Skid being the one going CRAZY with Notes in this Song is a nice touch, I like it! o/ There's no reason why Evil Boyfriend would be the one to go crazy here, Considering Skid is on his last leg and everything, So you made Skid be the one who went OFF with 100's of Notes. Awesome Re-mix dude! o/ "Just don't forget that the Erect Re-mixes are supposed to be Boyfriend focused, Chiller was just one of the few exceptions to that rule lmao"
@@Traxl21 only corruption songs like chiller are excluded from the rule (does not include songs repurposed to be for corruption), if everyone ignored the rule no true erect remixes would be created
@@randomart6645 i think he's talking about the main melody. there isnt that big of a difference from the original besides a couple harmonies and that one part at around 1:27
I like this Concept that Evil BF wouldn't be the one going all out but instead the foe, makes it a LOT more interesting I must say considering the context of Corruption.
In this context it's actually Skid who's going "Erect" if you listen closely there's a part where he sings like 200+ Notes in rapid succession. "I agree that Erect Re-mixes should be Boyfriend as the main though, But Chiller specifically was a Song that was about the "End" of Skid's futile struggles, Why would Evil Boyfriend go out of his way to go crazy hard on him at the end?" If Fluffyhair decides to make an Erect Re-mix of the 2 Songs PRIOR to this one, Then in those ones It's fine for Evil Boyfriend to go completely bonkers, But for Chiller it makes sense that Skid is the one doing it. Yeah, That was a lot of text, Thanks for reading it if you did lmao
the erect' difficulty is meant to be bf singing almost for all of the song, as shown in kawai sprites remixes that he made already of dadbattle and south
Yes, however in this case it makes sense for skid to go crazy, not only because he's fighting for his life,but also because theyre the good ones in this song, we play as the enemy
for those who are saying its not erect because of boyfriend not going out: in some parts you can hear boyfriend going fast, and in the first part boyfriend does it too. Chiller is the only song that doesn't need this but Boyfriend is going out in some parts.
YOOOOOO wasn't expecting this song to come back! What an absolute banger of a remix though, I can't wait to see if fancharts will be made, this already feels like a blast to play!
ppl complaining abt skid popping off instead of bf clearly don't understand the erect remixes in the way i do(which is subjective, i'm not saying this is the definitive rule for erect remixes), which is that the character on the "good" side is the one who pops off, not the player character. we want the character we're cheering for to be popping off, and why would you want evil bf to win?
I pretty sure that if Erect Mode implies that BF is winning. Erect Mode on this condition should indicate that the victims should be actually fighting back (As if they're like everyone's last hope in their hands).
I would use this song for my next animation video, but I can’t download it (which was the only way I could use it [No matter the song, I always credit who made it btw]). And yes, if I were to use it I would credit you
OMFG is that real brazil man
is this brazil man real canon?!?!
Skid being the one going CRAZY with Notes in this Song is a nice touch, I like it! o/
There's no reason why Evil Boyfriend would be the one to go crazy here, Considering Skid is on his last leg and everything, So you made Skid be the one who went OFF with 100's of Notes.
Awesome Re-mix dude! o/
"Just don't forget that the Erect Re-mixes are supposed to be Boyfriend focused, Chiller was just one of the few exceptions to that rule lmao"
Maybe roots could also be a acception because you the end he just gives up knowing he will escape and win
Perhaps death match could have both of them going crazy
What if everyone just ignores that rule?
@@Traxl21 only corruption songs like chiller are excluded from the rule (does not include songs repurposed to be for corruption), if everyone ignored the rule no true erect remixes would be created
@@Traxl21 if a erect remixes don't have bf going crazy with notes then is just a remix, not a erect remix
I like the feel of this one, it's like BF is calmly watching Skid desperately fight for his dear life, but BF knows that ultimately, Skid is doomed.
When the corruption is hard
But the beat hits harder edit: it was a mistake for me to change my profile picture
Goddamn it, take my like
Yes~ hit harder
@@SuperiorChaotic ayo why the ~ thing
@@SuperiorChaotic 🤨
@@oneace0946 Erect joke, please it's obvious
Skid: *Oh fuck it, lemme just spam all 4 notes but in a straight line*
Bro, I was so excited for this. And the fact that the original Chiller is almost a year old too is just amazing! Thanks Fluffy for another banger!!
69 likes. Noice
Hey Hacked account wassup :D
I feel old
could use a little more to differentiate it from the original chiller but overall really really good job on the new parts and the new instrumental
Well at least we got a remix
It is different to the original, by a few factors, like the laugh in the middle and the "stutter" in some notes to make it glitchy
@@randomart6645 i think he's talking about the main melody. there isnt that big of a difference from the original besides a couple harmonies and that one part at around 1:27
agreed, its a good remix but its definitely not a traditional erect style remix lmao
ayo this is some good shit
Fr though this is awesome lmao
You curse?
@@adeez5933 that's is his former name.
Holy crap I hope there will be erect remixes of corruption rewritten songs
Ayy, we got DyanEstella’s Archive on this!
I like this Concept that Evil BF wouldn't be the one going all out but instead the foe, makes it a LOT more interesting I must say considering the context of Corruption.
1:27 this part is a bop (in my opinion)
some people like the music
some enjoy the art
also, can you plz make treacherous thorns and deathmatch erect remixes?
everyone does
evil Pump lookin real devious
Yeah lol
Best song ever!
And an absolute banger for a remix of Chiller.
An amazing remix to an already amazing song!
Fluffyhairs never fails to impress!
out of all the words in the dictionary the remix composer chose the word “erect”
We need Phantom Fear’s whole fanbase here, THIS IS AWESOME!!
skid has the audacity to laugh during his suffering
Thats optimistic i guess
Who knew that the same person that make chiller could make it BETTER! THIS IS FR A BANGER
imagine the actual mod adds erect remixes, it'd be cool but it's definently good as is, great remix! also, *joke about this being canon somehow idk*
who are you?
@@OldMan67Plus an artist for the Corruption mod
@@OldMan67Plus are you ok?
@@ryojoelofficial i knew that i was trying to be funny
Chiller's even more of a banger now, les go.
I kinda wish BF had more notes though, since the point of the erect remixes is that BF goes all out on his opponents.
In this context it's actually Skid who's going "Erect" if you listen closely there's a part where he sings like 200+ Notes in rapid succession.
"I agree that Erect Re-mixes should be Boyfriend as the main though, But Chiller specifically was a Song that was about the "End" of Skid's futile struggles, Why would Evil Boyfriend go out of his way to go crazy hard on him at the end?"
If Fluffyhair decides to make an Erect Re-mix of the 2 Songs PRIOR to this one, Then in those ones It's fine for Evil Boyfriend to go completely bonkers, But for Chiller it makes sense that Skid is the one doing it.
Yeah, That was a lot of text, Thanks for reading it if you did lmao
@@Joshuamiller19570 I'm sorry but skid went WHAT
@@violet_salamander9844 why? just why?
@@livivindle9912 I dont know
@@Joshuamiller19570 Where
I like how you made skid actually sound like south skid
YES!!! THIS THE THING I NEEDED TO HEAR!!!! 😆 This is the best thing I’ve heard in 2022!
This is gonna be amazing!
absolute banger my guy
the erect' difficulty is meant to be bf singing almost for all of the song, as shown in kawai sprites remixes that he made already of dadbattle and south
yeah but
plot armor
Yes, however in this case it makes sense for skid to go crazy, not only because he's fighting for his life,but also because theyre the good ones in this song, we play as the enemy
i love it i gonna wait Roots ERECT and Deathmatch ERECT
This is better than original chiller
Épico, awesome, insane corruption remix 😎
Pvp mi loco
@@sircyphi 😐
0:32 no one heard clubbox?
this song is amazing at 0.75 speed, makes it a completely different song and 1:16 is the best part of it
we got a banger stuff here bois.
I think we do
Fluffyhairs casually dropping bangers
Damn, pump looking a lot more vicious this time around...
The beat rocks
omg is really epic!!!!
This remix goes hard
So you like Chiller huh?
Add some spice, and you have something you’ll savor.
This is awesome
for those who are saying its not erect because of boyfriend not going out: in some parts you can hear boyfriend going fast, and in the first part boyfriend does it too. Chiller is the only song that doesn't need this but Boyfriend is going out in some parts.
Yoooooo this is awesome!
Awesome job fluffyhairs!
You never miss with these bangers!!!!
If anyone were to make a mod of this, I think Skid & Pump should be the playable character, as they’re the one getting the song’s attention.
This is soooo coooool
The perfect bop doesn't exis-
Best remix ever!
Damn! This slaps
Absolute banger
i found you.
this isnt spooky, its a banger
This beat slaps and is the best way to celebrate the original Chiller turning 1 year old 🥳
YOOOOOO wasn't expecting this song to come back! What an absolute banger of a remix though, I can't wait to see if fancharts will be made, this already feels like a blast to play!
Hello rice 👋
PD: I spanish latam
is this flafffff hars music,,🥺
yes lol
Fluffy hare
Just incredible
This has been my ringtone for 2 years now lol
ppl complaining abt skid popping off instead of bf clearly don't understand the erect remixes in the way i do(which is subjective, i'm not saying this is the definitive rule for erect remixes), which is that the character on the "good" side is the one who pops off, not the player character. we want the character we're cheering for to be popping off, and why would you want evil bf to win?
You have improved so much :0
When chiller came out I felt so bad for skid but now I just listen to this banger-
I assume this remix is dope nice job
So like… is this going to be part of the mod 😳😳
C’est une merveille effrayante !
what the pump doin'
Good música I like this ^:³
I really enjoy this!
Although I feel like the voices could have more potential, but, it's just me
This is amazing!
I like it ö
I really like it if you would make a song by dady daerest sunset from mod Erect remix please
I pretty sure that if Erect Mode implies that BF is winning. Erect Mode on this condition should indicate that the victims should be actually fighting back (As if they're like everyone's last hope in their hands).
thats the beats of this masterpiece in 1 word
when you add 1.25x speed it sounds awesome
Ah yes
2 kids fighting for theire life with "erect" in the title XD
Pump do be looking devious
Epic I love her
Badass picture!
I hear that Jet Set Radio Sneakman vocal in there, sly little.
Damn this is fire!
Fuck loved the original. This is arguably even better.
Finallyyyyyyyyyyyyyy thank you !!!!
Nothing to say but this is epic
minute and 20 secs in i rlly like that part like arcade bit in ycr
I'm not crazy about the terminology for this kind of remix but I like the music itself
I would use this song for my next animation video, but I can’t download it (which was the only way I could use it [No matter the song, I always credit who made it btw]). And yes, if I were to use it I would credit you
First time not being a week late lmao
soo good 👌🎶
I am the best at rapping here