  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Rhino-vv2oc
    @Rhino-vv2oc 14 днів тому +1

    The joke about the ac on "hell" had me. Thx for posting TL content for no one does so thx keep it up💯
    (im serious also make louder man)

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  12 днів тому +1

      Man it was hot🤣 and Yessir I gotchu🫡

  • @6razy4mong3oyz
    @6razy4mong3oyz 19 днів тому +2

    Crazy how you put paddles in a base! Niceee!!! Changing the game!!

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  18 днів тому

      Preciate it broski🫡

    • @26bleeek
      @26bleeek 3 дні тому

      ​@@citywidekbMy boy be giving this car hell 😂😂

  • @benzo8879
    @benzo8879 19 днів тому +2

    Ayy my boi from da ville 💯, lookout for a silver Type S

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  18 днів тому

      Yessir I seen a couple around🫡

  • @KCdrivewayboys
    @KCdrivewayboys 9 днів тому +1

    RIP transmission. nice car man, but you gotta treat that trans better or she gonna blow up. i blew out 2 TL autos driving like that, even with my changing the fluids correctly. they are junk.

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  9 днів тому

      Preciate the advice but rarely do I see external Thick coolers but shit still happens🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @KCdrivewayboys
      @KCdrivewayboys 9 днів тому +1

      @ it’s not about heat. It’s the clutch packs them selves. The rough downshift into second for it to quickly shift back into third is the issue I see. But hey man. Enjoy your car. I’m not hatin.

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  8 днів тому

      @ that’s it just enjoying the car, if it blows then it blows. Then boom install video on a av6 transmission🤷🏾‍♂️

    • @citywidekb
      @citywidekb  8 днів тому

      If it’s gonna blow might as well have fun