@@freedom9330 We never stop learning. The day we stop learning is the day we start dying. If Jahaziel has knowledge of self then I bet he will be the first to acknowledge that he has a lot to know (learn) about him (self).
@@DanceswithHyenas you just stated the obvious, SELF means 0 about jesus and or a god in the sky or bible. He has left that way of life for good and its a good thing. Jesus and the Holy ghost is not needed
@@freedom9330 His knowledge of self came without looking for it? I was searching for knowledge of self in the 90s. I found it. I myself am flawed, I myself am concerned about me, I myself was lost without a hope, I myself needed redemption, I myself was redeemed by the blood of Jesus of Nazareth, God in the flesh. I myself was saved from a well earned condemnation. Knowledge of self.
Its funny all these christian people leaving bad comments if you don't like what he raps about find another puppet to listen to. An artists most of the time tells a story of what he is going through, an artist raps about his toughts, his emotions and experiences. At this very moment he's leaving Christianity which he was for 20 years too something else. Why Christians are the first one to bashing him, like you guys are suppose to be the loving people but you are exactly the opposite. Jahaziel could have just kept quiet about his faith instead he is outspoken about it obviously is because he believes in the new message he is giving.
I find it interesting that the same "Christians" who used to rock with him now bash him so badly. This man has the right to express himself and have questions about religion. Lots of you are secretly wondering or act like you lived so perfectly before you had an encounter with God. I still believe but I'm not claiming a religion anymore. I've seen more love and faith in other practices or for pets better than you treat souls/humans. Screw all that and check yourself. The hell you're ready to cast him into is the one YOU will bust wide open. Sheeple!! There's no White savior, period dot.
I hope and pray he comes back to the Truth which is YAH is Salvation JESUS YAH'SHUA and Him Alone. Amen Belongs to Him alone who's AlphAOmegA Jesus YAH is Salvation one and only true God saviour and Abba Father The Great AMEN .
Hi, Michael. He's in my prayers, most def. It's safe to say I was shattered by his deconversion. Have you heard the compassion, insight and wisdom he expressed on Heads Up? He really loved Jesus then. Pardon the French, but what the hell happened? This is the agony cry of my heart. I heard the interview. He said it had something to do with Africans singing European songs. Now, that's some talk I cannot support. No one gives up Jesus for that. Dammit, what happened, my angel?
It seems like he just chose Christian lifestyle back in the day but has never had a Holy Spirit encounter. That's why he keeps repeating the phrase 'religion'.
I don’t know about you, the difference I’ve notice is this. There was more light (wisdom, knowledge, understanding, peace, love, truth, etc..) in his material as Christian than what is being spat here. In this is nothing but a negative energy and sound being portrayed as enlightenment. I hope you will realise the truth again. Because some wicked/evil men through the ages have defiled something pure as the teachings of the Holy Bible does not mean God’s word is unclean. Satan from the very beginning showed his intension is to misuse the word of God to keep men in bondage. Jahaziel was not well rooted in his faith otherwise he would realised who his strength is and held on to him. I heard his album that came out in 2007 just only two days ago. He was a gifted and an anointed minister of God. I’ve listened to hip-hop since 1984 and know what I’m on about, believe me. God was blessing him with (good) success and not all success are attained in a righteous way by men. I hope he returns and feed the flock again.
These are his arguments, paraphrased of course: “there are bad Christians, so it must be fake.” “History has been white washed, so Christianity must be fake.” “Since he’s black, he refuses to admit he’s wrong even if he’s proven otherwise.” “There are stories in the Bible that seem too far fetched, so I can’t believe it, but mythology from Egypt and other cultures is something I can buy into.”.....bro, if you don’t believe, then that’s it, you don’t have to believe. But at least come up with a solid argument. Or even better, don’t waste time hating on something you don’t believe exists. That’d be like me making a diss track on the “flat earth theory”
Romans 1 and 2 clearly states that all men born on the face of the earth believe in the God of the bible. 1) his truth is written on your conscience 2) creation preaches at you daily that he exists and man suppresses this truth and fails to give him glory. Also to acknowledge the God of the bible means repentance from sin and men prefere darkness and to go thier own way. I dont believe for one second that Jahaziel did not experience Jesus Christ and salvation. I believe like many he is hurt and venting and like so many confused when they look at thier lives and look at the insanity death and destruction going on in the world and are angry at God because he has the power to solve it but evil and suffering continues Particularly when you look at the plight and continous misfortune of black men it can make you wonder what is this God of love thinking and demand real answers and for God to speak clearly. But no matter what I know that Jesus died and rose from the dead and in time all will make sense. I dont have all the answers but I know that Jesus is real and soon he will return and that's my hope. Romans 10:9
Sad, sad reality: "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." (1 John 2:19) This verse, and many others, explain the reality of false converts. These are people that say they've trusted Jesus, but never been born again (or regenerated by the Holy Spirit). There are plenty of people like this in the church and they begin to reveal themselves because they have many questions but either don't go to the Word of God and qualified pastors for answers or they get answers, but they don't like what they hear. Half this song reveals Jahaziel's ignorance about scripture, the sin nature of man, and the attributes of God. And he calls faith "blind," but in reality, it is the unsaved who are blind, thinking that they are wise, yet foolish (1 Corinthians 1:18-31 talks all about it). The objections in these songs can be answered Biblically and logically, but the hatred in his heart can only be addressed by the gospel. I pray for this young man because he "played" the Christian, but was never a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) renewing His mind day by day (Romans 12:1-2). And if he never was exposed to the true gospel, I pray that he will come to know it. What is the gospel? The word gospel means “good news,” but to understand the depths of the good news, we must understand the bad news first. We must understand that every human being are born sinners. What is sin? Sin is defined as breaking the absolute moral laws of God and coming short of His glory according to 1 John 3:4 and Romans 3:23. What is the absolute moral law of God? They can be summed up in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and God’s measurement of perfection is so absolute that if you break one law, you are guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10). Sin isn’t just what you do (a verb), it is who you are (a noun). Every thought, word, and deed of mankind is against God; no one seeks, understands, or fears God at all (Romans 3:10-18). Mankind has inherited this sin nature from the first humans God made, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12) because they disobeyed Him. Because we’re sinners by birth, once we die, we must stand before God and give an account to Him as our Creator for breaking His laws. God is holy, righteous, infinite, eternal, self-existent, all powerful, all knowing, as well as our lawgiver and judge (the Bible reveals this throughout scripture), therefore, He must rightly judge His creation for his actions. Everyone will be found guilty according to God’s absolute standards and must be sentenced accordingly; we’ve violated an absolute, eternal God and His punishment will be absolute and eternal. He must punish sinful man to the lake of Fire according to Revelation 20:11-15. You see, man’s only payment for their sin is death, yet there is a way to eternal life (Romans 6:23). How? This is the good news; God has provided Himself as a pardon for sinful man by coming in the flesh as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God the Son and the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead (the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit). The sinless Son of God was crucified brutally, died on a cross, and rose again to defeat death, to illustrate that He is God, and to offer redemption from sins. Redemption is being bought back to a relationship with God. God does this out of love and if we trust and confess that Jesus died and rose again, we will be saved from the penalty of our sins and forgiven (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10). How do we believe this? We repent of our sins, which means to have a change of mind about our sins through a godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:10), which leads to trust in Jesus Christ. This is known as saving faith. Not wishful thinking or faith by convincing ourselves, but a revelation in our hearts that supernaturally leads to faith in who Jesus is and what Jesus did. This is known as being born again spiritually by God. God will pardon your sins, grant you eternal life in the next life, and a changed heart to live for Him. This is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ; He died and rose again to offer the pardon we can’t pay in our own works or righteousness. In fact, Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and heaven (John 14:6), therefore, the only way to forgiveness and eternal life is by Him. This is the good news being offered today and to reject it means you stand before God when you die, relying on your own righteousness, and you will be found guilty. Yet if you repent and trust Jesus Christ today; you will be saved from your sins. I hope and pray Jahaziel will trust Him today for today is the day of salvation.
Um, can you do anything besides spout Scripture and gloat? Have you adtually listened to the man's music before he lost faith? Don't tell me he didn't know what sin is, or the gospel of Jesus Christ. His rhymes employed not only Scriptural thinking, but Scripture itself. I've heard a lot of Christian rappers. They can all spout doctrine. Some of them are severe Calvinists. But J.'s rhymes were the most down-to-earth, compassionate and wise stuff I've heard. His doctrine was sound. Chuck Missler once said we're the only group that kicks each other when we're down, so please stop doing it. At least listen to Jahaziel albums before this: I recommend Heads Up to start. And pardon me, but you don't have the right to say the man is not, and was never, saved. You don't know that.
Massive track! Love the way it brings all the white racist out and the blind Christians chatting shit in the comments 😂😂 keep doing your thing Jah, more life, more success!!
for a LOOSERferian /masonic muppet show maybe NOT for the truth. Nevertheless let us pray for Him he comes out of the darknes that Satan blinded the world's mind with unbelief of Yah is Salvation Jesus YAH'SHUA The One and Only True God Saviour Abba Father.
It's sad to hear someone that was of the Christian faith and I knew going up from teens via the music scene get to this point. Something clearly wasn't right, his foundation. To go to a belief system that is open ended beliefs in gods and goddesses fits the world belief system anything goes to please the senses. To follow Christ is the narrow way the faith isn't based on a Roman Emperor. He was a Pagan that converted questionable as he disliked the Jews because what they did to Jesus it created a divide. Who influenced that? He created, adopted Babylonian practices to separate Christians from the original practices and festivals Jewish believers did. Hence Easter not passover, Lent, Christmas. 1st Century Christians worshipped on Saturday, did passover but in remembrance of Christ and what happened in Egypt was a shadow of Christ as the lamb and his blood saves now. Understanding that Yahweh always protects his own I'm not sure why that is a problem. A Good father protects his own children. A few people I know that were Christian are either Black Israelites or Kemetic there is a underline theme black supremacy. Unfortunately Jahaziel is in and has opened up himself to ideas and belief system that have programmed him and these people say they are Woke. They always speak about Christianity proclaim what you believe and make sense out of it.
Jahaziel, I LOVE, LOVE you and I really, respect that once you had doubts, you came out boldly and didn't fake it. That said, I really think you're jumping from the pan to the fire here. If Christianity has holes, if you're bothered by the Old Testament god, African religious tradition is definitinately NOT a step forward. Dig deeper.
nubianecutie in one interview he spoke about going on tour in Africa with DaTruth And The Ambassador and feeling disappointed because the Church culture there was no different then in England. It seems he was seeking to connect with a Culture. And doing that became more important than connecting with The Creator. Let’s keep him in 🙏🏾 prayer !!
Wow, it’s the first Anti-Christian rapper in the history of Rap.....does he talk about anything else in his music now. This is pretty wack to me. Also it’s pretty weird to hear someone questioning all the ins and outs of a faith he once subscribed to (for years). If he was never a Christian I might give him the benefit of the doubt but knowing that’s not the case it just gives the appearance that he’s trying to look cool dissing everything about Christianity and it’s not working. He just looks lame, like he’s arguing with himself. Nothing he says seems like an authentic thought.
Jahaziel. you need to get on with the life you have chosen. by christian bashing and arguing with the bible, you are showing that you are still fighting and struggling with your past and beliefs. you dont believe in christianity anymore? then dont chat about it man. concentrate on your decision. if you had true peace about leaving christianity then you wouldnt feel the need to be its enemy. why are you making it your mission to attack the faith that got you where you are in the first place? you could make it in the secular world but you need to drop the religious chat from your lyrics, the world doesnt want to listen to religious music in general if you want fame and fortune. if you are willing to have a discussion with me then i am up for that....
Why are you people so scared of hearing truth? You'd rather hear stories about talking snakes and people walking on water than hear a man who used to believe that rubbish now showing that he's obviously wiser than he was then, that's what life is about, living and learning, if adults still believed in santa they'd be consider stupid yet they still believe in god and Satan, heaven and hell etc... educated people should not believe such fictional theories about life.
Napalm I'm not sure what the truth is, (a man is wisest when he knows that he knows not), however i definitely know what bullshit is. A whale swallowed a man and he was alive three days later? If the bible told you Jonah swallowed the whale you'd believe that? You have to understand the level of foolishness in the bible is fairy tale levels, the problem with humans is they need answers so bad that they accept anything over nothing.
letssbereal there have been accounts of fisherman swallowed live by whales etc in the early 20th century. They survived upto 3 days too. They looked Grimm when they were caught by other fisherman though ha ha. But the point is God can do anything, if he can't make a whale swallow a man and keep him in its stomach for 3 days then He wouldn't be God. The power of God and wisdom of God appears as foolishness to men of limited power. If my God couldn't do simple things like use mammals and animals and work miracles then He doesn't deserve my attention or anyone else's, The are enough magicians around who can do amazing tricks but be explained by science that proves they are not wielding Godlike powers. Why do you find it hard to believe a person called God can create planets and all life but can't make a donkey speak? Thanks for your reply by the way, it's good to talk and be civil on both ends man. Nice one 💯
Personally I don't see what the issue is; He said he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ or in the bible anymore-- So what?? How does his belief or lack of, affect the price of fish in Tesco's-- The reason why he doesn't believe in Jesus is because he has never experienced him, which means that all the years when he was calling himself a christian and rapping about Jesus, he was just pretending, he was faking it-- Somebody else mentioned that he should return all the money he made selling his "hypocritical" christian rap CD's and church performance's and I think they have a point--- As for what he believes or doesn't believe, it doesn't affect me one bit-- I was never a fan of Jahaziel, it is the likes of Dwayne Tryumf that I check for because I know Dwayne personally and I know that he had a real encounter with Christ-- I wish Jahaziel the best, but perhaps he should change his name from Jahaziel (a biblical name) to Kunta Kinte', so that he can be truly identified with his ancestral routes--- Comedy channel
Paul Abraham Joshua believing in Christ and experiencing Christ are two different things. You can believe in Christ (as he did) and not have something happen. Im talking from personal experience, I believed and followed the religion but growing up and having more Questions then answers I started to see Christianity as a blind faith, which made me question what was the real difference between that and any other blind faith or cult. The people essentially make the religion, they interpret the words and share their views with people who know less. I decided to take my own interpretation and live by a moral standard. I believe in God but just can't fully believe that Christianity is the only path to him nor that we can know the truth through the Bible. I see the Bible as more of a scrptiture to give lessons and guidance but not necessarily an accurate representation of the past. I still go to church on occasion because I feel it is a good environment that is motivating and nice to be in. But I am also interested in other views thus I can't say I am blind faith as I just can't not question the world and the differences within it. I always think that if I was born in a place that had no Christians and died but was a good person, would I in Christian views be condemned or saved .I don't think the answer is that finding Christianity saves you, as God would then be cruel to those who have no clue about it. I think only God decides and if he is the omnisent presence that created us and has a connection with us all then it should matter more on your character than your faith.
samuel4131 And out of those 4,200 religions only one will truly lead you to heaven!! Exodus 20:3.....I pray you read the word accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior, because that's the only way your gonna save yourself from Hell fire 🔥🔥 God bless you!!
samuel4131 All other religions are based on teachings while Christianity is the only religion based on FAITH!! There are many different religions that will get you through to many different God's...But the only path to Heaven is Jesus Christ!! he's the one true God.. God bless you ✊
samuel4131 Okay take Wind for example.You can't see it but you can feel it, when the wind blows, you can see what it's blowing do you question if wind is real!?!? We can feel God's presence, we have the testimonies to see how God has worked in our lives so how can any true Christian question if our God is real......At the end of the day your entitled to your opinion, but nothing & no one will make me stop believing in my Lord and stray me from his path!!
samuel4131 The basis behind your argument is that more theories=no absolute truth which is an argument that collapses in on itself. Also, you talk about material evidence for certain things you can believe in. Where does the intelligence and reason come from to put faith in science? Everything in the universe points to something working behind the scenes. If gravity was just a bit off, we would collapse. If the sun were just a little bit closer, we would fry.All of the laws of science and physics, whether it be our cellular structure, the solar system, or systems in nature, point to a creator, whatever you want to call it. To believe that it comes from nothing, has no creator, or intelligent origin takes way more faith than believing there is something outside of this realm that orchestrated it.
Its not just the worst, his incomprehension is laughable, i wonder was their genuine attempts on his part to seek answers to these objections from a i.e his Pastor, Christian Apologise?
Jason Hinrichs You are free to refute any argument he presented. Religion in all forms cannot withstand intellectual scrutiny... Ignorance and fear created the gods. Try reading a book besides the bible.
Leandre Jack the arguments he presented are not new. There have been refuted so many times. you say all forms of religion cannot withstands intellectual scrutiny...you mean intellectual scrutiny with Books such as Richard Dawkins 's The God Delusion or Bertrand Russell's " why am not a Christian"?? many Christian Apologist have responded to these scrutinizes. Atheist / Agnostics cannot withstand when their worldview is scrutinized with their own reasoning and logic. you say ignorance and fear created the gods?...you have demonstrated ignorance by assuming Christians do not read books, besides the bible.
PrinceSolomon82 Richard Dawkins, Neil Degrasse Tyson, et al are all world renowned scientist. What these great minds have in common is that they do not believe in the existence of a personal god. The evidence does not allow for it. Now, the claims that Christian apologists make are untenable. Hence the reason the majority of great thinkers cannot identify with your faith. My reference to not reading other books besides the Bible presumes that the other side of the argument was clearly not examined. You cannot understand the science and history that conflicts religion and remain religious - period.
Jack Leandre your response are loaded with assertions. you say scientists like Dawkins & Tyson do not believe in existence of a personal god. The evidence those not allow for it. what evidence are you refer to?? it's intellectually dishonest to use science to disprove religion then it's no longer science. it's also intellectually dishonest to use religion to disprove science. Then it's no longer philosophy. "The Claims that Christian Apologetics make are untenable"...which claims and apologist did you have in mind?? Please point me to your sources?
Such bad argumentation. Not a single argument he posed would stump a true Christian for a second. He claims to think for himself, he's just buying what racism fed him.
Jason Barrat Jesus was a middle-eastern Jew. After his death and resurrection, his disciples spread the gospel all over the middle east, Africa and Europe. Islam came and conquered much of these areas, except much of Western Europe, whose believers were then able to bring the gospel back to Africa and Asia thanks to their wealth and inventions (ships, the printing press). So although the white man introduced the black man to Jesus, they don't have ownership of him. Us Blacks need to put our Christian identity above our race, gender or sexuality, cos in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek. All this identity politics, black on white racism and exaltation of self is infiltrating the church to our detriment. Also, Arabs enslaved and continue to enslave more Blacks than Whites ever did. In fact their name for Black people is Abid which literally translates as slave. I'll pray for Jahaziel. No one who has truly experienced the truth and love of Jesus can abandon Him easily.
Kimberly Kuta, the fact that you think white people invented ships just goes to show how limited your knowledge of history is, I suggest you do more research before you type. Outside of the bible there is no proof that Jesus ever existed, black people are a spiritual people and were enslaved by white people using the bible. Christianity is a lie, and if you believe that somebody had a baby without having sex or that a man walked on water... or as brother Jah says animals from all over the world walked it to the middle east to get into a boat, then with all due respect your naive and child like and I really can't be having this conversation with you. I'm glad Jahaziel has grown out of Christianity and I hope you do to.. but at best I hope you invest some time and study real history not pseudo-history from a book of myths. Don't believe what your pastor tells you research for yourself.
Jason Barrett So who invented ships and the printed press? Furthermore, who used it to travel outside of their continent? Why didnt Black people take the initiative to go and enslave/dominate/educate Europeans then? I believe the Bible yes, and my faith is not dependent on any pastor or 'white people', I have experienced God for myself so even if all white people renounce Christianity (as many of them have) the truth has set me free so I will hold on to it. Also, I believe further research will also show you that Jesus did exist. If not, then for some random Jew to continue to have a sizeable following two thousand years after he lived, with many of his followers willing to die and continue to die for Him is a phenomenon worthy of note either way. And unlike Mohammed, Jesus never engaged in war, politics or coercion to advance His views, or asked His followers to do so. Christianity sounds silly to you because you do not believe in a God that can do the impossible. That's OK. I do.
Jahaziel brah you need to check out Rabbi Ralph Messer's teaching on the truth behind the black culture and its true roots (with evidence)... don't take my word for it do your own research bro
I am not the one threatening people with eternal punishment if they don't believe what i say. I am not the one travelling the globe to rip people from their traditions and cultures to force mine upon them by controlling their schools and laws. I am not the one lying about human history and actively whitewashing the identities of historical figures. I am not the one collecting billions of pounds and dollars every week claiming its for charity yet doing little or nothing to end world poverty. I am not the one with a history of child molestation and avoiding apropiate justice under a guise of holiness because i wear a collar.
Jahaziel Elliott are you telling me Jezus did all this stuf? Of is it that people who follow jesus are the badest people on earth, worse Than any other culture?
You asked me to not bash Christianity but if Christianity is guilty of these things it is my moral obligation to speak about it. People of nearly every religion will justify certain inhumane acts rather than challenge their religious system. I won't.
The question is: Is belief in science the Reason sth happend? Is belief in a religion the Reason sth happend? Without science, religion the same things happen
Let's pray for Ja so he comes back to the faith! It's sad when the chosen get tricked by lies of the devil.
You’ve got things so twisted or your an agent
God bless you Jahaziel. Am 100% Christian but will always show you love and respect. I hope you find what you are looking for ....
He's not looking for anything he has KNOWLEDGE OF SELF
@@freedom9330 We never stop learning. The day we stop learning is the day we start dying. If Jahaziel has knowledge of self then I bet he will be the first to acknowledge that he has a lot to know (learn) about him (self).
@@DanceswithHyenas you just stated the obvious, SELF means 0 about jesus and or a god in the sky or bible. He has left that way of life for good and its a good thing. Jesus and the Holy ghost is not needed
You can leave Jesus..... but Jesus never leaves you!
@@freedom9330 His knowledge of self came without looking for it? I was searching for knowledge of self in the 90s. I found it. I myself am flawed, I myself am concerned about me, I myself was lost without a hope, I myself needed redemption, I myself was redeemed by the blood of Jesus of Nazareth, God in the flesh. I myself was saved from a well earned condemnation. Knowledge of self.
Its funny all these christian people leaving bad comments if you don't like what he raps about find another puppet to listen to. An artists most of the time tells a story of what he is going through, an artist raps about his toughts, his emotions and experiences. At this very moment he's leaving Christianity which he was for 20 years too something else. Why Christians are the first one to bashing him, like you guys are suppose to be the loving people but you are exactly the opposite. Jahaziel could have just kept quiet about his faith instead he is outspoken about it obviously is because he believes in the new message he is giving.
I find it interesting that the same "Christians" who used to rock with him now bash him so badly. This man has the right to express himself and have questions about religion. Lots of you are secretly wondering or act like you lived so perfectly before you had an encounter with God. I still believe but I'm not claiming a religion anymore. I've seen more love and faith in other practices or for pets better than you treat souls/humans. Screw all that and check yourself. The hell you're ready to cast him into is the one YOU will bust wide open. Sheeple!! There's no White savior, period dot.
Don’t clown him or bash him, edify the man, speak life on him! It’s a human condition when we want facts but not facts that challenge our worldview
Your composition is dope J! You are a master of your craft, great track!
🔥🔥🔥🔥 Keep doing your thing my brother Salute !!
Keep Jahaziel in prayer UA-cam fam
I hope and pray he comes back to the Truth which is YAH is Salvation JESUS YAH'SHUA and Him Alone. Amen Belongs to Him alone who's AlphAOmegA Jesus YAH is Salvation one and only true God saviour and Abba Father The Great AMEN .
Hi, Michael. He's in my prayers, most def. It's safe to say I was shattered by his deconversion. Have you heard the compassion, insight and wisdom he expressed on Heads Up? He really loved Jesus then. Pardon the French, but what the hell happened? This is the agony cry of my heart. I heard the interview. He said it had something to do with Africans singing European songs. Now, that's some talk I cannot support. No one gives up Jesus for that. Dammit, what happened, my angel?
Respect Jahaziel, much love!
It seems like he just chose Christian lifestyle back in the day but has never had a Holy Spirit encounter. That's why he keeps repeating the phrase 'religion'.
I don’t know about you, the difference I’ve notice is this. There was more light (wisdom, knowledge, understanding, peace, love, truth, etc..) in his material as Christian than what is being spat here. In this is nothing but a negative energy and sound being portrayed as enlightenment. I hope you will realise the truth again. Because some wicked/evil men through the ages have defiled something pure as the teachings of the Holy Bible does not mean God’s word is unclean. Satan from the very beginning showed his intension is to misuse the word of God to keep men in bondage. Jahaziel was not well rooted in his faith otherwise he would realised who his strength is and held on to him. I heard his album that came out in 2007 just only two days ago. He was a gifted and an anointed minister of God. I’ve listened to hip-hop since 1984 and know what I’m on about, believe me. God was blessing him with (good) success and not all success are attained in a righteous way by men. I hope he returns and feed the flock again.
dope ass track,respect
These are his arguments, paraphrased of course: “there are bad Christians, so it must be fake.” “History has been white washed, so Christianity must be fake.” “Since he’s black, he refuses to admit he’s wrong even if he’s proven otherwise.” “There are stories in the Bible that seem too far fetched, so I can’t believe it, but mythology from Egypt and other cultures is something I can buy into.”.....bro, if you don’t believe, then that’s it, you don’t have to believe. But at least come up with a solid argument. Or even better, don’t waste time hating on something you don’t believe exists. That’d be like me making a diss track on the “flat earth theory”
Your a whole fool read outside of the bible
Romans 1 and 2 clearly states that all men born on the face of the earth believe in the God of the bible. 1) his truth is written on your conscience 2) creation preaches at you daily that he exists and man suppresses this truth and fails to give him glory. Also to acknowledge the God of the bible means repentance from sin and men prefere darkness and to go thier own way.
I dont believe for one second that Jahaziel did not experience Jesus Christ and salvation. I believe like many he is hurt and venting and like so many confused when they look at thier lives and look at the insanity death and destruction going on in the world and are angry at God because he has the power to solve it but evil and suffering continues Particularly when you look at the plight and continous misfortune of black men it can make you wonder what is this God of love thinking and demand real answers and for God to speak clearly. But no matter what I know that Jesus died and rose from the dead and in time all will make sense. I dont have all the answers but I know that Jesus is real and soon he will return and that's my hope. Romans 10:9
AMEN. Beautifully said. My prayers are with Jahaziel too.
The thing is. He is right. I came to the same conclusion.
Blessings. Amun Ra
This is truth what this guy is saying.!
Hope Jahaziel return to the Highest Messiah,praying for him
Jahaziel gone back to Satan to face doom! JESUS A JEW, KING OF kIngs, LORD OF lords!
Feeling this. Where can I find more of Jahaziel's new stuff? Hope he's still creating.
We have a new album dropping. keep an eye on WWW.FEROTV.COM
Sad, sad reality: "They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us." (1 John 2:19) This verse, and many others, explain the reality of false converts. These are people that say they've trusted Jesus, but never been born again (or regenerated by the Holy Spirit). There are plenty of people like this in the church and they begin to reveal themselves because they have many questions but either don't go to the Word of God and qualified pastors for answers or they get answers, but they don't like what they hear. Half this song reveals Jahaziel's ignorance about scripture, the sin nature of man, and the attributes of God. And he calls faith "blind," but in reality, it is the unsaved who are blind, thinking that they are wise, yet foolish (1 Corinthians 1:18-31 talks all about it). The objections in these songs can be answered Biblically and logically, but the hatred in his heart can only be addressed by the gospel. I pray for this young man because he "played" the Christian, but was never a new creature (2 Corinthians 5:17) renewing His mind day by day (Romans 12:1-2). And if he never was exposed to the true gospel, I pray that he will come to know it.
What is the gospel? The word gospel means “good news,” but to understand the depths of the good news, we must understand the bad news first. We must understand that every human being are born sinners. What is sin? Sin is defined as breaking the absolute moral laws of God and coming short of His glory according to 1 John 3:4 and Romans 3:23. What is the absolute moral law of God? They can be summed up in the Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-17) and God’s measurement of perfection is so absolute that if you break one law, you are guilty of breaking them all (James 2:10). Sin isn’t just what you do (a verb), it is who you are (a noun). Every thought, word, and deed of mankind is against God; no one seeks, understands, or fears God at all (Romans 3:10-18). Mankind has inherited this sin nature from the first humans God made, Adam and Eve (Genesis 3, Romans 5:12) because they disobeyed Him. Because we’re sinners by birth, once we die, we must stand before God and give an account to Him as our Creator for breaking His laws. God is holy, righteous, infinite, eternal, self-existent, all powerful, all knowing, as well as our lawgiver and judge (the Bible reveals this throughout scripture), therefore, He must rightly judge His creation for his actions. Everyone will be found guilty according to God’s absolute standards and must be sentenced accordingly; we’ve violated an absolute, eternal God and His punishment will be absolute and eternal. He must punish sinful man to the lake of Fire according to Revelation 20:11-15. You see, man’s only payment for their sin is death, yet there is a way to eternal life (Romans 6:23). How? This is the good news; God has provided Himself as a pardon for sinful man by coming in the flesh as Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is God the Son and the Son of God, the second person of the Godhead (the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit). The sinless Son of God was crucified brutally, died on a cross, and rose again to defeat death, to illustrate that He is God, and to offer redemption from sins. Redemption is being bought back to a relationship with God. God does this out of love and if we trust and confess that Jesus died and rose again, we will be saved from the penalty of our sins and forgiven (John 3:16, Romans 10:9-10). How do we believe this? We repent of our sins, which means to have a change of mind about our sins through a godly sorrow (2 Corinthians 7:10), which leads to trust in Jesus Christ. This is known as saving faith. Not wishful thinking or faith by convincing ourselves, but a revelation in our hearts that supernaturally leads to faith in who Jesus is and what Jesus did. This is known as being born again spiritually by God. God will pardon your sins, grant you eternal life in the next life, and a changed heart to live for Him. This is the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ; He died and rose again to offer the pardon we can’t pay in our own works or righteousness. In fact, Jesus Christ is the only way to God the Father and heaven (John 14:6), therefore, the only way to forgiveness and eternal life is by Him. This is the good news being offered today and to reject it means you stand before God when you die, relying on your own righteousness, and you will be found guilty. Yet if you repent and trust Jesus Christ today; you will be saved from your sins. I hope and pray Jahaziel will trust Him today for today is the day of salvation.
Um, can you do anything besides spout Scripture and gloat? Have you adtually listened to the man's music before he lost faith? Don't tell me he didn't know what sin is, or the gospel of Jesus Christ. His rhymes employed not only Scriptural thinking, but Scripture itself. I've heard a lot of Christian rappers. They can all spout doctrine. Some of them are severe Calvinists. But J.'s rhymes were the most down-to-earth, compassionate and wise stuff I've heard. His doctrine was sound. Chuck Missler once said we're the only group that kicks each other when we're down, so please stop doing it. At least listen to Jahaziel albums before this: I recommend Heads Up to start. And pardon me, but you don't have the right to say the man is not, and was never, saved. You don't know that.
Jahaziel trying to fit a big God into a tiny box.
I am in tears
Massive track! Love the way it brings all the white racist out and the blind Christians chatting shit in the comments 😂😂 keep doing your thing Jah, more life, more success!!
Wonderful brother!
for a LOOSERferian /masonic muppet show maybe NOT for the truth. Nevertheless let us pray for Him he comes out of the darknes that Satan blinded the world's mind with unbelief of Yah is Salvation Jesus YAH'SHUA The One and Only True God Saviour Abba Father.
Just discovering your music. Respect ✊🏽. You spitting some real facts here. It’s a pity Buju Banton son is now using your name.
Whauw i feeel you so much !!
It's sad to hear someone that was of the Christian faith and I knew going up from teens via the music scene get to this point. Something clearly wasn't right, his foundation.
To go to a belief system that is open ended beliefs in gods and goddesses fits the world belief system anything goes to please the senses. To follow Christ is the narrow way the faith isn't based on a Roman Emperor. He was a Pagan that converted questionable as he disliked the Jews because what they did to Jesus it created a divide. Who influenced that? He created, adopted Babylonian practices to separate Christians from the original practices and festivals Jewish believers did. Hence Easter not passover, Lent, Christmas. 1st Century Christians worshipped on Saturday, did passover but in remembrance of Christ and what happened in Egypt was a shadow of Christ as the lamb and his blood saves now. Understanding that Yahweh always protects his own I'm not sure why that is a problem. A Good father protects his own children.
A few people I know that were Christian are either Black Israelites or Kemetic there is a underline theme black supremacy. Unfortunately Jahaziel is in and has opened up himself to ideas and belief system that have programmed him and these people say they are Woke. They always speak about Christianity proclaim what you believe and make sense out of it.
S= S.O 🫣😱😱😱
my i lost my faith and im so good, i will find a message on facebook when i send to you many yers ago when you open your eyes about fairy tails.
Thought this was a Christian rap channel will Cerose still appear on here
Lord Jesus help jahaziel come back to his first love amen.
Jahaziel, I LOVE, LOVE you and I really, respect that once you had doubts, you came out boldly and didn't fake it. That said, I really think you're jumping from the pan to the fire here. If Christianity has holes, if you're bothered by the Old Testament god, African religious tradition is definitinately NOT a step forward. Dig deeper.
nubianecutie in one interview he spoke about going on tour in Africa with DaTruth And The Ambassador and feeling disappointed because the Church culture there was no different then in England. It seems he was seeking to connect with a Culture. And doing that became more important than connecting with The Creator.
Let’s keep him in 🙏🏾 prayer !!
Wow, it’s the first Anti-Christian rapper in the history of Rap.....does he talk about anything else in his music now. This is pretty wack to me. Also it’s pretty weird to hear someone questioning all the ins and outs of a faith he once subscribed to (for years). If he was never a Christian I might give him the benefit of the doubt but knowing that’s not the case it just gives the appearance that he’s trying to look cool dissing everything about Christianity and it’s not working. He just looks lame, like he’s arguing with himself. Nothing he says seems like an authentic thought.
This is so sad
Jahaziel. you need to get on with the life you have chosen. by christian bashing and arguing with the bible, you are showing that you are still fighting and struggling with your past and beliefs. you dont believe in christianity anymore? then dont chat about it man. concentrate on your decision. if you had true peace about leaving christianity then you wouldnt feel the need to be its enemy. why are you making it your mission to attack the faith that got you where you are in the first place? you could make it in the secular world but you need to drop the religious chat from your lyrics, the world doesnt want to listen to religious music in general if you want fame and fortune. if you are willing to have a discussion with me then i am up for that....
Why are you people so scared of hearing truth? You'd rather hear stories about talking snakes and people walking on water than hear a man who used to believe that rubbish now showing that he's obviously wiser than he was then, that's what life is about, living and learning, if adults still believed in santa they'd be consider stupid yet they still believe in god and Satan, heaven and hell etc... educated people should not believe such fictional theories about life.
I for one ain't afraid of truth. It was hearing the gospel that I didn't want to initially hear that brought me truth.
What is truth to you? I could quote from the bible but you don't believe it is true so there is no point in that. What do you believe? Evolution?
Napalm I'm not sure what the truth is, (a man is wisest when he knows that he knows not), however i definitely know what bullshit is. A whale swallowed a man and he was alive three days later? If the bible told you Jonah swallowed the whale you'd believe that? You have to understand the level of foolishness in the bible is fairy tale levels, the problem with humans is they need answers so bad that they accept anything over nothing.
letssbereal there have been accounts of fisherman swallowed live by whales etc in the early 20th century. They survived upto 3 days too. They looked Grimm when they were caught by other fisherman though ha ha. But the point is God can do anything, if he can't make a whale swallow a man and keep him in its stomach for 3 days then He wouldn't be God. The power of God and wisdom of God appears as foolishness to men of limited power. If my God couldn't do simple things like use mammals and animals and work miracles then He doesn't deserve my attention or anyone else's, The are enough magicians around who can do amazing tricks but be explained by science that proves they are not wielding Godlike powers. Why do you find it hard to believe a person called God can create planets and all life but can't make a donkey speak? Thanks for your reply by the way, it's good to talk and be civil on both ends man. Nice one 💯
Personally I don't see what the issue is; He said he doesn't believe in Jesus Christ or in the bible anymore-- So what?? How does his belief or lack of, affect the price of fish in Tesco's-- The reason why he doesn't believe in Jesus is because he has never experienced him, which means that all the years when he was calling himself a christian and rapping about Jesus, he was just pretending, he was faking it-- Somebody else mentioned that he should return all the money he made selling his "hypocritical" christian rap CD's and church performance's and I think they have a point--- As for what he believes or doesn't believe, it doesn't affect me one bit-- I was never a fan of Jahaziel, it is the likes of Dwayne Tryumf that I check for because I know Dwayne personally and I know that he had a real encounter with Christ-- I wish Jahaziel the best, but perhaps he should change his name from Jahaziel (a biblical name) to Kunta Kinte', so that he can be truly identified with his ancestral routes--- Comedy channel
Paul Abraham Joshua believing in Christ and experiencing Christ are two different things. You can believe in Christ (as he did) and not have something happen. Im talking from personal experience, I believed and followed the religion but growing up and having more Questions then answers I started to see Christianity as a blind faith, which made me question what was the real difference between that and any other blind faith or cult. The people essentially make the religion, they interpret the words and share their views with people who know less. I decided to take my own interpretation and live by a moral standard. I believe in God but just can't fully believe that Christianity is the only path to him nor that we can know the truth through the Bible. I see the Bible as more of a scrptiture to give lessons and guidance but not necessarily an accurate representation of the past. I still go to church on occasion because I feel it is a good environment that is motivating and nice to be in. But I am also interested in other views thus I can't say I am blind faith as I just can't not question the world and the differences within it. I always think that if I was born in a place that had no Christians and died but was a good person, would I in Christian views be condemned or saved .I don't think the answer is that finding Christianity saves you, as God would then be cruel to those who have no clue about it. I think only God decides and if he is the omnisent presence that created us and has a connection with us all then it should matter more on your character than your faith.
Well said
So which is it?! ua-cam.com/video/1oBZOmrRoDo/v-deo.html
Boiii I pray he gets saved again, because the way this yute gonna burn is peak, Satan ah guh cook him rass!! 🔥🔥
samuel4131 And out of those 4,200 religions only one will truly lead you to heaven!! Exodus 20:3.....I pray you read the word accept Jesus as your Lord and personal savior, because that's the only way your gonna save yourself from Hell fire 🔥🔥 God bless you!!
samuel4131 All other religions are based on teachings while Christianity is the only religion based on FAITH!! There are many different religions that will get you through to many different God's...But the only path to Heaven is Jesus Christ!! he's the one true God.. God bless you ✊
Okay take Wind for example.You can't see it but you can feel it, when the wind blows, you can see what it's blowing do you question if wind is real!?!? We can feel God's presence, we have the testimonies to see how God has worked in our lives so how can any true Christian question if our God is real......At the end of the day your entitled to your opinion, but nothing & no one will make me stop believing in my Lord and stray me from his path!!
Jordan Lemar why are you saying burn in hell? That's not very Christian. I think you are a fake
samuel4131 The basis behind your argument is that more theories=no absolute truth which is an argument that collapses in on itself. Also, you talk about material evidence for certain things you can believe in. Where does the intelligence and reason come from to put faith in science? Everything in the universe points to something working behind the scenes. If gravity was just a bit off, we would collapse. If the sun were just a little bit closer, we would fry.All of the laws of science and physics, whether it be our cellular structure, the solar system, or systems in nature, point to a creator, whatever you want to call it. To believe that it comes from nothing, has no creator, or intelligent origin takes way more faith than believing there is something outside of this realm that orchestrated it.
Jahaziel can my church have back all those hundreds of pounds you charge us to rap w songs ? £500 to rap a couple songs on an outreach to win souls.
A lot of the Christian comments show not so Christian character. Your character shown on this thread fuels people’s reasons to call you out
I guess he got caught up in the numbers game.
You a Christian basher now, good luck with that one:(
That was the worst argumentation I've ever heard. Lol
Its not just the worst, his incomprehension is laughable, i wonder was their genuine attempts on his part to seek answers to these objections from a i.e his Pastor, Christian Apologise?
Jason Hinrichs
You are free to refute any argument he presented. Religion in all forms cannot withstand intellectual scrutiny... Ignorance and fear created the gods. Try reading a book besides the bible.
Leandre Jack the arguments he presented are not new. There have been refuted so many times. you say all forms of religion cannot withstands intellectual scrutiny...you mean intellectual scrutiny with Books such as Richard Dawkins 's The God Delusion or Bertrand Russell's " why am not a Christian"?? many Christian Apologist have responded to these scrutinizes. Atheist / Agnostics cannot withstand when their worldview is scrutinized with their own reasoning and logic. you say ignorance and fear created the gods?...you have demonstrated ignorance by assuming Christians do not read books, besides the bible.
PrinceSolomon82 Richard Dawkins, Neil Degrasse Tyson, et al are all world renowned scientist. What these great minds have in common is that they do not believe in the existence of a personal god. The evidence does not allow for it. Now, the claims that Christian apologists make are untenable. Hence the reason the majority of great thinkers cannot identify with your faith.
My reference to not reading other books besides the Bible presumes that the other side of the argument was clearly not examined. You cannot understand the science and history that conflicts religion and remain religious - period.
Jack Leandre your response are loaded with assertions. you say scientists like Dawkins & Tyson do not believe in existence of a personal god. The evidence those not allow for it. what evidence are you refer to??
it's intellectually dishonest to use science to disprove religion then it's no longer science. it's also intellectually dishonest to use religion to disprove science. Then it's no longer philosophy.
"The Claims that Christian Apologetics make are untenable"...which claims and apologist did you have in mind?? Please point me to your sources?
Such bad argumentation. Not a single argument he posed would stump a true Christian for a second. He claims to think for himself, he's just buying what racism fed him.
AONHipHop the worse is he can't even seen it..
AONHipHop There is nothing more racist than Christianity. A religion that endorses slavery. Go read Leviticus 25:39-50 and Exodus 21:20-21
Jason Barrat Jesus was a middle-eastern Jew. After his death and resurrection, his disciples spread the gospel all over the middle east, Africa and Europe. Islam came and conquered much of these areas, except much of Western Europe, whose believers were then able to bring the gospel back to Africa and Asia thanks to their wealth and inventions (ships, the printing press). So although the white man introduced the black man to Jesus, they don't have ownership of him. Us Blacks need to put our Christian identity above our race, gender or sexuality, cos in Christ there is neither Jew nor Greek. All this identity politics, black on white racism and exaltation of self is infiltrating the church to our detriment. Also, Arabs enslaved and continue to enslave more Blacks than Whites ever did. In fact their name for Black people is Abid which literally translates as slave. I'll pray for Jahaziel. No one who has truly experienced the truth and love of Jesus can abandon Him easily.
Kimberly Kuta, the fact that you think white people invented ships just goes to show how limited your knowledge of history is, I suggest you do more research before you type. Outside of the bible there is no proof that Jesus ever existed, black people are a spiritual people and were enslaved by white people using the bible. Christianity is a lie, and if you believe that somebody had a baby without having sex or that a man walked on water... or as brother Jah says animals from all over the world walked it to the middle east to get into a boat, then with all due respect your naive and child like and I really can't be having this conversation with you. I'm glad Jahaziel has grown out of Christianity and I hope you do to.. but at best I hope you invest some time and study real history not pseudo-history from a book of myths. Don't believe what your pastor tells you research for yourself.
Jason Barrett So who invented ships and the printed press? Furthermore, who used it to travel outside of their continent? Why didnt Black people take the initiative to go and enslave/dominate/educate Europeans then? I believe the Bible yes, and my faith is not dependent on any pastor or 'white people', I have experienced God for myself so even if all white people renounce Christianity (as many of them have) the truth has set me free so I will hold on to it. Also, I believe further research will also show you that Jesus did exist. If not, then for some random Jew to continue to have a sizeable following two thousand years after he lived, with many of his followers willing to die and continue to die for Him is a phenomenon worthy of note either way. And unlike Mohammed, Jesus never engaged in war, politics or coercion to advance His views, or asked His followers to do so.
Christianity sounds silly to you because you do not believe in a God that can do the impossible. That's OK. I do.
Jahaziel brah you need to check out Rabbi Ralph Messer's teaching on the truth behind the black culture and its true roots (with evidence)... don't take my word for it do your own research bro
there's no such thing as Ex-christian...He really is not Christian from the beginning!
He's a joke. Embarrassment.
Dang, this is good, but please stop attacking christianity it doesnt help anyone
I am not the one threatening people with eternal punishment if they don't believe what i say. I am not the one travelling the globe to rip people from their traditions and cultures to force mine upon them by controlling their schools and laws. I am not the one lying about human history and actively whitewashing the identities of historical figures. I am not the one collecting billions of pounds and dollars every week claiming its for charity yet doing little or nothing to end world poverty. I am not the one with a history of child molestation and avoiding apropiate justice under a guise of holiness because i wear a collar.
Jahaziel Elliott are you telling me Jezus did all this stuf? Of is it that people who follow jesus are the badest people on earth, worse Than any other culture?
You asked me to not bash Christianity but if Christianity is guilty of these things it is my moral obligation to speak about it. People of nearly every religion will justify certain inhumane acts rather than challenge their religious system. I won't.
People dont only use religion to justify there behavior, Hitler used sciences. So schould we also bash science?
The question is: Is belief in science the Reason sth happend? Is belief in a religion the Reason sth happend? Without science, religion the same things happen