The Pokémon Anime Just Left Fans Speechless.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Zactoshi
    @Zactoshi  Місяць тому +53

    Thanks to WebNovel for sponsoring today's video!
    Grab The First Legendary Beast Master and other greats here:

    • @A-x7b3n
      @A-x7b3n Місяць тому +1

      Hey zach I just realized something Sent you doing a rewrite of the pokemon scarlet and violet Anime can Can you do 1 for black and white You don't have to , it's just a suggestion

    • @NathanaelHenderson-k3q
      @NathanaelHenderson-k3q Місяць тому

      Comics, action, and a story about a boy who befriends beasts isekai me now!🚚😵😇👶

    • @Teboho-oq2mz
      @Teboho-oq2mz Місяць тому

      What if gibeon is lucius

    • @SalvatoreMisseri-b2s
      @SalvatoreMisseri-b2s Місяць тому

      One Think: I Hate Carmine

    • @saiyanwarrior3895
      @saiyanwarrior3895 Місяць тому

      my cousin said finaly there add hisui alpha pokemon from legend of arceus in anime about freaking time

  • @JPRPokeTrainer98
    @JPRPokeTrainer98 Місяць тому +229

    can confirm I have not been able to speak since last week, somebody please send help

    • @mazharsiddiqi7288
      @mazharsiddiqi7288 Місяць тому +10

      Simple cure: you are not a Pokémon anime fan as not are watching Horizons
      You can now speak
      You are welcome

  • @attilaszanto2275
    @attilaszanto2275 Місяць тому +147

    I really like that Tinkatink's hammer didn't just evolve along with her. Instead, she enhanced it before she evolved.

    • @andreabosio6452
      @andreabosio6452 Місяць тому +12

      It's one of those little touches the anime gives to let the pokedex entries feel more real. Like that old old episode where a pochyena wouldn't learn how to use Bite and so couldn't evolve (bogus gameplay wise but a nice touch in the anime). Or when accidentally they teach how to use rollout to a lickitung making it evolve without asking the owner because was in the daycare and there they shouldn't be allowed to evolve if not specified when left there by the owner. Nice touches

  • @aureliamastergoomba1278
    @aureliamastergoomba1278 Місяць тому +149

    “So how do you greet each other?”
    Lapras and Kleavor: Violence.

    • @MarcusMapua
      @MarcusMapua Місяць тому +6

      Albeit it makes me curious though from what it seems that Kleavor was the one that gave Lapras its chest scar; so I wonder how Lapras got its eye scar since it had it before Kleavor joined (as well as the rest on its shell)

    • @blackdemonknight
      @blackdemonknight 28 днів тому +2

      Ah yes the true Asgardian way

  • @Raph___A
    @Raph___A Місяць тому +82

    One thing I like in the new opening is that there are new pictures in the Rotom phone every episode. That's a nice detail.

  • @Creeperdude440
    @Creeperdude440 Місяць тому +255

    I really hope Carmine doesn’t get the same treatment Marnie got from Journeys. Appearing only once and never seen again. I get that Carmine isn’t relevant to the main plot of this series but still, she deserves better

    • @TheSebliterator
      @TheSebliterator Місяць тому +41

      Me too. Same goes for Kieran as well, even if he's irrelevant.....CURRENTLY, like Carmine, it'll be worse if he gets treated that way too. Don't forget he's the friggin main antagonist of SV's DLC.

    • @xerneas8841
      @xerneas8841 Місяць тому +26

      idk if thats gonna happen... the original plan for the series was to not feature kitakami- or the whole sv dlc story at all

    • @13CrystalHeart
      @13CrystalHeart Місяць тому +23

      We see her in her Indigo Disk uniform in the poster and in the eyecatch of the episode she featured, so I think we'll see her again.

    • @basilofgoodwishes4138
      @basilofgoodwishes4138 Місяць тому +13

      I mean we saw her in her school uniform, so she is getting some relevance much later, even if small.
      Also as much as we all love Kieran? Why repeat the Ogerpon crisis with him? Liko, Roy and Dot won't try to take away Ogerpon from him, because they themselves are on a search to capture powerful Pokemon and would more than anything emphasize with him, especially Liko, who would see too much inside herself in Kieran, and refuse to capture Ogerpon, after all, Ogerpon is as important to Kieran's family as Terapagos is to hers, no way she will catch it.

    • @shadowwizard2383
      @shadowwizard2383 Місяць тому +6

      @@basilofgoodwishes4138They won’t be doing the game plot with Kieran because briar already saw another terapagos so Kieran is most likely enjoying his time at school maybe being the champion and maybe has ogerpon if they show it. Just like penny is working for the league and doesn’t mention team star, nemona is the same thru all the game pretty much so can’t tell if her story is different and arven is friends with them and no mention about the legendary Pokémon or paradox Pokémon yet.

  • @TobyTheKoraidon74
    @TobyTheKoraidon74 Місяць тому +39

    “So how did you two first met?”
    Lapras And Kleavor: “it’s complicated.”

  • @travisherndon94
    @travisherndon94 Місяць тому +47

    I think the whole team up between Shiftry and Manibuzz could a reference to the tengu. While Shiftry is based off one he's missing the wings a another key thing tengus have besides the long nose and fans, so manibuzz flying him around could be a bigger nod to his reference by giving him the last thing he needs.

  • @KuroBlitz
    @KuroBlitz Місяць тому +86

    They fr treated the Synchro Machine as a Magikarp Salesman gag.😂

    • @MarcusMapua
      @MarcusMapua Місяць тому +7

      Well to be fair though, I honestly agree with the ranking of the Synchro Machine episode. When it came to the games, it made people so very hyped with the concept of what the machine does. However, the concept being put into the anime though wouldn't Really be the 1st time of where "humans became pokemon {as well as vice versa}"

  • @IsleofPigsStudios
    @IsleofPigsStudios Місяць тому +14

    Glad that they’re actually doing stuff with the DLC in Horizons. Horizons does what Journeys doesn’t. Respect the concurrent generation. Gen 8 was wasted in Journeys, unlike Horizons where Paldea is more than just where the champion battle is.

  • @attilaszanto2275
    @attilaszanto2275 Місяць тому +19

    Zac: "Whatever the heck Roy was doing."
    Me: Forgetting about his Kilowattrel and instead climbing up.

    • @sudarwin7257
      @sudarwin7257 Місяць тому +5

      That's what I thought

    • @dantemustdie00
      @dantemustdie00 27 днів тому

      Seriously that thing is big enough to ride atop

  • @CashoutRenny224
    @CashoutRenny224 Місяць тому +46

    5:29 I mean it’s just like in the game where there’s wild terastal pokemon

  • @J.Blazer
    @J.Blazer Місяць тому +68

    I think Perrin's appearance in the show isn't that forced; it's basically the same as in the game, just swapping Bloodmoon Ursaluna for Hero Kleavor.

    • @MarcusMapua
      @MarcusMapua Місяць тому +9

      I kinda had this fun thought: to me it feels like Gibeon's Shiny Zygarde is meant to parallel-rival Lucius's Shiny Rayquaza, so What-If it is revealed that Gibeon has an entire Full Team that is meant to parallel-rival up against Lucius's 6 Heroes?!?! - An example I thought of for this would be to parallel Lucius's Kleavor, Gibeon has Bloodmoon Ursaluna (I thought this would make a good pairing for the Immortal to have the Undeadly Zombie-looking Earth Bear)

    • @foodmr2022
      @foodmr2022 28 днів тому

      my guess is that the bloodmoon was captured already

  • @logancross9557
    @logancross9557 Місяць тому +15

    11:01 the reason those 2 are teaming up is mayble because in a pokemon scarlet and violet dlc dex entry it says that shirtree or whatever it name is used to be a bird

  • @Chaos97X
    @Chaos97X Місяць тому +13

    It is nice that the newer episodes are doing a good job of showcasing the kids' improved abilities. I just hope the trope of Friede getting some random reason to go off screen doesn't get too monotonous.

    • @BubblesChika
      @BubblesChika Місяць тому +1

      *I just hope the trope of Friede getting some random reason to go off screen doesn't get too monotonous.*
      It's why I can't get into the series. Seeing the characters being babysat by adults feels so dull and unlike Pokemon. Reminds of Naruto which I utterly despise.

  • @MuttCrewMarty
    @MuttCrewMarty Місяць тому +22

    You and pokerflax really want that bird to get the critical hit in a nuzlocke treatment

  • @EnterSamMan
    @EnterSamMan Місяць тому +25

    God the show is actually cooking now. A rayquaza named season, kitakami, carmine, Perrin, and kelavor fight. Holy crap dude

    • @thatman666
      @thatman666 Місяць тому +6

      And the teaser of fighting Shiny Zygarde from the opening.

    • @Amare-iv2ng
      @Amare-iv2ng Місяць тому

      Let's not forget abt the sneak peak of likes grandma returning

  • @commonviewer2488
    @commonviewer2488 Місяць тому +8

    That Kleavor episode has me wishing we got the Pledge moves in the anime. They have amazing combinations

  • @GhostBoyJames
    @GhostBoyJames Місяць тому +6

    It seems like Dot’s Tinkatuff is going be “shiny” when it eventually evolves into Tinkaton based on the color of its hammer.

  • @Laudbonto
    @Laudbonto Місяць тому +11

    We get to see Kleavor using strong style stone axe, pretty cool

    • @JoshTrager-j9g
      @JoshTrager-j9g Місяць тому +4

      It's just regular Stone Axe. Strong and Agile style moves don't exist anymore in the present day.

  • @troywilliams4056
    @troywilliams4056 Місяць тому +2

    Hey Zach I was wondering. Do you remember the 2021 who wants to journey challenge. I was wondering if you considered making a full on fanfic about it.

    • @Zactoshi
      @Zactoshi  Місяць тому

      Sounds like a fun idea!

  • @liutoturtle5195
    @liutoturtle5195 Місяць тому +16

    8:26 We actually know how the Crystal Lake came to be, the Crystal were brought here by Ogerpon trainer from a far away land (Paldea) around 200 years ago since Ogerpon story take place some times in the past

  • @J.Blazer
    @J.Blazer Місяць тому +18

    I'm a simple man. I see Perrin, I click.

  • @adantelee5017
    @adantelee5017 Місяць тому +10

    That Bomberdier. That’s just Ike when PokeFerlax reviewed this episode on his channel.

  • @TheTrueGekkouga-1
    @TheTrueGekkouga-1 Місяць тому +17

    They Nerfed Orla,She Can't Even Repair a Stove 😭

    • @JoshTrager-j9g
      @JoshTrager-j9g Місяць тому +1

      I mean, she barely exists anyway, so.......who cares? 😐

    • @swift3520
      @swift3520 Місяць тому +1

      @@JoshTrager-j9gtbf it seems her expertise lies closer in actual machinery rather than appliances

  • @SebastianBingman
    @SebastianBingman Місяць тому +5

    5:30 Man, It's like the crystal pool is nearby

  • @MagicalCycero
    @MagicalCycero Місяць тому +5

    Every time he says Briar's name like that, I shudder.

  • @bigguy952
    @bigguy952 Місяць тому +6

    0:57 someone’s still amped on One Piece after reaching to the Wano arc. Can’t believe how far you came and wonder if you’ll hit 1000 by year’s end.
    Good timing to post this video after we got Kleavor and now that leaves Entei and Rayquaza.
    Considering how the anime handled Carmine and Briar, we may not get Paradox form, but maybe something original to tie in to Z-A. I wonder if they’ll go to Hoenn to make the Draconids for info on Rayquaza (if we get Zinnia from ORAS Delta episode, I’ll be impressed)

  • @Nukebomb70
    @Nukebomb70 Місяць тому +5

    Rystal has to be the woman shown with Lucias and Gibeon, so it'll be interesting to see what they do with her!

  • @lefanIC6630
    @lefanIC6630 Місяць тому +7

    I'm watching the pokemon anime entirely for the first time and when I'm done I will Watch the entire POkemon horizons in original dub (I am in Season 22 and I can't wait I stopped in HZ045)

  • @ethejumper6568
    @ethejumper6568 Місяць тому +5

    Horizons sounds like the best Poke-Anime...
    Considering I now know it has the least Amount of bad Episodes.
    Wonder where I can watch Pokemon Horizons.

  • @KuroBlitz
    @KuroBlitz Місяць тому +15


  • @swift3520
    @swift3520 Місяць тому +3

    i think one detail that was left out in the video was that the lack of anything happening at the first crystal pool visit could mean that Lucius is miraculously still alive
    also the next episode and the one after that look really good

    • @MarcusMapua
      @MarcusMapua Місяць тому

      unless the pool activates now that Terapagos has gotten more "tera time energy" from Kleavor

  • @ElectroPikachu
    @ElectroPikachu Місяць тому +9

    Wow, this was fast. The Kleavor episode just dropped

  • @eternalmaximum6899
    @eternalmaximum6899 19 днів тому +1

    I just found out that gibeon and Lucius are dubbed by star scream and Megatron

  • @bacd-nn2lg
    @bacd-nn2lg Місяць тому +10

    The Pokemon Horizons is much better anime than than the original one with Ash as main protagonist.

  • @spicymaksauce6540
    @spicymaksauce6540 Місяць тому +28

    I just thought of the move set for ash’s Lokix:
    - Feint or Throat Chop
    - Aerial Ace
    - X-Scissor
    - Axe Kick
    And imagine how cool it would look in showdown mode once nymble evolves

  • @Bycypher_YT
    @Bycypher_YT 29 днів тому +1


  • @bitduelist
    @bitduelist Місяць тому +2

    I think if we ever get an Ogrepon arc, Carmine would be more expanded upon. I fully expected Perrin to join volttacklers

  • @WriterKing92
    @WriterKing92 Місяць тому +11

    I love how both you and Pokéferlax both mutually HATE Bombirdier.
    Like seriously, f**k that Pokémon.

    • @foodmr2022
      @foodmr2022 28 днів тому

      it stays true to the pokedex

  • @calebglasscock7392
    @calebglasscock7392 Місяць тому +3

    Now all the crew needs to do is find Entei wherever it is, and they can work together to take on the black Rayquaza so they can go to Lockwa but we still don't know what is going to happen with the Explorers things could be getting really dangerous.

  • @kinganthony5885
    @kinganthony5885 Місяць тому +5


  • @heavydonkeykong5190
    @heavydonkeykong5190 Місяць тому +3

    I'm kinda sad to see Perrin go. She was a really good addition to the group.

  • @terremotodelikes6551
    @terremotodelikes6551 28 днів тому +1

    You guys are lucky they decided to release the episodes there, here in brazil we only got 34 episodes... im still waiting, pokemon >:(

  • @giboit.
    @giboit. Місяць тому +1

    I think in the episode where everyone was using their own way to find Kleavor by noticing things that could lead to him, Roy's clue were the berries that he found in the river (which were probably there because that's probably what Kleavor eats). And we saw that he lives near a river in the most recent episode.

  • @TurboWonder16
    @TurboWonder16 Місяць тому +2

    Ironically, I just watched your previous reviews Wednesday.

  • @Random_guy12-k9c
    @Random_guy12-k9c Місяць тому +5


  • @creeptinian
    @creeptinian Місяць тому +2

    We are so close to seeing probably one of the most well written rivals soon and I feel it (unless they pull a gotcha and Kieran is just not in the anime)

  • @MarcusMapua
    @MarcusMapua Місяць тому +6

    I honestly agree with the Synchro Machine episode. When it came to the games, it made people so very hyped with the concept. However, the concept being put into the anime though wouldn't Really be the 1st time humans became pokemon.

  • @vladimyrsimon568
    @vladimyrsimon568 Місяць тому +4

    Wow the anime did some better than what the game did and I haven’t even watch the anime 😭

  • @kathkali3179
    @kathkali3179 Місяць тому +6

    What did you think of the new Opening?

    • @Zactoshi
      @Zactoshi  Місяць тому +9

      It's a Banger 🔥

    • @kathkali3179
      @kathkali3179 Місяць тому +3

      @Zactoshi And what about the one from the previous arc?

  • @Positivebutter
    @Positivebutter Місяць тому +4

    Super hype for more horizons!! 💛💛

  • @austinfritz2136
    @austinfritz2136 Місяць тому +2

    I think the rising volt tacklers might look for entei next because they want to save reyquaza for last

  • @jojokindred921
    @jojokindred921 Місяць тому +3

    Like the video a lot, but the 3d glasses-like affect over the the clips of the episode hurt my eyes quite a fair bit

    • @Zactoshi
      @Zactoshi  Місяць тому

      gotta say safe from copyright

  • @sothisthebeginning
    @sothisthebeginning 24 дні тому

    13:15 Damn, can’t believe they got Lucina Fire Emblem for this episode

  • @giblegaming
    @giblegaming Місяць тому +1

    Dot's Tinkatink got ops, that wasn't something i expected.

  • @miminixon9647
    @miminixon9647 Місяць тому +2

    Can you tell me what app I can watch the full Pokémon horizons on?

  • @BlazeFireMC
    @BlazeFireMC 29 днів тому +1

    The Game Freak Teraleak revealed MEGA ZYGARDE, so I'm betting the final showdown against the Explorers is gonna involve Lucius's Mega Ray vs. Gibeon's Zygarde in that new form.

  • @HygorBH
    @HygorBH Місяць тому +2

    Did you notice how Briar mentioned she's already seen Terapagos before? How can she have seen it before if it's supposedly unique? I heard a few theories that Horizons takes place after the events of S/V.

    • @qwart22
      @qwart22 28 днів тому

      I mean it depends on how the show handles ogerpon, though the Milotic does make me think this is before scarlet/violet

  • @T-Bolt_For_All
    @T-Bolt_For_All Місяць тому +2

    Sad that Carmine got shafted but I’m so glad Perrin got to contribute to the plot! (I actually shouted god dammit when she left 😂)

  • @AuraMasterKareem
    @AuraMasterKareem Місяць тому +3

    Also the new opening is absolutely fire!

  • @EuniceManalo-d4k
    @EuniceManalo-d4k Місяць тому +2

    UA-cam get rid of the bots plz its getting to some of my favorite UA-camrs including Zac plz dealate him

  • @niravparikh384
    @niravparikh384 Місяць тому +2

    Are you going to do Pokémon horizons in 10-words or less once the series is over

  • @Diretance
    @Diretance Місяць тому +1

    episode 73 subs aren’t even out yet , and you’ve already made a review. man ur fast keep up the good work.! also why did u change it from reviewing it weekly to just having 2-3 videos per ark, not complaining but curious abt it

    • @Nukebomb70
      @Nukebomb70 Місяць тому

      He said it makes covering the episodes easier for him in a video he made a while back.

  • @Weechyyy
    @Weechyyy 11 днів тому +1

    I stil do’nt know were I can Watch all the episodes

  • @BalletStrong-cl6cb
    @BalletStrong-cl6cb 26 днів тому +1

    Bombirdier is public enemy number one on Zac's hit list

  • @laromero0616
    @laromero0616 Місяць тому +1

    How are y'all watching it I can't find it online

  • @hunterhq295
    @hunterhq295 Місяць тому +1

    You missed review last week episode with meeting Briar and yesterday's one

  • @s.a.n8404
    @s.a.n8404 Місяць тому +1

    Does anybody know where I can watch the Pokemon anime with good english/german sub

  • @NajraKhatun-d4s
    @NajraKhatun-d4s Місяць тому +1

    Rystal might be the woman with Lucius in the OP song

  • @seandewar47
    @seandewar47 Місяць тому +6

    Idk if this is a hot take, but i REALLY hate that Horizons is post SV, as it makes the Paldea content feel even more of an afterthought and it robs us of potential character arcs, stories that could be spun in an interesting way, and potential pokemon that could have appeared that are really special(Loyal 3)

  • @blueflameboi
    @blueflameboi Місяць тому +3


  • @Master_GodNoobie
    @Master_GodNoobie Місяць тому +1

    Where do you watch these episodes

  • @lukeskyrunner8888
    @lukeskyrunner8888 Місяць тому

    Y'know I'm just happy we finally got to see a proper flashback/scene featuring Lucius. I wonder how long it'll be until Liko finds out she's related to him.
    Let's be real, that's pretty obvious.

  • @MeloettaFan101
    @MeloettaFan101 Місяць тому +3

    Where is Kieran?!

    • @ionutnertan
      @ionutnertan Місяць тому

      Blueberry Academy probably

  • @DavidAtam-u3y
    @DavidAtam-u3y Місяць тому +2

    Hey Zac I made a version of the Larimar hat

  • @AceMusubi
    @AceMusubi 29 днів тому

    Are this group called the "Volt Tacklers" because their captain is a Pikachu? If you had a squad named after a Move, what would you guys be?
    I think 'Swords Dancers' would be a pretty solid one, emphasis on hitting harder to surpass perceived limits.

  • @jermainespeid4934
    @jermainespeid4934 Місяць тому +1

    I hope we get to see carmine little brother soon

  • @benlochmann9702
    @benlochmann9702 27 днів тому

    5:49 in the games u can find wild pokemon that will tera

  • @spicymaksauce6540
    @spicymaksauce6540 Місяць тому +1

    I wish to see more What if Pokemon Scarlet and Violet anime episodes

  • @madinashafa3087
    @madinashafa3087 Місяць тому +1

    i needa watch pokemon more now you jst reminded me!

  • @sauceey8652
    @sauceey8652 Місяць тому +1


  • @StarlightWarriorGamerJames
    @StarlightWarriorGamerJames 28 днів тому +1

    Before seeing the thumbnail image, I never knew Lucius was a female.😂😅😅

    • @Zactoshi
      @Zactoshi  28 днів тому +1

      He is not lol

    • @StarlightWarriorGamerJames
      @StarlightWarriorGamerJames 28 днів тому

      @Zactoshi oh. Guess I'm gonna get ridiculed by your fans.😂😅😂
      The only reason I thought that was because of me thinking the black above his eyes were the traditional anime eyelashes.

  • @illusionblade2272
    @illusionblade2272 Місяць тому

    12:18 Bro uses A DOMAIN EXPANSION?!?!?!??!

  • @shy3846
    @shy3846 19 днів тому

    They giving everything to liko, roy is getting left in the dust

  • @conmanay4563
    @conmanay4563 26 днів тому

    And I’m sure we’ll never see the synchro machine again….

  • @dragonphoenix790
    @dragonphoenix790 Місяць тому

    Was enjoyable to see Kleavor in these series

  • @vin3463
    @vin3463 20 днів тому +1

    I'm so tired of them using one move each battle, and tired of them using just their starters each battle. For good sake use your other Pokemon so that they can improve as well 😩. I'm starting to hate seeing the starters now if it keeps going.

  • @sarahjordan3712
    @sarahjordan3712 Місяць тому

    Where can u watch all episodes

  • @logancross9557
    @logancross9557 Місяць тому

    theory lucious or whatever his hard to spell name is is acutally alive sense dude that is the boss of the evil name was friends with lucious all those probally 1 thousond years and somehow he is still alive so mayble lucious is also

  • @Jarboy2011
    @Jarboy2011 Місяць тому +2

    I lowkey can't wait for ogerpon to appear in horizons. I love that cinnamon roll.Maybe roy can catch her, and dot can catch miraidon. so that liko can represent indigo disk,Roy can represent teal mask and dot can represent the main game

  • @MarcusJackson-v2c
    @MarcusJackson-v2c Місяць тому +3

    I got to agree with you man this adventure is reaching to new heights and by the way here are some pokémon that should be on Ash's team
    1 Pikachu
    2 Lokix
    3 charcadet
    4 koraidon
    5 tsareena
    6 finizen
    You're the reasons why I chose some of these pokémon
    Charcadet I just put his regular name there because I don't know which one of his forms He will turn into either armarogue or ceruledge
    For tsareena either as is going to catch one after a bit of an adventure or he'll meet up with Mallow and assist her of saving her dad and her pokémon and some wild pokémon from a pokémon Hunter group and one bounsweet got away and at the end Ash is able to catch it
    For finizen I chose him because he would make a great addition to Ash's team and because he turns into a superhero
    For koraidon
    Even though he doesn't battle he might get enough strength to battle again and would make a great addition to Ash's team
    So I hope you like these ideas and keep up the good work man.

    • @jjohnson2445
      @jjohnson2445 Місяць тому +2

      Ash could name his tsareena mallow

    • @MarcusJackson-v2c
      @MarcusJackson-v2c Місяць тому

      I don't know maybe he will

    • @spicymaksauce6540
      @spicymaksauce6540 Місяць тому

      What about Ogerpon?

    • @MarcusJackson-v2c
      @MarcusJackson-v2c Місяць тому


    • @spicymaksauce6540
      @spicymaksauce6540 Місяць тому

      @ if you think about it, Ogerpon is a very speedy Pokemon and attacks using nimble movements and strong kicks. And ash is quite fond of speedy mons so it would work quite well

  • @gamingnfun250
    @gamingnfun250 Місяць тому


  • @yan13502
    @yan13502 Місяць тому

    5:26 well it happens in the game too.

  • @supermariogamer1757
    @supermariogamer1757 Місяць тому +1

    So excited for kleavor

  • @trainerjezza9390
    @trainerjezza9390 Місяць тому

    4:41-4:49 average Internet troll 😂

  • @DWboy14
    @DWboy14 Місяць тому

    2:27 nice

  • @GreenTornadoX
    @GreenTornadoX Місяць тому

    Tyson got the Ash ending

  • @isaacstevenson2960
    @isaacstevenson2960 Місяць тому

    4:48 Me when dealing people who serve no purpose but to be a nuisance.

  • @voltstorm2519
    @voltstorm2519 Місяць тому

    Poor Roy has to face a fucking Moltres