!! EAR UPDATE !! [This is the quality content you're here for (hear for? lol sorry), I'm sure.] I ended up going to a minute clinic on Monday morning. And it was an ear infection! Yay! But my blood pressure was good, 128/81, so congratulations to me. Anyway, I got some antibiotic ear drops and should be all healed up shortly. _Fin_
She's so coded in my brain as "Grace" that I keep getting confused when I'm reading the manuscript and come across this "Sophia" character. Like, who is that?? 😅
Ah darn changing a character’s name that matches their personality is a such a bummer tbh. Glad you settled with Sophia (or with an f? 🤔) I think it’s an elegant name!
I like Sophia, too! I just keep getting confused reading through the book and coming across this Sophia gal and wondering who the heck this character is...and then I remember I changed it lol
What IS it with you and doctors?? They actually come in handy when you're in pain. I heard that somewhere. Ugh! I know: maybe find a doctor who is also a writer. Win/win.
Eh, most of the time when I go to a doctor they don't do much to help. I only go now when I'm pretty certain I need antibiotics or special medicine of some kind to get rid of whatever is wrong.
[This is the quality content you're here for (hear for? lol sorry), I'm sure.]
I ended up going to a minute clinic on Monday morning. And it was an ear infection! Yay! But my blood pressure was good, 128/81, so congratulations to me. Anyway, I got some antibiotic ear drops and should be all healed up shortly.
This is the content I’m here for haha . Glad you got some meds!
Naming characters is so hard! I love the name Jemima though! Maybe I'll use that one!
I kinda like Jemima, too, but the maple syrup connection is too much for me lol
Glad you got the ear checked, but ear infections suck. I always hate having to change character names like I don't wanna! 😅
She's so coded in my brain as "Grace" that I keep getting confused when I'm reading the manuscript and come across this "Sophia" character. Like, who is that?? 😅
Watch and comment again for the algo! 😉 The worst I ever got was 40+K words into a novel where no one had a name... 👀
Oh no, 40k is a lot of words hahaha So many [Name] brackets 😅
@@MeredithPhillipsWrites 😆 I didn't even do that, I used descriptors like LAWYER and GUY and trusted myself to figure it out later....
Ah darn changing a character’s name that matches their personality is a such a bummer tbh. Glad you settled with Sophia (or with an f? 🤔) I think it’s an elegant name!
I like Sophia, too! I just keep getting confused reading through the book and coming across this Sophia gal and wondering who the heck this character is...and then I remember I changed it lol
Yay Meredith Friday! You should really upload on Mondays so I can say Yay Meredith Monday! Or change your name to Feredith, lol. Jk.
LOL Feredith is quite the name 😂
Love the purple hoodie! I suspected an ear infection.
I've never had an ear infection before! It wasn't too bad, just sort of annoying.
What IS it with you and doctors?? They actually come in handy when you're in pain. I heard that somewhere. Ugh! I know: maybe find a doctor who is also a writer. Win/win.
Eh, most of the time when I go to a doctor they don't do much to help. I only go now when I'm pretty certain I need antibiotics or special medicine of some kind to get rid of whatever is wrong.
Ear problems are horrible x You poor thing x
It wasn’t too bad! Probably would have been if I hadn’t gone to the doctor though 😅