Ep 3: The Lawrence Brothers on The Importance of Setting Boundaries

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @BrotherlyLovePod
    @BrotherlyLovePod  Рік тому +28

    Favorite story from this episode??

    • @HectorVilla-ed3xu
      @HectorVilla-ed3xu Рік тому +2

      Matt telling the story of the girl punching him and wanting him to punch her back, yikes! lol.

    • @colorfulforesight
      @colorfulforesight Рік тому +1

      The bill and Ted bit

    • @melissaramirez2875
      @melissaramirez2875 Рік тому +3

      How about conspiracy theories 🤔 That would be fun

    • @taylorgardener8647
      @taylorgardener8647 Рік тому +2

      I love the way, Andy plugged Recess in there.

    • @Pray4All
      @Pray4All Рік тому +2

      About the morning routine was great. I can relate to the Prilosec. Lol

  • @amedori18
    @amedori18 Рік тому +363

    “If you were going to eliminate anybody that wasn’t authentic on social media, I would suggest eliminating social media.” - Andy 🔥🔥🔥

  • @heatherrabaut6436
    @heatherrabaut6436 Рік тому +35

    The quickness with which Andy says that he has no sexual boundaries… and adds boundless 🥵🔥

  • @eringrossbach4083
    @eringrossbach4083 Рік тому +219

    Matt, being polite to Siri, cracks me up😂

  • @biancadiana1824
    @biancadiana1824 Рік тому +58

    The way Andy is just there to clown them all day lmaoooo

  • @HeyMyLifeIsLibby
    @HeyMyLifeIsLibby Рік тому +245

    It’s official. These guys are now my serotonin booster for the week. 😂😂😂👏👏👏❤

    • @BrotherlyLovePod
      @BrotherlyLovePod  Рік тому +22

      Love to hear it 🤩

    • @paulsmith9192
      @paulsmith9192 Рік тому +8

      @Brotherly Love Podcast I could see u do movie and show reviews. Be interesting to hear actors review's. Especially retro

    • @davidgreyson2822
      @davidgreyson2822 Рік тому +5

      Same. They’re so much fun together

    • @charangel316
      @charangel316 Рік тому +4

      I couldn't agree more. I was so stressed out yesterday, and when I started listening to them, I was laughing and relaxing in no time.

    • @erinjoan2070
      @erinjoan2070 Рік тому +1

      Me too! ❤

  • @kristalc701
    @kristalc701 Рік тому +135

    I need WAY longer than a 30 minute pod from these 3. ❤❤

    • @haleyanne86
      @haleyanne86 Рік тому +3

      Yeah, their first couple eps were like 50mins. I was expecting this one to be longer, too

    • @t5dagreat
      @t5dagreat Рік тому +3

      100% agreed! Just when you're having a good time, it's over!

    • @mrbijou3327
      @mrbijou3327 Рік тому +2

      Totally agree!!!✌😊👍

    • @crystalgarcia9667
      @crystalgarcia9667 Рік тому +1

      I agree wth!!!!!

    • @BryenMiller
      @BryenMiller Рік тому


  • @Dissident0910
    @Dissident0910 Рік тому +167

    Bro!!! Matt is the man. He is such a cool guy and he seems like he wants to help the world.

    • @Kitty-ps1kr
      @Kitty-ps1kr Рік тому +18

      He has a point 🤷🏽‍♀️ The Rock is on the 💉

  • @eileenrbrown
    @eileenrbrown Рік тому +100

    Love how comfortable Andy is getting!! Keep 'em coming :)

  • @alabouve
    @alabouve Рік тому +28

    Joey's imitation of Keanu's "whoa" was epic! I half expected him to do his own "whoa!" 😂😂😂

  • @lindsayotis4259
    @lindsayotis4259 Рік тому +76

    The dynamics of the 3 of them is sooo good!😂

  • @lovelylucy07
    @lovelylucy07 Рік тому +65

    I love you guys. I unfollowed about 300 celebs including Rock. I follow about 20 people now. Thank you Matt for being so truthful

    • @PiazzaGurl
      @PiazzaGurl Рік тому +2

      I don’t have a problem with DJ. I mean I’ve never thought his body was just hard work lol. It’s some. But I give people and trainers and other things more of my attention. And as we should. We follow them cuz they speak to us. Like the Kardashians. I honestly only like Khloe and Kourtney. Can’t with the others. Especially Kim.

  • @mshollywod
    @mshollywod Рік тому +7

    How can three brothers be so different but are so in sync. Love it!

  • @TheVeganVixenBlog
    @TheVeganVixenBlog Рік тому +19

    I feel like I’m the female version of Matt and whenever he goes off of his rants, I am so here for it. I want him at a table with 10 other random people in the health and wellness community. I’ve got goals for my end stages…bring it home Matt. Let’s make this dream happen from. Former make a wish kid.

  • @kimberlyalexander6039
    @kimberlyalexander6039 Рік тому +55

    Hangin' out with the Lawrence Brothers is a great way to start the day!!! You never know what's going to happen next.

    • @BrotherlyLovePod
      @BrotherlyLovePod  Рік тому +10

      We love a good mystery. 😂

    • @CarlyneDTQTonPod
      @CarlyneDTQTonPod Рік тому +4

      like drinking* an*Italian espresso in the Starbucks massive venti cup 😂 these brothers are so funny

  • @sammie_Rose
    @sammie_Rose Рік тому +35

    Andy is such a smart ass to his older brothers and it’s hilarious

  • @RexCapulet
    @RexCapulet Рік тому +25

    Matt and Chili makes sense to me now. Loving the pod.

    • @erciliaflores
      @erciliaflores Рік тому +1

      Matt's with Chili *gasp*
      He's so much better than freaking Usher!
      Good for both of them❤

    • @mshollywod
      @mshollywod Рік тому +2

      I agree

  • @candicemcdonald4045
    @candicemcdonald4045 Рік тому +27

    Matt saying Hi to Siri killed me. I cried laughing so hard.

  • @melodiedarbonne125
    @melodiedarbonne125 Рік тому +7

    The best thing about this is how Andy never wavered from being “boundless” and nobody took him seriously 😂😂😂
    Their skepticism was met with a simple “okay”.

  • @stephaniealaia769
    @stephaniealaia769 Рік тому +22

    Omg Matt had me dying laughing with Siri hi lmao 🤣🤣🤣 and then Joe and Andy laughing 😅😅😅

    • @jayjay85928
      @jayjay85928 Рік тому +1

      I just found this podcast they are hilarious I'm 38 so I know everything they done Matt's just freaking adorable, joey needs to be a voice actor and Andy is now the new heart throb of the brothers 😂😂

  • @saralopez-mi2us
    @saralopez-mi2us Рік тому +40

    I've never been so in love with someone's mindset. Matthew is such an intelligent man. Thank you for sharing your thoughts & stories!

  • @nelsithomas7058
    @nelsithomas7058 Рік тому +27

    PLEASE NEVER STOP MAKING THESE! I don't listen to podcasts at all ever but I will forever tune in to this one.! I LOVE THIS PODCAST!

    • @Traither
      @Traither Рік тому +1

      Same here! I can’t stand podcasts but I love love this one!

  • @christinelopez2119
    @christinelopez2119 Рік тому +15

    I got 1:56 into the episode and died laughing. Joey can’t even discuss his breakfast without dirty Andy coming thru 😂. Love how Matt added on though. Love y’all’s dynamic. Hilarious

  • @jenaelovesjb
    @jenaelovesjb Рік тому +22

    Literally crying from Matt saying "hi" to Siri 😂

  • @rachelanonymous_
    @rachelanonymous_ Рік тому +17

    Omg this podcast is one of the best I've ever heard 🤣 I am in tears watching Joe and Matt ask siri about orgasms, while Andy is 1000% done "JUST TYPE IT IN!!"
    I am ded

  • @owtsideperspective3588
    @owtsideperspective3588 Рік тому +48

    The sheer fact that at 34 years old these 3 embody all the moods of my life so far is pure nostalgiac magic. They're like the three essential moods of any millenial.. laid back and cynical, woke and healthy, and grown and sexy.... I love it. I've been a fan of all three of them my entire life starting with Blossom

  • @dylanawilson7765
    @dylanawilson7765 Рік тому +76

    I did not expect this episode to go the direction it did, but I enjoyed every minute of it. 😂

    • @ChrissaTodd
      @ChrissaTodd Рік тому +4

      I kind of thought we'd hear about the brotherly love episodes but not mad at what this podcast is lol

    • @haleyanne86
      @haleyanne86 Рік тому +6

      @@ChrissaTodd that's what MY thought was going to be, too, like a rewatch podcast, but I'm not mad about it!

    • @mariegirlnz
      @mariegirlnz Рік тому +2

      Me either. Seriously hilarious. Loved it.

    • @veeedgee
      @veeedgee Рік тому

      Same! 😂

  • @colaw77
    @colaw77 Рік тому +19

    Matt whispering to Siri 😂 Y’all had me in tears again. You feed off of each other really well, and I love the mix of humor, serious discussion, and stories. Can’t wait for next week! 😊

    • @colaw77
      @colaw77 Рік тому

      I forgot something…what is Andy’s morning routine? And I’m not sure if Matt really finished his 😂

  • @taniamejia6852
    @taniamejia6852 Рік тому +15

    The dynamics of the brotherhood become more and more apparent. It cracks me up cause all these personality types and interests show up between my brothers and myself. My favorite is when Matt goes off on mini-rants while Andy and Joey alternate between grimaces and amusement. Reminds me of my older brother 😂
    Edit- Joey, sir, you've got some pipes!

  • @mcqueenartistry
    @mcqueenartistry Рік тому +13

    Siri wanted no parts of the Tantric Orgasm conversation! 😅

  • @bexchick
    @bexchick Рік тому +10

    Andy’s voice is so deep! He definitely has the podcast voice!

  • @jenniferf5613
    @jenniferf5613 Рік тому +23

    Them making fun of Matt for having a to do list....😂😂😂😂...look at this guy having his life together...😂😂😂😂

  • @Selena-Hale
    @Selena-Hale Рік тому +31

    Andy’s one liners have me laughing so hard

  • @josephflannery9015
    @josephflannery9015 Рік тому +7

    As a 28 year old man, I had 0 idea Jack Hunter had brothers, let alone ones in the industry. And after seeing this episode I’m sold. It’s like me and my 2 older brothers talking.

  • @damnitshannaahh
    @damnitshannaahh Рік тому +55

    This podcast has become the highlight of my week❤️

    • @BrotherlyLovePod
      @BrotherlyLovePod  Рік тому +6

      Thank you for watching with us!!

    • @j-tenn226
      @j-tenn226 Рік тому +3

      Mine too! Is it actually them running this UA-cam channel?

  • @joesphcatalano1473
    @joesphcatalano1473 Рік тому +20

    Andy is a born comedian. I remember him on Brotherly Love and decades later he’s still funny as hell. He’s very intelligent but respects his big bros and somewhat let’s them take the lead and he’s also in a different place in life . Great Podcast.

  • @francinesanchez5402
    @francinesanchez5402 Рік тому +16

    Love love love the dynamic here. And I love Andy’s interruptions. And the way they all laugh at each other gives me permission to laugh, too. This all makes me happy.

  • @alleyj826
    @alleyj826 Рік тому +19

    Man I just cannot stop laughing these ENTIRE episodes. What a serotonin boost this has been and it’s SO needed!

  • @carolgosnell2076
    @carolgosnell2076 Рік тому +10

    This is the first podcast I've actually watched & I'm literally hooked. I've laughed out loud so many times. I love Joeys laugh it is so cool.

  • @dia6913
    @dia6913 Рік тому +14

    I swear to you guys I have laughed out loud each episode. Andy had me CRYING when he was making fun of the daggone warrior garden and Joey had me about to pass out with Keanu! I needed this and y’all in my life. Please do daily hourly long episodes 🙌🏾🙏🏽

  • @colleen1987
    @colleen1987 Рік тому +16

    I love how real and candid this is. So refreshing.

  • @StephsSpooky
    @StephsSpooky Рік тому +28

    Joey and Andy having me rolling on the floor laughing!🤣✌️

  • @reyjking1
    @reyjking1 Рік тому +10

    wow, you guys have sooooo much chemistry....only way that happens. you guys are brothers and love each other...love the podcast

  • @CyberSecurityFashionDesigner
    @CyberSecurityFashionDesigner Рік тому +12

    This podcast is like their show “ Brotherly Love”. Love how nothing has changed! Miss them!

  • @MA-ti6dg
    @MA-ti6dg Рік тому +34

    I genuinely look forward to this on a weekly basis. It has become my Friday morning ritual to listen. And I LOVE IT! ❤

  • @Melissa.Alapizco
    @Melissa.Alapizco Рік тому +7

    I love this podcast! I've been dealing with postpartum depression and you guys have helped me laugh again. Thank you, guys! I look forward to your posts every week

  • @Tiffanychelle
    @Tiffanychelle Рік тому +6

    Hilarious! I learned so much about the three of you today. Andy is boundless, Joe finally knows about tantric orgasms and Matt is polite to Siri on his phone. I love your podcast. The only celebrity podcast I listen to and it's worth it.

  • @DeeDiamond2981
    @DeeDiamond2981 Рік тому +9

    Andy's face when Joey mentioned the candle wax..Lmaooo
    .. u guys are soo hilarious..

  • @krissy_7778
    @krissy_7778 Рік тому +16

    This is quickly becoming my fav podcast! I love all 3 of you! The Trio I didn’t know I needed! 🤣🫶🏼💙💙💙 Seriously, mad love to you all!

  • @sashaflip7450
    @sashaflip7450 Рік тому +13

    I know Joe is older but Matt seems like the dad of the group 😂 so funny.

    • @CaptainAMAZINGGG
      @CaptainAMAZINGGG 8 місяців тому

      I swear he is such an actual cranky old man hehehe

  • @aaskeleton
    @aaskeleton Рік тому +5

    Absolutely loving the banter. The smiles and laughter are contagious…..I feel like Andy and I would literally be besties haha. LOVE THIS!

  • @stephanieguerrero4590
    @stephanieguerrero4590 Рік тому +5

    I love it. This is honestly the 1st podcast that ive watched more than just 1. I think its 3 now and i look forward to the next 1. Im 49 so i can say i grew up with all 3 of the brothers. Keep them comin. God Bless

  • @catherine_steffy
    @catherine_steffy Рік тому +3

    Andrew's humor and personality I relate sooooo much with lmao !!! Misophonia : a reaction ( anger, disgusted, irritation ) to noise... also the fact his 'mind is always in the gutter ' with words like suck, ball, etc lmaooooo 😂😂😂😂

  • @naturallyashly
    @naturallyashly Рік тому +3

    I'm realizing my personality is a mixture of these 3. The same morning routine as Joey. I get up, eat the berries, don't check the phone. (I don't take Prilosec anymore tho, bc I got rid of acid reflux years ago). I have the exact same passions as Matt. Exact. I unfollowed nearly all celebrities months ago because of what he was talking about. I only have a few I follow now. And I have the same humor as Andy.
    I do Matt's lists too. There is actually a scientific reason to put simple tasks on there. If you check it off, your brain gets a hit of dopamine because you see you did something productive and it makes you more likely to complete the rest of the tasks you gave yourself.
    And Joey is right, candle wax hurts and should have no place during sex. I will never do that again.
    On a more somber note, I want to thank you guys. Your podcast came at the right time. I lost my dog today and I am feeling gutted and just drowning myself in my phone to find a way to make myself feel better. She was my world and the love of my life (Andy, I know you can relate). Watching this balanced me because it uplifted my mood and the fun and energy and you guys being relatable, and me being able to enjoy it, made me feel like I can and will get through this. It might take a while, but it gave me a peace in knowing that my world isn't ending.

  • @ReeseJ.
    @ReeseJ. Рік тому +7

    These guys are the coolest!!! Joey is the best big brother !!!! I love their dynamic, truthfulness and authenticity…. I cracked up when Andy said let’s see if Siri knows 😂😂😂 & then when Matt was so polite to Siri I rewound it twice I need that laugh! 😂😂😂😂

  • @RC360
    @RC360 Рік тому +33

    Funny, I just found this podcast about 2 hours ago and watched the first 2 episode. Good job guys. Enjoying the content, wish it was longer.

  • @summert1082
    @summert1082 Рік тому +4

    These guys are my teen years. This weeks episode was exactly what I needed after a stressful week!! I haven't laughed this hard in forever. 🤣🤣 The dynamic is exactly what I hope my son's have someday. Love you guys. Thank you for being authentic and sharing

  • @PrayerfullyBlessedMama
    @PrayerfullyBlessedMama Рік тому +8

    Oh Matty, I love you. Happily married woman here but seriously- so on point.

  • @charangel316
    @charangel316 Рік тому +15

    Joey and Andy doing Keanu Reeves has me DYING. LMAO.

  • @anthonyperkins1668
    @anthonyperkins1668 Рік тому +8

    Seeing Andy's reaction about Keanu Reeves is awesome

  • @gracefulness5
    @gracefulness5 Рік тому +10

    Joey sounds like he's a good big brother. 🙃❤️ I could watch these guys all day. ❣️

  • @MelissaAnn2024
    @MelissaAnn2024 Рік тому +8

    This episode is better than before. Lightens up my day after a long morning of rooming patients. This is a great show to get me through my day.

  • @celticdrayvn
    @celticdrayvn Рік тому +6

    I was in tears from laughing so much through this entire episode! You guys are amazing!

  • @rdsanantonio
    @rdsanantonio Рік тому +16

    okay, Matt's to do list at 18 sounds like my to do list now. Andy, please lol. I have to list all the things or it may not happen. the "hi" response to Siri is taking me out 😂😂😂 also, plastic bags do sound very much like murder. the googling this episode was so entertaining

  • @alisonp9545
    @alisonp9545 Рік тому +11

    Oh my gosh, after watching this episode I love you guys even more. I feel like you should have a giant watch party for movies of actors you love with the audience. It would be epic.

  • @heatherm.3546
    @heatherm.3546 Рік тому +56

    Andy's face when Joey says he doesn't check his phone first thing in the morning.

  • @BryenMiller
    @BryenMiller Рік тому +7

    Definitely becoming one of my fave podcasts. The dynamics between them remind me of my brothers and me. 😂😂👏🏼👏🏼

  • @lizetha8568
    @lizetha8568 Рік тому +15

    I have never laughed more from a podcast than this one. I swear I sounded like a hyena 😂 These are literally how the conversations with my brothers go.

  • @FranHutchison
    @FranHutchison Рік тому +4

    Love listening to them talk about their childhood.

  • @Rubygold555
    @Rubygold555 Рік тому +2

    😄😄 Andy: "I am doing a power pose."
    😆😆 I love Andy. He is def giving me cleaner Depp vibes 😂

  • @BeautyUnforeseen
    @BeautyUnforeseen Рік тому +13

    I’m really enjoying this podcast, I just wish the episodes were longer.

  • @fazzibunda1
    @fazzibunda1 Рік тому +2

    Just found this podcast by watching E News and watched all 3 episodes. I need these to be longer!! I love the brotherly dynamic and how each brother plays a role. And this totally hitting me with nostalgia! Love you guys!

  • @katiekopp903
    @katiekopp903 Рік тому +2

    "What's your screen saver guys..?"
    Andy: "..mine's of a candle"

  • @isabelporredon8672
    @isabelporredon8672 Рік тому +7

    Literally love them! The fact that they can talk about anything and everything and it’s not forced just Naturally Done! Love that I laughed this entire segment 😂🙏🏼🤎🤎🤎

  • @soniaramos5165
    @soniaramos5165 Рік тому +2

    You guys have me go from smiling like a creep, giggling and full out LAUGHING by myself!!!😂😂 y’all are hilarious!!! Much love and keep it up!!!❤

  • @brookieslovingwaxlife2793
    @brookieslovingwaxlife2793 Рік тому +10

    Every week I realize me and Matt are the same person! 😂

  • @TheDeanTTV
    @TheDeanTTV Рік тому +1

    I'm so glad I found this podcast! I literally watched "The Other Me" a couple days ago for the nostalgia, and then stumbled upon your channel the next day lol. I love seeing the three of you together again after so many years!

  • @Aminah_11.11
    @Aminah_11.11 Рік тому +3

    Watching you guys makes me miss my family and friends back home 😂😂😂it’s like I’m watching my siblings bickering and cracking jokes during the holidays.❤ Pure love. It’s almost like I’m watching three generations except but then you realize these guys are just a few years apart. It’s amazing. 🤓Much love from China!

  • @VetteToms1214
    @VetteToms1214 Рік тому +15

    I feel as if I can speak for everyone when I say, We could definitely handle longer episodes :)

  • @alyssasatar
    @alyssasatar Рік тому +2

    Andy, “jus type it in the damn phone” 🤣

  • @deemaria814
    @deemaria814 Рік тому +4

    "We're losing this room, Matt, do it…🏋️" LOL

  • @PrayerfullyBlessedMama
    @PrayerfullyBlessedMama Рік тому +11

    Just type! Type it in! 😂 I’m dying with these episodes!

  • @simonematamoros
    @simonematamoros Рік тому +3

    I binged all 3 episodes today. Absolutely such a joy listening to you all. Keep it up. Looking forward to seeing this podcast grow! Thank you for being so refreshing

  • @LaDolceVita2487
    @LaDolceVita2487 Рік тому +1

    Never thought a podcast could bring me so much joy and laughter!

  • @whateverwhatever5715
    @whateverwhatever5715 Рік тому +2

    Matthew is so open about his feelings on Hollywood , im here for it ..

  • @star0nyx
    @star0nyx Рік тому +53

    Matt has boomer energy. Its so funny how sincere he is in his interests

    • @notyouraveragebear9326
      @notyouraveragebear9326 Рік тому +6

      Lol he definitely has boomer energy. Lol if I didn’t love his characteristics so much it would come off so annoyingly “know it all” like 😂

    • @RexCapulet
      @RexCapulet Рік тому +5

      It’s the glasses, the puff jacket and the cap indoors not helping.

    • @loveq.8216
      @loveq.8216 Рік тому +2

      lol i just said he's an old man

    • @debsreno911
      @debsreno911 Рік тому +4

      He does kinda look like he just came back from a fishin' trip lol.

    • @katwilliams2950
      @katwilliams2950 Рік тому

      Saying hi to Siri too 😂

  • @ERBeck
    @ERBeck Рік тому +4

    After a stressful day- this is the laughter I need. 😂😂 Thank you. 😊

  • @joesphcatalano1473
    @joesphcatalano1473 Рік тому +12

    I’m amazed how Joe doesn’t get more roles. The guy can basically do anything and very diplomatic. Joe: you can do so many Disney Pixar movies . Am I missing something?

    • @experiencefloridawithjulie4568
      @experiencefloridawithjulie4568 Рік тому +1

      It’s a political reason. Hollywood blackballs actors who don’t follow the political narrative they want.
      It’s disgusting that mediocre actors, who have the “Hollywood desired” political beliefs, are free to speak their minds about politics and get rewarded with roles, but others get blackballed if they have the beliefs Hollywood says are undesirable.
      I hand it to Joey for staying true to himself and his beliefs and not selling himself out.

    • @tarastandifer8660
      @tarastandifer8660 Рік тому

      You’re so right. Have you ever seen his Touch By an Angel episode?? He was terrifying! It took me so long to stop seeing him as an abusive POS because he sold that role so well. He’s clearly such a sweetheart in real life so it shows how impressive his range is!

  • @sweet0peaches
    @sweet0peaches Рік тому +6

    Matt is soo me lol, and I’m loving his brothers responses. Andy cracks me up, and Joey is just so supportive of both of his brothers. I love it! ❤ Thanks for the great info and entertainment 😂

    • @loveq.8216
      @loveq.8216 Рік тому

      yeah he's a good big brother

  • @Candice-Tara
    @Candice-Tara Рік тому +2

    Listening to this podcast gives me life!😄
    Matt, I love your honest opinion on unauthentic “influencers”. PREACH!

  • @floracallejas9505
    @floracallejas9505 Рік тому +2

    Matt is so really and honest. Love it.

  • @katiekopp903
    @katiekopp903 Рік тому +1

    Okay, episode 3 they found the flow!
    32 year old mom, big fan since childhood! Just told my sister about the pod! We are 3 sisters, so this dynamic is the sweet spot. Love this. Love YOU GUYS!

  • @mstarry
    @mstarry Рік тому +4

    These convos need to be longer! 30 minutes went by so quickly.

  • @rosalindgibbs3705
    @rosalindgibbs3705 Рік тому +2

    I enjoy watching you guys brothers
    all grown up Andy is learning from
    his brothers I need to hear more
    from Andy.

  • @swontaviacraft7672
    @swontaviacraft7672 Рік тому +3

    Is it just me or is Andy voice super soothing

  • @daisysuperflower2113
    @daisysuperflower2113 Рік тому +5

    Love this podcast , it’s pretty unique!!
    And Matthews personality kinda blows me away, he’s so energetic,, no wonder he’s with Chilli , they both have that energetic personality 💕

    • @tshc4778
      @tshc4778 Рік тому

      They are just alike

  • @munchyy5287
    @munchyy5287 Рік тому +3

    i love when u guys talk about your old fights its so funny

  • @QueXLcior
    @QueXLcior Рік тому +2

    Joey is so Hollywood but in a healthy, genuine sort of way

  • @almaelizabeth0710
    @almaelizabeth0710 Рік тому +5

    "Siri are you there?"🤣 so hilarious, you guys are great!! Much love 💕🤗

  • @heatherhaines4579
    @heatherhaines4579 Рік тому +7

    More Andy! He’s hilarious!