Thank you Pastor Owens, Im always looking forward to your sermons I love the way you deliver your message it sink in to me. We all love n pray for all the Saddleback Pastors n every member of the Church . Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! God bless u all.❤️🙏👍
I heard this once in a song and remind myself of it when things dont go my way. "Some of Gods greatest gifts are unanswered prayers"
Live watching apostle budddy from NAIROBI Kenya 🇰🇪
I am a pastor in Texas. I love to listen to the teachings of Buddy.
Thank you Buddy, that’s the best Palm Sunday Message I have heard.
Thank you Pastor Owens, Im always looking forward to your sermons I love the way you deliver your message it sink in to me. We all love n pray for all the Saddleback Pastors n every member of the Church . Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us! God bless u all.❤️🙏👍
as much as I love Rick Warren's sermons, and I do a lot.. I like Pastor Owen's just as much. keep up the great work. you are inspiring many..
I like Owens way more. So much calmer
@@GT-xp6bx I agree. I don't like Warren's style one bit.
Thank you Jesus,I need to hear that 🙏
I thank God for these amazing messages!
Keep making disciples!
+Bible Munch Thank you! :)
Thank you God
Jesus is Lord!!!
Please forgive me if I'm wrong
an upright man looks upside down in an upside down world