"Eternal Yesterday" is a captivating BL series that immediately captivates audiences from its pilot episode. Set in a fantasy themed story, the narrative beautifully weaves elements of love, letting go, and relatable human experiences. One of the series' strongest points is its ability to balance fantasy elements with relatable themes. The storyline is a roller coaster of emotions, taking viewers on a journey of love and self-discovery. Unlike many mainstream BL stories, "Eternal Yesterday" avoids excessive cheesiness, instead focusing on genuine character interactions. The chemistry between the characters, particularly the bubbly Koichi and the introspective Mitsuru/Mitchan, is palpable and adds depth to the storytelling. Each episode is packed with a perfect blend of love, drama, mystery, and fantasy, making it a truly captivating viewing experience. Overall, "Eternal Yesterday" stands out as one of the most interesting and well-executed BL series to date. Despite its short length, it manages to deliver a wholesome and fulfilling story that will leave viewers wanting more. Highly recommended for fans of the genre and anyone looking for a fresh take on BL storytelling.
With every inch of my heart, I wanted this show to end differently but it had the ending it had to have. I do not think I have the emotional strength to watch this show again, not anytime soon. The video is awesome!
I still watch this edit every day and I really love it. Hope this drama gets the popularity that deserves. I still can't get over it. This drama hurts so bad:) Thanks gor this great edit
spoiler alert i want someone who have seen it to tell me the story if he died in the 1st ep how is he happend to be in the entire series is his friend imagining him and did they where a couple before his death i dont mind if im been told the whole story im one of those ppl who read the last page of a book before buying it so pls tell me a summary 🙏
It's definitely easier to watch this drama rather than explain it. But yes, they were together before his death, his corpse continued to live and together they go through a process of trying to pretend it didn't happen/grieving until they can't any longer. You have to not try too hard to make logical sense of a story like this. It's more about feeling. It's a story about letting go.
"Eternal Yesterday" is a captivating BL series that immediately captivates audiences from its pilot episode. Set in a fantasy themed story, the narrative beautifully weaves elements of love, letting go, and relatable human experiences.
One of the series' strongest points is its ability to balance fantasy elements with relatable themes. The storyline is a roller coaster of emotions, taking viewers on a journey of love and self-discovery. Unlike many mainstream BL stories, "Eternal Yesterday" avoids excessive cheesiness, instead focusing on genuine character interactions.
The chemistry between the characters, particularly the bubbly Koichi and the introspective Mitsuru/Mitchan, is palpable and adds depth to the storytelling. Each episode is packed with a perfect blend of love, drama, mystery, and fantasy, making it a truly captivating viewing experience.
Overall, "Eternal Yesterday" stands out as one of the most interesting and well-executed BL series to date. Despite its short length, it manages to deliver a wholesome and fulfilling story that will leave viewers wanting more. Highly recommended for fans of the genre and anyone looking for a fresh take on BL storytelling.
With every inch of my heart, I wanted this show to end differently but it had the ending it had to have. I do not think I have the emotional strength to watch this show again, not anytime soon. The video is awesome!
I still watch this edit every day and I really love it.
Hope this drama gets the popularity that deserves.
I still can't get over it.
This drama hurts so bad:)
Thanks gor this great edit
最終話を偶然リアタイで観て…今回Tverの「再配信」で、1話から観る事ができて…すごくEmotionalでした😭ここ1年位「ドラマシャワー」初め、BLドラマ結構観てますが…こんなに泣けたのは初めてです😢I really miss them☔️🌁
I've been thinking about watching this, just haven't had the time for it. This video made me want to watch it even more, it's so well done.
It's been great so far but I feel the ending is gonna break all of our hearts
A perfectly beautiful moment... all of it.
great the song make me cry even harder... so sad love story
Thank you , I needed this after the ending , the edit is perfect 😊💜
You're welcome 😊
beautiful edit... they truly were each other's miracle
Aww, love this. You're doing such amazing videos for this series, thank you.
Glad you like them!
Thank you so much for this beautiful video. This show broke my heart in the best way.
Thank you, and same. I rewatched it just to feel the pain again *cries*
they will forever stay in my heart..❤️🩹🫂
thank you for your beautiful edit🫂💜
Very well done 😊 finally got a good edit
Omg my heart still broke 😢💔
Me tooooo
If this drama was remake by Thailand and its Firstkhao..I am pretty sure we crying really hard than this.
I think they'd be a good pick for a Thai remake! But this tenderhearted Japanese version is just so perfect.
This edit is sooooooo amazing.. I almost wish you make another edit adding last two episode scenes too.. 😢
Thank you! I’m working on it at the moment in fact, stay tuned.
@@panpacifice wow. Glad to hear.. waiting for it. ♥️
This is their song
spoiler alert
i want someone who have seen it to tell me the story if he died in the 1st ep how is he happend to be in the entire series is his friend imagining him and did they where a couple before his death i dont mind if im been told the whole story im one of those ppl who read the last page of a book before buying it so pls tell me a summary 🙏
It's definitely easier to watch this drama rather than explain it. But yes, they were together before his death, his corpse continued to live and together they go through a process of trying to pretend it didn't happen/grieving until they can't any longer. You have to not try too hard to make logical sense of a story like this. It's more about feeling. It's a story about letting go.
thank you 🙏@@panpacifice
where can i watch this for free???