CFMOTO 800MT EXPLORE | Low cost & high tech.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @barryashenhurst2071
    @barryashenhurst2071 Рік тому +72

    This is a great machine for older riders coming to adventure riding who don't want to wheelie or power-slide or ride through croc-infested rivers. As you say, it's comfortable, well-equipped and offers startling value for money. Oh and by the way, this was one of the clearest and cleanest explanations of what a particular bike can and can't do that I've ever seen on UA-cam.

    • @NakaNakaDerkaDerka
      @NakaNakaDerkaDerka 11 місяців тому

      And Chinese

    • @MarcoTNT
      @MarcoTNT 11 місяців тому +3

      @@NakaNakaDerkaDerka made in the same factory where KTM 790 & 890 are built. The engines are also developed in China and then sent to Austria.

    • @NakaNakaDerkaDerka
      @NakaNakaDerkaDerka 11 місяців тому

      @@MarcoTNT you would
      be and are very wrong

    • @MarcoTNT
      @MarcoTNT 11 місяців тому +3

      @@NakaNakaDerkaDerka if you say I will believe...but not 🤭🤭
      "The 2023 KTM 790\890 Adventure will be built in China by CFMoto. The Chinese company is responsible for the production of small KTMs in China.
      “The 2023 KTM 790\890 Adventure was re-designed and redrafted in Mattighofen, Austria but the production run will be carried out by KTM’s close and potent partner, CFMOTO, with their first-class facilities in China and to the highest standard,” says KTM through a press statement."
      Lower engines are produced in india, Medium engines in China and big engines they are also produced in China for Asian Markets."

    • @ziniacmy
      @ziniacmy 9 місяців тому +2

      I came down to the comment section to write your last sentence. This is really the clearest and cleanest explanation of a bike I've watched, so far.

  • @GuyMorris-oq2zp
    @GuyMorris-oq2zp Рік тому +32

    Hands down best realistic and honest review I have seen on this bike, well done Damien.

  • @keaixiaomeinv
    @keaixiaomeinv 11 місяців тому +10

    This review itself was like going on an adventure. Thank you for letting us tag along.

  • @RekimNZ
    @RekimNZ Рік тому +12

    One of the best reviews of the MT 800 - I have one - but for the money and the Tech, it's off the planet for the price, and speaking of the Norden 901, I think they share the same frame... :) and the J Juan brakes were purchased by Brembo, that says something. Massive bike for the price, but, it has it's limitations as you have said. Excellent review.

  • @recondmv6342
    @recondmv6342 9 місяців тому +2

    This is the best review of this bike I have seen. You kept the expectations of the bike reasonable while being honest about what you don't like. Thank you.

  • @scottporter0069
    @scottporter0069 Рік тому +4

    Balls down great video. And yes to your question. When ktm does a video with a expert rider it can put false riding capabilities in novice rider's brains. This can be dangerous . Glad you pointed it out

  • @OlyC666
    @OlyC666 11 місяців тому +3

    Very honest .... Very realistic point of view for elderly normal drivers. Greetz from Germany and a massive thanks

  • @robkeogh4593
    @robkeogh4593 Рік тому +7

    Your review is exactly what I have found with the Touring Limited I've had for 12 months.
    As in the bikes limitations and my limitations.
    I can ride mine all on the dirt roads here in the hills near Walhaala in Victoria. Recently went to Jamieson and back and it was perfect.
    As you say, be honest with yourself and and what you want a bike for and honestly reckon its a bloody bargain.
    As for the marketing, I reckon your review beats the bullshit they come out with.

  • @HulkHoden66
    @HulkHoden66 9 місяців тому +4

    Thanks from Germany. Bought one. Best Video and rewiev on the net! You hit the nail as we say in Germany! Thank you mate ! Very much

  • @72gibo
    @72gibo 7 місяців тому +7

    Great honest, clear review 👍
    I'm 52 & has plenty of trail bikes as a kid & into my early 20s. Did a bit of road riding in my 40s but it just didn't do it for me.
    I now have my heart 100% set on adventure riding, exploring and camping (always loved camping lol).
    Initially I was thinking klr 650s, but recently discovered the cfmoto 800 explore. I spoke to my local dealer and will be organising a test ride in a months time.
    I've been flat out watching different reviews on many adv bikes and I have to say I totally agree with you on the manufacturers stories, compared to owners.
    This was an excellent, honest review. Thank you. I'm now ready for the next step, which is to go for a ride ✌️

  • @abovebeyondtv9075
    @abovebeyondtv9075 Рік тому +6

    Hello! i have seen 13 reviews of this bike and i have to say that yours is the best ! i think its because its grounded and have hmmm soul i would say ! thnx for that. i was thinking to buy this bike and now i WILL buy it for sure on February. Greetings From Greece.

  • @abelgleason6913
    @abelgleason6913 Рік тому +3

    First off: EXCELLENT video. Very concise, entertaining, and well-produced.
    Manufacturers, it must be remembered, are selling dreams. Even though 99% of the people who drive sports cars will never race in an organized event larger than a go-kart competition, car manufacturers have spent decades emphasizing the racing pedigree of the tech in their vehicles. Sport bikes outright dress as MotoGP bikes! For Adventure Riding, as you yourself mused, that paradigm is the Dakar. NO Adventure bike on the market right now could actually stand up against a Dakar works bike or rider. But it is fun to dream about it, and try to feel a little bit of that sense of grand adventure. Manufacturers can't fairly be called irresponsible when the riders, too, are indulging Mitty-ish flights of fancy. The manufacturers are peddling fantasy, and the riders are eagerly buying it.
    Once again, great work.

  • @JasonRidesmoto
    @JasonRidesmoto 11 місяців тому +5

    On my second year with this bike! Love it so far and don't plan hardcore off road... just forest roads....

  • @andrewwatson424
    @andrewwatson424 6 місяців тому +1

    I will have to admit the thought of buying a cfmoto, after watching this I have now booked a test ride. Excellent review, thanks

  • @thedougies8322
    @thedougies8322 Рік тому +15

    Agree…the manufacturers are definitely promoting the extreme end of what their machines can do…and not many of us can ride like that..I heard a very well known & followed Aussie adv / dirt bike content creator who has high level skills say if he owned the adv bikes he rode in much of the content he creates there’s no way he’d be pounding them the way he does, but he does it for the entertainment value & because the manufacturers love it. Thanks Damo a sensible balanced & real review & advice for choosing a bike that suits you 🤙🏻

    • @nestorpat
      @nestorpat 9 місяців тому

      The same as SUV's, ads showing it's off roading prowess but most use them for carting kids around and shopping.

  • @occyman
    @occyman Рік тому +4

    After owning an Mt800 I’d say its a road bike that can do easy dirt. The suspension is an issue as soon as you get off nicely manicured dirt but it’s fine on tarmac. The dealer network isn’t great but for a first effort from CF Moto it’s a decent inexpensive option at $14k-$16k (model dependant).

  • @SimonClarkeH2SX
    @SimonClarkeH2SX 2 місяці тому

    Looking at one of these as a second do it all bike (H2sxse is my number one bike). I did a short test ride and it felt really good! After seeing this review I think I’ll commit!
    Probably one of the best, most honest reviews I’ve seen. Absolute credit to you mate🍺🍺

  • @Lou.C59
    @Lou.C59 8 місяців тому +2

    First time viewing your content, I must say the quality of this video is impeccable. This bike has piqued my interest, and your review has confirmed that I must visit a dealer and have a test ride. I'm at an age now that I find myself wanting to do exactly the type of riding you show in this video. Great honest review, thank you from a new subscriber.

  • @VegaVenturing
    @VegaVenturing 8 місяців тому +1

    Great video. Also, I truly appreciate the effort you put into getting those stationary off-bike riding shots. I know how much extra work that is, but it adds SO MUCH to the story telling. Fantastic work. Thank you for sharing!

  • @adamg6199
    @adamg6199 Рік тому +2

    I looked at these and did my due diligence and spoke to people that absolutely love them, one person I know personally in my area is having electrical issues and the nearest dealer is 100 klms away and the dealer is having issues rectifying the fault. So I bought the Tenere as the dealer is 15klms away, even thou the Tenere does not have all the features I am happy with my decision. If there was a stronger dealer network the result may have been different. Maybe not.

  • @darrylrich719
    @darrylrich719 Рік тому +7

    Great presentation Damo and a fair dinkum review of the C F Moto. A good question you asked near the end of the vid. My opinion is yes Adventure Bikes are being pushed beyond what they are designed to do. They are almost losing their identity. They are too heavy to be thrashed down single tracks comfortably, but yes it can be done if you want to sweat your guts out, puff ya head off, fall over and break yourself or the bike. Use them for what they were designed for (long distance adventure dirt road Touring) and leave the hard stuff to the lightweight selections on the market. Cheers.👍

  • @firestorm755
    @firestorm755 11 місяців тому +2

    Fantastic video and wonderful countryside you have. This is the best review I've seen on this bike and I think you raise a good point about being honest with yourself about the bike that's best for you.

  • @nestorpat
    @nestorpat 9 місяців тому +1

    I've been riding big adventure bikes for over twenty years and have used them exclusively for touring. They are comfortable and can eat miles but still enjoyable in the twisties. I do ride backcountry but have a smaller Suzuki dirt bike. It's lighter which to me makes it more enjoyable. I'm getting a little older now and am looking for a smaller adv bike for touring. Had my eye on the v-strom 800 but will give this bike a serious look as well.

  • @dualsportaz4801
    @dualsportaz4801 7 місяців тому +3

    I watched this as one popped up near me with 2k miles and at 8k US. Great video, has me sold to go grab it. Thanks!

    • @jamiehalifax4954
      @jamiehalifax4954 7 місяців тому

      Me too! Was looking at transalps, but this looks and sounds better I feel..glad your in the us and not canada or I'd think we are looking at the same one. Lol

  • @1MarkBevans
    @1MarkBevans Рік тому +1

    The manufacturers have gone too far IMHO, but I look through their ads. Your understanding of this bike, and explaining its true nature is what I believe to be true also. They are great for their intended use. I I’ll probably pull the trigger on one this winter I think for my use they check all my boxes. Thanks for the review! 😊

  • @Kabanaboy6
    @Kabanaboy6 Рік тому +3

    1 word....
    Can not wait until the Explore comes to Canada

  • @georgek6322
    @georgek6322 Рік тому +3

    Amazing job in the video m8! Congrats! In the S/W Update they fixed the issues you talk about. You have access to all riding modes from the screen as well as consumption, trip info etc. All you need in order to change driving mode is to have throttle off.

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      So cool that these updates roll through and can done at home 👍🏻

  • @mr.johnny_mbp7846
    @mr.johnny_mbp7846 8 місяців тому

    Best most realistic and honest review off the 800MT explore!
    I agree that manufacturers are promoting the extreme. I'm for Portugal and most of the Tenere or African Twin owners drive them on tarmac roads, maybe 5% of them go on dirt roads like the ones in this video not the technical ones. The ones that go on those use Ktms, Hondas, Kawasakis,etc 125cc, 250cc dirt bikes.
    Loved the video, keep it up mate! Cheers😉

  • @defylifeadventure
    @defylifeadventure Рік тому +2

    Great explanation of what the bike is and isn't. What many are going to want to know is a) if people are experiencing the same soft cam issues that some KTM 790/890s have, b) if it's as gutless down low as the 790 given it weighs much more, yet has the same gear ratios.

    • @markmichael-v6i
      @markmichael-v6i 10 місяців тому

      I have had my MT for 14 months now and it has great torque

  • @GlobeTrotterCouple
    @GlobeTrotterCouple 7 днів тому

    Thank Damien, this was a great validation of what I'm looking for. With CF Moto currently offering the Pannier Kit for free I'm about to list my Versys 650 and upscale to the CFMoto800MT Explore. Let the adventures begin for 2025 on a new machine. (and I have the wife on side!)... Winner Winner!

    • @advlife
      @advlife  18 годин тому

      Love to hear it mate!

  • @v1510nman
    @v1510nman 4 місяці тому

    mate...amazing roads there and that river where you parked the bike to take that video was gorgeous, great video for the review

  • @timjaeschke3596
    @timjaeschke3596 Рік тому +1

    Got an MT. I can reset the trip meter on the fly. Great video which honestly spelled out the abilities/limitations.

  • @hondaxl1
    @hondaxl1 Рік тому +1

    Answers the question 'What is this bike for' perfectly. I have 22000klms on my touring and i am still impressed with it. Happy camper.😊

  • @johnharvey5338
    @johnharvey5338 Рік тому +3

    Simple answer is yes, great video, simple and straightforward, impressed with the MT and the tech, shame it doesn’t have the adaptive cruise control to go with the rear radar, would match the big bikes from the other manufacturers, maybe the next upgrade will add it.

  • @MrPoseidon67
    @MrPoseidon67 10 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the great video...
    I like the motorcycle and I love the great nature videos and pictures of nature!.
    Thank you very much and kind regards from Austria

  • @heinschwartz7941
    @heinschwartz7941 Рік тому +1

    Good on you for giving a realistic ride report Damo - no high flying enduro tricks on what is essentially a touring motorcycle. I think it is long overdue that marketing departments are held accountable for the hype they spread. It is also a clear indicator that the era we live in caters predominantly for the “how cool do I look” than practical honestly ito riding environment and thus bike requirements. Great content Damo 👍

  • @Hemlck
    @Hemlck Рік тому

    What a brilliantly made review…superb quality presentation and camera work etc. Probably the reviewers of any bike never reach this standard

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому

      Wow mate…thank you so much. Really enjoyed making this one. And the bike kind of surprised me along the way 👍🏻

  • @lotuslovesdust
    @lotuslovesdust 9 місяців тому +4

    Mate you are a blast love your review , well done for making it a fun watch 👍

    • @alozborne
      @alozborne 8 місяців тому

      He's hilarious, great entertainment value! Honestly, I doubt I would have watched the entire video on another channel, as I'm just not that interested in this bike, but Damien is a good storyteller and the one liners are like gold nuggets (or is that gold goolies!)

  • @theOutbackBerean
    @theOutbackBerean Рік тому +3

    I grabbed one of the 800MT LE models when they came out and as you said it's a 70/30 on-road/off-road at best. I ended up selling her and picked up a 2005 R1200RT and a 2000 MuZ660. The 800MT was fine on road up here on the Mid-North Coast but get her into the bush and she is all over the place and too heavy #imo. We waited, and waited for the fuel mapping upgrade and the after service and warranty issues with CFMoto are a joke.
    I agree with you that there is way to much hype and bullshit with Adventure bikes these days.
    PS. Best review I've seen 🍺

    • @occyman
      @occyman Рік тому

      Yep I’d agree with you it’s definitely a road biased bike that can ride easy graded dirt roads. The dealer network at least in NSW is third rate and the fuel mapping isn’t great. But for the price…these bikes are ok as long as you keep your expectations in check.

  • @bazza8947
    @bazza8947 Рік тому +1

    Fantastic you have the ability to update some of the software yourself!

  • @800Adventures
    @800Adventures Рік тому +2

    Holding in the FN button will get you the trip meters up on screen.
    Also you can change between Rian mode and Sports mode on the fly just have to be off the throttle.
    This was all in the latest update of the software

  • @douglipscomb3002
    @douglipscomb3002 10 місяців тому +1

    My days of sliding sideways around corners are long gone. I do however like to be able to go off the bitumen and explore farm roads, so the Anakee Adventure is perfect for me. For the money, this might very well be the next bike I would have a close look at!

  • @GarHarman
    @GarHarman Рік тому +1

    Great review video, yes they are over emphasising the use cases on these new bikes in the promo videos.

  • @davgb7904
    @davgb7904 10 місяців тому +1

    What an intelligent and insightful review! Loved the detail and you clearly know enough about off-road riding to comment accurately. I wasn't going to comment until your final thoughts and request to do so about how far manufacturers are pushing the marketing.
    I think there's no doubt that, for the majority of owners - and we have BMW and the GS to 'thank' for this - the sales depend on stirring the adventurer within, the trans Africa desert/jungle explorer inside them, the Paris-Dakar returning hero. The reality is anyone seriously doing so would, or should, simply buy a carefully spec'ed motorcycle for the actual trip they were doing - possibly a GS, or else a far more off-road orientated machine where comfort is less important than capability. If you're going to suffer the jungle, a seat is less important than getting out the other side. Similarly, if leaping over great chasms is your thing - as you said early on - there are far better machines than this CFMOTO.
    Same is true of a sports bike.
    But then, you summed it after your invitation anyway, so I'm just repeating your wise thoughts! Great video. Off to see what else you've produced!

  • @radadventure2606
    @radadventure2606 Рік тому +1

    Love the video! Great filming and an honest appraisal!

  • @HardPackedADV
    @HardPackedADV Рік тому

    Re marketing of ADV bikes, I am putting together a video about myself purchasing a Transalp and leaving the T7. nd what you had said about the marketing of ADV bikes is so true,, and why buy a bike for something you know you will never do, or buy a bike set up solely for something you might do or do very rarely. Bloody awesome video.

  • @HansenSetiawan
    @HansenSetiawan 3 місяці тому

    Awesome video! appreciate all the effort that you do just to make this a very good looking video. Keep the good work.

  • @judd-sv-galileo
    @judd-sv-galileo Рік тому +1

    You are exactly correct. The lie that Manufacturers tell when Birchy, Reiman and Co riding the ADV bikes like large enduros. I have recently gone back to a KTM500 and adventured it, means I have no limitations and can tackle more technical tracks. More importantly riding on my own if I drop the 500 I can easily pick it up. Love your vids as always Damo, bring them on more frequently.

    • @NakaNakaDerkaDerka
      @NakaNakaDerkaDerka Рік тому +1

      Most folks should be riding like mongrel dog productions”, not like reiman.

    • @chrispy1965
      @chrispy1965 Рік тому

      ​@@NakaNakaDerkaDerkaRieman rides a Yamaha Tenere T7 to. And some much lighter to.

    • @mj_aussie_coaster_travels8310
      @mj_aussie_coaster_travels8310 11 місяців тому

      Adam Riemann is probably the least guilty of over hyping the big adv bikes. He’s waxes lyrical over his warhorse and its short comings and loves it for what it is. Watch his video on the bmw safari and he’s quite vocal about the short comings on such a massive heavy bike, and you see in his videos how slow the average rider is on something that gargantuan when the riding gets a bit hectic.
      Still hugely entertaining watching someone with his skill throwing it around like it’s a T7, and absolutely destroying 90% of the other riders.
      I think most of us see through the marketing bs… if we’re honest with ourselves.

  • @valerynosenko164
    @valerynosenko164 2 місяці тому

    Thank you for the video. I truly appreciate. Plan to buy one. Thanks to you!!

  • @WogsRus1
    @WogsRus1 7 місяців тому

    Side note, re the taps to go to the abs and TC off, it can be saved under the user settings. and set up as favourites on the button too

  • @MarcoTNT
    @MarcoTNT Рік тому +1

    Excellent review on the bike that has been turning my head. After this video I will certainly have fewer doubts about what my next bike will be.
    The 800mt is basically a ktm 790 with a different skin and this new explorer is even better than the Touring, which had some problems in its youth! 5***** thank you 👍👍

  • @BartT120
    @BartT120 Рік тому +1

    I like the look and especially the price of the CFMoto MT800 Explore. I have had multiple BMW GS bikes and currently have a V85tt Guzzi. I mostly tour and think I could easily live with this bike

  • @RadRaven
    @RadRaven 8 місяців тому +3

    Great review! Thank you!!
    And yes, marketing is completely out of control!!
    I wonder how many people hurt themselves, because of its influence...?! 🤔

  • @Greggspies
    @Greggspies Рік тому

    Makes me wanna move there your roads are awesome

  • @AdamND701
    @AdamND701 8 місяців тому +1

    Thanks for the good review, man. I'm in the rural US and just want a bike that I can keep riding if I'm on a road and the pavement ends, but with more heart than a klr 650.

  • @matthewpotts6094
    @matthewpotts6094 Рік тому

    I love mine, and yes , great bike for what its designed for, ive a 701 for when i want to be silly on two wheels, but my mt800 is awesome value, its as good as the others , no question,

  • @grahamhill9770
    @grahamhill9770 Рік тому

    Great vid fella, seriously looking at one of these for my wife and I to tour Philippines. 2 years ago I spent my retirement toy budget on an MV Agusta Dragster n its awesome fun.... For an early morning squirt up the mountain black tops. But its no good for touring, that said the MV stays its just too mu h fun n looks awesome, so I am looking for something I can justify the cost of... reliable, wont break the bank n the wife wont break my balls.
    Your question about marketing push, yeah most manufacturers are driving the wrong image in my humble opinion.... but us old uns are a dying breed (no pun intended)... I guess they are desperately trying to entice the young uns away from a life inside tiktok....

  • @solidsnake3861
    @solidsnake3861 Рік тому +1

    great video and review greets from Bosnia

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      Awesome, thank you!

  • @wazzanose
    @wazzanose Рік тому +1

    Great review Damien, and a lot of common sense about the marketing too. Did you mention the weight? I didn't catch that if you did, but I'll look it up myself.

  • @billfish5913
    @billfish5913 Рік тому

    I bought a 1995 Kawasaki KLR 250 new for my teenage kids to ride. It’s a dual purpose bike and I would steal it from them and go riding up in our Big Horn mountains in Wyoming on the weekends. My daily ride was a 1993 Goldwing. That Kawi was a mountain goat. It would go any where I pointed it. I put some knobbies on it and it would cross streams, climb hills and handle rocks, gravel, sand and mud. And if it got stuck it was light enough for me to pull it out. I loved that bike. My youngest son took it when he left home. At age 71, I would like another dual purpose bike before I croak. I’m not a label whore. I ride what I want. That CF Moto looks pretty tasty. When I get my new bike, my oldest son gets my Harley Electraglide. I need one more new bike to cross the finish line. The Suzuki DE looks good too. I like your reviews. Just found your You Tube channel.😎👍

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      Thanks mate - riding in your area some day is a dream of mine!

  • @myridemyadventure
    @myridemyadventure 2 місяці тому

    Bought it..100% agree. Great machine..

  • @GerardMcmullan
    @GerardMcmullan Місяць тому +1

    Love your video just think all these new bikes coming out have to much technically that a lot of us don't want

  • @sokha55
    @sokha55 4 місяці тому +1

    this channel deserve more subs. Do you think buying the cf moto is a better buy than a transalp ? Since they both are in the same price range in my country

  • @IanSmart-g6y
    @IanSmart-g6y 11 місяців тому

    About the Dakar, obviously a very tight competion for poll position with the Kove 450

  • @jobvanluyken9466
    @jobvanluyken9466 4 місяці тому

    at 18:18 it looks like the left front fender bolt has come loose......

  • @bikeaction.
    @bikeaction. Рік тому +1

    Another great video Damo👏👏. Interesting bike and good to see some of the newer names entering a competitive bike into the market. Where these bikes actually lie and what they are marketed towards can certainly be up for contention. I too believe some manufacturers should have a little bit of a reality check when it comes to marketing. Keep up the good work bud and thanks for your efforts in putting these videos together.

  • @BrandingBuff
    @BrandingBuff 6 місяців тому

    Great review, appreciate the distinctions and especially the re alignment of expectations for what this machine can and is meant to do👍 I’m considering this for tours with a passenger, would you recommend this for dirt road touring scenario with 2 people on it?

  • @glenneeds1679
    @glenneeds1679 8 місяців тому +1

    Just found you on utube mate, excellent review indeed although I would have liked to hear your thoughts on a long distance road trip on the black top.
    I’m almost 65 and looking for something that is an all rounder but definitely not needing to hit the nasty trails. Again very pleased with your review and some of those roads look familiar.

    • @advlife
      @advlife  8 місяців тому

      It's excellent on long road trips. Very comfortable and good wind protection. Very nice engine to tour with as well. It's not going to carve up winding roads like a pure road bike but it's not made for that anyway.

  • @GrassFramer
    @GrassFramer Рік тому

    Sure hope they bring thus model to the US!

  • @MarcBorter
    @MarcBorter 8 місяців тому

    When the CF MOTO 800 MT Explorer gets Android Auto, it's No. 1 with me. At the moment the husqvarna norden 901 expedition is in 1st place

  • @utilisemedia
    @utilisemedia 2 місяці тому

    Thanks for the vid. Where did you get that pie floater and bacon & egg roll from?

  • @mattghoward
    @mattghoward Рік тому

    Perfect description - it's a 70/30 bike so don't expect anything else (and also don't expect it to be a KTM) - however I did fit Anakee Wild to give better traction at low speed in that 30% :-) - Yes they market the absolute S@1T out of them and the fact is that the average weekend warrior will find it OK - but it is not a technical trail style bike= and won't do the stuff you see in the marketing vids without doing yourself and the bike some harm.

  • @martythompson6509
    @martythompson6509 Рік тому +1

    To answer your question.... Give them something to aspire to...... It's not marketings fault that some punters mix up their ambitions and abilities.....👍

  • @adamjohnston2057
    @adamjohnston2057 Рік тому +1

    Awesome episode,would those tracks be close to Sydney by any chance

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому

      In the Hunter Valley mate. Not too far from Sydney 👍🏻

    • @adamjohnston2057
      @adamjohnston2057 Рік тому

      @@advlife thanks bud,I've just brought an adventure bike and want to get out and try some easy tracks to start

  • @james91666
    @james91666 Рік тому +1

    I am currently running a DL1000, now not doing any two up now, so I am looking at going down to a 650 to 800, I like the VStrom and it has not missed a beat in 5 years, but no cruise control on the newer models apart from the 1050 has lost me. I tend to do longer trips and they are 70 / 30, even if I ride to work instead of the bus it is 140km one way 50 of which is dirt so comfortable riding is a must.
    Just the heated grips, seat and cruise control is worth it to me, I may have missed it but the fog lights are also standard, I would swap that out for driving lights myself, but that is due to where I am based.
    Thanks for a great review of a bike I have been thinking about, my main concern is the lack of dealerships. Where abouts were you riding it looks fantastic?

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      Ridng mostly around the Hunter Valley in NSW mate. Epic place to explore

  • @kengoold7157
    @kengoold7157 Рік тому

    great video mate, very well produced.

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      Much appreciated!

  • @user-MohamedAhmedUAE
    @user-MohamedAhmedUAE 3 місяці тому +1

    I’m thinking to change my bike Yamaha tracer 900 2022 to mt800 cfmoto but some friends said it’s downgrade for me

  • @WozzasSportsCruiserRides
    @WozzasSportsCruiserRides Рік тому

    Epic mate, I see you enjoyed the bike and the ride. 🍻

  • @gorrdd
    @gorrdd 4 місяці тому

    They're doing the same thing the car manufacturers have done for decades... pushing racing prowess in order to excite the brand in the public eye.
    This CFMoto 800mt/IBEX brand is a very sensible approach to light off-roading on dirt roads... but not single track.
    Besides, it's too heavy for single track for most riders anyways. But it's great for the type of riding you just demonstrated.

  • @steveibbotson5687
    @steveibbotson5687 2 місяці тому

    excellent review best I've seen

  • @andrewheadland9341
    @andrewheadland9341 9 місяців тому

    Great review from a very different perspective & showing where most people who ride adventure bikes ride back roads not enduro tracks as some manufacturers show when advertising. I do have a question? What would be better bike to the sort of travelling say an old (2008-2012) BMW GSA 1200 or a CF moto800 mt. What would give you less issues on the trails for long distance runs in the saddle cheers

  • @faisalarh
    @faisalarh Рік тому +1

    Stumble upon your videos about this motorcycle, since not a lot of people on UA-cam review it, even CFMoto dealership here in Indonesia are confused when I asked about the information about this motorcycle.
    They show this motorcycle in their website, but didn't list it's spec sheet, not even a downloadable brochure.
    From your short review about the features of motorcycles, this had all the amenities required for long distance touring over a highway/expressway, minus the cruise control.
    And to be honest Chinese brand motorcycle are the one we must look after in the future, more competition to the established European and Japanese brand, especially in the adventure motorcycle.

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому

      Cheers mate. The 800MT has cruise control so missing out there :)

    • @faisalarh
      @faisalarh Рік тому +1

      @@advlife Aah my bad, I might missed the cruise control feature on your video.

  • @henriquetedim5111
    @henriquetedim5111 Рік тому +1

    Doesnt the hightech and all the sensors in the moto get ruined once you do alot of off road?

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому +1

      It just shouldn't go into technical offroad where damage can happen. It's not made for that and not a lot of fun to ride there anyway. Stick to dirt roads and it should be OK

  • @TallyHoTech
    @TallyHoTech Рік тому +1

    Honestly for CF Moto to make a dent like Hyundai and KIa did with cars. They have to offer a 7 year warranty.
    BMW already have a 5 year warranty.
    They have to beat that.
    Only then Will they get the trust of any buyers other than frugal ones. Some more polish on the electronics and throttle mapping and tuning. As there bikes may have a KTM derived motor but they are far off the refinement of the KTM

  • @bjstuhl
    @bjstuhl 11 місяців тому

    Any indication in your research of the Explore being available in the US?

  • @rasdavidflorian
    @rasdavidflorian 11 місяців тому

    Nice video bro, thanks for the info

  • @RobinTorrekensTravelVlog
    @RobinTorrekensTravelVlog Рік тому

    Nice review, epic footage of Australia. I myself sometimes make reviews of motorbikes here in Europe and feel jealous. What a scenery and is is spring time in Australia? I subscribed and hope to see more 'travelreviews' from you. Greetings from Belgium!

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому

      Thanks for dropping in Belgium!

  • @kotya89
    @kotya89 10 місяців тому

    Thanks for the great review, was really enjoyable to watch! One question though, is there a way to connect my Android phone? Or only Apple Car play? Is there at least a built in navigation system?

  • @MotoPassport
    @MotoPassport Рік тому +1

    the one thing I will take away from this vid is Damo humping the fuel tank in the bush ❤ just needed some tender loving soft music

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому


  • @thelonewolf666
    @thelonewolf666 2 місяці тому

    at the same price as a suzuki 800DE, ill take the suzuki thanks, great review btw

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Місяць тому

      Thats fair - the 800DE just dropped in price in Aus and it's a bloody good bike for that money.

  • @georgabenthung3282
    @georgabenthung3282 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for the great review!
    I don't share your opinion about the unreliable Radar-System. In my opinion tech shouldn't be released unless it's working reliable.
    I would rephrase your comment
    "[Radar] only has to work once to justify it's existence"
    to this rather radical statement:
    "Radar only has to fail once in order to kill you".

    • @advlife
      @advlife  Рік тому

      I think you've misunderstood what I meant mate. I mean it only has to save you (work) once to justify its existence. I don't mean 'work' as in not break down and I'm not saying its unreliable in any way.

  • @geirsvarsson8585
    @geirsvarsson8585 8 місяців тому

    Where in Oz are you riding. I might move to Moreton Bay or Toowoomba…which is nearer good riding?

  • @pascalparent3137
    @pascalparent3137 8 місяців тому

    This or a used 1250gs? I would mainly do paved roads with the occasional dirt road to the cottage...

  • @k_plax
    @k_plax Рік тому

    @ 16:30 if the bikes can do what is being advertised, then why not? Manufacturers are selling a bike first and foremost, then a particular lifestyle. They're not selling a riders competency. If you have below average ability and get sucked into the wrong marketing hype for your needs in a bike then thats on the buyer. I have an 890AR but Im no Birchy. I bought this bike because it suits my needs the most imo.

  • @TeoZarkopafilis
    @TeoZarkopafilis 8 місяців тому

    would you consider a better aftermarket bash plate?

    • @advlife
      @advlife  8 місяців тому

      Definetly. For most bikes I would consider fitting better protection than standard.

  • @joseaguirre7517
    @joseaguirre7517 Рік тому

    Wooww!! For me this bike would be perfect with a little bit of longer travel suspentión and 21"18" wheels!!

    • @lloydjones3041
      @lloydjones3041 Рік тому

      Mate, if thats what you want spend the extra and get a bike with that as standard. It has those wheels and 'spension for a reason.

  • @tonydimkovski905
    @tonydimkovski905 8 місяців тому

    Like a rum and coke 70/30 mix perfect 👌

  • @ap934
    @ap934 8 годин тому

    rear shaft with the combo of that KTM DNA engine would hit the spot for an average adventure rider

  • @brendanmortimer6085
    @brendanmortimer6085 11 місяців тому

    Would you buy one? I am considering it or a Benneli trk502x?

    • @advlife
      @advlife  10 місяців тому

      The TRK has a great little engine and its very comfortable but I would buy the CFMOTO over the Benelli. The build quality is better.

  • @Tec2Nut
    @Tec2Nut 6 місяців тому

    4 year warranty in the UK?