
      @salmonkill7 Рік тому +23

      @@yvonneplant9434 At least three of the GOSPEL writers were Apostles and indeed spent a great deal of time with Jesus when he still had his mortal coil (earthly body).
      So your massively incorrect with your statement!!

    • @ModernMensHealth
      @ModernMensHealth Рік тому +14

      @@yvonneplant9434someone has never read the Bible

    • @gasoven3759
      @gasoven3759 Рік тому +11

      ​@Yvonne Plant The entire New Testament, except the book of Revelation was written prior to A.D. 70. The Apostle Paul died in Rome @ A.D. 64. The same time as Nero's persecution of Christians began.
      In A.D. 70 began the Jewish revolt and in turn Rome started its siege on Jerusalem; including the destruction of the second temple.
      Jesus spoke of the temple's destruction in metaphor.
      With the temple destruction being an important teaching; if the new testament, as you suggest, was written after the deaths of his immediate apostles (most of you skeptics believe the NewTestament was written in the 2nd century), then why wouldn't these phantom biblical writers include information about Nero's persecution, especially in the book of Acts, or any reference to Rome destroying the temple in Jerusalem?
      Your comment is ridiculous.

  • @larrypicard8802
    @larrypicard8802 Рік тому +8

    Well it's a bit difficult to have been liberated by Moses since he never existed.

    • @eq1373
      @eq1373 Рік тому

      Prove it

    • @Clay-t3h
      @Clay-t3h Місяць тому

      Quraan mentions Moses and Noah among others, Rameses II mummy is 'saved' as proof (also mentioned in Quraan). The two biggest satan followers, the pharoah and nimrod...

  • @richardeddy9219
    @richardeddy9219 Рік тому +13

    I don't think Pilate had a problem with sentencing anyone to death

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому

      Pontius Pilate was a ruthless governor and the Jews gave him a headache 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @LotusStitchandSketch
      @LotusStitchandSketch Рік тому

      I've always felt that Pilate was both a strong very capable pontif, but also I don't think he truthfully WANTED to have Christ killed. I think in this specific case it's more that he was to coin a phrase in between a rock and a hard place in the sense that he had to play things out rather carefully. On the one hand I think he pretty well knew that Jesus was innocent of the charges against him but at the same time he also knew that if HE didn't keep things under control in Judea that Rome would step in and they WOULD take control and really either way he would have had blood on his hands. I think by this point, the question wasn't so much WOULD he have blood on his hands as much as it would be HOW MUCH blood would be on his hands. Looking at it from that POV, crucifying Jesus was basically the less bloody of the two potential outcomes so in that sense the lesser evil of the two.

    • @nymike06
      @nymike06 6 місяців тому

      Pontius Pilate didn't kill Jesus.

  • @dwaynegalvin8799
    @dwaynegalvin8799 Рік тому +25

    Pilate washed his hands of the affair, he did not kill Jesus, the Pharasees stired up the mob demanding he be killed because he threatened their power! It was the Hight Priests not Pilate!

    • @iainrendle7989
      @iainrendle7989 Рік тому +1

      Actually it was God that caused the killing of Jesus, he just used puppets to enact the killing.....if you believe that it was God's plan for his 'son' in the first place. But on a factual basis only Pilate could of ordered Jesus to be crucified and not the Judaic heirarchy, as crucifixation was a Roman punishment and execution and not Judaic.....ie he was not thrown from a high wall/cliff or stoned, which were 2 of the normal executions under Judaic law.......therefore it could only of been Pilate that had him executed.

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      Not the Pharisees but the Sadducee, as the priesthood was of the latter and not the former. Pilate couldn’t turn a blind eye to sedition and was the only one to authorize the use of the crucifix.
      Josephus verifies with the death of James the Just, that only the Roman Governor could allow the Sanhedrin to convene. The Sanhedrin with Jesus was only a show trial and Pilate already planned to deal with this assumption of sedition.

    • @tomrhodes1629
      @tomrhodes1629 Рік тому

      Pontius Pilate didn't want to condemn Yeshua ("Jesus"), as indicated in the New Testament by Pilate's repeated efforts to free him. And this is largely because Jesus had recently healed Pilate's child of epilepsy; a fact known to me for reasons that shall become clear in a moment. Rome didn't crucify for religious reasons, and as (partly) indicated in Luke, the charge against Jesus was TREASON for telling people they didn't have to pay the Roman tax - which was a false charge, as he had said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," and Jesus himself had paid the tax. Jesus knew that he needed to be crucified as part of his fate, and that's why he remained silent and made no effort to refute the false charge. Had he so much as refuted it, he would not have been crucified.
      I am the prophesied return of the biblical prophet Elijah, returned to clarify the "GOOD NEWS" of Jesus Christ, which has been entirely corrupted by men. "The Kingdom of GOD is within you" who have forgotten who you are, and Jesus did NOT die for anyone's "sins," but to show us that there is no death, because the body is NOT who you are. "Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing."
      The Meaning of Life has finally been revealed in terms that anyone can understand. Click and ye shall find...

    • @david10101961
      @david10101961 Рік тому

      ​@@tomrhodes1629 "....Jesus did NOT die for anyone's "sins,......." (gospel according to Tom Rhodes)
      "For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures....." (1 Corinthians 15:3)
      "He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree, that we might die to sin and live to righteousness." (1 Peter 2:24)
      "But he was pierced for our transgressions; he was crushed for our iniquities; upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace...... " Isaiah 53:5
      "He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also for the sins of the whole world." 1 John 2:2
      "In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins." 1 John 4:10
      "So Christ, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, ....." Hebrews 9:28
      ".....yet he bore the sin of many......" Isaiah 53:12
      "....Whom God put forward as a propitiation by his blood...." Romans 3:25
      "Who gave himself for our sins to deliver us from the present evil age, according to the will of our God and Father" Galatians 1:4
      "You know that he appeared in order to take away sins, and in him there is no sin." 1 John 3:5
      "Who was delivered up for our trespasses and raised for our justification" (Romans 4:25)
      "Indeed, under the law almost everything is purified with blood, and without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins." Hebrews 9:22
      "Even as the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." Matthew 20:28
      "Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us-for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who is hanged on a tree" Galatians 3:13
      "......By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin,......" Romans 8:3
      "For the death he died he died to sin, once for all, but the life he lives he lives to God." Romans 6:10

  • @saxonalexander3888
    @saxonalexander3888 Рік тому +4

    When there's two conflicting versions, the truth lies in between.

  • @jerrymoore838
    @jerrymoore838 Рік тому +6

    Have never heard of Christians being anti-semites. Quite the contrary, there's a bond we feel toward the Jewish people

    • @jawanauselton9197
      @jawanauselton9197 Рік тому

      Born again believers are not anti-Semitic. Professing "christians" without a conversion experience are.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому +3

      Stupidity knows no boundaries when it comes to religion.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому

      @@jawanauselton9197 Muslims and Jews have conversion experiences, maybe you're all crazy, or maybe you are mislabeling an experience everybody is capable of having.

  • @nickames3808
    @nickames3808 Рік тому

    The BEST Explanation/Timeline I've read over Many Years Of Reading and Listening!

  • @soilofk
    @soilofk Рік тому +4

    I wonder how these writers of the NT who wrote these dialogues between Jesus and Pilot and Herod centuries later knew exactly what they said to each other?

    • @femiquaitey6668
      @femiquaitey6668 Рік тому +1

      Oral tradition. It was the pinnacle of record keeping at the time, hence the delay in writing down the records which was considered not as high as the oral tradition.

    • @soilofk
      @soilofk Рік тому +2

      @@femiquaitey6668 I know, but who was there on both sides to report the dialogue? and after so many years how accurate is it?

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      @@soilofk The telephone game shows how an oral tradition can be changed. A study of Bulgarian bards in the early 20th century mentions how the oral history changes. These are people that are trained to keep the traditions alive. One bard was interviewed twice with a decade of time between. He was asked to repeat stories from the first interview and he made changes in all of them.
      Josephus Flavius lived during that time and was involved personally in the insurrection before changing sides. He wrote it down.

    • @soilofk
      @soilofk Рік тому

      @@michaeltelson9798 thank you for the info!

  • @SamSilk
    @SamSilk Рік тому +20

    The real reason Jesus was crucified was because he was viewed as a political threat. He was claiming both the title of king and the title of Messiah. There weren't enough Roman soldiers to contain a mass unrest during a feast that gathered Jews from the whole Palestine province. The incident during which Jesus had an argument with the merchants in the temple was somewhat breaking the law as the Emperor (Caesar) was considered by Roman law to be the high priest (called pontifex maximus) of all Roman religions (including jewish religion, which in the eyes of Jesus and some jews was blasphemous since there is no one above Yahweh, and certainly not a Roman emperor). The very reason animals were purchased for sacrifice with Roman money was probably that the Pharisian priests and Herode allowed it one way or another. Jesus took issue with this and was considered a threat to the Jews of Jerusalem because refusing to consider Caesar as the high priest of all religions was an act of rebellion against the Empire and Romans answered brutally against that kind of claim because of movements such as the Zealots were waiting for opportunities to trigger armed rebellion against the Empire.

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +2

      It wasn’t the Pharisees but the Sadducee. The Sadducee were the hereditary priesthood that actually ran the temple. The High Priest was appointed by the Roman Governor probably with a fair amount of bribes. The Pharisees were a lay religious group of varying opinions, consider a parliamentary body of many views. Jesus was probably a Pharisee by all accounts. Even the two robbers crucified with Jesus is questionable as this was a punishment for sedition and other crimes against the state. Usurping titles assigned to the emperor was sedition. The robbers would only be crucified if they were escaped slaves that went into brigandry.
      The Synoptic Gospels don’t refer to the Sadducee as they had disappeared at the time of their writing the Temple was gone and these writings were not made in Judea, but further afield and also in Greek.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому

      No wonder people are leaving the church like dung beetles leaving a turd after pigging out on it. This lowlife, neanderthal theology, you just spouted, is easily seen through by people who aren't intimated by the idiotic miracles in the bible. Killing a sheep for the remission of sin is called scapegoating. That's what Christians are. Scapegoats. Too cowardly and stupid to face the consequences of their actions on their own. You probably have no idea what as sin actually is.

    • @tomrhodes1629
      @tomrhodes1629 Рік тому +1

      You're on the right track, Sam. But Pontius Pilate didn't actually want to condemn Yeshua ("Jesus"), as indicated in the New Testament by Pilate's repeated efforts to free him. And this is largely because Jesus had recently healed Pilate's child of epilepsy; a fact known to me for reasons that shall become clear in a moment. Rome didn't crucify for religious reasons, and as (partly) indicated in Luke, the charge against Jesus was TREASON for telling people they didn't have to pay the Roman tax - which was a false charge, as he had said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," and Jesus himself had paid the tax. Jesus knew that he needed to be crucified as part of his fate, and that's why he remained silent and made no effort to refute the false charge. Had he so much as refuted it, he would not have been crucified.
      I am the prophesied return of the biblical prophet Elijah, returned to clarify the "GOOD NEWS" of Jesus Christ, which has been entirely corrupted by men. "The Kingdom of GOD is within you" who have forgotten who you are, and Jesus did NOT die for anyone's "sins," but to show us that there is no death, because the body is NOT who you are. "Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing."
      The Meaning of Life has finally been revealed in terms that anyone can understand. Click and ye shall find...

    • @kevcyr2215
      @kevcyr2215 Рік тому +1

      He came for sins.nothing else but to save us from our sins.

    • @SamSilk
      @SamSilk Рік тому +1

      @@kevcyr2215 At the time, he did much more than that. That's why the Romans killed Him.

  • @ahmyakm9176
    @ahmyakm9176 25 днів тому

    Thank you for this historical documentary that is more based in fact while also mentioning religious sources. It's so difficult to come by a documentary about jesus and christianism that is more based in fact and history than myths and religion.

  • @MrMichaeledavis83
    @MrMichaeledavis83 Рік тому +4

    Pretty funny how the show says that the Bible doesn’t describe Pilot as strong as he really was, but rather that it shows him to be weak. Then in the first 15 min of the show they describe another incident where he gave in to the Jews the avoid a bloodbath. I think the Bible doesn’t portray him as weak, it just says what he did, and what he did was crucify Jesus at the request of the Jews to avoid more unrest. That’s just doing basically the same thing he did in Caesarea, backing down to avoid a riot. I see no issue with the Bible record of the events.

  • @jacoblehew1550
    @jacoblehew1550 Рік тому +1

    @35:25 in the scriptures it says the massive group of soldiers asked Jesus “are you Jesus of Nazareth?” Jesus replied “I AM HE” and then every soldier fell down to the ground ✊🏻 powerful stuff!!!!

  • @mthomas3547
    @mthomas3547 Рік тому +7

    He seemed very cruel. Washing your hands of it hardly makes you innocent, but what it does do is places the blame of it on the people he didn't like.

    • @cacadodo666
      @cacadodo666 Рік тому +2

      The jews were doing the same thing. They wanted the death of Jesus on Roman hands😂

  • @MarieAntoinette1938_tmc
    @MarieAntoinette1938_tmc Рік тому +9

    he was not weak he was a man of his word and he knew jesus he knew the truth he didn't just wash his hands in that meaning he wash his hands of the curse that came as a result of the crucifixion. he didn't want the curse on him.

    • @endisnear306
      @endisnear306 Рік тому

      Jesus was anyhow supposed to die, he was born to carry the the sins of people, not to put curse on people.

  • @stephenodell2589
    @stephenodell2589 Рік тому +3

    What some people miss one point about the account is this, that the Bible is not about Pilate but Jesus. Jesus did not blame Pilate but he did blame the Jewish rulers. However, He said himself that he said that He was giving up his life and that no one took it from him.
    If you go back to the prophets you will see that the Exile was because of following the gods of the people that they were to foece out.
    I do not feel this is discredit the Bible but to flesh it out, and showering how other would interpret these events.

  • @TheLionessjudah
    @TheLionessjudah Рік тому +3

    Christ said 'no one takes my life, I lay it down. Matthew 16:21 Christ Lord tells you ahead of time that He must suffer, be killed and raised the third day. Even Pilate's wife is mentioned in Matt. 27:
    19 While Pilate was sitting on the judge’s seat, his wife sent him this message: “Don’t have anything to do with that innocent man, for I have suffered a great deal today in a dream because of him.”

  • @contentment_nonmaterialistic
    @contentment_nonmaterialistic Рік тому +2

    It is really bad to see a man persecuting God who never done something wrong. Blessed are those who are persecuted because of Christ.

  • @jaytrace1006
    @jaytrace1006 Рік тому +4

    I don’t see Pilate as the man who killed Christ. I see him as a man without a dog in this fight, who just wanted this problem to be solved. He acquiesced, and Jesus was murdered. He let it happen. He could have stopped it, but he didn’t want to start a thing with those he ruled over. He kid, unknowingly, he had a part to play…

    • @urbansetter1
      @urbansetter1 Рік тому

      Me too I think this is propaganda maybe by zionist. The jews wanted him dead and pilate got rid of the problem. Also 6 days if he wanted him dead he would have killed him the first day. This is actually gas lighting.

  • @tingtong8781
    @tingtong8781 Рік тому +4

    Hail Brian!

  • @iliaelija7329
    @iliaelija7329 Рік тому +1

    It was my and your sins that killed Jesus.
    His love for us drove him to the cross! ❤️

  • @danielmalinen6337
    @danielmalinen6337 Рік тому +30

    What has bothered me the most is how hard iron fist Pilate really had over Judea and was he really as mean, ruthless, barbaric, cruel and brutal a ruler as Philo described?

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому

      The Romans were conquers they were greedy ill-manner harsh cruel everything was about the good of Rome to them they wanted to rule the known-world

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому +3

      Pilates was first a soldier then with his ruthlessness rose up in the ranks became a senator married into a family of governors he thought he was the bees knees 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @johnbeechy
      @johnbeechy Рік тому

      Considering the Hebrews put women and children and men to death, over Thoughts. and the entire family to death for what one member did. that is quite cruel and barbaric romans have done all methods of death the sword seems to be their most efficient method of choice
      VS today the romans might have used the Trump Hoax to infect an entire city or nation. 70 AD would have gone faster with covid as the weapon of choice
      have a good one //if in a prior lifetime u served Pilate. I can then understand why u are bothered. recalling a prior lifetime can be emotional /
      Rome was the Light where there was only darkness .. lolol been a long time since them days //God Bless

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому

      He was also the 3rd Roman Governor of Judea, most if not all of the tools to govern by were already at his disposal. With his first sending in armed troops into the Jerusalem to intimidate the population to his final actions. With the death of Stephen the Sanhedrin pronounced their verdict against him, but was allowed to do so by Pilate. As not mentioned he was still Governor of Judea in the year 34 and would be to year 37.
      CE can be either Common Era of Christian Era, AD , year of our Lord assumes the birth year which is off by at least 5 years.

    • @danielmalinen6337
      @danielmalinen6337 Рік тому +2

      @@michaeltelson9798 Before Pontius Pilate, there was Coponius, Marcus Ambivulus, Annius Rufus and Valerius Gratus who were the Roman administrators and militaristic overseers in that area, which makes Pilatus the fifth Roman Prefect in Judea and he was then replaced by Marcellus and then Marullus during the reign of Emperor Galigula. The change rate of Roman prefects in the Judean province was frequent, fast and common and the administrators didn't remain in charge for long. But I still sorta understand your point.

  • @reesezpeecez08
    @reesezpeecez08 Рік тому +9

    This was so awesome. It answered so many questions I had both growing up in a catholic school and then learning history as an adult. I give this video an A+.

    • @elvenkind6072
      @elvenkind6072 Рік тому +1

      I agree, one of very few good documentaries about Jesus, with no attempts to try to explain away who Jesus is, but instead telling the story as it is.

    • @FirstNameLastName-eo2pq
      @FirstNameLastName-eo2pq Рік тому +2

      Actually it seems this documentary is a bit lack luster and rather off in it's facts. 2 minutes in it talks about this setting Christians against Jews for putting the blame on who murdered Christ... Would assert from a Biblically perspective that perceived notion is completely wrong and off. Why? The Bible is clear God Himself and Christ Himself willingly came to die on the cross to pay for all of man's sins.
      The portrait of Pilot being a strong leader, hmm this too is a bit off, from what i've learned from a more conservative Christian view Pilot was a pawn of the corrupt Jewish leaders. I say corrupt Jewish leaders more in the sense as we see today as well. President branDUMB and/or political leaders since more are corrupt, just saying the average American isn't as corrupt or off as the politicians... Meaning most average Jew of the time of Christ was as honest as most people in most countries... But this documentary is a bit off.

  • @iguanapete3809
    @iguanapete3809 Рік тому +3

    Whenever I fly I want a "Conscious Pilot".

  • @kennethfountain6153
    @kennethfountain6153 Рік тому +1

    Dismissing the Bible as a historical document keeps being proved to be a bad idea back by "spurious" evidence contrary to the recorded traditional accounts.

  • @JoaquinArguelles
    @JoaquinArguelles Рік тому +1

    Thank you very much.

  • @GrizrazRex
    @GrizrazRex Рік тому +31

    The Gospel writers apparently knew of Voltaire's wisdom over a millennium before his famous quote: "To find out who holds power over you, learn who you are forbidden to criticize."
    OF COURSE they are gonna make the Romans look as good as possible! It was a matter of self-preservation, and propagation of the faith, in that particular order.

    • @tonymichael4832
      @tonymichael4832 Рік тому +2

      This quote is still well used today

    • @johnbeechy
      @johnbeechy Рік тому

      romans possessed No faith, as per Only the Caesar/Pro Consul was their small g god. //
      Romans did put their men to death for losing track of Jesus' body. BUT if the local Faithful jews had their way, Jesus would not have been able to walk out of town.
      meeting saul in the desert //
      The romans would never drop their swords so Jesus warned the jews to 'render on to caesar', pay the foreign imperialists or be massacred (by 70 AD).
      have a nice end of Feb, for the Ides of March come 4th and charges are said to be 'Inbound for over 12 persons (of turmp/trump too)' from Georgia
      God Bless

    • @t.m9237
      @t.m9237 Рік тому +4

      @@johnbeechy let's be honest. No one was right, the Roman's or the jews. Don't try to put ALL the blame on the Roman's, when it was the Jewish leaders that brought the complaine about Jesus to the Roman's in the first place. So neither was right. But the Roman's brought Christianity to the world after Jesus. So they did possess faith /religion.

    • @vayleoswin7275
      @vayleoswin7275 Рік тому

      Not only Pilate countless other nations were defeated by the Israelites under God's orders which I must say was a small nation and to crown it all THEY WERE SLAVES UNDER THE EGYPTIANS , They didn't realise they were a very strong nation. The Romans, Herod the great, his son Antipas couldn't control them up to Hitler Amen. These are GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE , GOD said "" I will turn you plowsheds into spears"" GOD IS THE MASTERMIND for the Israelites. Amen , and I still don't think there's a nation on earth that can stand up to them. Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • @johnbeechy
      @johnbeechy Рік тому

      @@vayleoswin7275 Heretic!! Rome did not lose to the inferior nationalistic Hebrews. read up on 70 AD
      as for the slavery issue LOLOL the Bible teaches the jews had slaves and took them out of Egypt.
      but killing 14% of the entire population of the earth's Jews, in one night no less, that is what i call a Holocaust.
      Exodus 32:27 is the First Hebrew Holocaust, their first coup and their first mass murder including 100s of pregnant females.
      the dead included 3500, or 14%, and that was slaves too. most of the leaders of the 12 Tribes were put to the sword and God has no part in that terrible order.
      Moses defied God that day. and lied to the jews
      moses never entered canaan and that makes him a liar
      and he should have been killed (not 40yrs later) that night, before he ordered Ex 32:27
      myop if i had been there i would have killed moses.
      then told the 3500, 'moses has hit his head on a rock. and died but he said before he died, 'tell the chosen 3500 to walk into canaan, take the gold and marry their daughters into the families of power and we shall follow in ten yrs, without intent of war, but intent to live. so said moses, as he died // and the rest of the sheep would follow the 3500, one by one, as they trained they waited
      learning to do house chores then sword making and pottery and some drawing and art classes of God of course // but moses killed the 3500 and the rest slaved for 40 yrs until moses was finally killed
      and then the jews were sort of saved but moses did kill a lot of the first 25,000

  • @jacoblehew1550
    @jacoblehew1550 Рік тому +1

    I don’t know how a Christian could be upset or angry at the Jews. Christ said that He had to offer himself up freely to his enemies. So that laying down his life would defeat death and in turn sin. Anti Semitism is not scriptural. It’s a heart issue within the arbitrators of hatred and bigotry.

  • @metalheadisme8389
    @metalheadisme8389 Рік тому +1

    This is more speculation than evidence-based. Also, why does this feel like it was crafted with the intention of minimizing the Jewish authorities' role in Jesus' crucifixion? The opposite speculative case could've also been made that Pontius would prefer people following Jesus who was literally teaching that the messiah would not be a military leader as most Jews expected.

  • @janettedavis6627
    @janettedavis6627 Рік тому +1

    " I lay My life down of My Own nobody takes it away from Me"

  • @cleverfitz779
    @cleverfitz779 Рік тому +2

    Good evening everyone

  • @jbrosupra
    @jbrosupra Рік тому

    5:41 in and im already cringing. They act like its not possible for pilot to be strong and keep the peace in his district.

  • @jodgo26metal
    @jodgo26metal Рік тому +3

    Imagine the Empire who killed Jesus later on they converted to Roman Catholics.

    • @bartbannister394
      @bartbannister394 Рік тому +1

      Yeah, exactly, they found it a useful tool for making people really stupid.

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому +1

      Read all of the titles that Augustus Caesar had and those that Jesus was given, such as “Son of God”, “Prince of Peace”. There is a monument after his great sea battle against Narc Anthony that has them craned into it.

  • @christophermorrison1986
    @christophermorrison1986 Рік тому +1

    For a another interpretation of Pilates motivations, see the book "Pilate" by Ann Wroe.

  • @JudeCJV
    @JudeCJV Рік тому

    I believe the fact that the Roman Jewish historian Flavius Josephus and Gospel writers portray Pilate differently proves Jesus did exist and Jesus wasn't invented by the Romans like some people nowadays falsely claim. Same thing with other details reported differently in the gospels. The writers were in fact reporting real events, they just added their own reporting bias.

  • @aquickstory2196
    @aquickstory2196 Рік тому +2

    so what now Jews cannot be envious, judgmental, vicious, calculating, political? nothing unites two enemies faster than a common enemy. Jews and Romans hated each other and to feign unity decided to let us do the greater "deed" for the greater "good". still today this strategy applies.
    Ask Germany.

  • @DurgaDas96
    @DurgaDas96 Рік тому +1

    Just a brief point at the start; The narrater says that Pilot was the man who killed “Christ”. In point of fact, you can’t kill Christ. You can kill Jesus though.

  • @anamikaabaddha1159
    @anamikaabaddha1159 3 дні тому

    It has been well established that Jesus did not die on the cross.
    He spent from 13-30 years of age in India and Tibetan Buddhist monastery and returned back to Israel.
    Following crucifixion, he didn't die on the cross, but escaped to India again, lived in Kashmir and his tomb is there even today.

  • @dorianphilotheates3769
    @dorianphilotheates3769 Рік тому +1

    Why are half the Roman legionaries Black and Puerto Rican? And why are the Roman officers British, and half the Jews Moroccans and Filipinos?

  • @stevesmith3352
    @stevesmith3352 Рік тому +1

    These historians biases are showing which reveal they have not done the necessary research. Any discussion/forum/study I've been part of in a Christian context in the last 40 years (in various denominations) has never blamed the Jewish people and always understood Pilate to be a strong leader. He was playing very smart political moves that particular Passover 2000 years ago but weak was never a word Christians who understand the Gospel message ever associate with the man. Absolutely agree with @21 today and @titisuteu. And very well said @Dan Jarvis!

  • @6dune
    @6dune Рік тому +1

    The Jews wept for the destruction of the Temple but not for crucifying and killing their Messiah, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

  • @alynsyms9666
    @alynsyms9666 6 місяців тому

    The only way they could get Pilate to condemn Jesus was to use the word " sedition. " Which would be like using the word terrorist now. Jesus knew exactly how everything would play out to begin with so the nuances, lies and dynamics of the overall spectacle didn't surprise him in the least, even telling his disciples what they would do before the shock and awe ploy the Jewish leaders and Romans used against him took effect. Pilate didn't respect the Jewish leaders but respected Jesus. He knew they conspired against him out of envy and didn't respect that at all. His hanging the sign " King of the Jews " over Jesus head on the cross was more of an insult to those who conspired against him than a direct insult to Christ. His love overcame all of the hate that was directed at him. He ultimately won. No one or nothing they did to him ever broke him, he stood up to all and all of it with his head held high. I always wondered why they call it " Good Friday. " The ultimate victory of good over evil by one man's love and courage. And all he ever asked of us was to simply remember his sacrifice and to love one another.

  • @tomrhodes1629
    @tomrhodes1629 Рік тому +8

    Pontius Pilate didn't want to condemn Yeshua ("Jesus"), as indicated in the New Testament by Pilate's repeated efforts to free him. And this is largely because Jesus had recently healed Pilate's child of epilepsy; a fact known to me for reasons that shall become clear in a moment. Rome didn't crucify for religious reasons, and as (partly) indicated in Luke, the charge against Jesus was TREASON for telling people they didn't have to pay the Roman tax - which was a false charge, as he had said "Give unto Caesar that which is Caesar's," and Jesus himself had paid the tax. Jesus knew that he needed to be crucified as part of his fate, and that's why he remained silent and made no effort to refute the false charge. Had he so much as refuted it, he would not have been crucified.
    I am the prophesied return of the biblical prophet Elijah, returned to clarify the "GOOD NEWS" of Jesus Christ, which has been entirely corrupted by men. "The Kingdom of GOD is within you" who have forgotten who you are, and Jesus did NOT die for anyone's "sins," but to show us that there is no death, because the body is NOT who you are. "Spirit gives life, the flesh counts for nothing."
    The Meaning of Life has finally been revealed in terms that anyone can understand. Click and ye shall find...

    • @endisnear306
      @endisnear306 Рік тому

      Yes things went according to the plans of Jesus.

  • @arimathean4128
    @arimathean4128 Рік тому +1

    If Jesus' crucifixion really took place in AD 30, as you assert, then Sejanus was the de facto ruler of Rome at the time. Some scholars believe Pilate was appointed by Sejanus and was therefore implicated in his anti-Jewish policies. But, whether Pilate was in the faction of Sejanus or that of his opponents, his relationship with Sejanus and the polices of Sejanus were certainly important. So, it's hard to believe you created a whole video on "the ancient politics behind the crucifixion" without addressing the possible role of Sejanus.

  • @hjusn
    @hjusn Рік тому +25

    First, Pilate was sent to the area because it needed a ruthless Roman to take control. Rome was not a touchy feely empire. Jesus was executed not for his religious beliefs but because his actions with the money exchangers threatened the peace and the agreement between Rome and the religious leaders. The fact that Pilate was removed after ten years for crimes, that even Rome believed was over the top, should tell you that he would have had no problem executing a trouble making Rabbi. Second, remember that the Roman Empire eventually made the Christian religion their own. It would be hard to explain to the people that the Roman Empire was responsible for the death of Jesus. Easier to change the narrative to place the blame on the Jewish people and make Pilate look like a passive actor.

    • @iainrendle7989
      @iainrendle7989 Рік тому

      The crimes that Pilate was accused of and used to remove him from power were not proven by the accounts of the time. He was removed for political reasons by those who were in control in Rome, rather than by any action taken by Pilate himself. His predecessors were far more brutal, and oppressed the people far more harshly, ie 3 Crucifixations recorded for Pilate verses 216 for his predecessor in less years.
      Look at the outcome of the Jewish revolution 67-71 AD and then you will see if supposed brutality of Pilate was really an issue or even his successors track record.....

    • @reuterromain1054
      @reuterromain1054 Рік тому +4


    • @charlesmaximus9161
      @charlesmaximus9161 Рік тому

      A shekel for the goy. Good goy!

    • @michaeltelson9798
      @michaeltelson9798 Рік тому

      The High Priest was appointed by the Roman Governor, the Sanhedrin could only be sat by permission of the Roman Governor. Pilate was controlling the show. Josephus confirms the Sanhedrin permission when he mentions the stoning of James the Just (the brother of Jesus). A Sanhedrin judgement was made while the governor was in Alexandria. The High Priest was promptly sacked. It was probably more advantageous to the governor to allow James to feed the poor peacefully than have have riots over his death by the hands of the Sadducee.

    • @ItsJustAdrean
      @ItsJustAdrean Рік тому

      Except we have the gospels existing prior to Rome becoming Christian. Could pilate not be troubled on one occasion, having met Jesus personally and spoken with him prior to his execution?

  • @rwestbrook
    @rwestbrook Рік тому +1

    The gospels don’t present pilot as a coward or as ruthless. Just simply the person in charge at the time who didn’t want to deal with a Jewish revolt, and a brief conversation with Jesus-his interactions for that specific trial with a Jewish crowd after his wife had a dream about Jesus. I wonder if the reason Christians ‘hated’ Jews is because the Bible hadn’t been translated outside of ancient Latin so that people could actually read /understand it? They would have read about Jesus’ followers worshiping in the Jewish synagogues in Acts, and of Jesus’ commands to start preaching to the Jews- the ones looking for the messiah. And Jesus’ own words about his own crucifixion. Christians don’t wear a cross to remember what the Jews did to Jesus, but to remember what Jesus willingly did in place of -and to cleanse us for true relationship with God

  • @maryt2196
    @maryt2196 Рік тому +19

    I am always confused at Christians being anti-Semitic as the man they follow was a Jew...i was raised to believe that our sins were the cause of Jesus's death and that any people, involved in it were merely instruments of God's plan..i know my view is extremely over simplistic, it's just how i feel..we are all children of God...

    • @tmrossi2899
      @tmrossi2899 Рік тому +6

      The crucifixion had to happen for Jesus to defeat death as told in Genesis. ❤️🙏

    • @jaredmat5616
      @jaredmat5616 Рік тому

      A main point of the bible is to turn everyone into Jews through the Eucharist and GODS promise to Abraham so yes Anti semitism as a Christian is nonsensical

    • @tmrossi2899
      @tmrossi2899 Рік тому

      @@jaredmat5616 plz advise where in the bible it says that.

    • @jaredmat5616
      @jaredmat5616 Рік тому +2

      @@tmrossi2899 Genesis 26:4

    • @tmrossi2899
      @tmrossi2899 Рік тому +2

      @@jaredmat5616 YES!! The beautiful covenant God made with Abraham ❤️ 🙏♥️ God's new covenant covers gentiles now we are all his under the grace of Jesus Christ. Acts 26:17-18

  • @eugenekaufmann1
    @eugenekaufmann1 Рік тому +1

    "The religious complexity of the modern world is almost entirely due to the absence, in Jerusalem, of a lunatic asylum." It's highly unlikely that if Jesus returned today he would recognise anything of what is called Christianity today: the dogma, the priesthood, the sacrament, the services, the prayers, the vestments, the buildings. His teachings are lost for ever, and the religion is almost certainly the creation of Paul - who never met him. Jesus was a devout Jew, and his aim was to make Jews better Jews - not to establish a new religion. There is no doubt he would be utterly horrified at how Christians have treated his kith and kin over the last two thousand years.

  • @ringoramjet
    @ringoramjet Рік тому

    It's impossible for any man to be in any position of authority in Rome being weak. Had to be fearless fearing only Ceaser,had to be educational to set up economics, architecture, and military strategy. No way weak.

  • @MoonwalkerWorshiper
    @MoonwalkerWorshiper Рік тому +1

    Christianity owes its existence to that man.

  • @danielramsey197
    @danielramsey197 Рік тому +2

    You've heard that context is king. Well, that's true! In thus case, the word "jew" has a specific historical and biblical context. The term jew is specifically referring to the Jewish religious leadership; not the Jewish common people. Easily and plainly shown secular and Christian readings (the bible). Maranatha!

  • @connormcchesney3709
    @connormcchesney3709 Рік тому +1

    To blame merely the Romans or The Jewish people is missing the point from a theological perspective I think. As it wasn't just the Romans, or that crowd in the first century that crucified Christ, but it was in fact all of us by our sinfulness. I think that's the point, in addition too people who think they are closest to God (i.e. the Pharisees) are also the people most often blinded by their own self righteousness and reject the one true King.

  • @nikolaininkov
    @nikolaininkov Рік тому +1

    Pontius Pilate, the man who killed Christ. Don't you realize I have power either to free you or to crucify you?" Jesus answered, "You would have no power over me if it were not given to you from above. Therefore the one who handed me over to you is guilty of a greater sin." It is not Pilate who demanded his dead, he gave them the option to choose Barabas or Christ. Read John 28-40.

  • @Pray4urenemies2day
    @Pray4urenemies2day Рік тому +1

    John challenged the ruling elite but he never claimed to be the Messiah he claimed to be and was the man to prepare the road and the way for the Messiah Jesus. I hold no hostility towards Jewish people but in the case of the crucifixion of Jesus the Messiah Rome and the Hebrew priests both played a significant role in Jesus's death. But this was scripture being fulfilled, people should not hold any ill will against their brethren remember we were saved because of Jesus's sacrifice on the cross

  • @groblerful
    @groblerful Рік тому

    At the time when the gospels were beginning to be written The people were still under Roman rule, so it was politicaly expedient not to blame the Romans, but the Jews.

  • @alejandromadrid8075
    @alejandromadrid8075 Рік тому +1

    "The weak pilate of the gospels"...it never occured to me that pontius pilate who had Christ crucified was presented as weak. Why does every single person interviewed in this mockumentary repeat the same line? Did they rehearsed this before hand, or were given a script? This is an obvious misinformation video? But who benefits? Since pontius pilate was a hard blood thirsty strong governor therefore he could have not been manipulated by Jews; therefore the Jews did not kill Chrst. It is so obvious that this video cost 30 pieces of silver to be made.

  • @BRTowe
    @BRTowe Рік тому +1

    This program blatantly ignores the politics of the province of Judea at the time. Blatantly.

  • @mrshankerbillletmein491
    @mrshankerbillletmein491 Рік тому +13

    It would seem both the roman and the jewish authorities wanted him dead.
    The body could not be found even though the temple guard were posted to prevent any interferance with the tomb if the body could have been found that would have put an end to the faith that swept through the empire.

    • @dennisstephens8793
      @dennisstephens8793 Рік тому +1

      it appears to me s a barley literate p lumber...seems not much has changed

    • @mrshankerbillletmein491
      @mrshankerbillletmein491 Рік тому +1

      @@dennisstephens8793 I dont understand you

    • @jodeenichols8509
      @jodeenichols8509 Рік тому

      So where was the Guard that should have seen the stone rolling and left in the position it was found and Jesus' body disappeared? No mention of that?

    • @mrshankerbillletmein491
      @mrshankerbillletmein491 Рік тому

      @@jodeenichols8509 The guard were told to say the disciples took the body when they were all asleep If the guard saw angels move the stone and Jesus walk out of the tomb the authorities would not want the guard to tell their story. The body was gone.and never found.

    • @mrshankerbillletmein491
      @mrshankerbillletmein491 Рік тому

      @@jodeenichols8509 Mathew twenty seven and twenty eight has plenty of detail

  • @eq1373
    @eq1373 Рік тому +1

    33:40 the short haired Karen with the warts on her cheek has an anger issue

  • @hermannnakwatumbah4025
    @hermannnakwatumbah4025 Рік тому +1

    Everyday Jerusalem is easy for Pilate to manage. Jerusalem at Passover has too many Jews there (millions) Pilate is outnumbered yes Pilate had to negotiate but only on the other hand there was no crime warranting Jesus’s death. It’s a dilemma since the request of the priests to have Jesus put to death has no substantiating evidence as was the case with Barabas who has Committed murder. In the Gospels Pilate is not being weak he is being wise

  • @dorianphilotheates3769
    @dorianphilotheates3769 Рік тому +1

    Τι εστίν αλήθεια; - Quid est veritas?

  • @2Uahoj
    @2Uahoj Рік тому +12

    A very "Christophobia" documentary, discounting the Gospels versions of events simply because the writers don't like them. Grasping at straws to make counter arguments. For example, the absurd argument that the Gospels are wrong because Pilot was really a "tough guy". Well the Gospels record only one incident in the entire life of Pilot where he is more thoughtful than tough. How does that one incident contradict his general character?? People are complex and behave differently in different situations. Is that so hard for these "experts" to understand?

    • @Baczkowa78
      @Baczkowa78 Рік тому +3

      Which are themselves very Christophobic, contradictory and written decades after the event. Sorry to pop the bubble you’re living in.

    • @2Uahoj
      @2Uahoj Рік тому +1

      @@Baczkowa78 Thanks for the insult ("Sorry to pop the bubble you’re living in."?? Why are UA-cam responders so thin- skinned?). In any event, I'll try to rationally response to any question you have, so long as you come down from your high horse. if not, have a nice day and God bless.

    • @Baczkowa78
      @Baczkowa78 Рік тому

      @@2Uahoj you rode your high horse already into the ground when you as a UA-camr commenter claimed “is that so hard for these ‘experts’ (more expert than you’ll ever be) to understand?” You won’t answer anything about the “mysteries” of that time if a reading of the Gospels doesn’t answer it.

    • @funnyvishant
      @funnyvishant Рік тому +2

      ​@@2Uahoj History is not "christophobia". I hope you do realize the gospels are not historical. All 4 of the gospels in the bible even contradict each other. They are spiritual texts, not history books.

    • @2Uahoj
      @2Uahoj Рік тому

      @@funnyvishant Then why do so many secular historians rely on them in part for understanding the period?

  • @siggybenedict-shields3883
    @siggybenedict-shields3883 Рік тому +1

    It was the Jewish religious establishment that feared the challenge to the status quo Jesus represented. Pilate, the head of the Roman occupation forces, would not have done anything that was not in the Roman interest. The sign on the cross, rather than a realization of Jesus’ divinity, was rather a clear statement: look, here is the King of the Jews, an insult to the establishment. It was indeed a well staged play when Pilate seemingly gave the religious establishment and the crowd the power to decide the fate of Jesus, a power they did not actually have. Pilate even gets them all to loudly state that they have no king but Caesar. In the end it was neither the solely the Romans nor the Jews, but the sins of all of humanity that Jesus died on the cross for.

  • @goddalehundibharathraj4374
    @goddalehundibharathraj4374 Рік тому +1

    So Gospels are either wrong or not honest?

  • @johnssmith4005
    @johnssmith4005 Рік тому +11

    Looks like somebody didn't read 1 Thessalonians 2:15 KJV
    Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:

    • @subcitizen2012
      @subcitizen2012 Рік тому

      The Bible says a lot of things...
      Deuteronomy 23:7
      You shall not abhor an Edomite, for he is your brother. You shall not abhor an Egyptian, because you were a sojourner in his land.
      Romans 7:6
      But now we are released from the law, having died to that which held us captive, so that we serve in the new way of the Spirit and not in the old way of the written code.
      1 Corinthians 14:10
      There are doubtless many different languages in the world, and none is without meaning,
      James 3:13
      Who is wise and understanding among you? By his good conduct let him show his works in the meekness of wisdom.
      Mathew 7:1-2
      Judge not, that you be not judged. For with the judgment you pronounce you will be judged, and with the measure you use it will be measured to you.

    • @johnssmith4005
      @johnssmith4005 Рік тому

      @@subcitizen2012 what do all these verses have to do with WHO killed Jesus Christ ? The title of this video says that Pontius Pilate is The Man Who Killed Christ while the Bible says different

    • @iainrendle7989
      @iainrendle7989 Рік тому +1

      @@johnssmith4005 He was 'crucified' and in Judea (and rest of the Roman controlled territories) that punishment was only allowed to be carried out as a Roman punishment......therefore the only person that could of had him crucified was Pilate. If he was killed under Jewish law then he would of been stoned or thrown off a high wall or cliff, but certainly not crucified, which was not the case, therefore killed by Rome in the person of Pilate.

    • @johnssmith4005
      @johnssmith4005 Рік тому

      @@iainrendle7989 READ THE BIBLE THEN TALK

    • @AnnaAnna-uc2ff
      @AnnaAnna-uc2ff Рік тому +2


  • @joehernande-721
    @joehernande-721 Рік тому +1

    The Bible clearly states that the Jewish Priest's and principally the high priest Caiaphas was responsible for the death & crucifixion our Lord Jesus Çhrist and the Jewish rabble who requested Barabbas be freed instead of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Even when Pilate was determined to let Christ go free and there is the warning from the Apostle Paul that anyone that tries to change the Scriptures shall be accursed.

  • @franzpaul6244
    @franzpaul6244 Рік тому

    there are 2 things missing from this commentary and they are
    1) naming the priests as the were the Pharisees and
    2) Jesus knew his destiny was to be murdered so he provoked it as His Ressurection would not be possible without first dying.
    the secularist has a habit of missing basic points of this story and we should expect it to continue...

  • @andrewstidham7950
    @andrewstidham7950 Рік тому +1

    The crucifixion was about God giving SALVATION in his Son not politics.. and no one killed Jesus he gave his life willingly so SALVATION in him could be possible. Your eternity solely rest believing on HIM and HIM alone

  • @davidestate
    @davidestate Рік тому +1

    I love it when so called Historians ignore that fact that Jesus came to the Jews, he was a Jew and spoke that language. They also did what they did not just on so called Blasphemy but they pushed jealously. Pilate is the main ruler however their is also Herod Antipas who is the ruler over Galilee who Pilate first sent Jesus to him. Since they want to charge Jesus with blasphemy, Herod found nothing to support their claim, that is when they went back to Pilate and plots that he was saying he was a King, and is risking a riot since Pilate was sent to Judea to control the people and stop the riots. They used this as means to get Pilate to make a choice and he did, a choice he was the play in his part. Yes, it was the Jews that didn't believe, while many were and many more will later. So it was the Jews that brought Jesus to Pilate, as Pilate didn't go looking for Jesus since their were no riots over the 3 years that Jesus ministered. Next the Gospel does not focus on the killings before and what will happen after, except that Pilate is perfect for such tasks.
    The rabbit whole goes even deeper. Do not be mislead for Josephus (Josephus Falvius) was born 37-38 After the Death of Jesus, he was the son of a Pharisees, who was also part of the Jewish Resistance. So you know, Josephus would have been influenced by his father since he was not around to see with his own eyes, what happened to Jesus but only recorded information from the Romans and Herod the Great. He even flipped sides and became a Roman Citizen so his Historic writings would be more propaganda then just reading and rewriting.

  • @tomsawyer2338
    @tomsawyer2338 Рік тому

    Jesus was an original. Even if you don’t believe his story, his story still impacts you.

  • @danielpaulson8838
    @danielpaulson8838 9 місяців тому

    Pilot would never ask the Jews what he should do with Jesus. These are monopmyths. See the shared templates? This is one of three versions.

  • @onslaughtgaming-742h
    @onslaughtgaming-742h Рік тому +2

    God sent Himself into the world in the bodily form of Jesus Christ (God in the flesh; John 1:14) during Roman rule in Jerusalem because He knew that the era of the crucifixion was to fulfil all Old Testament prophecy. Jesus had to come into the world during this era; otherwise, the cross would not have been used. Imagine if Jesus was killed in the electric chair. Then, all churches would have an electric chair symbol on them and not a cross. However, God knew it had to be the cross.
    Jesus Himself knew he had to go to the cross, that he had to receive lashings, and that his blood had to be shed for the redemption of mankind. If no blood is shed, no sins are absolved. Moreover, He was aware that, after his death, his side would have to be pierced by a Roman soldier in order to fulfil all Scripture. Below is the scripture that refers to the crucifixion and piercing of the side of Christ (remember that this scripture was written 520 years before the birth of Christ!)
    Zechariah 12:10 "And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."

    • @eq1373
      @eq1373 Рік тому

      I am a believer.
      But that verse you cited in no way predicts the crucifixion.

  • @JudeCJV
    @JudeCJV Рік тому

    Thought it was interesting how the video showed Jesus and the other 2 criminals carrying the whole cross, not just the cross beams. I don't think the crosses were as heavy as some historians say either.

  • @dystopic6245
    @dystopic6245 Рік тому +1

    Jesus laid his own life down. He took upon himself the sins of the world in our place, being a willing sacrifice so that he might rescue the world from the slavery of sin, and be redeemed.
    Pilot could not have had authority had it not been given him by God.

  • @jerrymcdaniel4539
    @jerrymcdaniel4539 Рік тому +4

    Brought to you by the ADL

  • @DIGITAL7Media
    @DIGITAL7Media 4 місяці тому

    Wait!!!! How does this story end!?!?

  • @Evocati-Augusti
    @Evocati-Augusti Рік тому

    People don't remember the old scripture, in which God tells the 12 tribes of Isreal what will happen to them if they broke his laws, they would meet scorched earth and walk the world without a home, in 70 CE(siege of Jerusalem of 70 CE was the decisive event of the First Jewish-Roman War) Emperor Titus says "I saw it in the Scriptures, I was merely a tool of God"

  • @greggoreo6738
    @greggoreo6738 Рік тому +9

    Exquisitely produced = filmed = edited. Bravo! I am sure/ that God/ is/ well pleased! Excellent stuff in deed. Educated , and high class staff, and competent and professional crew to make this all happen so flawlessly! S*U*P*E*R*B! respectfully yours Gregg Oreo long Beach Ca Etats Unis

    • @rehab5355
      @rehab5355 Рік тому

      I thought so, too...I'd never given much thought as to the political shenanigans that are so much carried down thru the ages! You scratch my back & i'll scratch yours...convenient.....nor did i give much thought to the fact that Rome would appoint the
      The High Priest in a selection maneuver to help with their own power....very good, even elementary....that's how it's done today!

    • @polynesia8733
      @polynesia8733 Рік тому

      God is NOT PLEASED at all. You alter what scripture says it is more scarier than you think...He said if you alter "these words He will add curses" to you....whoever created this is cursed

  • @cat-tzu1234
    @cat-tzu1234 Рік тому

    Did the Jews involved speak Latin or did Pilate speak Hebrew? So what was language the language of the interview between Pilate and Jesus?

  • @iqgustavo
    @iqgustavo 11 місяців тому

    🎯 Key Takeaways for quick navigation:
    00:28 📖 Pontius Pilate's historical account is often overshadowed by his role in the trial and execution of Jesus, as presented in the Gospels.
    01:10 🏛️ Contrary to the weak portrayal in the Gospels, ancient Greek and Roman sources depict Pilate as a competent, strong governor who controlled a challenging province.
    03:15 🧐 The blame for Jesus' death has been historically attributed to the Jews in part due to the New Testament accounts, contributing to Christian anti-Semitism.
    05:35 🕊️ Pilate was a military governor with a background in the Roman military and a focus on maintaining order in a volatile province.
    09:26 🛐 Religion played a significant role in Roman life, and Pilate, as the Roman prefect, was also the high priest of the Roman State Church, which complicated his relationship with the Jews.
    13:13 🔪 Pilate's confrontation with hostile Jews during a protest backfired, as the Jews were willing to die rather than transgress the law, leading to a standoff.
    14:33 🛡️ Pilate had to navigate the sensitivities of Jewish customs and religion while ensuring law and order in a volatile province.
    18:10 🏙️ Pilate brought fresh troops to Jerusalem during Jewish festivals to manage the crowds, which posed a challenge due to the city's historical significance and religious fervor.
    23:30 👑 Jesus' actions and teachings had political implications, as he spoke of the coming kingdom of God, which could lead to a radical change in political circumstances.
    26:19 ⚔️ Pilate used force to quell the unrest, including undercover troops with wooden clubs, indicating a harsh and strong governing approach.
    29:57 🐴 Jesus' entry into Jerusalem on a donkey had symbolic meaning as a challenge to Earthly Authority.
    30:15 🏛️ Jesus' actions in the temple, attacking the money changers, symbolized a judgment on the temple's commercialization.
    31:23 ⚔️ Priests wanted Pilate to deal with Jesus, leading to the involvement of Pagan soldiers in the temple, which threatened the temple's sanctity.
    34:28 👑 Jesus was presented as "the king of the Jews" to Pilate, a direct challenge to Roman rule.
    37:26 🌟 Pilate used the trial of Jesus to assert Roman authority over the Jewish leaders and the crowd.
    43:50 👑 Pilate repeatedly forced the crowd to declare they have "no King but Caesar," reinforcing Roman authority.
    47:10 ⛓️ Crucifixion was a public and political statement of Roman power, used for those challenging Roman authority.