Excellente interview ! Le passage "on a voulu faire un album pourri mais on y est pas arrivé, c'est peut être le meilleur album au monde", c'est juste énorme. Long live R'n'Roll !!!!
Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske have an amazing friendship and great chemistry in both bands Helloween and Unisonic. They both were a major part of Helloweens success with both Keepers albums. I am just really happy that both of them are back in Helloween for a world tour. Even though it is temporary. I really thought that it would never ever happen.
Excellente interview !
Le passage "on a voulu faire un album pourri mais on y est pas arrivé, c'est peut être le meilleur album au monde", c'est juste énorme.
Long live R'n'Roll !!!!
Kai Hansen and Michael Kiske have an amazing friendship and great chemistry in both bands Helloween and Unisonic. They both were a major part of Helloweens success with both Keepers albums. I am just really happy that both of them are back in Helloween for a world tour. Even though it is temporary. I really thought that it would never ever happen.
Not exactly temporary, they want to make a record and release it this year in September at the latest.
Kiske getting drunker and drunker as the video goes ahahah
Why does the inteerview stops suddenly?
i cant stop laughing---hehehehehehe....
hahah is kiske drunk? funny interview, love kai and kiske*
Ive seen the vid michel was talkin about with iron maiden. It was pretty funny. haha
wtf happened to kiske he totally looks like halford