OPINION FROM A FORMER JUDGE I am a student of law whose age is 85. My first year of college was 68 years ago. One class I took was political science. A half-page of my textbook essentially outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy. : 1. Divide the nation philosophically 2. Foment racial strife. 3. Cause distrust of police authority. 4. Swarm the nations boarders indiscriminately and uncodiabolicanightmarenstitutionally. 5. Engender the military strength to weaken it. 6. Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation. 7. Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime. 8. Control all balloting . 9. Control all media. What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has evoke an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish (God willing) - Go dwelling KEITH M ALBER CALIFORNIA
In 1972 I asked a retired law professor (who was in his late 80s) about politicians who were dishonest. He said, " In order to be a politician, you have to be a crook"
I'm not throwing up. Do you throw up easily? Remind me not to invite you to dinner. I am, however, sickened by how slow DOJ and other judicial venues are moving against Trump and his hundreds of criminal enablers. Agent Orange should have been indicted months ago. ...Why is Bannon not now in prison, and why is Melania kept clear of everything Trump? Surely she was privy to many key conversations during Trump's crime spree.
Join the club...... it's called society...... forget the rules, do your thing, listening to politics will drive you insane, on the other hand, for these people it's a game, it's how they make their money. The government is a Cartel.
The problem is 95% of the employees in DC are Democrats! This inequity indicates massive discrimination in Washington hiring practices! This bias of treatment will persist until equal distribution of employees is accomplished!!
It started back in the early 80's when supreme court allowed campaign financing and later allowed unlimited campaign financing. When the republicans convinced the public that trickle down works and when the wealthy were allowed tax loopholes.
Apparently the same way there is blue eyed soul there is also now blue eyed banana republic, and the people don't like it for it is not the original, real thing. ''There is nothing like the real thing, baby''...Shema!!!.
That's how you vote for Donald...no shame...No shame about jan 6 and calling them political prisoners....Anyone who $hits on the floor and walls of our Capitol is not an America.
It's called evidence. They have plenty of it against Trmp. The GOP keeps saying, "we think" we have the evidence. These two Pinocchio's take you for a mark like Trmp does and you out yourself here.
They won’t go after Joe because pedos stick together. Under the Trump administration, pedos were being arrested on a daily basis. This is why they are so desperate to keep him out of the White House, because they know the arrests will begin again.
@davemay6420 They won't go after the Biden's because the FBI and CIA have files on every Republican. FBI Director Wray and CIA Director Burns are both corrupt and in the pocket of the people in charge of the White House.
Who are “they?” Why all caps? Shouting doesn’t change anything. More defamation lawsuits coming for the Fox liar team. I watched the Republicans try to go after Biden with no evidence of any wrongdoing. They make a joke of themselves over and over. Like you.
Because the elite own the system and you are a slave. Haven't you figured this out already? Stop living in the Truman show. The WEF is calling the shots.
@@danboyd2725Really you like how things are a police state that’s what we’re in. President Trump being indicted for documents. Joe Biden has documents No indictment
@@danboyd2725 thanks for the economy lefty, all you worry about is pride this and pride that..pride doesn't put food on our tables and neither does Biden or that laughing do nothing VP..
"President" Biden said "he was supposed to walk off the stage now". WHO would be telling the President WHEN to walk off the stage?!! Pathetic and concerning!
No no no.... They just need to start acting like they believe in the rule of law and democracy over their Trump fueled crack binge ideology at all costs. I would add as well: they should cut their losses in ALL NUT JOB CONSPIRACIES they can't build any sane & sound legal case on or they risk descending down into the dumpster bin of broken backward yesterday ......
The only American who won't acknowledge this Administration's failed economic policies is Joe Biden. "Shrink-flation' is the least of our worries compared to rising rents and stagnant wages, but it is an undeniable indicator of how bad our inflation has gotten. I have $100k that i like to invest in a non-retirement account, any advice on that?
I would avoid index funds, mutual funds, and specific stocks for the time being. Right now, the best option is a fixed income of five percent. Put money aside for the times when the market really starts to bounce back.
45% of Americans do not invest in the stock market because of lack of guidance. Every year you don't invest, you are falling behind. I’m hitting numbers in the stock market I used to dream of… Going from $50k to $600k in my portfolio is surreal all thanks to insights from my financial advisor.
She goes by ‘vivian jean wilhelm’’ I suggest you look her up. To be honest, I almost didn't buy the idea of letting someone handle growing my finance, but so glad I did
He asked that because, pathetically, he's so clueless he doesn't remember what he did with it. A couple million here, several million there over the decades he's been on the take and it's all a blur for the Big Guy.
@robert wheatley .Exactly , the actions of this administration tells us how important and how much we need Trump . We need leaders who have the interests of American People at heart . And all we want to see this country in a better state than it is under this administration.Hope all is well with you ?
I’ve always liked Mr. Gingrich and I appreciate his frankness and common sense approach to issues. He is committed to our nation and wants are great future for all Americans. God Bless Newt Gingrich.
Why is it not illegal, a crime, for those in so-called public service to LIE to the citizens of this nation? If you lie to the government you go to prison. Lie at work you get fired. But, if they lie it's just a matter of being a politician!
Number one question on the application for any government position. Can you lie to the people and convince them its for their benefit? If the answer is yes, BOOM, you're a politician.
If that's the case then why was traitor Trump every president because that's all he does is lie he couldn't tell the truth if you held a gun to his head
I total agree with Gingrich release the document let the American people read it is not classified. Just like Trump did with the phone call to Ukraine transcribed. Show the country what a liar Jamie Raskin is let everyone read it.
If it turns out Raskin did not lie will you come back and acknowledge that? Or will you stick to saying that no matter what, until you die? Are you even allowed to acknowledge when a Democrat tells the truth?
Yes, and the Ukraine transcript proved that drumpf tried to pressure the Ukrainian President into lying about an investigation on the Bidens otherwise drumpf would withhold already agreed aid. Yep, that what drumpf did.
@@Han9emA11 The most important thing is not just whether you think it - that's the easy part - but whether you are committed to not acknowledging it if it ever turns out they are telling the truth. It can be hard for some people to stick to their convictions when some sort of "proof" to the contrary is presented . Especially when it's on video/tape recordings or in texts and emails. This is what the libs are using to unjustly go after Trump. It is up to us to stand by him, no matter what the evidence shows. Can't let that confuse us. For eight years the libs take his words and use it against him, time and again they accuse him of saying the things he said, and of doing the things he did. The challenge is to not let that deter us from defending Trump NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS OR DOES. MAGA!
They won’t release it, because then they wouldn’t be able to continue to use it as a tool against Biden. If released the public would know it contains nothing incriminating. Then they would have to invent a new scandal to accuse the president of, just to much work for their laziness to allow.
I would love to ask old Newt why the Saudi’s gave Jared Kushner 2 BILLION DOLLARS. Someone please explain to me that even if it’s true that Joe took a 5 million dollar bribe how that even compares to the 2 billion Jared was gifted by the Saudi’s. 2 BILLION WILL BUY A LOT OF INFORMATION… Mar-A-Lago documents anyone?
There has always been a double standard of justice in the US. One law for white America and a totally different law for African Americans. Have you only just noticed.
it also shows a lack of much with Americans, lack of loyalty to fellow Americans all not just the pandered to grp(s) now since lgbtq+++, and those we cannot afford in anyone pouring in, that We do not put up, run and elect non-"edcuated experts" at pocket lining, RICH "educated Rather than educated, decent, retired America loving... and that many Americans bobble their heads for drugs and perversions OVER real freedom. and childish nonsense of FAKE "green" OVER our own Food/ranch farms. they minute a despot evile goes to take Anything from America/Americans OUT W THEM. And to think messing with children is ok...OH MY WORD, they got to go. Give me retired factory line workers and cashiers, they know how to budget, America and Americans and the other, they know how to get and keep things running and diplomacy Who would be better and not giving away anything not even the farm, if they would need an "educated expert" at pocket lining they know how to call one. Social media free campaigns must include a written document of intent with regards to policies and bringing back and upholding America.
As Senator Grassley said he read the document ask him when he read the document . Is it in 2019 or 2017. Under Bill Barr and they all dismisss that piece of garbage.
One of favorite TRUMP quotes: They're not coming after ME ... They're coming after YOU ... I'm just standing in their way ... And I ALWAYS WILL stand in their way
Pretty sure they’re just going after him. 🙄 Here’s what the quote should say, “They’re not coming after you, they’re coming after me! I’m betting my freedom on you being stupid enough to stand in their way! And I ALWAYS will make that bet!” 😂😂
This is old news .. I knew this 6 years ago. It's not a "turning point for America" until action is taken. Pounding a fist on the table or complaining about it in the media is not action.
It's a cluster F***K! I say that since impeachment has been brought up with regard to both Trump and Biden, at essentially the SAME TIME! It's as though our country is coming apart at the seams. I can't imagine what China is thinking. On second thought I can and it's disturbing.
American voters support corruption ....and nobody cares or gives a crap...that is the real scandal. ...never underestimate the stupidity of the U.S. voter.
Ah, to the contrare, mon ami! There is a righteous judge of all the earth! (Genesis 18:25) And He will require a day of reckoning, when all will be revealed! In Revelation 20:11-15, King Jesus will sit upon the Great White Throne(John 5:22), and justice will be meted!
@Nunya We need to realize there are a LOT of issues Democrat and Republican voters agree on!! Both parties serve their bipartisan billionaire donors, not us---and they get us yelling at each other so we won't notice!!!
H Clinton did the same thing when being interviewed by a British journalist after her loss to Trump. He asked if she was afraid she would go to jail. She chuckled and looked at him like what a stupid question and said "No".
Trump supporters are in no way like TRUMP. He is a master con-artist and true psychopath. And, make no doubt about it- Trump is a superior con artist and first-rate manipulator - he is really, really good. On the other hand - the overwhelming majority of his supporters are known in Law enforcement circles as MARKS. They are the ignorant jerks that actually believe what the con artist preaches. Just like the average evangelical con-artist minister preaching their phony christian religion to the same MARKS.
I sincerely apologize for violating your privacy. I came across your post while browsing on a post. Your comment is great, but I don't think we're friends on Facebook. If you don't mind, add me to your friends list, I tried to add you to mine but it doesn't work. I'd love to be friends with you, but I'm sorry for violating your privacy here. Please accept my apology. Thank you so much. Will be very glad hearing from you okay
@jamalbrown9339 complimenti! Immagino sia molto meglio avere un pedofilo al governo con un figlio drogato e indecente che se la fa con bambine vero???😂😂😂😂 gli USA? Siete la barzelletta del mondo intero e mi creda poco amato.E a lei le suggerisco di crescere e informarsi. Non c' è persona piu' pericolosa che quella ignorante e patetica come lei.😂 😂
Biden says, "Where's the money". Of all the things Biden can't remember. Biden does remember, it will take 10 years to untangle things to find the money. This idea sticks in his head. "Where's the money" This was what was important to him. The money won't be found.
@@richardmesser1091 I thought the 20 or so LLC's his family shuffles millions of dollars back and forth in ARE THE PROOF, along with the entire family and LLC's having no actual business to create anything or do anything of financial value or that can be traded as valuable.
The elite control all mechanisms of power. How will justice ever be done when the wolves are watching the chicken coup. Come on, wake up! The people are serfs and the USA is controlled by the global elite.
Gatez admits the FBI Whistle blower can't prove any Claims against Biden. Funny thing is we're taking $5m for Biden . Kushner got $2b. Funny how GOP Finally admit they have NO Incriminating Evidence on Biden or his family of engaging in business with foreign entites
I've found something to Like about every President of my Lifetime all the way back to Ford. Republicans and Democrats... But Biden is a new Level of Low down conniving thieving anti American trash. I never thought it was possible for someone this corrupt to occupy that office. He's working for everyone BUT America.
I sincerely doubt that I am the only foreigner to immediately re-question my own public service about whether or not they too have become absolutely corrupt.
to our friendly foreigners, you will learn that All politicians are corrupt. It is just when you look at the Official Corruption Scale, the Republicans always seem to win out and get the indictments (just google historical American political indictments and find it is overwhelmingly Republicans being indicted and convicted). Democrats sometimes get indictments but boringly it is so far and few between, you can understand why Republicans think it is must be the DOJ even though most of the DOJ officials are registered Republicans. Just fun facts for our friendly visitors to our already great country
It is the number one story only in your mind. It is not even a footnote to history because everyone keeps asking: "Where's the evidence?" Giuliani said it best: "We have plenty of claims but no evidence" or something like that.
not in this lifetime anyway, but after, it's gonna be a tough path for he and his protectors to walk . " for it is appointed unto man to die, and after this, the Judgement." Scriptural quote !
There really needs to be more laws governing what US politicians (and their relatives and associates) can and cannot do, particularly with regard to conflicts of interest.
Right, because the laws we already have on the books are being enforced? The DOJ has been bought and paid for. It is now under the control of the Uniparty.
I sincerely apologize for violating your privacy. I came across your post while browsing on a post. Your comment is great, but I don't think we're friends on Facebook. If you don't mind, add me to your friends list, I tried to add you to mine but it doesn't work. I'd love to be friends with you, but I'm sorry for violating your privacy here. Please accept my apology. Thank you so much. Will be very glad hearing from you okay
Trump supporters are in no way like TRUMP. He is a master con-artist and true psychopath. And, make no doubt about it- Trump is a superior con artist and first-rate manipulator - he is really, really good. On the other hand - the overwhelming majority of his supporters are known in Law enforcement circles as MARKS. They are the ignorant jerks that actually believe what the con artist preaches. Just like the average evangelical con-artist minister preaching their phony christian religion to the same MARKS.
We need to see a special council immediately. There's enough solid evidence to do it, why are we continuing to filter through the weeds of all this corruption with no Justice being levied?
I am asking you, where is the evidence, the money, the proof, anything. You back a man who has committed every crime humanly possible, has been a criminal since the 70s, has risked the entire U.S. of America, kisses evil dictators asses, and lies at a rate never seen in history, yet you think squeeky clean Biden is a criminal? Wow. You are an idiot.
Dethrone those elite wannabes,remove all security funding for those dodging any appearance to defend their "innocence", no legal representation for them on any tax payers dollars OR ANY WAGES/SALARY COLLECTED UNTIL THEY'VE PROVEN their actions are within the law! I can see the two tiered justice system back pedaling already without their provided armed security, i.e, bulletproof vehicles, armed guards, & all arms by them registered. Right!?
They make a few actual arrests holding any politician accountable there’s a chance the others will straighten up a bit…to be so blatant about the laws broken and treason committed
Never in my lifetime did I ever imagine this sort of corruption could ever happen, much less as the highest levels, yet here it is happening right now, and they’re getting away with it. Out-f’ing-rageous!!!
The corruption has always existed, but now, they don’t even try to hide it. The corrupt have been using the law to protect the corruption. If you look the other way or join in, you’re safe. If not, they punish you using the law. The election of Trump exposed them for what they are.
Gatez admits the paid FBI Whistle blower can't prove Any claims against Biden, Funny this is we're talking $5m , Kushner got $2b. Funny how the GOP finally admit they have NO Incriminating Evidence on Biden or his family of engaging in business with foreign entites.
I'm tired of politicians and pundits saying if they can go after Trump ( for Classified Docs ) they can go after you. Most of us are not worried we are not near any Classified Docs.
@@atg1338 This is not a democrat or republican issue. All politicians are corrupt. All of them. The WEF controls the USA. You sir live in the Truman Show and cannot see the farce that is playing out before your eyes. Don't worry, 84% of Americans are blind sheep as well.
Why does everyone on FOX and that comes on FOX have a book to sell? Are people actually buying their crap? All of these books are nothing more than a book of opinions.
This is giving me so much anxiety I can't handle it because of all the corruption, and there is nothing that anyone can do about what is going on and people are putting roadblocks everywhere this is disgusting and it makes me sick.
Comm down, I know I'm in the same boat as you, have a shot of your favorite spirit and sit in your favorite chair holding your favorite pet or person. If not, smoke a bowl and say f#
Yes, passing the infrastructure bill, passing lower drug prices for seniors, passing help for veterans, passing the defense of marriage act, while Republicans vote AGAINST all these and instead waste taxpayers dollars on an inquiry on why violent crime is DOWN in NY and up in 'red' states. or Hunter Biden's stolen laptop, or promoting far right Christian Hatred.' in making sure nothing is done about gun violence.
@@richardmesser1091 we're going there at this rate, here having criticism gets you called a conspiracy theorist. It's not a far cry to think it could come with consequences in the future.
@@Fpvpro1 No, those folks were not trying to take over. It was not an insurrection. Do you really think a few knuckleheads, unarmed, running the halls like a bunch of high school students were actually trying to take over the government??? Where was their structure? Their leader? Their plan? Their weapons? Really??? If the citizens were goung to actually "take over," it would be an expertly planned operation. And that's most likely not ever happening.
Finally an excellent comment from someone who realizes that this is the Truman Show and the USA is controlled by the WEF through the WHO, BIS, COFR, UN, IMF, UNESCO etc. We are all debt slaves and they keep stealing our money, laundering it and enriching themselves.
I hadn’t thought of that. Mass release across the internet and across all social media. If Big Tech bans then it will be on Twitter Plus Alt Tech at least. How would DOJ/FBI respond? Arrest James Comer?
How do these people keep getting away with all this corruption??? I have always been proud of our justice system because you could count on honest leaders. I'm not sure anymore, accountability has gone out the window! Will they face justice and accountable? To bad Newt wasn't a little younger, He would be a good President.
It's not even a cover up. They will flaunt this corruption in your face and laugh about it. If on the flip side Trump was able to use the FBI and the DOJ to delay or stop investigations the media would inflame the public and we'd be seeing cities burning right now.
They have nothing worthwhile to say as long as they continue to make excuses for Trump. He has ruined the GOP but with the connivance of his supporters.
Maria, the only way the Republicans can do anything about it is for us to stop the election theft in 2024 and remove the RINOs and put real patriotic Republicans in offices. Trump is the only person who I believe will fix this mess when re-elected if supported by majority control congressional Republicans.
OB does not like to be put in the same sentence with JB! Exposure may be to incriminating. He was Pres at the time and want to be informed of all things…”By the book”.
I would love to see Newt addressed as President Gingrich. Newt may be ancient but he has all his faculties properly in order. Newt has good perception of the Government. A good moral compass. Plenty of experience and understanding. Newt knows what America should be all about.
Newt spot on, and maybe he should be Speaker of the House right now. Sounds like he know how to take the bull by the horns and get all this crap exposed and prosecuted.
That depends on the party as to Kevin boy taking the bull by the horns. He does not take a crap with out permission from his lord and master. You should know the speaker can not and is not operating a court of law. Kevin boy will push the MAGA sick twisted policies with all his heart.
LOL I agree. When I was in school we also read George Orwell's book Animal Farm. It seems very relevant to the attitude of the ruling elite class and the entrenched Washington swamp. Both books are enlightening. Are they even allowed in school now? I have no idea if they are or not. I graduated in 1974.
Unfortunately, as this story is being ignored by 90% of the corporate media too many voters are in the dark. But, every time Trump so much as looks at someone the wrong way it's widely reported.
He and Hannity are just making it up. there's nothing like Hunter laptop or Burisma money. Why can't they pressure Republicans (they are majority and control the house) to investigate? Because they know very well that it BS. They rather keep the pressure on you viewer of fox news.
I saw this clip on UA-cam when it first came out. My jaw dropped to the floor that B. Said that. Even with no law studies I knew that had to be illegal.
Beginning with Newt Gingrich in 1994, Republicans stopped trying to govern and instead began accumulating power. McKay Coppins writes in his profile of Gingrich in the Atlantic, “… few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.” Effective governance requires compromise, trust, and mutual respect. Gingrich’s new version of Republican had no interest in that. He destroyed the bipartisan structures for governing and even resorted to name-calling and conspiracy theories-over the line at the time, but in hindsight presaging Trumpism. A straight line can be drawn from Gingrich’s “Contract with America” to the tea party in 2009. Another outsider movement characterized by distrust of government, expertise, and experience, the tea party helped elect a rogues’ gallery of loathsome lawmakers-I’m looking at you, Rand Paul (Ky.) and Ted Cruz (Texas). Trump’s dystopian vision of America is the ultimate flowering of the outsider, populist, anti-government thinking that has metastasized in the Republican Party over the past decades. ~
@@philalexander7902 Read a lot of the indictment. Interesting that they put Trumps indictment all over the media, but keep Biden’s corruption quiet. If the Chinese have bribed him you literally have a Manchurian candidate in the Oval Office. Talk about a security threat.
My college roommate from 1976 asked me, in response to my talking about these things discussed above, what I was talking about. His question validates the claim by conservatives that MSM is refusing to cover this. He asked me where this story could be found. This is a sad commentary on modern American society.
MSNBC, CNN is covering trump telling the world he took these, and how he said he wouldn't give them back and hid them, and the law finding them hidden at his home. isnt that enough to make headlines?
@@nigeltufnel9525 If his simple straightforward statement is too complicated for you to digest, I suggest you just chew on it longer. If he adds anything else you will just choke on it.
Yep, Biden's corruption leads directly to Barry's corruption... and if Barry goes down, the entire Deep State begins to crumble. They will protect Biden at all costs, even if it means framing Trump. They are desperate.
Question ❓ When will the Mass Media be held accountable for miss leading the people by eather omission of All the facts, or blatantly lieing ? Put them in jail! MAGA 🎆🇺🇸🎇
I'm with you 100% the media has been a corrupt never ending liars to this country and it started full scale when Hillary and Bill were both corrupted no holders to this country. News media is paving the down fall mess! I hate them!!!
I am a student of law whose age is 85.
My first year of college was 68 years ago.
One class I took was political science.
A half-page of my textbook essentially outlined a few steps to overturn a democracy. :
1. Divide the nation philosophically
2. Foment racial strife.
3. Cause distrust of police authority.
4. Swarm the nations boarders indiscriminately and uncodiabolicanightmarenstitutionally.
5. Engender the military strength to weaken it.
6. Overburden citizens with more unfair taxation.
7. Encourage civil rioting and discourage accountability for all crime.
8. Control all balloting .
9. Control all media.
What was printed in 1954 as a possible diabolic nightmare has evoke an emerging reality. I hope that Americans will unite enough to pen a good finish
(God willing) - Go dwelling
What you've just described sounds remarkably like the *_10 Planks of the Communist Revolution or Manifesto_* .
You have outlined Saul Alinski's Rules for Radicals.
Hillary Obama Biden all studens of carl marks
Thank you sir.
In 1972 I asked a retired law professor (who was in his late 80s) about politicians who were dishonest.
He said, " In order to be a politician, you have to be a crook"
Drain the swamp.
If this corruption doesn't make you want to throw up then there is something wrong with you.
Yep, you're right, Newt does make me want to throw up.
What corruption? An allegation without ANY evidence to back it up, and from a foreign source, yet.
Fox hides Trump's corruption.
Or just a democrat.
I'm not throwing up. Do you throw up easily? Remind me not to invite you to dinner. I am, however, sickened by how slow DOJ and other judicial venues are moving against Trump and his hundreds of criminal enablers. Agent Orange should have been indicted months ago. ...Why is Bannon not now in prison, and why is Melania kept clear of everything Trump? Surely she was privy to many key conversations during Trump's crime spree.
I'm just SICK & TIRED of hearing about all the corruption from these goofballs and NOTHING being done about it.
We all are.
I’m so sick of all this BS .. Nothing is going to change with these evil bastards in charge. It’s very sad and frustrating to say the least
"evil bastards" One way to describe the creatures.
Join the club...... it's called society...... forget the rules, do your thing, listening to politics will drive you insane, on the other hand, for these people it's a game, it's how they make their money. The government is a Cartel.
I totally agree with you
@@michaeldamato9466 We have the right to complain about how our money is being spent and how much we have to pay to support their scams.
Yes you do..... and good luck on that.
If the media had done their only job of reporting the actual news we wouldn’t be in this mess.
True that!
The media did their job to bring America down permanently.
You know, you just commented with that on a Fox video, right?
The controlled media has always been controlled by the elite powers that be. Their job is to push their elitist talking points.
This is what corruption looks like. Exactly like.
Crooked Slow Joe.
that's trump
@@bobpayton115no wayyy
We have no government. We have a circus.
Yep. Barnum and Bailey parked the Volkswagen @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave, and all the clowns and freakshows moved in.
You sound deluded. Trump is the clown in charge of the circus.
Nah, the clown show was kicked out when we voted Biden in. Lol
The problem is 95% of the employees in DC are Democrats! This inequity indicates massive discrimination in Washington hiring practices! This bias of treatment will persist until equal distribution of employees is accomplished!!
That is just people like Hannity and Kari lake - and of course Donald Trump creating a circus. Actually, government is boring - if it is done right.
All great nations fall from within, and we’re witnessing it first hand. Evil has definitely taken over.
and it started when Trump was elected
Actually it started when mom caught you in the attic shadow dancing, clad in her underwear
And only a few voice any concern! I can't believe it. It's so frustrating.
Engineered by America's foreign enemies n Democrats.
It started back in the early 80's when supreme court allowed campaign financing and later allowed unlimited campaign financing. When the republicans convinced the public that trickle down works and when the wealthy were allowed tax loopholes.
Absolutely NO shame for their corruption!
Apparently the same way there is blue eyed soul there is also now blue eyed banana republic, and the people don't like it for it is not the original, real thing.
''There is nothing like the real thing, baby''...Shema!!!.
Totally in your face now. At least before the had the dignity to try to hide it
That's how you vote for Donald...no shame...No shame about jan 6 and calling them political prisoners....Anyone who $hits on the floor and walls of our Capitol is not an America.
It's called evidence. They have plenty of it against Trmp. The GOP keeps saying, "we think" we have the evidence. These two Pinocchio's take you for a mark like Trmp does and you out yourself here.
They won’t go after Joe because pedos stick together.
Under the Trump administration, pedos were being arrested on a daily basis. This is why they are so desperate to keep him out of the White House, because they know the arrests will begin again.
They won't go after the Biden's because the FBI and CIA have files on every Republican. FBI Director Wray and CIA Director Burns are both corrupt and in the pocket of the people in charge of the White House.
Who are “they?” Why all caps? Shouting doesn’t change anything. More defamation lawsuits coming for the Fox liar team. I watched the Republicans try to go after Biden with no evidence of any wrongdoing. They make a joke of themselves over and over. Like you.
But they go After Trump
This is a slap in the face of all Americans, Absolute abuse of power
It's more like knocking off the block of all Americans; an incredible grab of unwarranted and undeserved power!
Joey Pinocchio has been slapping the Americans in their face for over 2 years he knows he can get away with it
Ya that's why trump is going to prison.hes a rapist too .
Trump is the one that slaps.
If they're not going to represent the American People then why continue to pay them.
Because the elite own the system and you are a slave. Haven't you figured this out already? Stop living in the Truman show. The WEF is calling the shots.
They pay themselves at the Treasury printing press every 2 weeks...
Pay them? Why haven’t we run them out of the country with pitchforks?!
Unless you want to become a hunter gatherer, you don't have a choice
It's sick because they're all part of the swamp.
We drained it when Trump lost by a Landslde.
WIt and see what is coming next😢
@@danboyd2725 not too bright are ya? what color is the sky in your world, pendejo?
@@danboyd2725Really you like how things are a police state that’s what we’re in. President Trump being indicted for documents. Joe Biden has documents No indictment
@@danboyd2725 thanks for the economy lefty, all you worry about is pride this and pride that..pride doesn't put food on our tables and neither does Biden or that laughing do nothing VP..
No one gets arrested, no one goes to prison. We're on our own out here. Protect your children; protect your grandchildren. PRAY.
We need a bit more than prayer.
Pray?? For what? There is NO god. When will you learn to accept that??
"President" Biden said "he was supposed to walk off the stage now". WHO would be telling the President WHEN to walk off the stage?!! Pathetic and concerning!
@@joet5830 😅🤘
The law is not applicable to the corrupt politicians; it’s embarrassing!!!
Jack Smith making it applicable to traitor Trump.🎉😂😂😂
So is building back something that wasn't broke to begin with.
Now we have something to "build back."
@@mauragallagher1663 MAGA
You mean like the one who just got indicted lol?
@@mauragallagher1663and you agree with the treason of Biden?
The GOP needs to start impeachments & defunding now.
Please explain your reasons?
No no no.... They just need to start acting like they believe in the rule of law and democracy over their Trump fueled crack binge ideology at all costs. I would add as well: they should cut their losses in ALL NUT JOB CONSPIRACIES they can't build any sane & sound legal case on or they risk descending down into the dumpster bin of broken backward yesterday ......
Of themselves.
A third impeachment for dump,out of office? sure .I'll grab his orange blazer too.
How can you possibly be so stupid, is it MAGA "dumps**t syndrome!
The only American who won't acknowledge this Administration's failed economic policies is Joe Biden. "Shrink-flation' is the least of our worries compared to rising rents and stagnant wages, but it is an undeniable indicator of how bad our inflation has gotten. I have $100k that i like to invest in a non-retirement account, any advice on that?
I would avoid index funds, mutual funds, and specific stocks for the time being. Right now, the best option is a fixed income of five percent. Put money aside for the times when the market really starts to bounce back.
45% of Americans do not invest in the stock market because of lack of guidance. Every year you don't invest, you are falling behind. I’m hitting numbers in the stock market I used to dream of… Going from $50k to $600k in my portfolio is surreal all thanks to insights from my financial advisor.
Mind if I ask you to recommend this particular coach you using their service?
She goes by ‘vivian jean wilhelm’’ I suggest you look her up. To be honest, I almost didn't buy the idea of letting someone handle growing my finance, but so glad I did
Thank you! I entered her full name into my browser, and her website came out on top. I filled her form and i hope she gets back to me soon.
Biden sneers and says, “Where’s the money?” Well, that sounds like a “I dare ya”. Okay, let’s go find the money.
They already found a lot of it, wired from the CCP
YES IT DOES! He’s an embarrassment to the world!!!!! He is an arrogant SMUG CORRUPT old man!!!!!
This corrupt government makes Mexico's corrupt government look like boy scouts.
Amazing story
He asked that because, pathetically, he's so clueless he doesn't remember what he did with it. A couple million here, several million there over the decades he's been on the take and it's all a blur for the Big Guy.
The media silence and hypocrisy on this scandal is breathtaking..
@robert wheatley .Exactly , the actions of this administration tells us how important and how much we need Trump . We need leaders who have the interests of American People at heart . And all we want to see this country in a better state than it is under this administration.Hope all is well with you ?
isn't Fox the media?
@@stephanies2239 The rest of the MSM then.
@@kevinmcfarlane2752they are talking about it too; get off this stupid Faux “News” opinion site and see for yourself. 😬🤦♀️
@@KittyGrizGriz it’s funny that you are here , weird.
honestly, Joe seems pretty lucid when asked about corruption
he perked right up
And Trump🤔
Joe is faking his Insanity, it easy to see.
He had practiced those comments because he has been asked over and over!
@atg13 Our country was much , much better off! What corruption?
I’ve always liked Mr. Gingrich and I appreciate his frankness and common sense approach to issues. He is committed to our nation and wants are great future for all Americans. God Bless Newt Gingrich.
Not only Biden, Obama and Hillary too
Trump said he was going to drain the swamp, and lock them up back in 2015. HE DID NOTHING
You forgot Jimmy Carter. Btw you forgot the real Republican’t crook called Nixon 😂
So your saying just the honest people who gave the justice department everything they asked for. And they are bad?
Lock him up, criminal espionage
All those punk arse clown bitches need to be in prison f em all
Why is it not illegal, a crime, for those in so-called public service to LIE to the citizens of this nation?
If you lie to the government you go to prison.
Lie at work you get fired.
But, if they lie it's just a matter of being a politician!
You can thank Barack Obama for that.
Always been that way in my life time.
Number one question on the application for any government position. Can you lie to the people and convince them its for their benefit? If the answer is yes, BOOM, you're a politician.
That is what chump is gonna go to prison for, lying to the feds and then trying to cover it up. He's a child.
If that's the case then why was traitor Trump every president because that's all he does is lie he couldn't tell the truth if you held a gun to his head
I total agree with Gingrich release the document let the American people read it is not classified. Just like Trump did with the phone call to Ukraine transcribed. Show the country what a liar Jamie Raskin is let everyone read it.
If it turns out Raskin did not lie will you come back and acknowledge that? Or will you stick to saying that no matter what, until you die? Are you even allowed to acknowledge when a Democrat tells the truth?
@@scott8xxx532 I dont think they are capable of telling the truth especially Ratskin.
Yes, and the Ukraine transcript proved that drumpf tried to pressure the Ukrainian President into lying about an investigation on the Bidens otherwise drumpf would withhold already agreed aid. Yep, that what drumpf did.
@@Han9emA11 The most important thing is not just whether you think it - that's the easy part - but whether you are committed to not acknowledging it if it ever turns out they are telling the truth.
It can be hard for some people to stick to their convictions when some sort of "proof" to the contrary is presented . Especially when it's on video/tape recordings or in texts and emails. This is what the libs are using to unjustly go after Trump.
It is up to us to stand by him, no matter what the evidence shows. Can't let that confuse us. For eight years the libs take his words and use it against him, time and again they accuse him of saying the things he said, and of doing the things he did.
The challenge is to not let that deter us from defending Trump NO MATTER WHAT HE SAYS OR DOES.
They won’t release it, because then they wouldn’t be able to continue to use it as a tool against Biden. If released the public would know it contains nothing incriminating. Then they would have to invent a new scandal to accuse the president of, just to much work for their laziness to allow.
When Joe asks us "Where's the money", we should respond with "Hunter snorted it"
And poked it, too.
I know a guy, made 400k a year legitimately, but spent it all. Got investigating by the IRS because he didn't have money in his accounts.
I've seen Trump during more nose rituals on TV 📺 and that's a fact.
I would love to ask old Newt why the Saudi’s gave Jared Kushner 2 BILLION DOLLARS. Someone please explain to me that even if it’s true that Joe took a 5 million dollar bribe how that even compares to the 2 billion Jared was gifted by the Saudi’s. 2 BILLION WILL BUY A LOT OF INFORMATION… Mar-A-Lago documents anyone?
no djtjr did
This is absolutely sickening. It also shows a very large double standard of justice in our country.
There has always been a double standard of justice in the US. One law for white America and a totally different law for African Americans. Have you only just noticed.
@@sprawlingman8277nigga shut up this isn't about white and black people
it also shows a lack of much with Americans, lack of loyalty to fellow Americans all not just the pandered to grp(s) now since lgbtq+++, and those we cannot afford in anyone pouring in, that We do not put up, run and elect non-"edcuated experts" at pocket lining, RICH "educated Rather than educated, decent, retired America loving... and that many Americans bobble their heads for drugs and perversions OVER real freedom. and childish nonsense of FAKE "green" OVER our own Food/ranch farms. they minute a despot evile goes to take Anything from America/Americans OUT W THEM. And to think messing with children is ok...OH MY WORD, they got to go. Give me retired factory line workers and cashiers, they know how to budget, America and Americans and the other, they know how to get and keep things running and diplomacy Who would be better and not giving away anything not even the farm, if they would need an "educated expert" at pocket lining they know how to call one. Social media free campaigns must include a written document of intent with regards to policies and bringing back and upholding America.
@@sprawlingman8277 Trump is an orange man not a white man.
@@blanketyblank604 Ha, ha, ha...
This is the swamp Trump has been talking about over and over again.
Trump IS the swamp!
Well that is his fault for not getting rid of them like he promised.
@@Yves_Ka Sir, listen. He IS the swamp! He’d have to get rid of himself, which, to be honest, he’s been doing with great skill recently.
As Senator Grassley said he read the document ask him when he read the document . Is it in 2019 or 2017. Under Bill Barr and they all dismisss that piece of garbage.
@@Yves_Ka How could he when he was stopped at every turn by people like you spewing crap and throwing up delays and obstacles at every turn?
Thanks Newt! You always step up and stand up and tell the truth thanks a lot New God bless you❤
One of favorite TRUMP quotes: They're not coming after ME ... They're coming after YOU ... I'm just standing in their way ... And I ALWAYS WILL stand in their way
Lol.... wow!
How do you know when tRump lies? When he moves his lips.
@@stevenf4511 - hey, buddy! Put down that cool-aid, it aint working!
Also, do not believe everything you _think!_
@@stevenf4511 that would be biden. That's all he does lie, lie, lie or haven't you noticed..or do you choose to ignore
Pretty sure they’re just going after him. 🙄 Here’s what the quote should say, “They’re not coming after you, they’re coming after me! I’m betting my freedom on you being stupid enough to stand in their way! And I ALWAYS will make that bet!”
Traitors. What is the punishment for that?
Your name is funnier than mine.
Sleepy joe is good enough for the greatest president of all times
Hell be given two options jail or coockoo house
Punishment is execution.
It’s called just a hanging !
Truly a turning point in America.
This is old news .. I knew this 6 years ago. It's not a "turning point for America" until action is taken. Pounding a fist on the table or complaining about it in the media is not action.
Try 50 years
It's a cluster F***K! I say that since impeachment has been brought up with regard to both Trump and Biden, at essentially the SAME TIME! It's as though our country is coming apart at the seams. I can't imagine what China is thinking. On second thought I can and it's disturbing.
The turn started in Dallas about 60 years ago.
I never thought i would see this blatant corruption in my lifetime,and them get away with it.
I agree what a shame USA
American voters support corruption ....and nobody cares or gives a crap...that is the real scandal. ...never underestimate the stupidity of the U.S. voter.
Yes, well, Traitor Trump has more criminal trials to account for his corruption, so it will be addressed.
Ah, to the contrare, mon ami! There is a righteous judge of all the earth! (Genesis 18:25) And He will require a day of reckoning, when all will be revealed! In Revelation 20:11-15, King Jesus will sit upon the Great White Throne(John 5:22), and justice will be meted!
It’s well past time that sane normal citizens come together, protest, and demand prosecutions and an end to this blatant corruption.
We need to get together and remove them all and put the man who won the election back in . In Mr. TRUMP
It’s the frog on the hot plate analogy. Americans just haven’t felt the heat yet…but it’s coming.
We should protest as peacefully as BLM did
@jeepz - You gonna lead it? I’m ready, tell me when and where. Sadly, GOP is not good at organizing, protesting, etc. If we did, we’d be unstoppable.
@Nunya We need to realize there are a LOT of issues Democrat and Republican voters agree on!! Both parties serve their bipartisan billionaire donors, not us---and they get us yelling at each other so we won't notice!!!
H Clinton did the same thing when being interviewed by a British journalist after her loss to Trump. He asked if she was afraid she would go to jail. She chuckled and looked at him like what a stupid question and said "No".
you do know she was fix ed to win & didnt bc we overwhelmed the al go rithm in 16
And she didn't
We live in a feudal system and the people are the serfs. Amazes me how blind and stupid people are.
@@lovly2cu725Which caused them to cheat even harder in 2020
Trump supporters are in no way like TRUMP. He is a master con-artist and true psychopath. And, make no doubt about it- Trump is a superior con artist and first-rate manipulator - he is really, really good. On the other hand - the overwhelming majority of his supporters are known in Law enforcement circles as MARKS. They are the ignorant jerks that actually believe what the con artist preaches. Just like the average evangelical con-artist minister preaching their phony christian religion to the same MARKS.
FJB and his entire family. They should all be held accountable…
We are all sitting here thinking. Why in the heck are these people able to just do dirty things right in our faces. This nation is becoming sickening
I sincerely apologize for violating your privacy. I came across your post while browsing on a post. Your comment is great, but I don't think we're friends on Facebook. If you don't mind, add me to your friends list, I tried to add you to mine but it doesn't work. I'd love to be friends with you, but I'm sorry for violating your privacy here. Please accept my apology. Thank you so much. Will be very glad hearing from you okay
Becoming? This nation is over. Done. Finished.
If it's so bad here move to Mexico cry BABY 😭
How are you doing today
@jamalbrown9339 complimenti! Immagino sia molto meglio avere un pedofilo al governo con un figlio drogato e indecente che se la fa con bambine vero???😂😂😂😂 gli USA? Siete la barzelletta del mondo intero e mi creda poco amato.E a lei le suggerisco di crescere e informarsi. Non c' è persona piu' pericolosa che quella ignorante e patetica come lei.😂 😂
We must stand up get off our asses and protest. We will lose our country if this tyranny continues
That's why I'm voting Democrat, before the Republican's run this country into the ground.
Protest what? Law and Order?
@@1133saginaw 😃 ...ain't that the truth.
Our justice system is so broken.
The whole country is broken. The people have no morals it's taken 50 years but we have went down the toilet...
@Stratocaster Hemi It depends on if you’re a career DC politician.
Otherwise trump would have been jailed long ago
Russian comment
You're right because it's against the law to prosecute Republicans
If they cannot determine who left the cocaine, why hope they will lock Joe up! He has every right to laugh at these idiots.
Biden says, "Where's the money".
Of all the things Biden can't remember.
Biden does remember, it will take 10 years to untangle things to find the money.
This idea sticks in his head.
"Where's the money"
This was what was important to him.
The money won't be found.
and no WH "journalist" asked him "you tells us"....
Yet there is no proof , and he's not the one in so much legal jeopardy
@@richardmesser1091 I thought the 20 or so LLC's his family shuffles millions of dollars back and forth in ARE THE PROOF, along with the entire family and LLC's having no actual business to create anything or do anything of financial value or that can be traded as valuable.
that ten years quote, Biden never said that.
He will be dead..but his grandchildren and children will reap the rewards..
This getting by for years is insane and justice needs to be done.
The elite control all mechanisms of power. How will justice ever be done when the wolves are watching the chicken coup. Come on, wake up! The people are serfs and the USA is controlled by the global elite.
If they can't do it with Hillary or Biden but only do it for Trump then there is nor justice
@@danielpickrell8311 Each party, when in power, protects its own and goes after the OTHER party, often in sneaky ways.
Gatez admits the FBI Whistle blower can't prove any Claims against Biden. Funny thing is we're taking $5m for Biden . Kushner got $2b. Funny how GOP Finally admit they have NO Incriminating Evidence on Biden or his family of engaging in business with foreign entites
@@danielpickrell8311 r u stupid, or just mentally challenged?
It's disgusting... Liberal politicians, media!
I've found something to Like about every President of my Lifetime all the way back to Ford. Republicans and Democrats... But Biden is a new Level of Low down conniving thieving anti American trash. I never thought it was possible for someone this corrupt to occupy that office. He's working for everyone BUT America.
No trump is disgusting. More so every person that voted for this piece of slime is also responsible for this disgusting excuse for a human
It will be long dispute, isnt it?
This channel is definitely disturbing~disgusting and has resulted in the brain washing of those who watch😂
I sincerely doubt that I am the only foreigner to immediately re-question my own public service about whether or not they too have become absolutely corrupt.
to our friendly foreigners, you will learn that All politicians are corrupt. It is just when you look at the Official Corruption Scale, the Republicans always seem to win out and get the indictments (just google historical American political indictments and find it is overwhelmingly Republicans being indicted and convicted). Democrats sometimes get indictments but boringly it is so far and few between, you can understand why Republicans think it is must be the DOJ even though most of the DOJ officials are registered Republicans. Just fun facts for our friendly visitors to our already great country
Well i can tell you about Portugal: corruption has permeated every single dimension of life, it’s rotten. I’m not exaggerating.
Corrupt is an understatement 😑
100 % your leaders are corrupt
public service in this country is a misnomer
I agree with Gingrich, let the public read it!
Joe said it right on TV and then laughed about getting away with it.
How is this not the number one story across all platforms? How can this country survive this?
It is the number one story only in your mind. It is not even a footnote to history because everyone keeps asking: "Where's the evidence?" Giuliani said it best: "We have plenty of claims but no evidence" or something like that.
Because there is no evidence, no witness, no receipts. They are distracting from all of Trumps crimes.
because they're all in the swamp together. Probably laughing their heads off at the American people
Because it’s not true you Dumb fool, Thats why!
It can't and Harris is part of it +Arrogance No fear of us ? Or our laws it's not applied. Equally. We are now a banana republic
I studied his book back in high school and its so true!!!!!
He chuckles because he knows nothing will happen to him, jokes on us.
We've all seen that smile on liars faces when they know they've gotten away with it... I've punched a few of those smiles back in the day.
Exactly. Feudal system and the rest of us are serfs. Time to realize that we live in the Truman show. Only way out is to literally fight back.
not in this lifetime anyway, but after, it's gonna be a tough path for he and his protectors to walk . " for it is appointed unto man to die, and after this, the Judgement." Scriptural quote !
There really needs to be more laws governing what US politicians (and their relatives and associates) can and cannot do, particularly with regard to conflicts of interest.
What, you think this is legal what they are doing? THERE are LAWS. The FBI is supposed to enforce them, instead they are doing the coverup.
Right, because the laws we already have on the books are being enforced? The DOJ has been bought and paid for. It is now under the control of the Uniparty.
Unfortunately, there are laws but Congress totally disregards them. Like insider trading for one. Millions for thee….
If only.
Laws are just cover for the lawless law makers. They only enforce the laws against those who threaten to expose their lawlessness.
Their is a ton of them right here in the comment's who are happy with how their party is running the country .
So sad shut them down now I’ll help
But, do you still "biggie size"...?
Uninformed unfortunately
They need to all be held accountable.
Trump first
I sincerely apologize for violating your privacy. I came across your post while browsing on a post. Your comment is great, but I don't think we're friends on Facebook. If you don't mind, add me to your friends list, I tried to add you to mine but it doesn't work. I'd love to be friends with you, but I'm sorry for violating your privacy here. Please accept my apology. Thank you so much. Will be very glad hearing from you okay
Trump will!
But they won’t be, the system is rigged
All but Trump, right?
That is what a person looks like, that is so corrupt, so protected, so untouchable, that he just stands there, smirking, and laughing.
Pride goeth before destruction.
At least trump can start and finish a sentence, what a bunch of idiots biden and all his loser supporters like you are!
No matter What your pronoun!
Yes Gingrich looks like he's aged rapidly, mostly from all the b.s. he's put out!
@fredfreddy8684and we know how you democRAT NAMBLA members love 8 year old boys don't we
Brandon laughs because he knows he’s protected and won’t be held accountable for anything
and ol don is going to the slammer
I'm getting ready to start protesting, too tired of watching the demonrats through the country away. Fk Biden
Trump supporters are in no way like TRUMP. He is a master con-artist and true psychopath. And, make no doubt about it- Trump is a superior con artist and first-rate manipulator - he is really, really good. On the other hand - the overwhelming majority of his supporters are known in Law enforcement circles as MARKS. They are the ignorant jerks that actually believe what the con artist preaches. Just like the average evangelical con-artist minister preaching their phony christian religion to the same MARKS.
evil laugh 👿 ...
It's malarkey. That totally explains it. Thanks Joe.
We need to see a special council immediately. There's enough solid evidence to do it, why are we continuing to filter through the weeds of all this corruption with no Justice being levied?
Because it's all bullshat...there is NO evidence.
Waiting taxpayers money
Arrests, indictments, but what other platform does Trump have? Scheduled fundraiser for day of indictment
We need Revolution. To hell with theses special counsels who run out the clock on the statute of limitations everytime.
No justice becuz they are ALL IN BED TOGETHER. PERIOD.
"Where's the money?". He didn't deny it, he sent out a challenge
They have all the bank Statements from 16 different banks.
I am asking you, where is the evidence, the money, the proof, anything. You back a man who has committed every crime humanly possible, has been a criminal since the 70s, has risked the entire U.S. of America, kisses evil dictators asses, and lies at a rate never seen in history, yet you think squeeky clean Biden is a criminal? Wow. You are an idiot.
@@scotthoskins1875 Your info is incorrect.
If everyone sees the corruption and recognizes the corruption, what are law enforcement waiting for???!...
who tells them what to do? dems
The law enforcement serves and answers to the corrupt government. Individually, officers aren't usually bad, but they must take orders from above.
Don't expect them to release much they're keeping as much hidden as they can
Start holding these Corrupt Politicians and Family Members Accountable…Kick in some Doors and start making Arrests….
Dethrone those elite wannabes,remove all security funding for those dodging any appearance to defend their "innocence", no legal representation for them on any tax payers dollars OR ANY WAGES/SALARY COLLECTED UNTIL THEY'VE PROVEN their actions are within the law!
I can see the two tiered justice system back pedaling already without their provided armed security, i.e, bulletproof vehicles, armed guards, & all arms by them registered. Right!?
They own everyone that can do that. That's why they are not the least bit scared about what we know
But what about Trump being held accountable 🤔 oh that's right you don't care
@@atg1338 the question is did he break the law Ying yang!!
They make a few actual arrests holding any politician accountable there’s a chance the others will straighten up a bit…to be so blatant about the laws broken and treason committed
The attorney general, head of the FBI, and head of the DOJ should be investigated as well
Investigated by WHO. ???? They are all the same
the whole fbi is treasous if you ask me
@@MissGodsChild yep!
Treason, prison time for all of them. O’Biden must be removed. He is killing our country and selling us out to China. 😡😡
Never in my lifetime did I ever imagine this sort of corruption could ever happen, much less as the highest levels, yet here it is happening right now, and they’re getting away with it. Out-f’ing-rageous!!!
The corruption has always existed, but now, they don’t even try to hide it. The corrupt have been using the law to protect the corruption. If you look the other way or join in, you’re safe. If not, they punish you using the law. The election of Trump exposed them for what they are.
Founding fathers WARNED us 200 years ago .
Probably been going on for years , just so big and unwieldy a thing to hide now
Gatez admits the paid FBI Whistle blower can't prove Any claims against Biden, Funny this is we're talking $5m , Kushner got $2b. Funny how the GOP finally admit they have NO Incriminating Evidence on Biden or his family of engaging in business with foreign entites.
EXACTLY! Federal Bureau of Iniquity.
I'm so sick of politics and politicians. I hope there's a special place in hell for all of them.
They must all burn in hell.
I'm tired of politicians and pundits saying if they can go after Trump ( for Classified Docs ) they can go after you. Most of us are not worried we are not near any Classified Docs.
@@josephbiondi7515 you're not seeing the whole picture doofus
You my friend are sooooo right !
Finger pointing at Joe and Hunter isn’t gonna make trumps issues go away . Whoever commits a crime must be punished ..period
How long are we going to put up with this hypocrisy??
You republicans don't want to hold Trump accountable for anything! Talk about hypocrites 🤣
We will hold Trump accountable no matter your fury. Got it?
5 more years, I suspect.
Drain the swamp Mr trump
@@atg1338 This is not a democrat or republican issue. All politicians are corrupt. All of them. The WEF controls the USA. You sir live in the Truman Show and cannot see the farce that is playing out before your eyes. Don't worry, 84% of Americans are blind sheep as well.
Put Democrats on Most Wanted posters. They need to be removed from public office.
Let's make sure they finish out the J6 terrorists and Donny tiny hands first. Rhodes just got his 20yr sentence, maybe Donny will too.
You're stupid. Get offline
They're the Most Wanted in the election. That's why Trump lost LOL!!!
Trump is already on that poster.
@@randym8393 ur an idiot Randy
Why does everyone on FOX and that comes on FOX have a book to sell? Are people actually buying their crap? All of these books are nothing more than a book of opinions.
This is giving me so much anxiety I can't handle it because of all the corruption, and there is nothing that anyone can do about what is going on and people are putting roadblocks everywhere this is disgusting and it makes me sick.
Comm down, I know I'm in the same boat as you, have a shot of your favorite spirit and sit in your favorite chair holding your favorite pet or person. If not, smoke a bowl and say f#
It bad in smaller communities to. The politicians are almost all
Owned by organized crime. The human trafficers.
They often control the police force.
This has alreadybeen dealt with Thecreal Biden was removed from planet Earth 2 years ago.Thus is a masked actor.Hunter too, went yo the Spalong ago
Never a true fact.
Nixon was a saint compared to JB.
Our whole govt is a joke right now
They got the guns and the tanks, and the willingness to turn them on us.
Yes, passing the infrastructure bill, passing lower drug prices for seniors, passing help for veterans, passing the defense of marriage act, while Republicans vote AGAINST all these and instead waste taxpayers dollars on an inquiry on why violent crime is DOWN in NY and up in 'red' states. or Hunter Biden's stolen laptop, or promoting far right Christian Hatred.' in making sure nothing is done about gun violence.
Try China
@@richardmesser1091 we're going there at this rate, here having criticism gets you called a conspiracy theorist. It's not a far cry to think it could come with consequences in the future.
This will never change unless the people rise up and take our country back
While Davey....you just do that...get out front...be the first to fall..a hero for your cause.
@@Fpvpro1 No, those folks were not trying to take over. It was not an insurrection. Do you really think a few knuckleheads, unarmed, running the halls like a bunch of high school students were actually trying to take over the government??? Where was their structure? Their leader? Their plan? Their weapons? Really??? If the citizens were goung to actually "take over," it would be an expertly planned operation. And that's most likely not ever happening.
Well maybe everyone in America should stay home from work for a month see how that grabs them
Finally an excellent comment from someone who realizes that this is the Truman Show and the USA is controlled by the WEF through the WHO, BIS, COFR, UN, IMF, UNESCO etc. We are all debt slaves and they keep stealing our money, laundering it and enriching themselves.
The evidence is on tape Where is the justice
Put these criminals in jail already.
Round up all involved & be tried for "TREASON!" Our country is falling apart!
If not...socialism is right around the corner!
Biden deserve worse, cut the lights off!
If this was only about Joe and Hunter, they would have already thrown them to the wolves.
Precisely. They are puppies for the dictatorship that is in control. Trump's an outsider and they want him out of the picture
Yes release the document for all to see and read. This 2 tiered justice system needs to STOP now.
I hadn’t thought of that. Mass release across the internet and across all social media. If Big Tech bans then it will be on Twitter Plus Alt Tech at least.
How would DOJ/FBI respond? Arrest James Comer?
How do these people keep getting away with all this corruption??? I have always been proud of our justice system because you could count on honest leaders. I'm not sure anymore, accountability has gone out the window! Will they face justice and accountable? To bad Newt wasn't a little younger, He would be a good President.
I'm SICK of all the government cover ups.
Vote them all out. Give President Trump a new bunch to work. Register and vote in every election and support your county sheriff.
@@ericschneider8524 time to eject them out
It's not even a cover up. They will flaunt this corruption in your face and laugh about it. If on the flip side Trump was able to use the FBI and the DOJ to delay or stop investigations the media would inflame the public and we'd be seeing cities burning right now.
Amen 2 that!
@@ericschneider8524 p
The Republicans need to wake up and do something other then just talk talk and more talk. We are sick of it !!!!
You mean try another coup
Indeed we are!
They have nothing worthwhile to say as long as they continue to make excuses for Trump. He has ruined the GOP but with the connivance of his supporters.
Is there something wrong with you that is exactly what you Dumbocrats do, you never stop putting out trash,
Maria, the only way the Republicans can do anything about it is for us to stop the election theft in 2024 and remove the RINOs and put real patriotic Republicans in offices. Trump is the only person who I believe will fix this mess when re-elected if supported by majority control congressional Republicans.
Biden also said Obama was supporting the billion dollar leverage. Is everyone forgetting that?
OBAMA is their Ring Leader, it all started under Obama.... Go Get Him!
then everything will Fall in place/corruption is RULE
OB does not like to be put in the same sentence with JB! Exposure may be to incriminating. He was Pres at the time and want to be informed of all things…”By the book”.
Obama is as guilty as Biden. He’s just much smarter and devious.
😂😂😂😂. Republican party has nothing .now would be a good time to use it😂😂😂😂.They got Trump😂
I would love to see Newt addressed as President Gingrich. Newt may be ancient but he has all his faculties properly in order.
Newt has good perception of the Government. A good moral compass. Plenty of experience and understanding. Newt knows what America should be all about.
Just incredible how arrogance can be so transparent. Total corruption at it's best.
You mean "at it's Worst"
its a dare. dare the other side to do something & the oversight committee has in less than 6 months
50 years of it.
Newt spot on, and maybe he should be Speaker of the House right now. Sounds like he know how to take the bull by the horns and get all this crap exposed and prosecuted.
That depends on the party as to Kevin boy taking the bull by the horns. He does not take a crap with out permission from his lord and master. You should know the speaker can not and is not operating a court of law. Kevin boy will push the MAGA sick twisted policies with all his heart.
The Dems sure have a funny way of celebrating the anniversary of George Orwell's book '1984'.. By acting it out
LOL I agree. When I was in school we also read George Orwell's book Animal Farm. It seems very relevant to the attitude of the ruling elite class and the entrenched Washington swamp. Both books are enlightening. Are they even allowed in school now? I have no idea if they are or not. I graduated in 1974.
Didn't Trump open a fake Twitter app and create it Truth Social?
@@rexkimberley9537 lppp❤
Today reading either wouldn't happen in many conservative states.
Especially Florida.
Scary huh.
You know fascism is literally a far right group right?
All talk, talk, talk. Nothing will never be done to these corrupt people. Not now, not yesterday, not tomorrow. I’m so sick of this justice system.
Unfortunately, as this story is being ignored by 90% of the corporate media too many voters are in the dark. But, every time Trump so much as looks at someone the wrong way it's widely reported.
It's being ignored because Fox already paid $787,500,000 for lying.
Were you alive when Nixon resigned? He should never have been pardoned. Trump should go to prison. And not be pardoned.
Trumps a pig
Maybe they look at Trump because they are afraid of his Raccoon hands reaching for their junk!
That should alert us to WHO controls the media !!!
I so much agree with Newt and I've posted my thoughts. The UNCLASSIFIED FBI document SHOULD BE SHARED WITH ALL AMERICANS!
and you should work for iran
He and Hannity are just making it up. there's nothing like Hunter laptop or Burisma money. Why can't they pressure Republicans (they are majority and control the house) to investigate? Because they know very well that it BS. They rather keep the pressure on you viewer of fox news.
wray caved on thursday & the committee saw it
mtg & boebert were on yt & gave info
they aren't unclassified....
I saw this clip on UA-cam when it first came out. My jaw dropped to the floor that B. Said that. Even with no law studies I knew that had to be illegal.
Ya think ?
Such a shame Democrats can't see what is true and honest.
Way to go, Newt. I agree. Put it on the internet and let everyone have a good look just to see how sick the system has become.
And while you're on the internet try reading the actual indictment.
Beginning with Newt Gingrich in 1994, Republicans stopped trying to govern and instead began accumulating power. McKay Coppins writes in his profile of Gingrich in the Atlantic, “… few figures in modern history have done more than Gingrich to lay the groundwork for Trump’s rise.” Effective governance requires compromise, trust, and mutual respect. Gingrich’s new version of Republican had no interest in that. He destroyed the bipartisan structures for governing and even resorted to name-calling and conspiracy theories-over the line at the time, but in hindsight presaging Trumpism. A straight line can be drawn from Gingrich’s “Contract with America” to the tea party in 2009. Another outsider movement characterized by distrust of government, expertise, and experience, the tea party helped elect a rogues’ gallery of loathsome lawmakers-I’m looking at you, Rand Paul (Ky.) and Ted Cruz (Texas). Trump’s dystopian vision of America is the ultimate flowering of the outsider, populist, anti-government thinking that has metastasized in the Republican Party over the past decades. ~
@@philalexander7902 Read a lot of the indictment. Interesting that they put Trumps indictment all over the media, but keep Biden’s corruption quiet. If the Chinese have bribed him you literally have a Manchurian candidate in the Oval Office. Talk about a security threat.
My college roommate from 1976 asked me, in response to my talking about these things discussed above, what I was talking about. His question validates the claim by conservatives that MSM is refusing to cover this. He asked me where this story could be found.
This is a sad commentary on modern American society.
Can I get extra ranch dressing with your word salad?
MSNBC, CNN is covering trump telling the world he took these, and how he said he wouldn't give them back and hid them, and the law finding them hidden at his home. isnt that enough to make headlines?
@@nigeltufnel9525 If his simple straightforward statement is too complicated for you to digest, I suggest you just chew on it longer. If he adds anything else you will just choke on it.
@thereaction18 The Reaction? 😂 Are you also a failed rapper?
@@nigeltufnel9525 Sure, let me unzip for you.
Really tire of our system of justice ignoring law when it comes to Democrats.
Blame the Repulicans!
Biden never HAD any classified documents. That was a right-wing hoax. Got it?
@@lindawilson6782 No blame the way out of control brainwashed democrats with severe RDS.
Yet when they abide by the law with Trump you cry about it
Tired of all that whining, I mean winning. LOL
The entire human experience, some days I feel so done with it; and yet I keep finding myself here . 😵💫🌏🌍🌎
Have we ever put a Persident into jail ? Hope joe is the first .
Trump gonna win that race
Trump is going to be the first
Persident dump will be the first
He fails to mention Obama. It all leads to him.
You bet
Yep, Biden's corruption leads directly to Barry's corruption... and if Barry goes down, the entire Deep State begins to crumble. They will protect Biden at all costs, even if it means framing Trump. They are desperate.
That would be racist.
What does? The snowflake war?
@@quantumleaper8396 Exactly
President Trump is a great warrior and hero. Certainly will give my vote to him again next year.
Don't you mean cadet bone spurs?
@@waynetaylor8082 no. The best CIC ever. There, fixed it for you.
Yes, he's fighting the law just as good as Al Capone did.
FYI: The orange menace is NOT the president & never will be
A great warrior who managed to avoid all military service. Sure. A hero who thinks top secret papers are his property. a great hero.
Justice will prevale one way or another ! And nothing anyone can do to stop it.
Question ❓ When will the Mass Media be held accountable for miss leading the people by eather omission of All the facts, or blatantly lieing ? Put them in jail! MAGA 🎆🇺🇸🎇
Most main media is owned by liberals. Thats the problem.
I'm with you 100% the media has been a corrupt never ending liars to this country and it started full scale when Hillary and Bill were both corrupted no holders to this country. News media is paving the down fall mess! I hate them!!!
You're as senile as Trump.
It's not just America with all this corruption, it's the whole world.
When we do something about it ..which will be never