I finally made it to this part of the garden. I've got all my critters following me, the llama, the reindeer, the goat, the owl, and Mr. Padfoot. now I get a cat too! sheesh I'm growing a zoo!!
I'd say the name of the areas in the next updates would be: The Dinosaur Park, The Galaxy Garden, The Secret Grove, The Wedding Archipelago, The Theatre of Comedy and Tragedy, and The Four-Seasons Garden.
Thanks Mark you're The best 😎😛😜
Thanks Allan. Nice to have You with Me.
Mark Scooby Remember You're The Best.
I finally made it to this part of the garden. I've got all my critters following me, the llama, the reindeer, the goat, the owl, and Mr. Padfoot. now I get a cat too! sheesh I'm growing a zoo!!
Thanks Mark
I'd say the name of the areas in the next updates would be:
The Dinosaur Park,
The Galaxy Garden,
The Secret Grove,
The Wedding Archipelago,
The Theatre of Comedy and Tragedy,
and The Four-Seasons Garden.
Salut Mark!!
j'ai une question: comment fais tu pour avoir autant d'étoile?
merci de ta réponse!
Just PM I'll try to help.
Same here. How do u do that. I have to buy all the time
@@markscooby how you get a thousands of stars and coins ??
Can you teach me how ??
Mark please teach me how you get so much of coins of stars
Gardenscapes My Village My Level 10,650