That's very impressive dps! And to think, you could possibly be doing a tiny bit more dps if SD didn't have a few bugs. For those that don't know, Dusk Hunter isn't applying the crit resist debuff (you can see the golem not having the debuff animation), and Sufi Dancer isn't effected by using Illusion Gaze at 10 bubbles (easily noticed in the video as well). (Also, Sting isn't making Praetor have a 90% chance to crit anymore, it just uses your current crit % (this is easily noticed in pvp) but that doesn't effect you w/ max crit. Perhaps someone could report these bugs on SEA if no one has, since I'm stuck in NA.)
Try it out in pvp to see quickly. In pve, you'll have to lower your crit as much as possible to really notice the difference. This only happens when [Awakened Passive] Spirit Possession is taken. If you don't learn that passive, Sting still makes Praetor have a 90% chance to crit. If wanted, I can make a short video of it (in DNNA) later.
I never noticed the Dusk Hunter debuff bug until you said it just now. For sufi dancer I found it odd also that cd is not going down if you trigger gaze but never really bothered anymore about it. This game really have alot of bugs with it, we can only hope for the devs to fix it as soon as possible.
Yes, the game is full of bugs, but the only way to get them fixed is to report them. I've reported these bugs to the NA team, but I haven't seen any fixes for them yet (unless the most recent KDN patch had them). And no problem, I'm just trying to help get SD fixed as it's one of my favorite classes.
I'm using skill theano earrings Fire+IceAtk +1 Praetor in replacement of Genesis Earrings. Genesis Earrings doesn't help much if you are already max crit damage and FD. Increasing elem multiplier and the +1 Praetor should definitely give more damage output.
That's very impressive dps! And to think, you could possibly be doing a tiny bit more dps if SD didn't have a few bugs.
For those that don't know,
Dusk Hunter isn't applying the crit resist debuff (you can see the golem not having the debuff animation),
and Sufi Dancer isn't effected by using Illusion Gaze at 10 bubbles (easily noticed in the video as well).
(Also, Sting isn't making Praetor have a 90% chance to crit anymore, it just uses your current crit % (this is easily noticed in pvp) but that doesn't effect you w/ max crit.
Perhaps someone could report these bugs on SEA if no one has, since I'm stuck in NA.)
Is this true? I don't notice Praetor not having that much crit because of its high base damage anyway.
Try it out in pvp to see quickly. In pve, you'll have to lower your crit as much as possible to really notice the difference. This only happens when [Awakened Passive] Spirit Possession is taken. If you don't learn that passive, Sting still makes Praetor have a 90% chance to crit.
If wanted, I can make a short video of it (in DNNA) later.
I never noticed the Dusk Hunter debuff bug until you said it just now. For sufi dancer I found it odd also that cd is not going down if you trigger gaze but never really bothered anymore about it. This game really have alot of bugs with it, we can only hope for the devs to fix it as soon as possible.
Thaks for pointing this out.
Yes, the game is full of bugs, but the only way to get them fixed is to report them. I've reported these bugs to the NA team, but I haven't seen any fixes for them yet (unless the most recent KDN patch had them).
And no problem, I'm just trying to help get SD fixed as it's one of my favorite classes.
Can u give me ur rotation? my SD stuck at 70m dps
No genesis earring why ? and what item you are using for earring ?
I'm using skill theano earrings Fire+IceAtk +1 Praetor in replacement of Genesis Earrings. Genesis Earrings doesn't help much if you are already max crit damage and FD. Increasing elem multiplier and the +1 Praetor should definitely give more damage output.
300mil DPS. OP AF :3
skill tree video pleaseeee
may i know what is the song name?
Shelter - Porter Robinson and Madeon
Vesemyr DNSEA Thanks 😀
your ripper pls broo i need to see it. your rotation and dps test and noprob with your shadow hand hahah
What's the final dps ? Can't see the number it's so blurry. Regardless very well done baby ♥ Keep up the good work
302m final dps
Hello from Philippines! Nice dps. Can I have your skill tree please? I really want to be like you. I hope you notice me
Current, SD still in Top DPS ?
SD is I believe is A - tier DPS and so is Blade Dancer and Dark Summoner. With S - tier DPS being ML, Adept and Black Mara if I'm not mistaken.