do they typically take a little bit to send you the serial number for the free library? I'm new to Kontakt stuff and I downloaded the Sonuscore stuff but never got an email saying what the number was. Thanks for showing me this existed I'm fairly psyched to mess around with it in my tunes
no its usually within a couple minutes. did you get ANY email? The serial is in the only email they send. it should be titled "Your Sonuscore order is now complete" maybe try a different email address
i kinda dont like his voice .. ( but i thank him for the content .. the info , the news ... ) .. the extra bass in the voice and shit. i wanted to SUB , but i CANT ..
good. you won't be missed. and there is no "extra bass" in voice. I actually pull bass OUT with a hi-pass at 63Hz 🤣 You should learn how mics work 🤡 leave and don't come back. bye.
If you want to buy the full version, there is a 50% Off Sale until July 31 🔥
Studio One+ does come with an Orchestral library, and it also has MIDI tools like an arpeggiator built-in. But it's not the same as the full version of THE ORCHESTRA. You'd really have to try both to see what I mean.
Really great stuff, especially for being a free version. Love it, thanks Benoni.
do they typically take a little bit to send you the serial number for the free library? I'm new to Kontakt stuff and I downloaded the Sonuscore stuff but never got an email saying what the number was. Thanks for showing me this existed I'm fairly psyched to mess around with it in my tunes
I'm facing the same issue too. I checked spam and everything and still haven't received anything.
no its usually within a couple minutes. did you get ANY email? The serial is in the only email they send. it should be titled "Your Sonuscore order is now complete"
maybe try a different email address
@@BenoniStudio they took care of it. I have it and it’s aw
Too many pieces of information to provide to get it
how to add the orchestra to kontakt library?
redeem the code in Native Access 2
@@BenoniStudio tks, itswork
i kinda dont like his voice .. ( but i thank him for the content .. the info , the news ... ) .. the extra bass in the voice and shit. i wanted to SUB , but i CANT ..
good. you won't be missed. and there is no "extra bass" in voice. I actually pull bass OUT with a hi-pass at 63Hz 🤣 You should learn how mics work 🤡 leave and don't come back. bye.
If you want to buy the full version, there is a 50% Off Sale until July 31 🔥
does studio one plus have any items that may do the same thing?
Uh...Have you checked Studio One? Lol.
@@Brendan-Black I have studio one but not +. I was hoping he may know and used it before I sign up
Studio One+ does come with an Orchestral library, and it also has MIDI tools like an arpeggiator built-in. But it's not the same as the full version of THE ORCHESTRA. You'd really have to try both to see what I mean.
@@BenoniStudio thanks
Free version limited costway to much you can’t even access instruments with the free version they suck u in