The scene with the sea of fog is enchanting. The whole mountain looks like an alien rock that just does not belong to its surroundings, but has been placed there by some supernatural force. I visited it about 2012, for the second time in my life, and I was really impressed.
Totalment d'acord , mira que hi ha músiques per posar-hi , fins i tot un silenci absolut hi quedaria bé . Ja se sap noi , ejpaÑa : toros , castanyoles i paella reescalfada .... i ens posen al mateix sac !! Te pebrots la cosa , oi. ? ||*||
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The scene with the sea of fog is enchanting. The whole mountain looks like an alien rock that just does not belong to its surroundings, but has been placed there by some supernatural force. I visited it about 2012, for the second time in my life, and I was really impressed.
Alucinante, me ha flipado. Se necesita permisos especiales para volar el drone aquí? Muchas gracias
Si es por hobby no dan autorizaciones
Llàstima de la música. Posarien sardanes en un vídeo sobre la Feria de Abril?
Totalment d'acord , mira que hi ha músiques per posar-hi , fins i tot un silenci absolut hi quedaria bé . Ja se sap noi , ejpaÑa : toros , castanyoles i paella reescalfada .... i ens posen al mateix sac !! Te pebrots la cosa , oi. ? ||*||