[9평 수능대비] 수능영어독해 빈칸추론 핵심기술 훈련 2 : 빈칸이 형용사인 경우
- Опубліковано 10 лют 2025
- 여러분들의 구독과 좋아요는 다음 영상을 준비 하는데 있어 강한 동기부여가 됩니다 구독과 좋아요 버튼을 눌러주세요 😊👍👍👍👍👍#존킴영어 #수능영어 #영어독학 #빈칸추론
2018_11월 고 3_ 대수능 _31
다음 글의 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은
Finkenauer and Rimé investigated the memory of
the unexpected death of Belgium's King Baudouin
in 1993 in a large sample of Belgian citizens. The
data revealed that the news of the king's death had
been widely socially shared. By talking about the
event, people gradually constructed a social
narrative and a collective memory of the emotional
event. At the same time, they consolidated their
own memory of the personal circumstances in
which the event took place, an effect known as
“flashbulb memory.” The more an event is socially
shared, the more it will be fixed in people's minds.
Social sharing may in this way help to counteract
some natural tendency peop le may have. Naturally,
people should be driven to "forget" undesirable
events. Thus, someone who just heard a piece of
bad news often tends initially to deny what
happened. The ______________ social sharing of
the bad news contributes to realism.
date 공고히 하다
①biased ② illegal ③ repetitive
④temporary ⑤ rational
2021_9월 고 3_ 평가원 _31
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은
When examining the archaeological record of
human culture, one has to consider that it is vastly
______________. Many aspects of human culture
have what archaeologists describe as low
archaeological visibility, meaning they are difficult
to identify archae ologically. Archaeologists tend to
focus on tangible (or material) aspects of culture:
things that can be handled and photographed,
such as tools, food, and structures. Reconstructing
intangible aspects of culture is more difficult,
requiring that one draw more inferences from the
tangible. It is relatively easy, for example, for
archaeologists to identify and draw inferences
about technology and diet from stone tools and
food remains. Using the same kinds of physical
remains to draw inferences about social systems
and what people were thinking about is more
difficult. Archaeologists do it, but there are
necessarily more inferences involved in getting from
physical remains recognized as trash to making
interpretations about belief systems.
①outdated ② factual ③ incomplete
④organized ⑤ detailed
2021_11월 고 3_ 대수능 _31
다음 빈칸에 들어갈 말로 가장 적절한 것은
Humour involves not just practical disengagement
but cognitive disengagement. As long as
something is funny, we are for the moment not
concerned with whether it is real or fictional, true
or false. This is why we give considerable leeway to
people telling funny stories. If they are getting extra
laughs by exaggerating the silliness of a situat ion
or even by making up a few details, we are happy
to grant them comic licence, a kind of poetic
licence. Indeed, someone listening to a funny story
who tries to correct the teller ――‘No, he didn’t spill
the spaghetti on the keyboard and the monitor,
just on the keyboard’ will probably be told by the
other listeners to stop interrupting. The creator of
humour is putting ideas into people’s heads for the
pleasure those ideas will bring, not to provide
인식의 **leeway: 여지
①accurate ② detailed ③ useful
④additional ⑤ alternative