ANOTHER MAJOR UPDATE: Targeting the King Jinnee & His Army in the Sihr Network to Stop Sihr Renewal

  • Опубліковано 18 тра 2024
  • As Salamu Alaykum. I am very sorry about the audio for this video. I was going to re-record it and not upload this video. However, after listening to the final copy of the video and not being sure when I could re-record another, I decided to just leave it on the channel so that patients could benefit from the important information.
    Make sure you correctly define the King Jinnee for your ruqya diagnosis and even treatment. If you get the definition wrong, then you won't benefit from this new ruqya treatment on the King Jinnee. There will probably be other King Jinn in your sihr network that are connected to your sihr in your body. But you are really identifying and targeting the Top King Jinnee in the sihr network hierarchy that has NO OTHER Jinnee above him, in terms of authority and power! He is the ONLY one at the top of the hierarchy in the sihr network and ALL other jinn including any other king jinnee, magician jinn, master jinn, sihr possessing jinn, etc are ALL subservient to him. HE IS THE BIG BOSS that is ultimately in charge of the entire sihr operation! This is the one you are asking Allah to destroy! This King Jinnee is also worshipped by the sahir. So there are two elements to this definition: This King Jinnee sits at top of the sihr network hierarchy and it is also worshipped by the sahir.
    Having this correct understanding will enable you to target this Top King Jinnee and his army of jinn. So whenever I mention the "King Jinnee or the main King Jinnee or the King Jinnee at the top of the sihr network" then you should refer to the above definition.
    After doing the initial ruqya diagnoses that are mentioned in this video, your last few diagnoses regarding the Top King Jinnee and your sihr network would be.....(you can repeat Ayah 4 of Surah Falaq for these diagnoses)
    Diagnosis Intention 1: "O Allah show me if ALL of the sihr in my body is connected to ANY King Jinnee". (If you get a reaction for this intention, then you are connected to only one King Jinnee or a number of King Jinnee).
    Diagnosis Intention 2: "O Allah show me if ALL of the sihr in my body is connected to ONLY ONE King Jinnee that is in the Sahir that I identified". (If you get a reaction for this intention, then you know that you MUST target this Top King Jinnee with ruqya treatment to stop him renewing the sihr and sending you more jinn)
    Diagnosis Intention 3: "O Allah show me if I have possessing jinn that are from sihr". (If you get reaction for this intention, then you have identified the jinn in lower end or bottom part of the sihr network, which also need to be destroyed).
    After finishing the diagnosis then you need to do ruqya treatment.....
    Treatment Intention: "O Allah KILL ALL of the jinn in my sihr network at the SAME TIME that are affecting me and are part of my sihr illness, from King Jinnee down to the possessing jinn from sihr that are in me....SO THAT I CAN GET BACK TO WORSHIPPING YOU PROPERLY AGAIN".
    One patient, as I mentioned in the video, forgot the "SAME TIME" element of the intention and so the ruqya treatment took longer than usual. SO PLEASE DON'T FORGET THIS POINT!
    Additionally, you should have as an extra treatment intention, the intention of asking Allah to keep the sihr network connection in tact so you can check (via ruqya diagnosis) to see if ALL of the jinn are dead.
    Make sure you keep your ruqya treatment intention for your sihr network as broad and encompassing as possible so your ruqya treatment kills ALL of the enemy jinn in your sihr network. Don't assume that you can't be connected and affected by millions or even billions of jinn. Just ask Allah to KILL ALL and EVERY jinn that are connected to you and affecting you as a spiritual disease. We don't want any jinnee getting away from the ruqya treatment, just like how the King Jinnee has been getting away from our ruqya treatment for years! And that is all because we didn't include the King Jinnee in our ruqya treatment intentions!!!
    Once you have done about 30mins of ruqya or when you feel a difference in reactions ie reactions suddenly stop or there is a gradual reduction in reactions until there are no more significant reactions...then do a ruqya diagnosis.
    Diagnosis After Treatment: "O Allah show me if my sihr in my body is connected to my sihr network that just has dead jinn from top to bottom" (ie you want to know if all of the jinn that were harming you are dead or not, from the King Jinnee to the possessing jinn from sihr in your body). If you get a reaction for this intention then all of the jinn including the King Jinnee are dead walhamdulilah!
    Now, do your other treatments like Ruqya Treatment with the 7 intentions, JET Hijama treatment, Ruqya Soup Baths, Honey, etc to get the complete cure and to remove the dead jinn in you and any remnants of the sihr network connection. Please refer to my Self Treatment Notes on website for more details: