Dean question for you about Tolerance stack-up analysis. If your assembly parts have a surface finish. Do you include that tolerance to on the calculation?
Is there a way to indicate that the size is base on another part size. Let say size A 10.0 +- 3.0 mm with flatness tolerance of 0.01 mm Size B is 7.0+-3.0 mm with flatness tolerance of 0.01mm. If size A is machined at 13.0mm, the size B should be 5.0mm. If size A is 7.0mm, size B should be 10.0mm
Dean question for you about Tolerance stack-up analysis. If your assembly parts have a surface finish. Do you include that tolerance to on the calculation?
I need a notification for the live stream 😪.
Is there a way to indicate that the size is base on another part size. Let say size A
10.0 +- 3.0 mm with flatness tolerance of 0.01 mm
Size B is 7.0+-3.0 mm with flatness tolerance of 0.01mm.
If size A is machined at 13.0mm, the size B should be 5.0mm.
If size A is 7.0mm, size B should be 10.0mm
Is single position call out with 0.01mm tolerance same as composite position tolerance with 1mm and 0.01mm ?
Sort of, if an inspection is done with the .01mm tolerance to the DRF of the .01mm segment, the worst that can happen is rejecting good parts.