Wow, everything said resonated. I just heard what I could not put together in my head as clearly, and just heard and saw two wonderful people talking together and in that, I felt what is in my heart. Astounding. Thank you.
We need much more focus on the big man, the universal body, the grand man, or, whatever you call it, the way it all works. This has been a recurring subject for me since 1990, but Swedenborg really brings out the details. Since you brought this up once again, I can feel the fire once again.
You bring so much knowledge and truth to the front, and we really need more knowledge amongst the masses to stop the madness that we witness right now. If people cannot understand that every action has a reaction beyond death, we are just repeating lower states of consciousness.
The spiritual world or heaven is so fascinating and captivating! Our state of mind reflects our environment ummm ..... Food for thought 🤔 Thank you very much! ❤
Or the way Swedenborg usually puts it is that our state of mind CREATES our environment. Our environment is a reflection of our state of mind. The inner causes the outer. Food for thought, for sure!
This seems so strangely familiar to me because my little great grandson , told me a couple of years ago about a grandmother , with a strange name I had never heard , visited him but couldn't stay here because she couldn't breathe in this world. He is 6 yrs old now , but 3 at that time. He has said throughout his life many strange things , and now , I run on to this . I don't know what to think about it . Thank you
Another interesting thing to explore is Swedenborgian symbolism in gospel bluegrass music. One example (and I could list a dozen more) is the song Prettiest Beds of Flowers by Ralph Stanley. My theory is that the chapters shared by Johnny Appleseed in Kentucky and beyond created a link between gospel bluegrass and Swedenborg.
Perhaps because I’m more open-minded and have spent much time studying various religions/spirituality, this video makes perfect sense to me. Of course the heavenly body is like that. Makes sense! ❤🙏
People who have REALLY seen heaven never mention any science , they all are amazed by the feeling of love there. They all say the love they feel is coming from Jesus. They all say they felt like they had finally found home and met many very happy people who knew who they were. They say heaven is Father and family and love beyond belief.
Leonardo Da Vinci, studied both the body and the Bible. As a matter of fact, he called the Bible, "supreme truth". He also basically said that the human body was a representation of the universe. That brings his drawing (The Vitruvian Man) of the man in the circle, with arms and legs stretched out, into a new light! So this video of yours here really resonates with me. Thank you and God bless you both.
Wonderful, pijnacker! I (Chara, one of the moderators) have just been reading a little about da Vinci myself, and it has touched my heart that he, too, saw a relationship between the human body and the divine design in everything. Blessings to you, too!
Curtis - I love just you and Jonathan explaining Swedenborg....great wit, humor and knowledge. Your charts, graphs and props are helpful. Swendenborg's volumes would overwhelm me. God is using you to present these truths in an easy to understand were born for this. I'm so grateful to you.
We are delighted to hear that their style of sharing Swedenborg works so well for you Robin. I have sent your comment to them so they will enjoy it too
Mary K Baxter, in her book Divine Revelation of Hell said hell is in the form of a woman and I didn't know what to think of that but then I saw in scripture where it says hell hath enlarged herself. Isaiah 5:14 KJV Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Hello, I’m new to your channel. I originally saw your interview on Next Level Soul. I’m curious how you got your name, off The Left Eye. I tried to contact you from your website but message was returned or blocked. I’m really enjoying your content. And hoping to hear from you soon.
Sorry Keely -- We've had some trouble with that site. Yes, here's a little video about where we got our name. It's a reference to an experience Swedenborg had in one of his spiritual experiences: What Does “Off the Left Eye” Mean? - Hope you're finding some interesting ideas here. If you choose to dive in, we wish you blessings on your pursuit! Actually, we wish you blessings either way!
As I recall, Thomas, Jesus appeared to him here, so to speak. Swedenborg used the term "having his spiritual eyes open," so he could see into heaven, or see spiritual reality. So he describes encounters with Jesus, but not like entering heaven's gates and meeting him there....
Yes Lawrence, Swedenborg also describes both heaven and hell as being in the human form. Here is a beautiful video exploring that idea.
I’m young and I don’t fully understand what you guys talk about as it’s hard for me to follow along and comprehend each word that is said, but I have some understanding from talking to myself about it, like the surroundings and inner state, that made the most sense. But I feel guilty that I don’t fully understand your guys words, is that okay? Will i eventually get that ability to comprehend it?
Some of these concepts are pretty big and deep, Maxcrazy, and you should feel ZERO guilt about not understanding them! If they intrigue you and you like thinking about them, and especially if they help you in living your life, then you're doing great! I love that the idea of an inner state makes sense to you. And yes -- with more exposure to these ideas and more maturity, these ideas do start to become clearer. I'm 66, and have been around Swedenborg all my life, and I'm STILL trying to figure stuff out!
These guys would like The Law of One: The Ra Material. It explains that there’s 7 densities or dimensions that mirror the 7 energy centers or chakras in the human body. Humans are in 3rd density or solar plexus center. The next level if you manage to graduate, is 4th density or heart center.
George Inness, the great 19c landscape painter was a Swedenborg follower. And I was under the belief that his paintings were descriptions of Swedenborg’s heaven.
@@offTheLeftEye It is actually without conventional dimension of time, distance (location), etc. It is quantum.. small can became big.. big can become small. Time has no location.. not linear. It is very hard for the human mind to understand because human is a localised experience. BTW, i chose to be born on Christmas Day in this life.. but my main practice is Buddhism in this life.
Thankyou Curtis and Jonathan pouring out treasures of Heaven revealed to Swedenborg back in 1770 is incredible that the Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christ said this Earth 🌎 and Heaven will pass away but NOT MY WORD, and this means we are Eternal Spiritual Beings made in the image of God. I believe and affirm the different levels in Heavenly Heirachy which relates to different atmospheres which encompasses different energy frequencies or atmospheres that affects our behaviours on Earth as individual Blue Print of God by FREEWILL CHOICE response to these frequencies by FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE as thought by Christ Himself in Matthew 5 (Sermon on Beatitudes) where He illustrates categorically defining the 10 value attributes of frequency energies. He definitively broke down the written Law of the TEN COMMANDMENTS of God handed down to Moses. Also today scientists have discovered there are 9 dimensional energies emanating from Heaven into the atmosphere to the earth by electromagnetic energy frequencies, so we can validate and confirm Swedenborg' s Heavenly treasures imparted to him by Christ Himself as his personal Saviour and Lord. Love you guys indeed and overwhelmed by his living experience. 🇵🇬 ❤ 🇬🇧 🇮🇱
It's wonderful to see ways that people are starting to discover science that relates to divine revelation. The two reflect each other! Thank you for expressing this so beautifully, and thank you for the kind and encouraging words.
I am curious how or what Swedenborg would predict to be the “attractions” of a mental health counselor, who, by nature of the work, is exposed to negative energy (negative forces, language, discussions) daily, and not by the counsellor’s choosing. How is a counselor to attract only ‘love, goodness?” It seems the counselor could be fervently internally positive and think ‘only loving thoughts,’ yet be attracting negative energy and flow without intention.
I don't know the answer, Anne, but here are a few thoughts. Counselors are working with human beings, and ALL human beings are open to inflow from heaven and inflow from hell -- according to Swedenborg, that's the whole point, so that we are in equilibrium between good and evil, and therefore can make our own choice for one or the other. Counselors, I suppose -- like everyone else in the world -- can learn to build healthy boundaries in their own minds, learn to identify negative forces and realize they are outside of themselves, and turn away from them. Swedenborg makes the amazing claim that ALL our thoughts and feelings flow into us from the spiritual world, and we get to choose which to make our own, by hanging on to them, savoring them, acting on them. Personally, I honor counselors for being willing to be with people as they experience hard times and dark forces, and trying to help them find a healthier version of themselves.
Ok. There’s a guy who studies dna and he says what we thought was junk dna is really like programming for us in the event we were to evolve spiritually enough to use it, and it would spiritually raise us to a spiritual level where we ditch our physical bodies, our need for food, and would then be able to survive on say Jupiter or Mars. Kinda fits in with your atmospheric levels content
We know that fractals exist and they say that the universes look like neurons (and if you do hypnotherapy and/or Parts work, you know that they act like people, and the jobs they do make us, say, eat sugar to make us feel better, or stay small to keep someone else safe, etc. In other words, there are "people" inside of us, living, afraid to die, and doing jobs just like we humans do). So if we are "Parts" in a bigger body, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
For about a month now Ive been wondering if Swedenborg was given any instructions on things he was not allowed to record or share with the human race. Did he ever say or allude to that? Also I wonder if we find out the purpose of the appendix, in the body of Heaven... 🤭😁😉
One thing that pops to mind at the moment, Anna, is that he was not allowed to write down all the wisdom of the wives in heaven.... Maybe some of the moderators can add more to that answer! And yes! Perhaps we WILL learn about the appendix! It must have been put there for a reason! :)
Here's another indication that there were things Swedenborg was not allowed to share with us yet. Two days before Swedenborg's death, a Pastor Ferelius came to give him Holy Communion. The following is a quote from the biography from "The Swedenborg Epic" by Cyriel Sigstedt: "Ferelius observed that in as much as quite a number of people thought that his sole purpose in giving out his new theological system had been to make a name for himself, Swedenborg would do well, if that were so, to deny either the whole or part of what he had presented. Upon hearing these words he half rose in his bed and, placing his sound hand upon his breast said, with great earnestness: "As truly as you see me before your eyes, so true is everything that I have written; and I could have said more had it been permitted. When you enter eternity you will see everything, and then you and I shall have much to talk about." Unfortunately, I can't find anything in Swedenborg's books about that little organ that we call the appendix!
@@offTheLeftEye Thanks very much for satisfying my month long question. He was able to share so much (to the best of his abilities, explaning spiritual matters in human terms) that I wondered if some knowledge was deemed off-limits. Thanks again ❤️
Humans can be equated to ice. The closer the human is to the world's view, he is ice. The changing of views (understanding we control nothing, but our own thoughts) invites God who is heat. The more God we open ourselves to, the more fluid our lives become. IT'S NOT AN EASY PROCESS. We call it pain.
Hi Nicholas --Swedenborg says there is continual growth and improvement in heaven -- which to me implies some kind of inner challenge, at least -- because only God is perfect. But we shall see!
How are these five ideas “scientific facts”? They may or not be true. But there is nothing proven and repeatable in them, which is the definition of “scientific “! Your motives for stating ideas may be well intended, but it is still misinformation to present them as PROVEN science.
The title itself, and Curtis within the first 30 seconds of the video, makes it clear that they are not presenting scientific "facts" but things Swedenborg (a renowned scientist of his time) was shown. Those who have read any of his written works are familiar with Swedenborg's comprehensive description of the systematic nature of the spiritual realm. Swedenborg reports what he was shown and does so with a scientific eye to underlying theory of how the spiritual world operates. A useful description for those who believe that there is a spiritual realm that underpins our natural lives. FWIW
We hope everyone will measure these ideas against their own understanding and rationality, Robert. I guess you can never PROVE things of the spirit, but that doesn't mean they're not real.
To have this much time lapse before I heard about ‘Emanuel Swedenborg’ from reading Edgar Cayce. He had such respect for Swedenborg. He never hesitated to give credit where credit was do. These were quite early days of spiritual growth outside the Christian church. Both these men were fervently Christian and because they were outside strict ‘orthodoxy’ they would’ve been treated with suspicion or heretical belief. Things have SWUNG vastly wide since then. I wonder what categories the authors( both) would be relegated to. I hav loved both their teachings so very much. @@howardthompson9522
@williamback6154 This guy is pathetic. Of course, he knows the Scriptures better than 99% of believers. He's devoted his whole life to it. Lol. Think of it. He doesn't believe in God but "claims to follow Jesus." He still hasn't comprehended the fact that Christ came to die for our sins. He totally ignores most Scriptures and yet only uses select ones to "disprove" other ones, or at least our interpretations of them. He quotes many other religious texts. One of which (I forget which one, but it was in a "rivalry" with our early church) from which its doctrine only had one sketchy research claim to it. And what exactly does Dr. Ehrman believe? I'd bet if one spent two hours in discussion with him, one would leave more confused than before. And regarding the "thousands upon thousands" of early Christian manuscripts. The "discrepancies" that might appear from one to another are so minute, often just a named misspelled or things listed in different order. Nothing close to even aporoaching a controversial topic. Anything even worth mentioning is always marked with a footnote in your Bible.... This guy makes his living, a healthy one at that, dedicated to what HE DOESN'T BELIEVE. Sad..... So, tell me. Let's hear your "doctrine." A dollar to a donut, I bet I could sum it up. You don't believe anything.
*Scientific evidence that Jesus is holding everything together by the power of His Word: Hebrews 1:3* Dr. Isaiah Rubinstein explains that the helixes that make up our DNA is held together by a series of sulfur bonds BETWEEN the base pairs (GCAT) that constitute your genetic code. And that these bonds are not randomly placed or evenly placed. But, there’s a sulfur bond, then 10 base pairs , then another sulfur bond, then 5 base pairs, another bond, then 6 base pairs, another bond, then 5 base pairs before the pattern repeats itself. 10-5-6-5-10-5-6-5-10-5-6-5… over and over, holding our DNA together. This means nothing to native English speakers, of course, because we use Latin letters and Arabic numerals. But Hebrew uses letters as their numbers. Aleph is both the first letter of the alephbet, and the first number. The number 10 is a Yohd. 5 is a He. 6 is a Vav (or Waw, if you have an Arabic dialect). 5 again is a He. 10-5-6-5, your DNA held together with God’s signature יהוה over and over.
Are you kidding, nothing in this world is permanent, not even the elements which ultimately will be converted to the last ellement. Get happy with the one life you have, if your goal is afterlife you haven’t lived.
First of all, Heaven is a purely, Christian term, I prefer to use the term Spiritual Planes or Dimensions instead, which there are enumerable ones, which we enter into according to the level we have evolved Spiritually, to be able to enter into. There are possibly, Spiritual Planes that Yeshua had nothing to do with creating, at all. Also, I did not think we needed to "breath" as Spirits, as we are basically, Conscious Energy, in our truest, purest, form. So these descriptions seem somewhat, odd to me. But almost, certainly, there is far, far, more than the mere, heaven and hell of backward, christian, dogma, for sure, yes.
@@offTheLeftEye : My Pleasure, My Brother. Thank you for replying so quickly. I have been a lifetime reading and researching these things, myself. It's mostly, head knowledge at this point, but I accept and embrace those things that seem to resonate with me, as well. The material of the Brother you guys are trying to promote, is interesting. Different but interesting. Everything is contextualized very much, in a christian concept, and now, realizing the place and time period this Brother lived in, I guess, I can understand this. He seems to present ideas and concepts here and there that seem pretty, broad based, and progressive and revolutionary, even, for today. It's too bad the Urantia Book was not around in his day, he'd have a field day with that, for sure, and maybe, A Course In Miracles, as well. Yeshua is known as a Creator Son in those writings. According to them He created this Universe, but not Overall Creation. Source is still the Source of Overall Creation Itself, and Prince Yeshua, known as Christ Michael in the Urantia Writings, is a Divine Son, and created as well. I sort of, see Yeshua that way, as well. Having great power and glory maybe, but still, created, none the less. I'm not a supporter of the christian trinity. I've done the research as to how that teaching got incorporated into the religion, and it was not for deep, insightful, Spiritual, reasons, sadly. I will check out more of your material, as I find it interesting anyway. Yours in Source and the Love of the Prince of Peace. Out For Now. ❤🔥🖖🏼😔
We are the Blood of FATHER'S BODY - Creation. We're supposed to stay within HIS BODY, since anything that leaves the BODY eventually dies. GOD'S Children go out and return. The Pumping of The Heart - HOLY SPIRIT. Infections are outside things (foreign agents - desires, dreams) that draw us away. We choose to follow them or remain in HIM - SPIRIT. Less Mature parts of HIS BODY are constantly Watched (more important) as they cannot sustain themselves yet. The Goal is to return to GODS Center PRESENCE becoming a part of CHRIST - HIS Plan, Design.
Be honest and say you don’t know. No one knows! Just another theory. Everyone has one! When you get really, really smart and think you know everything then you will know you don’t know jack! Happy hunting.
We agree that the wisest are the ones that admit they know comparatively nothing, goairborne. These guys are not making these theories up themselves, but sharing the ideas in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, who says that very thing about the wisdom of angels. It's the mission of our channel to share those ideas, so we're speaking on their authority.
any talk of God and Jesus should be verified as true or false based on scripture. seems the source of this info is coming from some other random book, I wouldn't take this info as valid
Yes we each need to decide for ourselves what is true, Timothy. A vital part of our spiritual journey! Here is a video exploring that Swedenborg and this channel are deeply based in scripture, and we share your devotion to the word of God.
@@offTheLeftEye Ah, then, based on the thumbnail and the pieces of scripture provided by the two of us, one must sin to be in Heaven. Otherwise, The Bible lies (or the thumbnail is a crock)
if someone is in a room where Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is being used then one would experience a sense of euphoria but it would,nt be real would it
@@offTheLeftEye perhaps you don't know, but the only people that can teach about God in the West, are Levite High Priests. There have so far only been two in recorded history of the planet (technically three, but Solomon doesn't really count). Moses and Jesus. There is a third, but she's not online yet. Of course no such teaching is required in the East, but it will help.
@@nothinghere1996and who might this third be? Is her priesthood on par with the priesthood of Melchizedek, and why wouldn't the latter be allowed in west?
Thank you, Suzanne! You're welcome!
Thanks so much for donating, Thomas! You're welcome!
Love you all for what u do for all of us, thank you.
You're very welcome, Robin! So glad you're finding these discussions helpful in some way!
Wow, everything said resonated. I just heard what I could not put together in my head as clearly, and just heard and saw two wonderful people talking together and in that, I felt what is in my heart. Astounding. Thank you.
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm, Judy . They are wonderful people and they care deeply.
Finally, a revision of this fascinating subject. Good chemistry between you and an inspiring talk.
We need much more focus on the big man, the universal body, the grand man, or, whatever you call it, the way it all works. This has been a recurring subject for me since 1990, but Swedenborg really brings out the details. Since you brought this up once again, I can feel the fire once again.
You bring so much knowledge and truth to the front, and we really need more knowledge amongst the masses to stop the madness that we witness right now. If people cannot understand that every action has a reaction beyond death, we are just repeating lower states of consciousness.
They are very good friends, yes FAFJAPPDAPP.
Feel the fire, yes FAPPJAPPDAPP. This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine!
True, FAPJAPPDAPP< our actions do matter.
I write songs and the melodies and lyrics reflect my own emotional state at the time.
Great example, David. Yes! Perhaps you could call that a spiritual endeavor!
The spiritual world or heaven is so fascinating and captivating! Our state of mind reflects our environment ummm ..... Food for thought 🤔 Thank you very much! ❤
Or the way Swedenborg usually puts it is that our state of mind CREATES our environment. Our environment is a reflection of our state of mind. The inner causes the outer. Food for thought, for sure!
@@offTheLeftEye yes that's the right word CREATES our environment thanks!
Creation is not a one off, Chinonye.
@@Chinonye-sj5it1mt5w That why the Bible says be careful what you think, Amen
This seems so strangely familiar to me because my little great grandson , told me a couple of years ago about a grandmother , with a strange name I had never heard , visited him but couldn't stay here because she couldn't breathe in this world. He is 6 yrs old now , but 3 at that time. He has said throughout his life many strange things , and now , I run on to this . I don't know what to think about it . Thank you
2:00 sounds like the Van Allen Belts.
Interesting, Bunfingus.
Another interesting thing to explore is Swedenborgian symbolism in gospel bluegrass music. One example (and I could list a dozen more) is the song Prettiest Beds of Flowers by Ralph Stanley. My theory is that the chapters shared by Johnny Appleseed in Kentucky and beyond created a link between gospel bluegrass and Swedenborg.
Very interesting Bunfingus. Johnny Appleseed did have influence there!
Like steps on a ladder states of mutual love carry us up to heavenly threshold of perception 😮
Lovely way to put it, Thomas!
Perhaps because I’m more open-minded and have spent much time studying various religions/spirituality, this video makes perfect sense to me. Of course the heavenly body is like that. Makes sense! ❤🙏
So glad it resonates well for you, vubtrong. I have found it expansive, too, to learn about different faith traditions.
People who have REALLY seen heaven never mention any science , they all are amazed by the feeling of love there. They all say the love they feel is coming from Jesus. They all say they felt like they had finally found home and met many very happy people who knew who they were.
They say heaven is Father and family and love beyond belief.
The love comes from God, and the son is like his father ...❤
Yes the love will be incredible, Wasblindbutnowsee. It sounds amazing.
Thank you ❤
You're welcome, Astepatatimekvarn!
Beautiful ❤
Glad this touched your heart, FruitTree!
God is everything! He is the Throne and the Crown ❤
@gracejohnson8156 Yes he truly is King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
Leonardo Da Vinci, studied both the body and the Bible. As a matter of fact, he called the Bible, "supreme truth". He also basically said that the human body was a representation of the universe. That brings his drawing (The Vitruvian Man) of the man in the circle, with arms and legs stretched out, into a new light! So this video of yours here really resonates with me. Thank you and God bless you both.
Wonderful, pijnacker! I (Chara, one of the moderators) have just been reading a little about da Vinci myself, and it has touched my heart that he, too, saw a relationship between the human body and the divine design in everything. Blessings to you, too!
@@offTheLeftEye 🙏
@@pijnacker01 I am glad we can connect about this!
Fascinating talk. Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov advised his disciples to read Swedenborg.
We're so glad you enjoyed the discussion! And thank you for letting us know about Master Omraam Mikhaël Aïvanhov's advice. I didn't know about that!
Curtis - I love just you and Jonathan explaining Swedenborg....great wit, humor and knowledge. Your charts, graphs and props are helpful. Swendenborg's volumes would overwhelm me. God is using you to present these truths in an easy to understand were born for this. I'm so grateful to you.
We are delighted to hear that their style of sharing Swedenborg works so well for you Robin. I have sent your comment to them so they will enjoy it too
Mary K Baxter, in her book Divine Revelation of Hell said hell is in the form of a woman and I didn't know what to think of that but then I saw in scripture where it says hell hath enlarged herself.
Isaiah 5:14 KJV
Therefore hell hath enlarged herself, and opened her mouth without measure: and their glory, and their multitude, and their pomp, and he that rejoiceth, shall descend into it.
Heaven is in the form of a human being yes Ghostown. Here is a video exploring that.
Synchronicity ! -and its 100 % ! Our Lord Jesus Christ is the way, the truth and the life !
Glad it resonates, steffan!
#1 is surprisingly consistent with some remarks by early leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Interesting, da47934! I love hearing about parallel ideas in different faith traditions!
Hello, I’m new to your channel. I originally saw your interview on Next Level Soul. I’m curious how you got your name, off The Left Eye. I tried to contact you from your website but message was returned or blocked.
I’m really enjoying your content. And hoping to hear from you soon.
Sorry Keely -- We've had some trouble with that site.
Yes, here's a little video about where we got our name. It's a reference to an experience Swedenborg had in one of his spiritual experiences:
What Does “Off the Left Eye” Mean? -
Hope you're finding some interesting ideas here. If you choose to dive in, we wish you blessings on your pursuit! Actually, we wish you blessings either way!
Thank you! ⭐️ Did Swedenborg actually met Jesus in person in heaven?
As I recall, Thomas, Jesus appeared to him here, so to speak. Swedenborg used the term "having his spiritual eyes open," so he could see into heaven, or see spiritual reality. So he describes encounters with Jesus, but not like entering heaven's gates and meeting him there....
A woman had once written a book describing hell as being in the form of a human body.
Yes Lawrence, Swedenborg also describes both heaven and hell as being in the human form. Here is a beautiful video exploring that idea.
I remember reading that book nearly 35yrs ago in high school. Cool book! Crabby remember the name of it.
@@solsistarknowledge9602 DId you see this video included earlier in the thread?
✨ Absolutely Awesome ✨... when you know, then you know, now you know 😊
Yes Nebulus knowing about heaven is a blessing.
God is very orderly
Yes, Jen-e-sis. Order Itself, you might say!
I’m young and I don’t fully understand what you guys talk about as it’s hard for me to follow along and comprehend each word that is said, but I have some understanding from talking to myself about it, like the surroundings and inner state, that made the most sense. But I feel guilty that I don’t fully understand your guys words, is that okay? Will i eventually get that ability to comprehend it?
Some of these concepts are pretty big and deep, Maxcrazy, and you should feel ZERO guilt about not understanding them! If they intrigue you and you like thinking about them, and especially if they help you in living your life, then you're doing great! I love that the idea of an inner state makes sense to you.
And yes -- with more exposure to these ideas and more maturity, these ideas do start to become clearer. I'm 66, and have been around Swedenborg all my life, and I'm STILL trying to figure stuff out!
Talk about “Fast Tracking”!
Fast Tracking in a good way, myrna?
Glad you liked the video Bibimiklayc.
These guys would like The Law of One: The Ra Material. It explains that there’s 7 densities or dimensions that mirror the 7 energy centers or chakras in the human body. Humans are in 3rd density or solar plexus center. The next level if you manage to graduate, is 4th density or heart center.
Interesting, fcz. I love the various views from around the world on how it all works!
We are definitely inside of a living body.
Amazing that you have that clarity, j.r.g.g.
Something about this resonates with Roger from Mudfossil University (on UA-cam).
Interesting comparison Awareverse.
George Inness, the great 19c landscape painter was a Swedenborg follower. And I was under the belief that his paintings were descriptions of Swedenborg’s heaven.
I did not know that Cindy but I could believe it!
Amazing video. I have this direct experience.. the Body of God. But i am largely Buddhist in this life.
it sounds like you have had an amazing experience yourself, Simperhchong.
@@offTheLeftEye It is actually without conventional dimension of time, distance (location), etc. It is quantum.. small can became big.. big can become small. Time has no location.. not linear. It is very hard for the human mind to understand because human is a localised experience.
BTW, i chose to be born on Christmas Day in this life.. but my main practice is Buddhism in this life.
@@simpernchong Sounds like you are comfortable with that choice and that your spiritual life is good.
Thankyou Curtis and Jonathan pouring out treasures of Heaven revealed to Swedenborg back in 1770 is incredible that the Word of God is the same yesterday, today and forever. Christ said this Earth 🌎 and Heaven will pass away but NOT MY WORD, and this means we are Eternal Spiritual Beings made in the image of God.
I believe and affirm the different levels in Heavenly Heirachy which relates to different atmospheres which encompasses different energy frequencies or atmospheres that affects our behaviours on Earth as individual Blue Print of God by FREEWILL CHOICE response to these frequencies by FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE as thought by Christ Himself in Matthew 5 (Sermon on Beatitudes) where He illustrates categorically defining the 10 value attributes of frequency energies. He definitively broke down the written Law of the TEN COMMANDMENTS of God handed down to Moses. Also today scientists have discovered there are 9 dimensional energies emanating from Heaven into the atmosphere to the earth by electromagnetic energy frequencies, so we can validate and confirm Swedenborg' s Heavenly treasures imparted to him by Christ Himself as his personal Saviour and Lord. Love you guys indeed and overwhelmed by his living experience. 🇵🇬 ❤ 🇬🇧 🇮🇱
It's wonderful to see ways that people are starting to discover science that relates to divine revelation. The two reflect each other! Thank you for expressing this so beautifully, and thank you for the kind and encouraging words.
I am curious how or what Swedenborg would predict to be the “attractions” of a mental health counselor, who, by nature of the work, is exposed to negative energy (negative forces, language, discussions) daily, and not by the counsellor’s choosing. How is a counselor to attract only ‘love, goodness?” It seems the counselor could be fervently internally positive and think ‘only loving thoughts,’ yet be attracting negative energy and flow without intention.
I don't know the answer, Anne, but here are a few thoughts. Counselors are working with human beings, and ALL human beings are open to inflow from heaven and inflow from hell -- according to Swedenborg, that's the whole point, so that we are in equilibrium between good and evil, and therefore can make our own choice for one or the other. Counselors, I suppose -- like everyone else in the world -- can learn to build healthy boundaries in their own minds, learn to identify negative forces and realize they are outside of themselves, and turn away from them. Swedenborg makes the amazing claim that ALL our thoughts and feelings flow into us from the spiritual world, and we get to choose which to make our own, by hanging on to them, savoring them, acting on them. Personally, I honor counselors for being willing to be with people as they experience hard times and dark forces, and trying to help them find a healthier version of themselves.
Omniscient and omnipresent are good ways to describe God Queenie.
Ok. There’s a guy who studies dna and he says what we thought was junk dna is really like programming for us in the event we were to evolve spiritually enough to use it, and it would spiritually raise us to a spiritual level where we ditch our physical bodies, our need for food, and would then be able to survive on say Jupiter or Mars. Kinda fits in with your atmospheric levels content
Fascinating ideas about dna Julie.
Wow 😮🥰🥰🥰
Glad you found some nice ideas in there, Globalhealthlab!
We know that fractals exist and they say that the universes look like neurons (and if you do hypnotherapy and/or Parts work, you know that they act like people, and the jobs they do make us, say, eat sugar to make us feel better, or stay small to keep someone else safe, etc. In other words, there are "people" inside of us, living, afraid to die, and doing jobs just like we humans do). So if we are "Parts" in a bigger body, I wouldn't be surprised at all.
Fractals are amazing Jessica! I want to learn more about them.
Tht's true in islam we call them jinns, we can also call them nas they live in our neurons and circulate in our blood some are good some are bad.
@@sarahisly5346 Thank you for that context.
For about a month now Ive been wondering if Swedenborg was given any instructions on things he was not allowed to record or share with the human race. Did he ever say or allude to that?
Also I wonder if we find out the purpose of the appendix, in the body of Heaven... 🤭😁😉
One thing that pops to mind at the moment, Anna, is that he was not allowed to write down all the wisdom of the wives in heaven.... Maybe some of the moderators can add more to that answer!
And yes! Perhaps we WILL learn about the appendix! It must have been put there for a reason! :)
Here's another indication that there were things Swedenborg was not allowed to share with us yet. Two days before Swedenborg's death, a Pastor Ferelius came to give him Holy Communion. The following is a quote from the biography from "The Swedenborg Epic" by Cyriel Sigstedt:
"Ferelius observed that in as much as quite a number of people thought that his sole purpose in giving out his new theological system had been to make a name for himself, Swedenborg would do well, if that were so, to deny either the whole or part of what he had presented.
Upon hearing these words he half rose in his bed and, placing his sound hand upon his breast said, with great earnestness:
"As truly as you see me before your eyes, so true is everything that I have written; and I could have said more had it been permitted. When you enter eternity you will see everything, and then you and I shall have much to talk about."
Unfortunately, I can't find anything in Swedenborg's books about that little organ that we call the appendix!
@@offTheLeftEye Thanks very much for satisfying my month long question. He was able to share so much (to the best of his abilities, explaning spiritual matters in human terms) that I wondered if some knowledge was deemed off-limits.
Thanks again ❤️
@@annahunter2192 We will have eternity to keep learning so there must be a vast expanse of things to explore.
Humans can be equated to ice. The closer the human is to the world's view, he is ice. The changing of views (understanding we control nothing, but our own thoughts) invites God who is heat. The more God we open ourselves to, the more fluid our lives become.
IT'S NOT AN EASY PROCESS. We call it pain.
Interesting parallel/ metaphor, Marcy. I've never thought about it like that before! Here's to a lot more ice melting into fluidity!
Those who know much will be expected much. I'm safe for now. Lol.
@@offTheLeftEye I can't take credit. It was the Holy Spirit. 😇
@@williamback6154 Boy! Don't I know it! 🙃😉
A body has a purpose. What is this bodies purpose in heaven ? as far as I know there are no challenges in heaven. Heaven is heaven.
Hi Nicholas --Swedenborg says there is continual growth and improvement in heaven -- which to me implies some kind of inner challenge, at least -- because only God is perfect. But we shall see!
Sorry for those deleted parts! Didn't mean that to happen!
I really don’t care how , I just want to know when. We will find out the details when we get there.
Jesus said “ be careful you are not fooled”.
You mean WHEN it's going to be your time to "pass forward," dougg? I guess knowing when is something that we don't get. There's an issue of trust!
How are these five ideas “scientific facts”? They may or not be true. But there is nothing proven and repeatable in them, which is the definition of “scientific “! Your motives for stating ideas may be well intended, but it is still misinformation to present them as PROVEN science.
Spirit will never be "proven" by science. Trust and belief is required.
The title itself, and Curtis within the first 30 seconds of the video, makes it clear that they are not presenting scientific "facts" but things Swedenborg (a renowned scientist of his time) was shown. Those who have read any of his written works are familiar with Swedenborg's comprehensive description of the systematic nature of the spiritual realm. Swedenborg reports what he was shown and does so with a scientific eye to underlying theory of how the spiritual world operates. A useful description for those who believe that there is a spiritual realm that underpins our natural lives. FWIW
We hope everyone will measure these ideas against their own understanding and rationality, Robert. I guess you can never PROVE things of the spirit, but that doesn't mean they're not real.
To have this much time lapse before I heard about ‘Emanuel Swedenborg’ from reading Edgar Cayce.
He had such respect for Swedenborg. He never hesitated to give credit where credit was do. These were quite early days of spiritual growth outside the Christian church. Both these men were fervently Christian and because they were outside strict ‘orthodoxy’ they would’ve been treated with suspicion or heretical belief.
Things have SWUNG vastly wide since then. I wonder what categories the authors( both) would be relegated to. I hav loved both their teachings so very much.
Yes because God protects our freedom so intently, Catalina.
bible says we are immovable, steadfast, have pillars, under God's feet, His footstool
@Lessgovt2012 like the story of the house built on a rock.
Save me Jesus of my sins
He already has. Accept Him. God bless you.
A beautiful prayer Daniel
God is love William.
I was expecting them to delve into Indian mysticism, including meditation and chakras and such. Be wary.
We appreciate you being careful about what you listen to Lawrence. These are important ideas.
@offTheLeftEye im trying to get it but you all are so deep that I'm afraid that I might not be able to climb out if necessary.
@williamback6154 This guy is pathetic. Of course, he knows the Scriptures better than 99% of believers. He's devoted his whole life to it. Lol. Think of it. He doesn't believe in God but "claims to follow Jesus." He still hasn't comprehended the fact that Christ came to die for our sins. He totally ignores most Scriptures and yet only uses select ones to "disprove" other ones, or at least our interpretations of them. He quotes many other religious texts. One of which (I forget which one, but it was in a "rivalry" with our early church) from which its doctrine only had one sketchy research claim to it. And what exactly does Dr. Ehrman believe? I'd bet if one spent two hours in discussion with him, one would leave more confused than before. And regarding the "thousands upon thousands" of early Christian manuscripts. The "discrepancies" that might appear from one to another are so minute, often just a named misspelled or things listed in different order. Nothing close to even aporoaching a controversial topic. Anything even worth mentioning is always marked with a footnote in your Bible.... This guy makes his living, a healthy one at that, dedicated to what HE DOESN'T BELIEVE. Sad..... So, tell me. Let's hear your "doctrine." A dollar to a donut, I bet I could sum it up. You don't believe anything.
Where can I get a copy of these writings or book at please?
Christopher you can download or buy these books at the website We are glad you want to learn more!
My body...
.... is an image of heaven..... Is that what you mean, Brody?
Thanks, Ginger! (And I'm sorry I can't always see your emojis!)
The Bible says Heaven is His throne and earth is His footstool.
@ALifeOfMeaning Yes that is a beautiful image,
Reborn to heaven = reincarnation back to the human body = Indian philosophy.
Thank you for your perspective on reincarnation, Vidya.
A long, and I mean, a long-winded conversstion.
*Scientific evidence that Jesus is holding everything together by the power of His Word: Hebrews 1:3*
Dr. Isaiah Rubinstein explains that the helixes that make up our DNA is held together by a series of sulfur bonds BETWEEN the base pairs (GCAT) that constitute your genetic code. And that these bonds are not randomly placed or evenly placed. But, there’s a sulfur bond, then 10 base pairs , then another sulfur bond, then 5 base pairs, another bond, then 6 base pairs, another bond, then 5 base pairs before the pattern repeats itself. 10-5-6-5-10-5-6-5-10-5-6-5… over and over, holding our DNA together.
This means nothing to native English speakers, of course, because we use Latin letters and Arabic numerals. But Hebrew uses letters as their numbers. Aleph is both the first letter of the alephbet, and the first number. The number 10 is a Yohd. 5 is a He. 6 is a Vav (or Waw, if you have an Arabic dialect). 5 again is a He.
10-5-6-5, your DNA held together with God’s signature יהוה over and over.
Cool! Thanks for pointing that out, DiscipleofJesusChrist!
@@DiscipleofJesusChrist-t2p Thanks friend.
Sure! Go copy/paste it and spread it out 😉
Are you kidding, nothing in this world is permanent, not even the elements which ultimately will be converted to the last ellement. Get happy with the one life you have, if your goal is afterlife you haven’t lived.
Thank you for sharing your perspective Trapar. We do value our lives here as well as the afterlife. God is generous.
First of all, Heaven is a purely, Christian term, I prefer to use the term Spiritual Planes or Dimensions instead, which there are enumerable ones, which we enter into according to the level we have evolved Spiritually, to be able to enter into. There are possibly, Spiritual Planes that Yeshua had nothing to do with creating, at all. Also, I did not think we needed to "breath" as Spirits, as we are basically, Conscious Energy, in our truest, purest, form. So these descriptions seem somewhat, odd to me. But almost, certainly, there is far, far, more than the mere, heaven and hell of backward, christian, dogma, for sure, yes.
Thank you for trying to describe these important ideas, Ivan!
@@offTheLeftEye : My Pleasure, My Brother. Thank you for replying so quickly. I have been a lifetime reading and researching these things, myself. It's mostly, head knowledge at this point, but I accept and embrace those things that seem to resonate with me, as well.
The material of the Brother you guys are trying to promote, is interesting. Different but interesting. Everything is contextualized very much, in a christian concept, and now, realizing the place and time period this Brother lived in, I guess, I can understand this. He seems to present ideas and concepts here and there that seem pretty, broad based, and progressive and revolutionary, even, for today. It's too bad the Urantia Book was not around in his day, he'd have a field day with that, for sure, and maybe, A Course In Miracles, as well. Yeshua is known as a Creator Son in those writings. According to them He created this Universe, but not Overall Creation. Source is still the Source of Overall Creation Itself, and Prince Yeshua, known as Christ Michael in the Urantia Writings, is a Divine Son, and created as well. I sort of, see Yeshua that way, as well. Having great power and glory maybe, but still, created, none the less. I'm not a supporter of the christian trinity. I've done the research as to how that teaching got incorporated into the religion, and it was not for deep, insightful, Spiritual, reasons, sadly.
I will check out more of your material, as I find it interesting anyway.
Yours in Source and the Love of the Prince of Peace. Out For Now. ❤🔥🖖🏼😔
We are the Blood of FATHER'S BODY - Creation. We're supposed to stay within HIS BODY, since anything that leaves the BODY eventually dies. GOD'S Children go out and return. The Pumping of The Heart - HOLY SPIRIT. Infections are outside things (foreign agents - desires, dreams) that draw us away. We choose to follow them or remain in HIM - SPIRIT.
Less Mature parts of HIS BODY are constantly Watched (more important) as they cannot sustain themselves yet. The Goal is to return to GODS Center PRESENCE becoming a part of CHRIST - HIS Plan, Design.
"We are one body, one body in Christ" Thank you Reginald.
Altered states
The mind is capable of many different states, for sure, gpasprimus.
Be honest and say you don’t know. No one knows! Just another theory. Everyone has one! When you get really, really smart and think you know everything then you will know you don’t know jack! Happy hunting.
We agree that the wisest are the ones that admit they know comparatively nothing, goairborne. These guys are not making these theories up themselves, but sharing the ideas in the writings of Emanuel Swedenborg, who says that very thing about the wisdom of angels. It's the mission of our channel to share those ideas, so we're speaking on their authority.
I eould not use the word tatoo, because the Bible says do not tatoo the body
Fair enough, Michele, though in Isaiah it says God inscribed us on the palms of His hands. I always wondered if that was like a tattoo.
@@offTheLeftEye wonder no more it wasn't 😊
@@Michele-k9w Thanks for your thoughts!
So .. truth .. comes fm jesus ? If only you knew who you worship ..
any talk of God and Jesus should be verified as true or false based on scripture.
seems the source of this info is coming from some other random book, I wouldn't take this info as valid
Yes we each need to decide for ourselves what is true, Timothy. A vital part of our spiritual journey! Here is a video exploring that
Swedenborg and this channel are deeply based in scripture, and we share your devotion to the word of God.
"He who suffers in his own body is done with sin."
-heaven is suffering
-one must sin to be in Heaven
-The Bible lies
Which is it, then?
"There shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain." That is how heaven is described, Zerothro.
@@offTheLeftEye Ah, then, based on the thumbnail and the pieces of scripture provided by the two of us, one must sin to be in Heaven. Otherwise, The Bible lies (or the thumbnail is a crock)
@@zerethro We find the bible to be a great source of truth, and yes all of us make mistakes along the way to eternal life.
@@offTheLeftEye I don't think you understand.
@@zerethro We can agree to disagree, zerothro. There are many ways to follow a spiritual path.
if someone is in a room where Nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is being used then one would experience a sense of euphoria but it would,nt be real would it
The joy in heaven is very real, Terence.
utter gibberish. i know absolutely what is being said, is a lie.
To each his own, nothinghere.
@@offTheLeftEye not really old man. teaching a false doctrine results in death.
@@offTheLeftEye perhaps you don't know, but the only people that can teach about God in the West, are Levite High Priests. There have so far only been two in recorded history of the planet (technically three, but Solomon doesn't really count). Moses and Jesus. There is a third, but she's not online yet. Of course no such teaching is required in the East, but it will help.
@@nothinghere1996and who might this third be? Is her priesthood on par with the priesthood of Melchizedek, and why wouldn't the latter be allowed in west?
@@Rikastin He is an irrelevance. not in ot, and the only in hebrews. a passing character only. She is a Levite.
This video is false teaching
How do you know?
Each of us has the capacity to choose what to believe, pixelpoet.
@@offTheLeftEye belief is belief if you’re happy with that, all the best.
@@pixelpoet Yes we are each free to choose and live by those choices. God is generous that way.
Thanks for the donation, kvarn. We sure appreciate your presence here and your support!
@@offTheLeftEye you deserve it. Everything helps. I didn't know I could do that. I saw someone had done it, so I clicked on it.
It is a new feature. Astepatatimekvam. We appreciate your help.