Classic WoW Discussion with Crendor and Nixxiom | WoWcrendor

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024
  • Nixxiom and Crendor discuss the recent Classic WoW announcements and what's to come.
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    Professional nerd, mediocre comedian and expert non-content creator.
    Classic WoW Discussion with Crendor and Nixxiom | WoWcrendor
    • Classic WoW Discussion...
    / wowcrendor


  • @ledevall5300
    @ledevall5300 6 років тому +32

    It's not fair when you both upload at the same time! It's like deciding between going with mom or dad (you guys can pick who is who).

    • @supramarjo8636
      @supramarjo8636 6 років тому

      Welp what if you don't have a dad? ... you go with Crendor?

    • @lynxerz
      @lynxerz 6 років тому

      It's the exact same video

    • @buldren0101
      @buldren0101 6 років тому +3

      Crendaddy ftw

    • @aaronreeve7374
      @aaronreeve7374 6 років тому

      Ledevall well this video is 10 seconds longer so

    • @PassionPossum
      @PassionPossum 6 років тому

      Ledevall They are my daddies, you fool

  • @bluelobster6060
    @bluelobster6060 6 років тому +61

    ''Your character is your achievement'' I think this is a great way to describe the reward system that MMO should have. You should't feel the need to do something because the dev put a carrot on a stick.

    • @thetruth9807
      @thetruth9807 6 років тому +12

      but I also want that carrot on a stick to have a faster mount

    • @Codewow
      @Codewow 6 років тому +2

      I like that carrot on a stick to have something else to do in my non-raiding time at endgame. But I don't think I want them in Classic WoW. If they bring a WotLK server, sure. Give me them achievements.

    • @General12th
      @General12th 6 років тому

      Isn't that how dungeons and raids work?

    • @catmanduu66
      @catmanduu66 6 років тому +2

      The Truth, right over most people;s heads.

    • @nightvisiontv1847
      @nightvisiontv1847 6 років тому

      Ahaa nice one

  • @hirumaredx
    @hirumaredx 6 років тому +118

    All I want is vanilla wow with no changes. Except Pet battles and aoe loot and dungeon finder. But nothing else, just a few small things that dont affect gameplay. Also I'd like it if the Summing Stone actually summoned, no dismounts in water or combat, a 1.5 second mount cast time and maybe a group finder. But nothing else, except maybe heroic modes too because that would be neat.

    • @hirumaredx
      @hirumaredx 6 років тому +21

      Also I dont want a 1hr CD on hearthstones, and guild banks would be nice since theres no reason not to have one. Plus people are so use to the in-game calendar that should be included as well.

    • @wednesdayboy9088
      @wednesdayboy9088 6 років тому +16

      hirumaredx will you also play a Troll in classic WOW?

    • @Acrysalis
      @Acrysalis 6 років тому +13

      I also just want vanilla wow with zero changes. But make it so horde can have paladins and alliance can have shaman because its really shitty that you can't play the class you want in the faction you want.

    • @hirumaredx
      @hirumaredx 6 років тому +6


    • @holy0damn
      @holy0damn 6 років тому +1

      any little change will affect whole experience so I doubt it

  • @norad_clips
    @norad_clips 6 років тому

    Reading the guidebooks and looking at the artwork was legit amazing, and definitely something I miss.

  • @sythirius42
    @sythirius42 6 років тому +2

    The biggest issue with implementing any changes to vanilla/classic WoW, is that people will never all agree what changes would be acceptable and what would contaminate the experience. For example, do we draw the line at mechanical fixes like mass looting? How 'bout class 'balancing' or 'talent reworks'? Ultimately, I'd rather they do their best not to alter anything (even things people think were 'bad design') if it was in the original, because some of those quirks and weird mechanics (no horde pally, no ally shaman, runecloth farming for racial mounts etc.) made the game very unique.

  • @Chaine_the_orc
    @Chaine_the_orc 6 років тому

    I remember the old frost root ring from scarlet monastery my very first epic in wow pre-cata

  • @Codewow
    @Codewow 6 років тому

    I really want BC and Wrath. Classic isn't high on my list, but I will play it.

  • @amatthew1231
    @amatthew1231 6 років тому +2

    Do a top ten of number 1 top ten items or characters.

  • @Freeasacar
    @Freeasacar 6 років тому +3

    They messed up the new character models in WoD's rushed development cycle so bad that they're still fixing them to this day - Male blood elves have had their faces completely redone in BfA to get rid of their duckface problem. Others like the male troll models were completely screwed over by making them too hunched compared to their classic models and will probably never recover because their problems are seen as too niche. Every time someone like Nixxiom says something like "lol you only ever see the back of your character's head anyway" it doesn't help them get fixed either because it makes Blizzard thinks we don't care about aesthetics. Classic wow should absolutely have the old models though.
    When people say that the players have changed, they don't mean in their tastes, but in how they play all games. In 2007 around the time when daily quests were introduced and youtube was starting to become a website that was actually used by people and not ignored, people actually started to realize that their limited play time mattered and what efficiency was. Suddenly everyone actually started preparing for raids properly and choosing the best talents mathematically because the knowledge was being spread around. People did this before in vanilla wow too, but not many. These were the few people who actually managed to clear naxxramas which was something like only 1% of the playerbase at the time. It must sound ridiculous to those who started playing later but it's true - Nobody really took the game seriously or brought the right composition of prepared players to a raid. They just did it for the hell of it. As a result this is a scenario that's impossible to recreate without a whole lot of willful ignorance on the part of the players these days and this is one of the few reasons why classic wow won't be exactly the same as it was.
    I don't know why Nixxiom thinks there will be trolls saying negative stuff if low player numbers happen. In my experience with oldschool runescape it's the opposite. The players of that game have formed their own elitist community and constantly berate the players of the modern version of runescape that hardly ever do the same back. I think very few people other than those who are actually invested in classic wow will care if player numbers drop or it fails - Why would they? The players of modern wow are happy to let you play your own game. My prediction is that it'll be both very popular and filled with elitists and nostalgia addicts.

  • @FallGoingOut
    @FallGoingOut 6 років тому

    Who can hook it up with a name on those xmog pieces Nix is rocking?

  • @thorfinnius
    @thorfinnius 6 років тому

    Top 10 dances
    Top 10 flirts
    Top 10 weapon effects
    Top 10 spell effects
    Top 10 elevator bosses
    Top 10 deadly encounter mobs
    Top 10 artifact appearances
    Top 10 annoying rare elites
    Top 10 artifact powers
    Top 10 wow youtubers, then roast them
    Btw,.. would preferred to have half this conversation on one channel, the other half on the other. Making me choose whos vid to watch

  • @xcvsdxvsx
    @xcvsdxvsx 6 років тому

    If they are smart they will start with just UBRS for a while, and add Onyxia after a while, then MC after a while. Just to see how much they can draw the whole process out without making people quit in frustration.

  • @WarsunGames
    @WarsunGames 6 років тому

    LOL! I thought i was getting two audio videos LOL!

  • @IxIJimboIxI
    @IxIJimboIxI 6 років тому

    I got to say, through the course of the video my take on achievments has changed. I started with a more light approach of "sure, what hurt could they do" but then Crendor's argument about how they impact the gameplay by making you go do things for the sake of achievments really hit me.
    On another note though, regarding the "no changes, period", I'd argue that normalizing the databases and switching to more modern infrastructure, changes that don't directly affect the gameplay a player experiences, but rather enhance the performance of the game, are welcome changes.

  • @jaxindonohue220
    @jaxindonohue220 6 років тому

    "The exact same route that every private server goes down, where they're going to-"

  • @Uldihaa
    @Uldihaa 6 років тому +2

    All worries you guys are talking about have been implicitly put to bed. If the original code didn't have 'X' originally, they can't give it it 'X' now. Achievements? Can't do it. AoE looting? Can't do it.
    Still don't understand the hate for LFG. Who would want to stand around in town spamming " LFG for " for an hour? If you're a tank or healer, LFG is practically unneeded, but that's not the case for DPS classes.
    I'm still fully expecting that all too many are going to re-discover just how annoying classic WoW was. As mentioned, LFG spam (because it never stayed in just the LFG channel); individual target looting; costs of re-specing (remember that? When you couldn't just swap spec whenever you wanted?); slow-ass travel; no heirlooms; no transmog (enjoy looking like a color-blind clown again like every other player of your class and level); costs of skill training slowing getting your riding training; etc.

  • @mindmachinepsy
    @mindmachinepsy 6 років тому

    Ah the gallbladder struggle. I know very well how that turns out. You feel good, start eating shit you shouldn't eat aaaaand there comes the diarrhea and the pain. Been there, still there sometimes after a year. I feel ya. :D

  • @Kengion
    @Kengion 6 років тому

    I just like the polygons of the old graphics.

  • @giefvideo
    @giefvideo 6 років тому

    Won't mind some achievements or mounts or transmogs and stuff that would then transfer onto your main on retail. So zero achievements on classic, but they'd show up on your main.

  • @morganburke5400
    @morganburke5400 6 років тому

    Nixxiom and wowcrendor have very similar voices

  • @jakob8408
    @jakob8408 6 років тому +3

    I don't get people pushing for no changes and yet being fine with 1.12 itemization and balancing from day 1. It completely trivialises the first few raids, since no mechanic in vanilla can be considered difficult, and it's all about having the output to kill bosses before they kill you.

    • @Localpref416
      @Localpref416 6 років тому

      Raiding back in that day wasn't about running out of the colored circle it was more about mana management, and the rotations can be harder (look at a high dps classic hunter) It's a different kind of difficult. But trust me it's not easy lol. I personally haven't played classic but it looks harder then raids today.

    • @jakob8408
      @jakob8408 6 років тому

      Localpref416 I know, I've raided as a resto shaman on several 1.12 private servers, and cleared most of the raids. The thing is, with the 1.12 talents and such, early raids are basically irrelevant. And no, it is not even close to as difficult as todays raids (lfr/normal is obviously a cakewalk). I do still enjoy it, I just wish we could have a patch where we don't stomp Ragnaros before his first submerge. Hopefully they'll at least retune it.

    • @spanzotab
      @spanzotab 6 років тому

      Most people (or at least a good portion of people) who will play Classic have not played private servers. Rag and Onyxia will still be difficult for most.

    • @Maliett
      @Maliett 6 років тому +1

      don't walk on eggs, don't stand behind onyx. Very hard

    • @DriftNick
      @DriftNick 6 років тому

      "and the rotations can be harder (look at a high dps classic hunter)"
      LOL no.

  • @B7iND
    @B7iND 6 років тому

    The only other thing I want from classic is the updated graphics I don't want my eyes to cry

  • @Mecheka
    @Mecheka 6 років тому

    The main problem I see with classic wow is: People already KNOW what to do. They already know that they have to raid molten core to get that awesome shoulderpads or that awesome staff. People already know how to play. One of the things that attracted me the most, was the sense of discovery. I won't discover anything new on Classic Wow, I already discovered all!
    When Wow hit me and my friends we talked about the game a lot, about how we found cool things arround the world, how we beated that impossible dungeon or how we got into a Guild and raided. Everything is already "found" and "beated" in Vanilla wow.
    What I really hope is that they add more content after launch... but NOT Naxxramas and then TBC etc.. Instead I hope they expand the game in a different direction within the Classic Wow look and feel. New Dungeons, New Raids, New zones, but with the old-school Classic wow ability system, social interactions and all that.

  • @lightpurge8897
    @lightpurge8897 6 років тому

    I can't even afford to play this game.
    Press *F* to pay respects

  • @keowar
    @keowar 6 років тому

    all i want in classic is a 167 level cap, easy raids so snowflakes can do them, necromancer class that can 1 shot every other class, and a zombie dragon mount. It wouldn't change the gameplay at all, is that too much to ask?

  • @callmecoffingaming4807
    @callmecoffingaming4807 6 років тому

    I'm all for no changes at all, HOWEVER, and whether anyone agrees or disagree's I'd like to know, but I wouldn't mind upped resolution on textures. Keep the textures, animations, spell effects and etc the same, but the texture resolution upped a little. No texture change, no heavy graphic overhaul, just a little higher res.

  • @idonteven18
    @idonteven18 6 років тому

    Omg I miss talking to nerds I wish I could chit chat with you guys! Q.Q

  • @jinnzoln9063
    @jinnzoln9063 6 років тому

    I’m so excited for classic wow

  • @TharusPSN
    @TharusPSN 6 років тому

    I've played on private servers for classic and BC for a long time now... I know I would never pay to play classic wow again. It needs to be a remaster almost not just the old game if they expect me to pay anything. I want features that were missing and graphics upgrades.

  • @2010topdog
    @2010topdog 6 років тому

    But, are bugs central to the game that Nixxiom talked about. As excited as Crendor and him are about classic, have they actually tried private servers? I played classic, but I played it very sporadically, so I remember things like weapon expertise and Hunter ammo. I think I have a more objective view of classic that isn't mired in nostalgia. I might play it, but I don't play WoW now, what they did to Voljin broke May heart, I think it'll be shortlived.

  • @vsshow8566
    @vsshow8566 6 років тому


  • @MakintheBigs800
    @MakintheBigs800 6 років тому

    Crendor! You and nix should do relaxing raid runs with each other and BS like you do here

  • @Vrinara
    @Vrinara 6 років тому

    Personally.. I'd rather have classic vanilla over a cash shop like the private servers.

  • @NoOne-py5or
    @NoOne-py5or 6 років тому


  • @Bysentenial
    @Bysentenial 6 років тому

    I said most of this on the last vid but nixxiom won't see them, probably won't here either.
    That vanilla to BC realm idea. I approve BUT I want it to be a copy character to new realm [only once per toon] deal, not this is now BC vanilla is gone again. Not because I want this now... but if they don't I will want classic again in 6 years.
    Achievements, yes. Only basic things like hit lv 10, 20 etc 60, complete x dungeon/raid/BG, do the things in AV you're meant to do and pretty much only ever done in classic. attunements and keys, normal/epic mount. Things that don't have you go out of your way for but still feel like achievements.
    AoE loot? I'm on the fence about it. I'd be ok with it but I agree most of the quality of life things we have now shouldn't be in it.
    Hell no LFG
    I WANT updated models and animations BUT with an option to toggle. Note: this is creature models too.
    Edit: you're absolutely right about achievements. They should add the class quests to the achievements.
    But seriously, the character your currently on can tell you that. It doesn't tell you what your alt/main has.
    What you said about it being on modern? agree, that's a good compromise. But... it's not intuitive and I don't think blizz would do it. That being said classic wow wasn't intuitive so... IDK
    And on that note, same with mounts pets and transmog.
    Horde and alliance toons on same pvp realm plz
    graphic don't make the game... for you. achievements don't add anything... for you. But there are some people who these things are THE most important thing. I'll agree with the don't impact gameplay rule but everything else, modernise. at least as an option.
    You know whta's good for a community? the above mentioned people being happy and staying around while being minor enough that purests like yourself still get a 99% [maybe 95%] authentic experience.
    I disagree with your numbers and downtime theory because they're probably going to launch classic during that downtime end of BFA as to not directly compete with the new content. And I will take that bet!

  • @arithorne7077
    @arithorne7077 6 років тому

    crendor and nixxiom go camping in the middle of Blizzcon

  • @NerdySparklez
    @NerdySparklez 6 років тому

    Should I play these at the same time...

  • @Crazozourus
    @Crazozourus 6 років тому

    Classic WoW will not be different because players changed. It will be different because people already played it and a lot of stuff, putting Crossroads example in the spotlight, will happen because it's the most efficient way to achieve goal not because it's fun.

  • @BigPapaKaiser
    @BigPapaKaiser 6 років тому

    No changes pls.
    Except Transmog.
    And AoE loot.
    And LFG.
    And pet battles.
    And dungeon maps.
    And quest arrows.

  • @IAmHermaeusMora
    @IAmHermaeusMora 6 років тому

    I watch both of you guys, so hi lol.

  • @The_Azure_
    @The_Azure_ 6 років тому

    Honestly, I would not mind Transmog.
    However, the real question we need to know the answer to is, "Are they keeping the debuff limit how it was?". I can see them trying to sneakily remove it and I don't know how many people would care if they did.

  • @Banana_Zach
    @Banana_Zach 6 років тому +9

    People forget how bad vanilla WoW was. Blizzard was lucky and made something so new at the time. Classic WoW will have tons of players the first month but will be 8/10ths dead a year later.

    • @johnappleseed8839
      @johnappleseed8839 6 років тому

      Maybe, but private servers are still hoppin', so maybe not.

    • @Banana_Zach
      @Banana_Zach 6 років тому

      for the people who truly do love vanilla WoW, which happens. The problem is that the average gamer who played vanilla WoW looks back with rose tinted goggles.

    • @Ihatedsigningup
      @Ihatedsigningup 6 років тому +1

      There is some strong evidence that there are more people playing classic private servers than fucking ESO. I don't think you know what you're talking about.

    • @turencmpressor4152
      @turencmpressor4152 6 років тому

      Banana Zach tell that to the thousands of people who never played retail classic, but willingly play(ed) on the private realms

  • @professorrattles4929
    @professorrattles4929 6 років тому

    people are might like the social aspects but from a gameplay perspective original wow was horrid, as a tank main as much as i love spamming one button, it might take a slight change to hook me

  • @furydeath
    @furydeath 6 років тому

    no changes all teh lag and none of the bugs fixed!!!

    • @brotalnia
      @brotalnia 6 років тому

      I'll take it. Bugs and lag didn't stop me from playing then, it won't stop me now. What did kill my enjoyment of the game were all the stupid changes and pointless features they added later.

    • @furydeath
      @furydeath 6 років тому

      brotalnia it will if the bug keep you fin logging in

  • @Crazozourus
    @Crazozourus 6 років тому

    Hyper realism and CoD in the same sentence. LOL. Nixxiom is contradicting himself every five minutes.

  • @MonkeyShinesu
    @MonkeyShinesu 6 років тому +48

    No! We do not "see things in 60fps". Eyes do not work like that. Stop!

    • @deadwolf1227
      @deadwolf1227 6 років тому +10

      next thing is he is going to say the earth is flat and 480p is better then 4k

    • @The_Azure_
      @The_Azure_ 6 років тому +2

      Of course not, we only see in 25 fps ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

    • @keowar
      @keowar 6 років тому +2

      i think what he means is that we can't tell a difference in a game that is 60fps or 90fps, anything over 60 is pointless anyways

    • @MonkeyShinesu
      @MonkeyShinesu 6 років тому +10

      Which is completely not true so I'm not sure why he would say that.

    • @keowar
      @keowar 6 років тому +1

      you are right, as long as someone has higher than a 60hz monitor then they will be able to see above 60fps. and i know we can see over 1000 fps but we wont notice a difference in static scenes but dynamic scenes are alot better with high fps

  • @FlipFlop88
    @FlipFlop88 6 років тому

    The old models looked just as cartoony as the new ones! Just badly animated. Thats my oppinion anyways

  • @Q8Bart
    @Q8Bart 6 років тому +4

    2 Npc's talking about Classic WoW :)

  • @Grithor
    @Grithor 6 років тому

    pointless top 10 underwater npcs

  • @lo-life1577
    @lo-life1577 6 років тому +3

    The only change i would want is to balance classes and stuff. Nothin else.

  • @hogger165
    @hogger165 6 років тому

    No changes, guess what? OG classic wow was literal garbage XD

  • @timlan10
    @timlan10 6 років тому

    "Classic" wow Discussion

  • @Prev3nted
    @Prev3nted 6 років тому

    How will the game be sustainable with no changes? Old school Runescape was created with the idea that everything should be kept the way it was in 2007, but it got stale relatively quick. The creators had players vote for each update so the game would stay fun and hold enough subscribers to keep the game running. Today OSRS is more popular than it's ever been with those entirely unique updates-unrelated to the content in Runescape 3 (Legion equivalent). How will Blizzard keep the game running if the game is not sustainable? Yeah, you can keep adding old content such as TBC and WotLK, but once that's done, then what? Blizzard, if they don't want to lose money, will have to update the game with something. Perhaps new vanilla lore-related dungeons or places to explore, which to me sounds pretty cool.

    • @Prev3nted
      @Prev3nted 6 років тому

      ReconCrusader Thousands of people don't keep a game like World of Warcraft running.

  • @saintlime
    @saintlime 6 років тому +3

    I think small quality of life changes are warranted, do you really want to shift click every single mob to auto loot it? I honestly don't think that you would, sure it might not be the 100% purist experience that you're looking for, but goddamn, that shit is tedious, there's a reason they added that in the later versions of the game. At the very least let me be able to auto loot without having to shift-click. I'm all for no dungeon finder, looking for raid, achievements, etc but small changes like adding area looting won't change the experience as drastically as you think.

    • @saintlime
      @saintlime 6 років тому +2

      Also i think that what Nixxiom is looking for when he talks about realistic graphics and graphics in WoW and KoTR is not frame rate, i think what he means is a consistent art style. If you expect a hyper realistic game to look hyper realistic and you see some aspects of the models or textures that looks very pixilated or off in some manner, it breaks your expectations and thus your enjoyment. I think the thing that makes Nixxiom enjoy Wow or KoTR graphics more is because they both have consistent art styles, nothing in those games breaks your expectation of what the game will offer you in a graphical sense. I get what Nixxiom is trying to say, but he's just not very good at explaining things. And the "The human eye sees things in 60fps" is just wrong on so many levels, that's not how the human eye functions.

    • @saintlime
      @saintlime 6 років тому

      I agree that it increases interaction but that's only because you have to click more. How does looting individual bodies contribute to anything positive gameplay-wise?

    • @saintlime
      @saintlime 6 років тому +2

      Are we really going into realism territory when talking about a FANTASY game like World of Warcraft? I often see the word immersion getting thrown around without any real substance behind it. You know what breaks my immersion? Having to do a tedious task like looting individual bodies, over and over again. I'm obviously not in the "No Changes" camp and i understand why people don't want any changes, they want that nostalgia served with Blizzard quality. I get it, but i feel like it's a missed opportunity to make the vanilla experience more digestible to new players and i don't think this minor quality of life change is gonna make a big difference in the long run.

    • @Nicolas-fo8qd
      @Nicolas-fo8qd 6 років тому

      I played a vanilla private server recently. Looted each mob individually. Wasn't bothered by it and enjoyed playing more than I enjoy Live servers. Stop whining.

    • @helvete983
      @helvete983 6 років тому

      The rose tinted crowed have bitched about having orginal WoW for years now, warts and all, Many have used it to justify stealing the game by using private servers for years, so fuck that noise, give it to them warts and all. Classic WoW absolutely needs to be authentic. You want quality of life stick with retail, you want a classic wow experience then it has to be the real deal.

  • @roni42377
    @roni42377 6 років тому

    Im actually early for once

  • @Jognt
    @Jognt 6 років тому

    This video really pointed out why I unsubbed from nixxiom so long ago.. Man he's cringeworthy. So much that he says is either not very intelligent, or straight up incorrect..
    First Crendor video to be bad for my bloodpressure! xD

    • @jaxindonohue220
      @jaxindonohue220 6 років тому

      Jognt such as?

    • @Jognt
      @Jognt 6 років тому

      It's a 54 minute video... If there was one specific thing then it'd be easy to mention. In this case however, it's too much to summarize here.
      Really, just watch the first even the 25% of the video. If you don't understand what I mean by then, then you're not going to understand it ever.

  • @Gravewhisper
    @Gravewhisper 6 років тому +2

    I really dislike these purists... Like, what the hell reason other than "it wasn't there before!" do you have to hate on Area looting? It just takes downtime out of the game, when youb don't have to loot every single enemy. How is that a thing that upsets you?
    I mean sure, make it an option to toggle on, rather than force it on the insane purists, but ffs, don't let them tell you that taking it out makes the game better in any way!

    • @Localpref416
      @Localpref416 6 років тому +5

      Cyanideperfume Because it increases profit per hour.
      It's more a question of "well why don't we just decrease the mount price and level because it doesn't really matter" it'll just decrease down time
      Or bring in LFR just cause it'd be "better" and decrease downtime.

    • @Localpref416
      @Localpref416 6 років тому +3

      A toggle option won't work btw because you would only be gimpimg yourself compared to rest of the player base.

  • @RestoSexual
    @RestoSexual 6 років тому

    I like both of your personalities, but I wish you would’ve included 1 vanilla content creator. Particularly esfand

    • @RestoSexual
      @RestoSexual 6 років тому

  • @jakob8408
    @jakob8408 6 років тому +13

    If i get anything less than 500ms and random disconnects I'm not playing it #nochanges

  • @brayden43
    @brayden43 6 років тому +68

    My ears and brain hurts from the intro...

  • @ArKaYseR
    @ArKaYseR 6 років тому +13

    How to Crendor
    Pointless Top Ten: Pointless Top Nixxioms

  • @ahunter8056
    @ahunter8056 6 років тому +4

    Honestly, I continue to be bewildered by Nixxiom's bafflingly rigid thought process when it comes to Classic WoW and "no changes". Gameplay changes-wise, I completely agree with him. I do not want any gameplay changes when Classic WoW comes out. However graphics-wise, I could not disagree more with him on it. Why on earth anyone would want poor, laughably outdated 2004 graphics, and would be so vehemently against the possibility of a HD remaster is ludicrous to me. It's like willingly choosing 360p over 1080p, or choosing VHS over DVD. No sane person would do it. Sure, graphics don't make the game, but if the option of a HD remaster is there, why wouldn't you take it? Is Nixxiom going to get out the exact PC he played Vanilla WoW on to play Classic WoW? Because if not, he's already a hypocrite when it comes to "no changes". That's a change right there.

    • @Jovan654321
      @Jovan654321 6 років тому

      I can bet my life that if they make the improved graphics an optional thing all these 'hurrdurr original graphics no changes!!!!' people will choose the improved graphics.

  • @ckhayne2
    @ckhayne2 6 років тому +8

    No changes. Taurens will be able to be Paladins, right?

    • @romkin1197
      @romkin1197 6 років тому

      Nope, Paladins are Alliance Only and Shaman is Horde Only.

    • @lunamp3
      @lunamp3 6 років тому +11

      Rom Kin r/wooosh

  • @holy0damn
    @holy0damn 6 років тому +4

    People wanting LFG - doesn't it defeat the purpose of stronger community and guilds?

  • @MarvinMonroe
    @MarvinMonroe 6 років тому +5

    Wish Kaplan would go back and head up the Classic team

  • @tardwrangler
    @tardwrangler 6 років тому +2

    I'm not much for Achievements, but I sort of like milestones.
    It's cool to be able to go back and just see the date where you hit those levels, did those quests and raids

  • @MonkeyShinesu
    @MonkeyShinesu 6 років тому +11

    Wasn't PVP H for Honor?

    • @Fungasaur
      @Fungasaur 6 років тому

      H for Honor tab, but the Honor / PVP tab was under social, so it also came under O

  • @itschrisperry
    @itschrisperry 6 років тому +1

    My dad is 49. I love retro games, nes snes etc, and play them on emulators... He bought the atari classic, nes classic, and snes classic, and i he plays one or two of them each night like 45-90 minutes before bed. He also plays retail wow. He plays 3.5-7 hours of retro games a week. He only plays retail on saturday and sunday for an hour each... I remember during vanilla when we would have schedules so we could both play equally... I remember staying up till 1am when i was 13 to watch him ding 40 and get his first mount... There is a lot to be said about retro gaming. I feel bad comparing atari to vanilla, but i feel the similarities. Gameplay > graphics.... I wish modern game developers understood this.

  • @deadwolf1227
    @deadwolf1227 6 років тому +1

    24:16 that 24 frame thing is complete Bullshit,
    1. our eyes don't see at 60fps(or any fps for that matter) if our eyes could it would more in the thousands.
    2. That's how all video and any movement on any screen works( TV ,smart phones, monitors).
    3. you didn't say anything, you just said because something is 24 fps we feel more immersed.
    4. the reason that 24 fps is how movies are played is because it is the cheapest possible way to make movies a long time ago (any thing lower then 24 loses the illusion of smooth movement aka people can start to stop seeing motion and just see the individual pictures.

  • @Ralph-yn3gr
    @Ralph-yn3gr 6 років тому +1

    They should definitely do a classic server for each expansion and let people move characters up through each one in succession once they're done playing them so newcomers can go back and level through WOW the same way people who started back in vanilla did. I for one would quite like to do that.

  • @davidreed833
    @davidreed833 6 років тому +2

    I've noticed that people who don't care if graphics are top notch tend to be the people who've been gaming for a long time. You have seen the NES style graphics and been impressed, then cam SNES and Genesis and so on and so forth. You've enjoyed the old games and spent so much time on those games that the lower quality graphics aren't disarming.

    • @Jovan654321
      @Jovan654321 6 років тому

      I played original FF I and many similar games with crappy graphics, I even play vanilla on private servers atm but I would love if they upgraded the graphics and made it optional for people to use them. That way you kill 2 birds with one stone.

  • @johnmyra4056
    @johnmyra4056 6 років тому +2

    Cendor you should really team up with other youtubers and talk about classic wow!

  • @localdingus6788
    @localdingus6788 6 років тому +2

    Crendor first of all your reading the hobbit hell yea I love that book. Second of all as for classic wow absolutely no changes I want it to be exactly like it was sadly I wasn’t playing before cataclysm but I always wanted that classic wow experience from what I’ve heard it sounds amazing and I understand it will be a lot harder and that sounds fantastic and so I want classic wow as it was plus I love the the old textures so I won’t have a problem with how it looks. And also classic Scholomance yay

    • @Uldihaa
      @Uldihaa 6 років тому +2

      It wasn't really harder, just more inconvenient. Everyone telling you otherwise are wearing rose-tinted googles. Keep in mind that the players themselves created the Raid assist add-ons that made boss battles easier, that changed the default UI to make it easier, etc.

    • @localdingus6788
      @localdingus6788 6 років тому

      Uldihaa that’s true things like that definitely added to it but from what I’ve seen of it their is an obvious deference in difficulty such as things like managing mana having generally stronger enemies and lots more difficult content like quests taking you all over the world

  • @MatthewSchellGaming
    @MatthewSchellGaming 6 років тому +19

    I don't even have a cd/dvd drive on my comp anymore.

    • @upsidedownpeon9984
      @upsidedownpeon9984 6 років тому

      havent had one for years

    • @kingdavey90
      @kingdavey90 6 років тому

      Matthew Schell , Daaang!

    • @TheBunnyb0y
      @TheBunnyb0y 6 років тому

      Matthew Schell same, still miss physical copies / manuals / art stuff, sure you can get that digitally but would be nice to not stare at a screen the whole time and have a conversation piece you can actually hand over without handing your phone to everyone lol, sorry had a rant.. have a good day!

    • @Sleepy.Time.
      @Sleepy.Time. 6 років тому

      @Matthew - Good to keep a external USB dvd drive on hand for installing those older games and for reinstalling WIndows when a reformat is due.

    • @samigarnett2
      @samigarnett2 6 років тому


  • @Fungasaur
    @Fungasaur 6 років тому +4

    The 'no changes' pov is admirable but flawed. There's a reason why QoL improvements happened in TBC and WotLK.
    Some of the more modern changes, when you look back make so much sense. Making the meeting stones in Vanilla, summon stones in TBC was a welcome change since it meant that it was much easier to get a group to the dungeon without losing the manual group finding process.
    As a healer or tank, Dual Spec talents were a godsend because it meant you didn't have to gruel through levelling at a snail pace.
    Guild banks just make sense, unless people really fucking love having a second character act as the guild bank.
    I think people need to stop viewing the game with 'rose-tinted' glasses.

  • @SoreTvGamer
    @SoreTvGamer 6 років тому +1

    Some smooth intro very professional guys

  • @_Kuma_
    @_Kuma_ 2 роки тому

    Coming back to this, I never realized how pretentious Nixxiom came off about Classic. He’s so elitist in some way when it comes to keeping the game “pure” and true to the original, but so much of it is through nostalgia goggles. He talks about being a ✨veteran player✨ but he’s not the kind of veteran player I’d want to play with (as someone who has been playing since OG vanilla as well). 😒

  • @HipToBeeSquare
    @HipToBeeSquare 6 років тому

    Vanilla purists are insane. They want the same bugs and graphics and that makes no sense to me. They want the same memories with no change but I just wanna play without having my hand held. Maybe I would think different had I played Vanilla back in the day but I didn't I started in WotLK which already started adding things I didn't like.

  • @thetruth9807
    @thetruth9807 6 років тому

    How about we have Classic launch as it originally launched in vanilla for about 1-2 months. Then afterwards it can go to the final patch updated with all the quality of life features.

  • @Guldaar
    @Guldaar 6 років тому +7

    I was with you until the 60 fps comment. That just shows a fundamental misunderstanding of how our eyes work.

    • @pedrovb17
      @pedrovb17 6 років тому +1

      Saelaniify nah dude we can't see over 30fps, the eye shutter speed isn't fast enough to see any higher!

  • @WarsunGames
    @WarsunGames 6 років тому

    21:24 Yes it does for me. I played an Enhancement Shaman. I used to tank, i used to DPS with my 2Hand weapon. I loved battlegrounds. I was a PvPer. An a damned good one. They took all of that away. Reverting back to the Classic WoW FIXES my entire class.
    The only problems i had with Shaman where. Enhancement hand 2Hand damage and a 1Hand damage. But no dual wield. So in a raid. You either wear an 1hand an shield or you dps with a 2Hand weapon. So we drew a lot of aggro. That is a flaw with the game design.
    That was 1. 2. The second problem was I was a tank. I kind of Tanked Molten Core. I was not very effective because it was during a wipe.An i walked away from the keyboard an my Shaman was tanking while auto attack was on.
    Shaman had High Strength gear for shield and the Highest Defense in the game. Way more than warriors. Its why we dodged everything even up to missile spells. I want my Tanking Shaman back. 3. The third thing that it affects greatly is Mana Shaman had a poor mana pool.
    This we can expect if its changed back. Also Mana totem sucked. But i could at least select my totems again.

  • @RabbitTalk
    @RabbitTalk 6 років тому

    Achievements have also added (a fairly niche, but anyway) way of playing WoW where people play specifically to unlock achievements and try to be completionist about it... Think Jesse Cox is into getting achievements... They have some intrinsic value to them without rewarding mounts or titles or whatever...

  • @TheBunnyb0y
    @TheBunnyb0y 6 років тому

    Can't wait to make a troll with a face that does not have 6 DIFFEFENT SHADES OF PISST OFF..
    Nothing against new models, they cool, but the difference in facial expressions from new and old on trolls is immense, and we could use what character customisation we can get...

  • @helvete983
    @helvete983 6 років тому

    They'd need to make independent servers, I don't think the people they hope to attract from private servers, which is their sole reason for this project, actually want progression servers. People quit for certain reasons, some quit due to BC, moving to BC on a progression server isn't selling it to them, so each expac would need a separate server which is pretty much what the private servers do. I know for a procrastinator like myself I don't want a progression classic that goes to BC, sure I don't mind progressive introduction of dungeons etc, but I think most of us want a snapshot of time.
    I also remember a lot of bad stuff about vanilla, so I know what I'm getting into, but I hear a lot of players wax lyrical about vanilla wow, and I think a lot are in for a rude awakening. We'll see personally I can take it or leave it, but I will be trying classic wow whenever it gets here.

  • @smdrobot
    @smdrobot 6 років тому

    I think certain things can get changed, with a caveat. For example, graphics. As some old wow models are ugly(fucking old high elves look so Elunedammpointy. Or Slyvannas just being a reskined night elf. I think a good option would be, have a toggle option between old and new models.

  • @SuperYtc1
    @SuperYtc1 6 років тому

    You nerds are just bluffing when you say you wouldn't play it if it had this or that. You're trying to make out that you wouldn't play if we had achievements? Do you think people are stupid? You're so addicted to the game that I'm sure a menu hidden in a menu isn't going to stave you off.
    Not that I care for achievements, but you're fooling no one when you say you wouldn't play if the game had them. Just as you would still carry on playing if we had character recustomization, name changes and optional graphics. You'd still play.

  • @lunamp3
    @lunamp3 6 років тому

    I honestly support a few changes, but only things like improved anti-cheat and performance optimization. Basically if it doesn't affect gameplay whatsoever and is generally agreed upon to not be a part of the classic experience and to be okay to change (I don't think almost anyone wants botters to be rampant again lol)

  • @akewri3272
    @akewri3272 6 років тому

    I played from tbc. I would try classic, but it will probably end with people that came with friends or whole guilds, so you won't really build community, you will be put into the void between them. I don't think it will be as great and social as people remember it. Hopefully i'm wrong.

  • @ebbemllerfriisberg8808
    @ebbemllerfriisberg8808 3 роки тому

    love hearing nixxiom and crendor both saying that gamers haven't changed. after more than two yearhs of classic i know that that's just bullshit. but back then we were all classic virgins right. but nice video, so chill listening to those tho neerds. love it :)

  • @Zablan14
    @Zablan14 6 років тому

    The only real question I have for classic is that what happens when the people who got bored during the lull in normal WoW finish up with classic? I never played classic so does it have a finish point or was it somehow able to hold peoples attention with limited content. Are there plans for content to be added or is it going to strictly stay on whatever patch/content they decide to release it on. For the people who miss that and really love it I can see them being perfectly happy doing that over and over, but the people who leave one version because of a content lull to go to another, what’s to stop them from also getting tired of classic?

  • @nikolajpiil5213
    @nikolajpiil5213 6 років тому

    I fucking love the new character models the best thing WoD gave us. (and just about the only) + the thing with your model and the ground try standing in a new zone with an old character model and the same will happen. I think that modern wow has a more defined and nice style than old wow.

  • @Vicioussama
    @Vicioussama 6 років тому

    I think that every vanilla purist should have to play on their old computer from 2004 and the servers should be on the same server hardware as then :) it's not PURE Vanilla if it's not that ;)

  • @Ekalawesome
    @Ekalawesome 6 років тому

    Don't add any new features to Vanilla wow. Everyone who goes to play it for hype reasons, will miss the convenience and continue to play retail. My biggest fear is sapping retail's population...

  • @graphsicimagevinyls5882
    @graphsicimagevinyls5882 6 років тому

    what if.....after they release all the way thru all the 1.xx patches they take the game in an entirely new direction for B.C., a different direction

  • @takojitsu2197
    @takojitsu2197 6 років тому

    What if the wow classic servers required you to defeat the last boss of each expansion before you could move on 2 the next to Legacy server.. people will probably hate that but it would be really cool to have a leveling experience where are the raids are relevant.

  • @MrLarcenex
    @MrLarcenex 6 років тому

    I hope they don't put achievements in too, but hearing someone be such a child by saying they wouldn't play it if it was the exact same game with little achievement popups makes me hope they do put them in so he wont enjoy the game.

  • @zydian_
    @zydian_ 6 років тому

    bring back old animations!!!!! you dont need a engineer for that shit, it was alrdy available in wod, while being removed in legion for no reason!!

  • @Jovahkiiin
    @Jovahkiiin 6 років тому

    No changes, just progressive, and each time they progress, leave a server up for the people who want to remain vanilla only, i'd personally love wotlk.

    @CAPITALIZEDNAME 6 років тому

    Man, you guys should do a podcast for wow. It could be in a pretty low effort, non-content-ish way so we could checkout of our heads while listening.

  • @Jognt
    @Jognt 6 років тому

    Soooo... How about a "Pointless Top Ten Pointless Top Ten Comments"? Have you done that? Hard to keep track :P