Changes to Abaddon have been made since this video was released. This list will contain those changes (not including number changes, since they are very frequent) Death Coil: Name has been changed to Mist Coil. It still does the same thing (excluding some small number changes) however. Curse of Avernus completely reworked. Now slows passively slows an enemy every attack by 10/15/20/25%. If a slowed enemy is attacked 4 times the slow increases to 30/40/50/60%, silences the enemy, and all allies attacking that enemy gain 40/60/80/100 attack speed. All of these effects last 4 seconds. Aghanim's Scepter: While it still increases duration of borrowed time, it also redirects 50% of damage dealt to nearby allies to Abaddon. This essentially makes allies take 50% damage, and Abaddon heal for that 50% while borrowed time is active. Remember to like this comment if it helped you, and feel free to ask me any question.
Not only Axe ulti can counter him before he uses his ulti, but with many damage heroes u can simply watch for when his ulti is activated and after 4~5 secs attack him.
AFAIK you CAN stop the auto cast... isn't it like if he has 401 hp and he gets just bursted down then he wouldnt have any chance to acvtivate his borrowed time, also i think heroes like faceless void should be able to stop the auto cast with chronosphere since it stops every cast + reveals invis units
U can make Abaddon's ulti not activacte,u ljust need to kill him with higher danage than 400,so if he for an example got 450 hp and u hit him with 600 dmg,he will just die.
I hate people who shoot Abaddon when borrowed time is active. It's one of those things that makes you type "gg end this quick" when you see it. P.S. It's called Mist Coil now, not Death Coil.
Hegataro Doesn't matter,i bought Darkstar The Mistforged and renamed it Frostmourne. :D Description : "The legendary Frostmourne,now in the hands of a new master.Frostmourne Hungers !" .I would've add much more,but the info box doesn't allow.
Not op... easy counters to him, doom, ancient apparition, axe, lina, and lion are all very easy counters to him. He is only op if you are a noob at this game.
BricksPicks Actually not really... ursa literally can beat the shit out of abaddon... Run circles around abaddon in his ult... or even attack him, give him full health, but the thing is, those fury swipes are still stacked as soon as his ult comes off making abaddon just melt.
Well, thats a smart one, most people i see who pick Ursa on purpose would be the kind of person who would sit there and auto-attack the Abbadon in his ult.
you can go support with clinkz. that way in early gaming, clinkz can go forth and farm while you can also get some gold and damage to creeps(balance on the lane). mekansm, pipes, drums, and rod of atos get a good supporting assist for hitters in ur party. unless theyre stupid.
arcane + soul ring + (maybe a vang/mek/pipe) + shiva makes him a beast of a support. stay behind and keep spamming shield on focused ally, or man up and initiate but use your spells defensively
Axe only works if he doesent use borrowed time before the hp treshold, and ursa just ends up healing him, shadow blade is countered by dust (wich slows for 10%, and abaddon often has both phase boots and curse of avernus allowing him to just run away)
They're in Dota 1 but will be eventually ported to Dota 2. Oracle and Earth Spirit are the most current heroes released to Dota 1 (came out in 6.78). The update Dota 2 has right now is currently in 6.78c just like Dota 1.
Axe ult has a mega purge strapped on it it activates 0.00000001 seconds before the damage(not the animation) is dealt,this is proven with dazzle's shallow grave because anything can bring him down to 1 hp but AXE
actually dota 2 now has several tournaments running throughout the year, none of the prize pools are as large as TI3 but they're still big prize pools. additionally with twitch tv now joining up to steam there are even more people using twitch to watch dota 2 matches
His first 3 skills make him good for supporting, coil to make a last attempt to keep the person alive, shield to help the hero tank or survive damage and his passive to help your allies catch up to the target. Grabbing a mekansm or pipe could generally help but tanking could seem his best element.
Glad I played around with him on Dota 2 Test the few days before he actually came out. 2nd game with him went 14-1-10. Good ol' Abaddon - Omniknight lane.
No, it does not auto-activate, only if you take damage below 400 hp. Even if said damage is over 400 hp you would still live and his ultimate would be activated.
"borrowed time" actually absorbs 35% damage from nearby allied hero if you have aghanim's scepter. its not just increase the duration of borrowed time.
phase boots, mask of madness, skull basher (orb of venom possibly?), bkb, then you can go for heart for more tankiness or turn the basher into an abyssal. just went 28-2
also necrolyte can counter him, also if AA hits him with ult before its activated it will kill him easily, you can use a Eul to disable him for 2.5 seconds cutting the time he can heal or run in half or have a sniper assasinate at right time
you can silence the ult and if you do a high enough chunk of dmg at one time you will kill him before the ult goes on say hes at 401 hp his ult pops at 400 hp you do 450 hp with a lina or lion ult, the ult wont activate
you forgot his combo....death coil used with aphotic\\\\\\ death coil used with borrowed time :D but pretty much the calculations to damages taken applies to aphotic shield... im not sure how much hp gain he will have using death coil while on borrowed time :D
The thing with abba is to play support until you get some heavy defensive, such as hood, aghanim, vanguard and heart. After that you're invicible, and can invest in some damage for late game as well
I assumed because if you could stack enough armor like stupid amounts like 100 you would only be taking like 00.0001 of physical damage. As for shallow grave I know for a fact that axe can kill through that with culling blade.
He does some good damage thought, hes not OP but its not like he does no damage. But his strongest part late game is his passive, 40 attack speed and the slow+speed buff to you and your allies is really strong, especially if you buy a orb of venom/skadi+SaY. the ultimate isnt so great in lategame teamfights, but is strong when your getting chased/are chasing (to avoid stuns/slows) and is great when you are close to killing the enemy base, cause the fountain will heal you to full while its up :3
I like to go unkillable tank on Abaddon. Stuff like treads, VG, Shivas, Heart, maybe a mek or a ghost sceptor. You can literally have most of your hp through 3 teamfights without going back to base at all.
nope, aphotic can't remove doom, but helps absorb some damage. :) it's been like that since dota 1 if Abaddon is doomed, his borrowed time activates almost like a linken sphere :) i don't know now if it has been changed though
So does drow ranger have, And besides Abaddon looks just fine since he got the same stuff Arthas did in Wc3 apart from Abaddon actually wearing his helmet (which Arthas didn't do until the very end of Frozen Throne)
There are some mechanics not working like they did in Dota 1. You can't hex of his ult, and it seems you can't Cull him with Axe. It's a little bit harder to handle this way
Get as much HP regen items as possible,spam deathcoils to heal teammates after skirmishes. Get arcane boots if noone is getting them,otherwise tranquil. Skill shield early,use it on your carry(that you are babysitting),carry goes and harasses other heroes.If they attack carry shield explodes and they accomplish nothing but taking damage,so they have to run away.This way you make double melee viable. Skill passive only when you actively start hunting heroes.Use ult for initiation or escape.
yeah, but sometimes 2 things happen: you dont react at time to notice that he has is ulti on(not so often) Or you cant stop attacking him (juggerat, skywrhath mage and so). anyway is a realse hero so i think after some weekes people will know him and he will be esayer to kill, i gess :)
No, its just that when communication between players of the same team is not optimal, Abaddon will be hit by 1 or 2 nuke during his ultimate. This is even more effective because it can activate while he is being nuked.
All Death Knights aren't just like Arthas, the sword named as Frostmourne, is every death knight's sword and has freezing ability, death coil is kinda same but Arthas didn't lose any HP when he healed, so it it kinda same. The Ultimate doesn't seem to cover to Arthas' but maybe all DKs are diffrent, who knows ..
you can it would be really stupid but you can roles isn't something every character was made with it's up to you to decide what character would be best for what
Basic support items, meka etc. level death coil + shield at maxx, drop the frost sword passive. And just go healing and protecting your teammate. He is useless as a carry compared to being a support. The reason why he works as a carry today at this date, is that people from dota 2 dont know the hero, wich is from dota 1.
Has Death Coil, looks like Death Knights, Rides a very similar Horse, Has a shield, uses Frost, I think the only thing that differs him from normal Death Knights is that he uses a 2-Handed Sword on Frostbuild ^^
The best counter to abaddon is long duration cc heroes like bane, brew master, etc. Abaddon players are unlikely to build bkb so you can cc him when ever he pops his ult and focus other enemies.
Get a hero that silences / disables, or get Axe, get some nukers who can finish him off, and do well in teamfights. DotA is not all about countering "this" or "that" hero - it's about getting your team to fight really well.
Perhaps, but note that he does not USE frost in this version. Nor did he HAVE a frosty look in the previous WC3 mod. Really, I think a whiter, more fog-ish look instead of icy glowing blue may have been better for this variation of him. But I digress; either way it doesn't really matter. Looks will be looks and, in the end, both are awesome characters for awesome games.
in a completely theoretical world you could, you would need enough armor to get above 100 million EHP (each point of armor adds 6% ehp to your current hp)
The shield blocks 200 damage and can be spamed. His heal lasts up to 7 seconds with scepter which is a ton of time. Even his 5 seconds are more than enough time to get away. His damage-nuke can be used to heal yourself if ultiing, too. And I tried this hero for the first time and instantly got every self-deny I needed. Now tell me something about smart play.
Also all the heroes are released and balanced in dota. The nerf/buff patches that come to dota 2 are the same as the new versions of the dota 1 map. The only exclusive dota 2 patches that are released are new heroes and bug fixes that the source engine itself causes. Dota and Dota 2 are basically the same when it comes to hero strengths/weaknesses. There are very minor differences.
They're two different things Illidan (which is a demon hunter in Warcraft vanilla made by Blizzard), and Terrorblade(which uses the model of demon Illidan, but his lore an abilities were made by a third party.)
I am refering to the DK unit in WC3, you too the general design, wich is cool and explains why you would regard Abbadon as A DeathKnight, but he isn't THE DeathKnight as this is the actuall titel Arthas had when he was recruited by the LK and befor he was consumed. That's why I 'complained', I know, very nitpicky but that's just me beeing me.
I hope you realize just because you heard a few of the core concepts from Dota came from Aeon of strife doesn't mean its ANYTHING like a copy of it. There were many custom games which involved laning in warcraft 3 and starcraft 2. A part of Aeon of strife inspired a part of Dota but many other games in WC3 would have also had an impact on inspiration for the map as well as the base game itself and more so creativity coming from the creators themselves.
This guy stands as one of Dota's best heroes, along with Alchemist and Invoker. Ridiculous utility, and can fulfil almost any role.
Lol alchemist...
Zlasher Semi Pro love this alchemist is useless meme
Ben Dover Invoker can fken counter everyone when played correctly. Also he is the hardest. To both lean and master, my opinion.
I like if abaddon and chaos knight gank together :D
2 horsemen from the Apocalypse team :))) id say Abaddon is Death and Chaos Knight is War
Changes to Abaddon have been made since this video was released. This list will contain those changes (not including number changes, since they are very frequent)
Death Coil: Name has been changed to Mist Coil. It still does the same thing (excluding some small number changes) however.
Curse of Avernus completely reworked. Now slows passively slows an enemy every attack by 10/15/20/25%. If a slowed enemy is attacked 4 times the slow increases to 30/40/50/60%, silences the enemy, and all allies attacking that enemy gain 40/60/80/100 attack speed. All of these effects last 4 seconds.
Aghanim's Scepter: While it still increases duration of borrowed time, it also redirects 50% of damage dealt to nearby allies to Abaddon. This essentially makes allies take 50% damage, and Abaddon heal for that 50% while borrowed time is active.
Remember to like this comment if it helped you, and feel free to ask me any question.
no with 7.00 there is more :o:o!!!
Other than cast point decreases and talent additions they didn't change anything. (Phew, I almost thought I had to work :p).
hahahah ;)
Not only Axe ulti can counter him before he uses his ulti, but with many damage heroes u can simply watch for when his ulti is activated and after 4~5 secs attack him.
His son is LEOMORD
ew ml ploker
fun fact, nothing in the game can stop the automatic activation of the ult, but you can stop the manual activation with a silence
AFAIK you CAN stop the auto cast... isn't it like if he has 401 hp and he gets just bursted down then he wouldnt have any chance to acvtivate his borrowed time, also i think heroes like faceless void should be able to stop the auto cast with chronosphere since it stops every cast + reveals invis units
U can make Abaddon's ulti not activacte,u ljust need to kill him with higher danage than 400,so if he for an example got 450 hp and u hit him with 600 dmg,he will just die.
In the original DotA (the WC3 mod) Abbadon's ultimate is a passive
*flies away*
***** fun fucking fact. Doom doesnt stop it nor cancel it. Because thats fair.
I hate people who shoot Abaddon when borrowed time is active.
It's one of those things that makes you type "gg end this quick" when you see it.
P.S. It's called Mist Coil now, not Death Coil.
Abadfon with aghs, undying, wraith king with aghs, vengeful spirit with aghs, dazzle with aghs. GG immortal team.
best tanks in dota 2
1. undying
2. bristleback
3. abaddon
4. axe
tidehunter 5.
What about centaur
shouldnt it that his 3rd ability was frostmorn or something???
Frostmourne is copyrighted by Blizzard
Hegataro Doesn't matter,i bought Darkstar The Mistforged and renamed it Frostmourne. :D
Description : "The legendary Frostmourne,now in the hands of a new master.Frostmourne Hungers !" .I would've add much more,but the info box doesn't allow.
Abaddon is bae.
Oh Boy, this hero brings back the time.
The other two new heroes, are really knew, but this guy is really cool.
I loved to play him in the old days.
Things are rarely as they seem.
I see what u did there :)
op hero
Not op... easy counters to him, doom, ancient apparition, axe, lina, and lion are all very easy counters to him. He is only op if you are a noob at this game.
Ursa is also a very easy counter to him as well.
TheLightningWhale I hope that last one was a joke...
BricksPicks Actually not really... ursa literally can beat the shit out of abaddon... Run circles around abaddon in his ult... or even attack him, give him full health, but the thing is, those fury swipes are still stacked as soon as his ult comes off making abaddon just melt.
Well, thats a smart one, most people i see who pick Ursa on purpose would be the kind of person who would sit there and auto-attack the Abbadon in his ult.
Naz'Gul lol
These two heroes change the tide of the team fight.
you can go support with clinkz. that way in early gaming, clinkz can go forth and farm while you can also get some gold and damage to creeps(balance on the lane). mekansm, pipes, drums, and rod of atos get a good supporting assist for hitters in ur party. unless theyre stupid.
finally, been waiting for him what feels like forever
arcane + soul ring + (maybe a vang/mek/pipe) + shiva makes him a beast of a support.
stay behind and keep spamming shield on focused ally, or man up and initiate but use your spells defensively
Axe only works if he doesent use borrowed time before the hp treshold, and ursa just ends up healing him, shadow blade is countered by dust (wich slows for 10%, and abaddon often has both phase boots and curse of avernus allowing him to just run away)
They're in Dota 1 but will be eventually ported to Dota 2.
Oracle and Earth Spirit are the most current heroes released to Dota 1 (came out in 6.78).
The update Dota 2 has right now is currently in 6.78c just like Dota 1.
Axe ult has a mega purge strapped on it it activates 0.00000001 seconds before the damage(not the animation) is dealt,this is proven with dazzle's shallow grave because anything can bring him down to 1 hp but AXE
It's a 50 hp/s heal to your carry. That essentially makes your carry have the regen from chemical rage
actually dota 2 now has several tournaments running throughout the year, none of the prize pools are as large as TI3 but they're still big prize pools.
additionally with twitch tv now joining up to steam there are even more people using twitch to watch dota 2 matches
His first 3 skills make him good for supporting, coil to make a last attempt to keep the person alive, shield to help the hero tank or survive damage and his passive to help your allies catch up to the target. Grabbing a mekansm or pipe could generally help but tanking could seem his best element.
Thanks to this guy, support is now my favorite role.
Glad I played around with him on Dota 2 Test the few days before he actually came out. 2nd game with him went 14-1-10. Good ol' Abaddon - Omniknight lane.
Update is live! It says 'Added Abaddon!' on steam news!
He came out a month ago in Dota TWO. He came out years and years ago in dota ONE.
No, it does not auto-activate, only if you take damage below 400 hp. Even if said damage is over 400 hp you would still live and his ultimate would be activated.
ahhh this info is correct! Thumb up so they can edit the video, this works for the slow as well
Pudge is Devourer in HoN btw ^^
Agreed, Duel is really op and all Arc Warden's skills are OP.
Dota Cinema stated two days ago that abaddon would be released into dota 2 yesterday...
The head part, that what makes it look similar.
Im pretty sure there will be a set for this hero soon
"borrowed time" actually absorbs 35% damage from nearby allied hero if you have aghanim's scepter. its not just increase the duration of borrowed time.
Ah old heroes are new again! Great renovation!
In game, it said the third skill slow for 20 move speed and buff for 40 attack speed but not percent
my favorite support by far
phase boots, mask of madness, skull basher (orb of venom possibly?), bkb, then you can go for heart for more tankiness or turn the basher into an abyssal. just went 28-2
also necrolyte can counter him, also if AA hits him with ult before its activated it will kill him easily, you can use a Eul to disable him for 2.5 seconds cutting the time he can heal or run in half or have a sniper assasinate at right time
my ass he looks like a badass and his spell animations and attack animation are beautiful.
you can silence the ult and if you do a high enough chunk of dmg at one time you will kill him before the ult goes on say hes at 401 hp his ult pops at 400 hp you do 450 hp with a lina or lion ult, the ult wont activate
Give it time, all the heroes will be here
you forgot his combo....death coil used with aphotic\\\\\\ death coil used with borrowed time :D but pretty much the calculations to damages taken applies to aphotic shield... im not sure how much hp gain he will have using death coil while on borrowed time :D
added new hero to my favorites list
shield up allies such as siege breaker ect. and use your alt t for 3 or more enemys for pwnage
The thing with abba is to play support until you get some heavy defensive, such as hood, aghanim, vanguard and heart. After that you're invicible, and can invest in some damage for late game as well
learning when to use ult, instead of just letting it autocast is very important. I've recently seen a lot of Abaddon losing terribly, because of this
One of the best things about Abaddon, CAN FOUNTAIN DIVE LIKE BOSS!
There's no mana cost automatically activtaed or not, and it does activate the 60/50/40 second cooldown when automatically activated.
Thanks for the information. I wasn't aware of that at the time.
Abbadon's ability to feed is certainly OP.
I love Fountain Dive Abbadon :3
Got scepter in a match and i had a Zeus and Huskar, fountain dive like a boss
the only one LoA is against is doom, his ult can remove doom, he can slow luci, and do some real time dmg to him
I assumed because if you could stack enough armor like stupid amounts like 100 you would only be taking like 00.0001 of physical damage. As for shallow grave I know for a fact that axe can kill through that with culling blade.
Legion Commander will come next, shes basicly almost done.
After that its either Terrorblade or Techies.
His design is so cool
He does some good damage thought, hes not OP but its not like he does no damage.
But his strongest part late game is his passive, 40 attack speed and the slow+speed buff to you and your allies is really strong, especially if you buy a orb of venom/skadi+SaY.
the ultimate isnt so great in lategame teamfights, but is strong when your getting chased/are chasing (to avoid stuns/slows) and is great when you are close to killing the enemy base, cause the fountain will heal you to full while its up :3
you can hear the sound of the ultimate when it is activated .. but it's hard to see with your eyes especially when you're lagging like hell
I like to go unkillable tank on Abaddon. Stuff like treads, VG, Shivas, Heart, maybe a mek or a ghost sceptor. You can literally have most of your hp through 3 teamfights without going back to base at all.
This hero is my favorite hero now !
tbh against some heroes he can just regen anyway, and he can do a lot of damage if he goes farming carry rather than support.
nope, aphotic can't remove doom, but helps absorb some damage. :)
it's been like that since dota 1
if Abaddon is doomed, his borrowed time activates almost like a linken sphere :)
i don't know now if it has been changed though
I adore his mount! So cute
So does drow ranger have, And besides Abaddon looks just fine since he got the same stuff Arthas did in Wc3 apart from Abaddon actually wearing his helmet (which Arthas didn't do until the very end of Frozen Throne)
There are some mechanics not working like they did in Dota 1.
You can't hex of his ult, and it seems you can't Cull him with Axe. It's a little bit harder to handle this way
i do this build on omni (depending on the picks) and it pretty much beats anything
Get as much HP regen items as possible,spam deathcoils to heal teammates after skirmishes.
Get arcane boots if noone is getting them,otherwise tranquil.
Skill shield early,use it on your carry(that you are babysitting),carry goes and harasses other heroes.If they attack carry shield explodes and they accomplish nothing but taking damage,so they have to run away.This way you make double melee viable.
Skill passive only when you actively start hunting heroes.Use ult for initiation or escape.
If his ult is up doom's ult is useless just found out a couple weeks ago cool fun hero
yeah, but sometimes 2 things happen: you dont react at time to notice that he has is ulti on(not so often)
Or you cant stop attacking him (juggerat, skywrhath mage and so).
anyway is a realse hero so i think after some weekes people will know him and he will be esayer to kill, i gess :)
No, its just that when communication between players of the same team is not optimal, Abaddon will be hit by 1 or 2 nuke during his ultimate. This is even more effective because it can activate while he is being nuked.
Icefrog created DotA and he works with Valve on DotA 2 so yeah it's pretty much both mod and game created or well helping to create both
Tonight's the night
Dark passenger is released
i used to combo pitlord with undying. perfect for team push fight.
abadon just wrecked mah shop when i was using a 6/0 shadow shaman with refresher orb and ags
Wheres techies i have been waiting for him
Next hero will mostly be legion commander. Ember spirit has not been worked on yet. According to the Dota 2 wiki of unreleased content.
All Death Knights aren't just like Arthas, the sword named as Frostmourne, is every death knight's sword and has freezing ability, death coil is kinda same but Arthas didn't lose any HP when he healed, so it it kinda same. The Ultimate doesn't seem to cover to Arthas' but maybe all DKs are diffrent, who knows ..
you can it would be really stupid but you can roles isn't something every character was made with it's up to you to decide what character would be best for what
hey when you show a spell like the shield and range finder is on u could show the circle arround him with the range it has. (dota_range_display #)
Basic support items, meka etc. level death coil + shield at maxx, drop the frost sword passive. And just go healing and protecting your teammate. He is useless as a carry compared to being a support. The reason why he works as a carry today at this date, is that people from dota 2 dont know the hero, wich is from dota 1.
Has Death Coil, looks like Death Knights, Rides a very similar Horse, Has a shield, uses Frost, I think the only thing that differs him from normal Death Knights is that he uses a 2-Handed Sword on Frostbuild ^^
The best counter to abaddon is long duration cc heroes like bane, brew master, etc. Abaddon players are unlikely to build bkb so you can cc him when ever he pops his ult and focus other enemies.
Get a hero that silences / disables, or get Axe, get some nukers who can finish him off, and do well in teamfights. DotA is not all about countering "this" or "that" hero - it's about getting your team to fight really well.
Perhaps, but note that he does not USE frost in this version. Nor did he HAVE a frosty look in the previous WC3 mod. Really, I think a whiter, more fog-ish look instead of icy glowing blue may have been better for this variation of him.
But I digress; either way it doesn't really matter. Looks will be looks and, in the end, both are awesome characters for awesome games.
Range in shield is like 400 that's very low considering you can easily get stunned with aoe stuns like fissure and ice path
in a completely theoretical world you could, you would need enough armor to get above 100 million EHP (each point of armor adds 6% ehp to your current hp)
You were doing it right in the 1st dota.
I have to say, being colorblind its sometimes hard to see when his ultimate is activated.
The shield blocks 200 damage and can be spamed.
His heal lasts up to 7 seconds with scepter which is a ton of time. Even his 5 seconds are more than enough time to get away.
His damage-nuke can be used to heal yourself if ultiing, too. And I tried this hero for the first time and instantly got every self-deny I needed. Now tell me something about smart play.
Also all the heroes are released and balanced in dota. The nerf/buff patches that come to dota 2 are the same as the new versions of the dota 1 map. The only exclusive dota 2 patches that are released are new heroes and bug fixes that the source engine itself causes. Dota and Dota 2 are basically the same when it comes to hero strengths/weaknesses. There are very minor differences.
abbadon looks so cool
Actually someone looked in the MAC files and found lines relating to techies' abilities.
They're two different things Illidan (which is a demon hunter in Warcraft vanilla made by Blizzard), and Terrorblade(which uses the model of demon Illidan, but his lore an abilities were made by a third party.)
I am refering to the DK unit in WC3, you too the general design, wich is cool and explains why you would regard Abbadon as A DeathKnight, but he isn't THE DeathKnight as this is the actuall titel Arthas had when he was recruited by the LK and befor he was consumed. That's why I 'complained', I know, very nitpicky but that's just me beeing me.
I hope you realize just because you heard a few of the core concepts from Dota came from Aeon of strife doesn't mean its ANYTHING like a copy of it. There were many custom games which involved laning in warcraft 3 and starcraft 2. A part of Aeon of strife inspired a part of Dota but many other games in WC3 would have also had an impact on inspiration for the map as well as the base game itself and more so creativity coming from the creators themselves.
hecarims kit doesnt even allow for him to heal allies so idk why people mention him other than for the looks which is still way off
If you could include an example build in these videos it would be highly appreciated!!!