Gaara6052 Well he's not really asking anything. He just explains at first there's a new album, the he says that Samu wrote more than a hundred songs and that 'beautiful' is one of them and that it has it's Story. After that he explained that they are a band since more than 8 years and he tells us about Samu's Job at the voice where he had a candidate from switzerland in his Team. Finally he's just telling us about the Tour 2017/18 and explaining that there's first a clubtour and then a arenashow. Hope I could help you and sorry if there are mistakes, my english isn't the best😂
I love how he asks 'Him or her?' not assuming she's only dating guys. Not a lot of people do that. Samu is absolutely amazing!
Ich musste so lachen beim Intro mit der Pizza😂😂😂🍕
Da wo diese Videonachricht kommt wirkt er voll traurig 😔 und so als ob er gleich weinen würde
oh Samu, I love your voice!
Er sieht müde aus
Und traurig 😢
CC Carry er redet ja glaub auch die ganze Zeit nur über traurige Sachen z.B wie er Schluss gemacht hat und die Geschichte mit seiner Freundin 🙁😬
Can somebody translate questions ger. to eng.? Unfortunately, I don't speak ger. =\
Btw, great thanks! Really interesting interview!!!
Gaara6052 Well he's not really asking anything. He just explains at first there's a new album, the he says that Samu wrote more than a hundred songs and that 'beautiful' is one of them and that it has it's Story. After that he explained that they are a band since more than 8 years and he tells us about Samu's Job at the voice where he had a candidate from switzerland in his Team. Finally he's just telling us about the Tour 2017/18 and explaining that there's first a clubtour and then a arenashow. Hope I could help you and sorry if there are mistakes, my english isn't the best😂
Sunrise Avenue oh, thank you very much!!! :)
Gaara6052 No problem:)
Sunrise Avenue thanks for that!! 😄😄😄 would kill to see them on tour....being in England = slightly problematic
Was ist das für eine Sprache im Video?!
er spricht die ganze Zeit englisch
Elke Pastern Ne...ich glaub des is Schweitzer Deutsch oder so
Léonie Yep das ist es ^^
Er sieht nicht „gesund“ aus