ProWay Serpentine Draft

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • The serpentine draft was developed to aid drafting, particularly in British breed and crossbred sheep. It is also equally effective in merino sheep.
    Traditionally a sheep draft has a long straight section immediately before the draft gates to give the drafter sufficient time to view the sheep and make his drafting decision. The sheep usually has a clear view of the drafter 4 metres before the draft gates. As a consequence sheep will often baulk at the entry point of the draft race. This is particularly true with British infused sheep.
    With the serpentine draft the sheep cannot see the operator until they are less than 2 metres distant. With a majority of sheep this is past the threshold distance at which they will baulk and into the zone in which they choose to hasten past the operator.
    The combination of the tight curve and the tapered sides they must travel restricts the speed of the sheep, giving the operator comfortable time to make their drafting decision.
    Sheep tend to watch their feet as they are negotiating the curve so are less focused on watching the operator.
    The net effect is more consistent flow of sheep at a moderate speed allowing accurate drafting.
    ProWay have the principles involved in the serpentine draft covered by an innovation patent.