Comedic artist Phil Foglio used Heterodyning as the basis for part of his Steampunk universe in his Webcomic Girl Genius, about a family of Mad Scientists who can Heterodyne naturally with their own vocal chords.
a lot of talk and explained absolutely NOTHING what so ever! The graphics in no way shape or form helped with any understanding of the subject! POLYRAZMATAZ
This is very interesting. Thank you
Comedic artist Phil Foglio used Heterodyning as the basis for part of his Steampunk universe in his Webcomic Girl Genius, about a family of Mad Scientists who can Heterodyne naturally with their own vocal chords.
Can I download the pdf please?
incredibly intuitive. thank you
a lot of talk and explained absolutely NOTHING what so ever! The graphics in no way shape or form helped with any understanding of the subject! POLYRAZMATAZ