In President Evil, a devastating zombie outbreak strikes during the presidential election, transforming countless citizens into ravenous undead. The White House is besieged by hordes of zombies and Donald Trump finds himself trapped inside. Will he survive? That's up to you. Enjoy and don't take it too seriously. Just for laughs innit?😂
That's not how this would go at all. He would throw toilet papper, Maga hats, creat infurtructure and serve proper meals. And when upgraded you'll get a golden arch fries serving power up.
So cool! I was just expecting the voice at the end to say President Evil!
Definitely, this is real cinema.
Next game: "President Evil 2: Re-election" xD
Co op with bush
We need some trump skins and some trump one liners like Duke Nukem .
In President Evil, a devastating zombie outbreak strikes during the presidential election, transforming countless citizens into ravenous undead.
The White House is besieged by hordes of zombies and Donald Trump finds himself trapped inside.
Will he survive? That's up to you.
Enjoy and don't take it too seriously. Just for laughs innit?😂
Good job 👏I subscribed!
Dude this was amazing
This should totally become a real game. Where are the Trump games anyway, like when they showed up back then when he first became the president.
In order to make America great again he must fight through hordes of leftists 😅
boomer tier cringe
That's not how this would go at all. He would throw toilet papper, Maga hats, creat infurtructure and serve proper meals. And when upgraded you'll get a golden arch fries serving power up.
Oh, boy. You’re in for quite the shock, Cletus. 😂