what amazed me the most in this video was how utterly clean was the whole proccess... i'm sure i'd have silicone and resin all over the place, and my hair and etc!!!!! that clenliness screams PRO!
I watched this when it first aired so many years ago, learned a lot since then. Laughed when I saw the vacuum chamber because these days I know the exact maker they got it from, tried to order one from them last week too but they were out of stock. Thems the corona breaks.
@@blueridgewarden2838 This. You can use slower curing silicone depending on the project, a lower temp blowtorch to carefully remove bubbles before pouring, or just a slightly modified pressure cooker.
I don't get why people are annoyed with Norm. He is asking important questions so that the viewer can fully understand and then even replicate the process. He is not an idiot like so many people want to call him. To use an analogy, without Norm, this video would be like a guitar cover of a song. With Norm it's a step by step tutorial of how to play the song. The cover is for show, and the tutorial is for information.
Because Norm is not asking, he is explaining things. He doesn't give the guest change to explain the thing but just say "Yeah" to agree what Norm explains. Then he is grabbing things out of the peoples hands to explain something again. Like look at the end when the mold is opened, he literally grabs it from the maker hands to start explaining things. There is big difference to ask questions, and hide your statements as questions. That is so annoying when a person who has more knowledge and more skills, is the B-cast position as one can't just STFU with his own statements and opinions and let the makers to answer for questions that are not hidden answers. Example Norm would say about the finishing edges: Q: "And now you want to remove these parts by sanding or filing...?" A: "Ehh... Yeah". What Norm should do is: Q: "What are the next steps on this after it is out of the mold?" A: "The mold leaves some edges that are removed with some sanding or filing..." Norm is like captain obvious, answering continually behalf of the skilled person interviewed. And that is very US way to do news etc that you build the traps to the interviewed person with your own claims. "Didn't you witness the horroneus things, as you said so?" and other can't really answer back as you are already locked to answer in specific way.
Ellie Johnson he wasn't most annoying, but still annoying. The host shouldn't explain things, but ask questions. If something is obvious to host, then all questions that makes guest to tell it to the audience. Annoying hosts are that are explaining things behalf of guests or hostile toward guests by asking such questions that are implications (like "have you stopped beating your wife?" when nothing such has been happened). You can see similar with ie. BBC documents even today, where hosts are explaining things front of the expert of the subject.
he has a few bad habits of interrupting the guest and talking just generally way too much, I mean i get what he's doing because he's trying to facilitate conversation as well as keep these guests or hosts on track and reminded that they are in fact on the camera because otherwise you get videos where you see Adam focusing REALLY HARD on something for 2 minutes straight without a single word and we all know how chatty adam is even on his own, even he needs to be reminded from time to time to actually explain what they're doing, in this video he does actually get the guy to speak up where he looks like he would've just stood there simply plying his craft lol Norm is sometimes annoying but at the same time i can very much appreciate his role.
(Reposting my reply to the other comment that is the same as this one) Because of parts like 30:00 , mind you I don't hate him I just find him annoying and usually unnecessary to the point of a video. Both him and Will often jump the gun and have this "look what I did mom" approach where they hear only half of what a person says (typically in videos between Norm and Adam), interrupt and try to guess what the person is going to say based on some split second inferences like in the timestamp I just wrote. There is no problem with asking questions that viewers may have but lets not kid ourselves, that isn't the cause of the ire, when Norm asks someone a question they need to be able to fully articulate an answer before he goes and asks more questions or interrupts with his inferences and it is doubly annoying when those inferences are wrong because then he is actually muddying the line between truth and fiction in what is supposed to be an educational video. Hope that clears it up.
I don't know why everybody thinks the Asian guy is stupid... He's clearly asking questions that he knows the answer to whenever he thinks there needs to be clarification so what they're doing can be more easily understood. It's for the viewers. It's a storytelling device.
Oh my god, thank you! I thought it was so obvious too! Obviously Norm and the guy in the video do this professionally and if he wouldn't have asked questions the guy would have just build the lightsaber and the audience would have been clueless. Norm is a great host, I LOVE him. I especially love him with people other than Adam because he really clarifies things well. And he definitely doesn't come off as awkward.
I didn't think the Asian fellow was stupid at all. He was helpful in getting the information to the viewers. IMHO they did a great job, and I learned something new today. Maybe some day I'll need to mold something (tool handle, etc) and I'll at least have some knowledge of how to make it happen.
+spiderknight89  why are you always lying
I don't get why people have such an issue with Norm. He's a very good presenter. He anticipates the questions that the audience might have. I sincerely hope he never stops doing this. I personally appreciate his presence in these videos. Keep up the great work Norm! :)
After pouring the resin in the mold, you can put it on a vibrating table to force all the air bubbles to the opening. I use this method in my pours and get them to come out perfect.
Please, for the love of all that is sacred, don't use crystal clear as a mold release. Just use a regular mold release. It'll save you so much time and headache.
Crystal clear isn't designed with molding/casting in mind. It's an acrylic sealer which is a red flag itself. It's not intended to come off. Notice how he says, "just wipe it off with alcohol". Alcohol is abrasive and will take off not only the Crystal Clear, but most paints as well. A genuine mold releases can be wiped off with a damp cloth, or a little dish soap at most. CC is fine to if you have nothing else and no time, but it's the last thing I would have chosen to use on such a one-of-a-kind replica. I would be surprised if Adam's prop didn't need a new paintjob. **Source: I also fabricate props and do molding/casting as part of my day job.
Mike Emeritz I was thinking that! He's literally re-varnishing a prop that somebody else made and painted. I'd be furious if somebody did that to a thing I'd made.
I am crazy interested in this! Reminds me of like, back in the '50s when plastic molding was just becoming big, and companies were producing these plastic works of art, like clock radios with space-age designs. I just love how creative you can be with such a seemingly industrial medium!
As someone who wants to get into molding and casting, this is my go-to video to refresh myself on the process. Such a clear and interesting video. Thanks all :)
I have actually never really watched videos from this kind of "work", but now that I found this, I recognize that it really satisfies me to watch people make things.
My only major critique is with Norm; you tend to talk over your guests - if you are talking to an expert, let them explain their craft. You come across as a "know-it-all" and it's annoying. Even if you have to fake not having as a much knowledge in something, it allows your guest to feel special. There were moments when Frank had the face and verbal tone of "I've had enough of your s***!"
All good questions though, its very hard to explain why you're doing something specific if it's part of your normal job, people have to ask questions to figure out what you're doing.
I don't have a problem with that. If you'll notice, Norm will often try to complete someone's sentences, then try to add on to it and do the expert's job. He asks great questions, that's not his problem.
The real problem is he obviously asks a lot of questions before filming, he knows the answers and brings them up instead of naturally letting the conversation/lesson get there.
Achromat I think that's mostly down to Frank being used to working at a much faster (and uninterrupted) pace, which is totally fair when working with materials that have a very small window of usability. robotscant I think the "semi planned improv" style works quite well though, some of the older Tested videos came across really disorganised and messy because they were totally improvised and none of the hosts had any experience talking to camera, and the scripted stuff Adam does on Mythbusters is really cringeworthy sometimes, I just think we need to give more time to perfect his craft...
he is asking the questions that he thinks the people watching the video would ask and want to know about. it is the same thing he and Will do when they are reviewing something they have tested.
I found this video first time when I was only 15 yo. I couldn’t even understand what they were saying at all that time (I’m Japanese btw ), but I really liked the video and kept watching. Now, I’m 19. I remembered this video out of nowhere and watched it again, I can 90% understand what they are saying now ! My English has gotten better !!! May the Force be with y’all !
what a beautiful creation. i'm enthralled. this video and its technique are going straight to my personal hall of fame. it's a hall of frame that exists only in my mind, but it's prestigious nonetheless. welcome, and congratulations on being accepted.
This is the best video I have seen on making a mold and casting. You guys are incredibly talented. The filming was great. Not surprised at all this video has over 24 million views. Thank you for sharing this information.
This is a cool lesson. I remember doing stuff like that in shop class back in the 80's. We used sand molds and poured molten metal. We also learned about how jewelers would make a clay positive, put it into a sand mold, then the molten metal evacuates the wax so you didn't need to remove the positive. I believe that's considered a one-piece mold?
This is a great video, well worth the time to watch it all the way through. I learned about the "clay " filler for the first half of the mold. I will be starting my first mold in the next hour. Thanks for all the details. Priceless for Model Railroading castings.
I hope that Adam knew what goes into making this type of mold before lending his prop, because I would have been shitting myself when Frank started putting clay on that beautiful replica
That is not the camera man... It's the guy to the right working with the cast/mold. It's also kind of obvious that it is... You see that mic just under his chin? It's very sensitive and you can even hear the clay he's working with while breathing that way. And on another note, the camera man does not have a mic attached to him, only true two guys you see do. I guess I can see how you would think that it would be the camera guy; most people use their camera's built in mic, but I assure you this isn't the case here.
That was fascinating. One thing I especially appreciate with the questions that simplified things especially for people like me to help understand the process and what's need to achieve the end result. I've never used resin before, cause I never thought it would be available or easy to use since I've tried making arts and crafts the harder way. After watching this video, the ideas and possibilities are pouring in so fast to the point where I'm getting a head ache. Now, it feels like that all things, art and crafts feels possible and endless.
Why don't you just forget about the clay, pour it halfway, add alignment features like floating balls in the top of the wet RTV, let the pour solidify. Then remove the alignment features, spray with release agent (so the silicone won't stick to itself) and pour the rest of the way? Then you have a 2 part, yes? Seems like it would be easier.
Your right ... I just tried it though and I held it up on a small pad of clay and made a clay channel to the side. Befoer I poured the second layer I removed the clay so it would fill that in. Worked pretty good. It wasn't for a light saber, but a sculpture, I'm sure it would work for this too.
a ton of less clay ... like 1/10th, and a ton of easier to clean up. I've done this process before and the clay is messy and leaves a gross residue that takes a bit of effort to remove. Also, if you don't remove all the clay you end up with voids when you cast the replica, which end up as bumps on the replica.
Frank is a genuine legend at making this process easy to understand. Thanks Norm for this helpful and inspiring video. The cost of the materials has me chewing my lip. ✌ 😃
Alex Giles you can make a form out of silicone like they did with your knife and and if you got your 2 halfs you have to use "Silicone spray" on the surface which cause that your cast out of rubber dont stick to the mateial. for your rubber you can use a "Harder" Silicone just will it in there and youre finished^^
this man is brilliant I am well impressed and can see why he has so many likes over 21 million because what I like about this mans video unlike most people on UA-cam this man really takes his time and explains everything slowly word for word and I will take notice of this video because I have been wanting too make a two part mould for my own artwork for many years now and just don't know how too go about it but I doo now after watching this thankyou mate cheers for such a great video!
Why use a clear coat and actually physically alter the prop, why not separating agent, I have never seen anyone using a clear coat as a separation agent... I don't think this is really wise for obvious reasons, I don't think Adam was too happy someone sprayed his stage accurate prop with clear coat... I wouldn't have been.
I know and I do believe him... what would the alcahol itself do to the prop.. but thats not really the point... Y???? When there are better things like release agents
James Catania I'm right there with you James. The fact that he poured the silicone directly onto to prop when making mould had me scratching my head. Everything, and I do mean _everything_, that I've seen, read and learned says to pour the silicone into a corner and let it naturally flow over the object instead of pouring it directly onto it. I'm not questioning Frank's knowledge, just his way of doing things.
Reboot153 that is another thing but since he evacuates all the air i think he can do that... well he did... results look good and hes a pro... im not :)
@@AQzygo alcohol won't remove the clear paint. If I were Adam, I think I would be pretty pissed off if someone spray painted something I worked so hard to look accurate.
Want to learn more about molding and casting? Here's how to mold and cast foam props:ua-cam.com/video/ez1oPe0pMiA/v-deo.html
I’m so interested in this. Great video
Question I'm looking to make a broomstick what resin weight should I use
Thanks, because there are no product links
@@leichterKampfer do you the retun of the jeci lightsaber replicas yourself
So you already need a lightsaber to make a lightsaber?
+v1Buzz that just blew my mind
+v1Buzz so what came first, the lightsaber or the lightsaber?
***** I would say the lightsaber but I'm afraid of getting it wrong.
+v1Buzz lol
what amazed me the most in this video was how utterly clean was the whole proccess... i'm sure i'd have silicone and resin all over the place, and my hair and etc!!!!! that clenliness screams PRO!
"No special equipment needed"
- now just put the silicone inside our vacuum chamber
I watched this when it first aired so many years ago, learned a lot since then. Laughed when I saw the vacuum chamber because these days I know the exact maker they got it from, tried to order one from them last week too but they were out of stock. Thems the corona breaks.
@@DKarkarov yeah me too it's my favorite video here
You don't need a vacuum chamber depending on what silicone you use. It is a better way to do it though.
he said you don't need one just how he uses the mold he would rather use it
@@blueridgewarden2838 This. You can use slower curing silicone depending on the project, a lower temp blowtorch to carefully remove bubbles before pouring, or just a slightly modified pressure cooker.
I don't get why people are annoyed with Norm. He is asking important questions so that the viewer can fully understand and then even replicate the process. He is not an idiot like so many people want to call him. To use an analogy, without Norm, this video would be like a guitar cover of a song. With Norm it's a step by step tutorial of how to play the song. The cover is for show, and the tutorial is for information.
Because Norm is not asking, he is explaining things. He doesn't give the guest change to explain the thing but just say "Yeah" to agree what Norm explains.
Then he is grabbing things out of the peoples hands to explain something again. Like look at the end when the mold is opened, he literally grabs it from the maker hands to start explaining things.
There is big difference to ask questions, and hide your statements as questions.
That is so annoying when a person who has more knowledge and more skills, is the B-cast position as one can't just STFU with his own statements and opinions and let the makers to answer for questions that are not hidden answers.
Example Norm would say about the finishing edges:
Q: "And now you want to remove these parts by sanding or filing...?"
A: "Ehh... Yeah".
What Norm should do is:
Q: "What are the next steps on this after it is out of the mold?"
A: "The mold leaves some edges that are removed with some sanding or filing..."
Norm is like captain obvious, answering continually behalf of the skilled person interviewed. And that is very US way to do news etc that you build the traps to the interviewed person with your own claims. "Didn't you witness the horroneus things, as you said so?" and other can't really answer back as you are already locked to answer in specific way.
He wasn't as bad in this video as he is in some others. That, or I've just gotten used to him now.
Ellie Johnson he wasn't most annoying, but still annoying.
The host shouldn't explain things, but ask questions. If something is obvious to host, then all questions that makes guest to tell it to the audience.
Annoying hosts are that are explaining things behalf of guests or hostile toward guests by asking such questions that are implications (like "have you stopped beating your wife?" when nothing such has been happened).
You can see similar with ie. BBC documents even today, where hosts are explaining things front of the expert of the subject.
he has a few bad habits of interrupting the guest and talking just generally way too much, I mean i get what he's doing because he's trying to facilitate conversation as well as keep these guests or hosts on track and reminded that they are in fact on the camera because otherwise you get videos where you see Adam focusing REALLY HARD on something for 2 minutes straight without a single word and we all know how chatty adam is even on his own, even he needs to be reminded from time to time to actually explain what they're doing, in this video he does actually get the guy to speak up where he looks like he would've just stood there simply plying his craft lol
Norm is sometimes annoying but at the same time i can very much appreciate his role.
(Reposting my reply to the other comment that is the same as this one)
Because of parts like 30:00 , mind you I don't hate him I just find him annoying and usually unnecessary to the point of a video.
Both him and Will often jump the gun and have this "look what I did mom" approach where they hear only half of what a person says (typically in videos between Norm and Adam), interrupt and try to guess what the person is going to say based on some split second inferences like in the timestamp I just wrote.
There is no problem with asking questions that viewers may have but lets not kid ourselves, that isn't the cause of the ire, when Norm asks someone a question they need to be able to fully articulate an answer before he goes and asks more questions or interrupts with his inferences and it is doubly annoying when those inferences are wrong because then he is actually muddying the line between truth and fiction in what is supposed to be an educational video.
Hope that clears it up.
I don't know why everybody thinks the Asian guy is stupid... He's clearly asking questions that he knows the answer to whenever he thinks there needs to be clarification so what they're doing can be more easily understood. It's for the viewers. It's a storytelling device.
Oh my god, thank you! I thought it was so obvious too! Obviously Norm and the guy in the video do this professionally and if he wouldn't have asked questions the guy would have just build the lightsaber and the audience would have been clueless. Norm is a great host, I LOVE him. I especially love him with people other than Adam because he really clarifies things well. And he definitely doesn't come off as awkward.
onomatopoeia94 good comment!
I didn't think the Asian fellow was stupid at all. He was helpful in getting the information to the viewers.
IMHO they did a great job, and I learned something new today. Maybe some day I'll need to mold something (tool handle, etc) and I'll at least have some knowledge of how to make it happen.
onomatopoeia94 yea I agree with you. The guy actually helps the video flow better.
You are stupid not asians
It’s been 5 years since I last watched this and now it just randomly showed up in my recommend
You're not the only one
i don't believe i watched all 35 minutes of it.. and i know i am not gonna cast any thing in my life.
+Pyasa Hyena Same
+Pyasa Hyena same
+Pyasa Hyena saim
+Pyasa Hyena A valuable lesson has been learned: always skip to see the results; if it interests you, only then you check the details.
no 1 likes porn
29:57 Smooth-Cast® 45D Semi-Rigid urethane casting resins
30:00 Mold Star® 20T translucent platinum silicone
16:00 Silicon x Cubic Inches x Grams
They need to list their materials in the description
16:11 Silicone math
22:15 Krylon Crystal Clear
Something for Padme to use while Anakin was away on jedi duties...
You're great for that 😂😂😂😂😂
a sexy deleted scene
+spiderknight89  why are you always lying
yep lol
I don't get why people have such an issue with Norm. He's a very good presenter. He anticipates the questions that the audience might have. I sincerely hope he never stops doing this. I personally appreciate his presence in these videos. Keep up the great work Norm! :)
Because he interrupts the speaker, ask senean questions that clearly irritate them, and basically plays a useless prop to an information source.
Me: Watches five minutes of them talking
Me: just... just....
LEGO Man hahahahahha
Isn’t it also obi wan’s light saber
Thanks. I just skipped the first 5 minutes.
No one asked
After pouring the resin in the mold, you can put it on a vibrating table to force all the air bubbles to the opening. I use this method in my pours and get them to come out perfect.
Please, for the love of all that is sacred, don't use crystal clear as a mold release. Just use a regular mold release. It'll save you so much time and headache.
Mike Emeritz Why is that. Seems fine here.
Crystal clear isn't designed with molding/casting in mind. It's an acrylic sealer which is a red flag itself. It's not intended to come off. Notice how he says, "just wipe it off with alcohol". Alcohol is abrasive and will take off not only the Crystal Clear, but most paints as well. A genuine mold releases can be wiped off with a damp cloth, or a little dish soap at most. CC is fine to if you have nothing else and no time, but it's the last thing I would have chosen to use on such a one-of-a-kind replica. I would be surprised if Adam's prop didn't need a new paintjob. **Source: I also fabricate props and do molding/casting as part of my day job.
Mike Emeritz I was thinking that! He's literally re-varnishing a prop that somebody else made and painted. I'd be furious if somebody did that to a thing I'd made.
Mike Emeritz
Ja hallo erstmal
I am crazy interested in this!
Reminds me of like, back in the '50s when plastic molding was just becoming big, and companies were producing these plastic works of art, like clock radios with space-age designs.
I just love how creative you can be with such a seemingly industrial medium!
dumb as rox It looks like a gummy. :O
dumb as rox OMG YASSSS
dumb as rox I just want to put it in my mouth!!! >_
Critterbot what about me peepee
Norm always does a good job clarifying things and being engaged with prop makers as opposed to just being there which is so appreciated
As someone who wants to get into molding and casting, this is my go-to video to refresh myself on the process. Such a clear and interesting video. Thanks all :)
Now you cant unsee it.
Parta is a beard in finnish. Just saying.
***** It's a joke lol: Like Sparta, but Parta! :D
And that's how fleshlights are made kids.
Learn to spell
sean joseph Troll?
sean joseph
I'm not 11 and i I know what fleshlights are
And this is how you make dildos not fleshlights fucking kid :/
anyone else find this video incredibly satisfying?
22:59 - lol, camera man swearing under his breath.
Tha Fudk
That is really neat, I love playing with clay. What a great occupation! I would love to see that light saber in person some time!
I love how they're like "SURE we'll add the special affects", and then they do nothing.
I have actually never really watched videos from this kind of "work", but now that I found this, I recognize that it really satisfies me to watch people make things.
+Snowy 101 lol
Lmfao same situation happened to me here -_- xD
+Snowy 101 Amen.
Lol same here
I'm 21 minutes in and i still have no clue of what's going on...
+MrPhantom95 You may wanna try un-muting your sound then...unless you're just deaf...or aren't listening at all
Alisabethh Gardner You're funny...
+MrPhantom95 Im at the end, but Im asking why?!
+cloud11e Here, you deserve a cookie!
My only major critique is with Norm; you tend to talk over your guests - if you are talking to an expert, let them explain their craft. You come across as a "know-it-all" and it's annoying. Even if you have to fake not having as a much knowledge in something, it allows your guest to feel special. There were moments when Frank had the face and verbal tone of "I've had enough of your s***!"
All good questions though, its very hard to explain why you're doing something specific if it's part of your normal job, people have to ask questions to figure out what you're doing.
I don't have a problem with that. If you'll notice, Norm will often try to complete someone's sentences, then try to add on to it and do the expert's job. He asks great questions, that's not his problem.
The real problem is he obviously asks a lot of questions before filming, he knows the answers and brings them up instead of naturally letting the conversation/lesson get there.
Achromat I think that's mostly down to Frank being used to working at a much faster (and uninterrupted) pace, which is totally fair when working with materials that have a very small window of usability.
robotscant I think the "semi planned improv" style works quite well though, some of the older Tested videos came across really disorganised and messy because they were totally improvised and none of the hosts had any experience talking to camera, and the scripted stuff Adam does on Mythbusters is really cringeworthy sometimes, I just think we need to give more time to perfect his craft...
he is asking the questions that he thinks the people watching the video would ask and want to know about. it is the same thing he and Will do when they are reviewing something they have tested.
I found this video first time when I was only 15 yo. I couldn’t even understand what they were saying at all that time (I’m Japanese btw ), but I really liked the video and kept watching. Now, I’m 19. I remembered this video out of nowhere and watched it again, I can 90% understand what they are saying now ! My English has gotten better !!! May the Force be with y’all !
Today I learned the “D” scale is for rigid things...
If you make a board out of your clay with thickness of half of the object, push the object into it; it is less time consuming and cleaner.
oh no the titans r breaking the walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anybody who gets the refrence like it
attack on titan correct?
I'm very proud of myself for understanding this. :)
Quick the chimera ants are advancing towards us! Anyone get that?
+Adam Hunter x Hunter!
Every few years I like to come back and watch this video
what a beautiful creation. i'm enthralled. this video and its technique are going straight to my personal hall of fame. it's a hall of frame that exists only in my mind, but it's prestigious nonetheless. welcome, and congratulations on being accepted.
What a weird and strange man
+tox0tes and here we see the star wars nerd in his natural habitat the comment section on how to make you own lightsabre
This video is so oddly satisfying, I love it
This is the best video I have seen on making a mold and casting. You guys are incredibly talented. The filming was great. Not surprised at all this video has over 24 million views. Thank you for sharing this information.
Good idea to add the die to check thorough mixing
Thanks I followed this recipe and it tastes great.
Spraying the master prop with glossy acrylic is the deal breaker for me!
eh if you are that concerned, coat the master in petroleum jelly then spray it. or use some IPA, to remove the gloss coat.
Very nice editing on this video. The small details made it great.
I watched this video when I was 6 and now I’m 13… almost 10 years ago… time really flies
This is a cool lesson. I remember doing stuff like that in shop class back in the 80's. We used sand molds and poured molten metal. We also learned about how jewelers would make a clay positive, put it into a sand mold, then the molten metal evacuates the wax so you didn't need to remove the positive. I believe that's considered a one-piece mold?
at the point in the video where it shows the container labeled ( at approx 28:00 ) this is part a.. i read it this is Sparta.. -.-
Lol good eye
well dun.we now no that that was made by spatans
Anilyst Gaming
I readed it as THIS IS SPARTA as well p.s sorry for the bad grammar I am from the netherlands
Its parts not Sparta
He forgot the crossguard
xD I know what you mean
I see what you did there -___-
Walter White Don't get it.
Daniel Dickson Force awakens trailer
Jimbob Jones It's called sarcasm, you know.... a joke?
Adam took time to fabricate the hilt with such detail. Then Frank sprays Crystal Clear on it instead of using mold release. "Thanks........ Buddy"
This is a great video, well worth the time to watch it all the way through. I learned about the "clay " filler for the first half of the mold. I will be starting my first mold in the next hour. Thanks for all the details. Priceless for Model Railroading castings.
the last step in becoming a jedi
+Eren Hatsune you don't know the power of the dark side
+Jack Mitchelles yes relea
r2dxhate hahahah no.
Jedi need their own CUSTOM lightsabers.
anyone noticed the gigantic Chewbacca puppet? That shop is a nerdy workshop paradise!
It’s not a puppet it’s a fully wearable suit
The one guy doing all the work
I'm willing to bet someone has made a fleshlight from this (edit: does no one know what a fleshlight is?)
Jesus Christ
Yukiteru Amano ha!
Yukiteru Amano
i was just thinking about someone doing that LOL
Adam Khan hi
perfect gift for the girl whose always wanted a rubber lightsaber for around the house
Nice, professional, and informative, THANKS.
I hope that Adam knew what goes into making this type of mold before lending his prop, because I would have been shitting myself when Frank started putting clay on that beautiful replica
DerpaChief adam used to make props and molds
“Needs to be 90 degrees”
It’s wonky all over 😌😂
I hate when the mic is so sensitive that you can hear the gross noises they make with their mouth / breathing.
Agreed! Fucking disgusting
***** lol ur dumb
***** when did i say i was smarter than you lol
Jaydee Urtiz
+I'm a fish then we would die..
Could anyone else hear the camera man breathing...? Or do I have a ghost in my room?
+Danielle Sykes I cannot guarantee you that there are no ghosts in your room, but I did hear the breathing as well. ;)
+Danielle Sykes I heard it to!
That is not the camera man... It's the guy to the right working with the cast/mold. It's also kind of obvious that it is... You see that mic just under his chin? It's very sensitive and you can even hear the clay he's working with while breathing that way. And on another note, the camera man does not have a mic attached to him, only true two guys you see do.
I guess I can see how you would think that it would be the camera guy; most people use their camera's built in mic, but I assure you this isn't the case here.
You just ruined my day with that comment.....thanks 😑
+Danielle Sykes g g g GHOST!!
That was fascinating. One thing I especially appreciate with the questions that simplified things especially for people like me to help understand the process and what's need to achieve the end result. I've never used resin before, cause I never thought it would be available or easy to use since I've tried making arts and crafts the harder way. After watching this video, the ideas and possibilities are pouring in so fast to the point where I'm getting a head ache. Now, it feels like that all things, art and crafts feels possible and endless.
We need a HowToBasic tutorial :O
Its happened...
measure in inches, weigh in grams?!? these Americans are craaaaazy.
metric system for the win
+Glenda Hill *sigh*
America uses both the Metric and Imperial systems.
Its a joke relax
it literally sounds like you are slapping a squid when you move the mold around
That's what i thought! XD
Brinley Annotti or a dick.
Brinley Annotti So you have slapped a squid O_o
i remember watching this when i was seven, it was the longest youtube video i had ever watched at that point
This reminds me of my dad working on the car and me waiting there with the flashlight
I saw one of these in my moms closet......
+Jeffery Nguyen wow your mom it a horrible woman to have that in her closet with a kit around or did i miss read and it was a lightsaber
+ProGaming slender dildo joke
Samuel Gratkowski -_- ik
+Jeffery Nguyen she a starwars fan for sure
Does this mean I'm a Jedi, now that I can make my own?
Ima Dork no
Azri Luqman awe shoot
Ima Dork yes
Ima Dork yes,yes it does
You must first get your Kyber crystal, padawan. Your training is not complete.
I watched this as a little kid and now I come back, its still good
Life rule: dont try to pretend you know shit you actually dont
What are you implying?
Norm. Always that dumbass Norm
+MC Mickey yeah, saying i don't know is a good start
It was annoying to listen two. States what we can see, then asks what is the next step. Seriously.
+MC Mickey I can prove that rule wrong.
IT IS 2.
how does anybody like this guy??
***** DING
At first I thought this was a HowToBasic video.
XD why
Wish you could be me Is it really a question?
i love that norm asked to make the lightsaber with post effects and the guy was like "yep i gotchu" lol great work guys
another how to episode... when are you going to finish the game cabinet?
Just watched all 35 minutes and I was so confused the entire time.
No one cares. Be smarter
Don't be mean Wolf of Novac. Don't tell people to be smarter, because I was also confused for parts of it.
how are u confused I'm 14 I understand everything that is going on bro
+VediCat same ;];];];]
+Amarjot Hunjan Dude, IM 8 YEARS OLD!(but im not making the saber)
Why don't you just forget about the clay, pour it halfway, add alignment features like floating balls in the top of the wet RTV, let the pour solidify. Then remove the alignment features, spray with release agent (so the silicone won't stick to itself) and pour the rest of the way? Then you have a 2 part, yes? Seems like it would be easier.
Because it would touch the bottom and the silicone wont go around it, and leave holes.
Your right ... I just tried it though and I held it up on a small pad of clay and made a clay channel to the side. Befoer I poured the second layer I removed the clay so it would fill that in. Worked pretty good. It wasn't for a light saber, but a sculpture, I'm sure it would work for this too.
So the same process just with less clay?
a ton of less clay ... like 1/10th, and a ton of easier to clean up. I've done this process before and the clay is messy and leaves a gross residue that takes a bit of effort to remove. Also, if you don't remove all the clay you end up with voids when you cast the replica, which end up as bumps on the replica.
Hang the lightsaber in a big jar, submerge it completely in silicone, and later just cut the divider. Carefull not to scratch the original.
Watching that silicone being poured was so satisfying
I can imagine, Adam. Being so god damn mad when he finds out than there is Neverwet and clay on hes Lightsaber prop :D
Stop being in my suggestions.
I know
Only reason I clicked on it
Reminds me of fleshlight when they open the mold up.
29:01 totally a fleshlight
Frank is a genuine legend at making this process easy to understand. Thanks Norm for this helpful and inspiring video. The cost of the materials has me chewing my lip. ✌ 😃
Darth Dildo will be featuring in the next Star Wars release
What you casted was no lightsaber my friend
Its a spacestation
my sister has one of those under her bed, i guess shes a star wars fan!
@ lol smh perv
Be Free btw i just made that up i dont have a sister
@ lol so its really you who has one of those under your bed?
I come back to this video every year, and it never gets old :)
And thats how ladies and gentlemen you make a fleshlight
Could you use this method for making a rubber knife?
U can make a mold of anything if you have enough materials
Alex Giles you can make a form out of silicone like they did with your knife and and if you got your 2 halfs you have to use "Silicone spray" on the surface which cause that your cast out of rubber dont stick to the mateial. for your rubber you can use a "Harder" Silicone just will it in there and youre finished^^
MsiP43t good idea man! :D
+PappyJoeInc can i make a mold of my dck?
who is watching this just to see the silicone get poured
Seth Gleason I can relate to that a lot Idk why but I like to see it
Seth Gleason I am it's just SO satisfying
Kelsey Allum w
Seth Grey me
this man is brilliant I am well impressed and can see why he has so many likes over 21 million because what I like about this mans video unlike most people on UA-cam this man really takes his time and explains everything slowly word for word and I will take notice of this video because I have been wanting too make a two part mould for my own artwork for many years now and just don't know how too go about it but I doo now after watching this thankyou mate cheers for such a great video!
why do I have an urge to chew on it?
+Sushi Prince Because it's a giant gummy worm.
Two kinds of people...
you are not the only one
+TheLegendary PBandJ perv dont start a fight
+Sushi Prince cuz its like a gummy
My goal is to live long enough to hold a legit functioning lightsaber in my hand.
Mine is too live long enough to play Virtual Reality, (Sword art online style virtual reality)
My goal is to live long enough to die.
Mrhollerr xD
Yeah no.
The best explanation on how to. You guys are awesome.
i say why not just put the soft clay on your table and press the object down to it?
I think so the clay doesn't get into all the nooks and crannies ? Not too sure though.
yo remember me?
You can hear in the guy thats molding's voice that he is just thinking " Shut the fuck up man."
(when there putting the clay in)
excellent tutorial. the host asked pertinent questions to help the viewer learn everything related to the task being presented.
5:18 "how important is it to be at the halfway- PORN!!!!!!!!"
I thought i was the only one who heard it😂😂😭
+Lissie Gonzalez Norm, with the Freudian slip.
Lissie Gonzalez ha! I totally had to watch it again. Lol
5:23 the halfway porn.......
Faizan Chaudhry That is a classical example of a freudian slip xD
How porn is it, it's at the halfway porn
Definitely sounds like Norm says "halfway porn" at 5:25
River Fare h,
River Fare wow he did say it
panda._. 21ls
River Fare
Is it only me who gets all of these pouring hella satisfying?
I watched this when I was a kid
mr vlogs What if I told you...
I watched this when I was in 4th grade
@@makotoyuki2199 mind blown
Why use a clear coat and actually physically alter the prop, why not separating agent, I have never seen anyone using a clear coat as a separation agent... I don't think this is really wise for obvious reasons, I don't think Adam was too happy someone sprayed his stage accurate prop with clear coat... I wouldn't have been.
Frank is someone who does this for a living. He clearly said in the video that rubbing it down with some alcohol would remove any residue.
I know and I do believe him... what would the alcahol itself do to the prop.. but thats not really the point... Y???? When there are better things like release agents
James Catania I'm right there with you James. The fact that he poured the silicone directly onto to prop when making mould had me scratching my head. Everything, and I do mean _everything_, that I've seen, read and learned says to pour the silicone into a corner and let it naturally flow over the object instead of pouring it directly onto it. I'm not questioning Frank's knowledge, just his way of doing things.
Reboot153 that is another thing but since he evacuates all the air i think he can do that... well he did... results look good and hes a pro... im not :)
@@AQzygo alcohol won't remove the clear paint. If I were Adam, I think I would be pretty pissed off if someone spray painted something I worked so hard to look accurate.
Will this process capture all details? Veins etc
For some odd reason, I find this entertaining, and satisfying