Oscillation the intelligent compaction HAMM AG

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @walsmachinist1
    @walsmachinist1 Місяць тому

    Finish rolling can only done in static mode, it has no sense to try oscillation because the aggregates are still aligned and the only thing that's left is some pressure to press a little bit more density while the volume of the binder shrinks. During this stage there is a need for real high pressure. This specific high pressure can only be delivered with small drums like the rear drums of the three wheel roller. Don't look at linear load, you need a drum with a Nijboervalue of 0.35 kg/cm2 and the drumwidth should not be wider than 65 cm. Wide drums 140 cm and wider are not strong enough!

  • @ambriprayogi6737
    @ambriprayogi6737 3 роки тому