Illni ma nisma podcast ta Jon Mallia xhur twal Izda ta Jamie bilfors kelli nismahha Proset tal Podcast Iprovaw gibu lil ta Bajd u Bejken ghal episodju Mhemmx bzonn hamalgni galore izda fuq ir rational taghhom u kif waslu ghal one of the biggest podcasters in Malta
With regards to the discussion about package size -- man is another man's worst bully. Very sad to see that these things are almost considered a joke, to cover up the bullying.
Vera proset,dan il podcast zammni mwahla mal screen,interessanti hafna.Proset lill Jamie ,bniedem ta talent kbir u ghandu hafna x 'joffri.
Jamie is a very relateable character, loved this podcast!
Illni ma nisma podcast ta Jon Mallia xhur twal
Izda ta Jamie bilfors kelli nismahha
Proset tal Podcast
Iprovaw gibu lil ta Bajd u Bejken ghal episodju
Mhemmx bzonn hamalgni galore izda fuq ir rational taghhom u kif waslu ghal one of the biggest podcasters in Malta
Tifel ta Vera karattru li jigbed il kulhadd❤❤❤
Irridu Part 2 ma Jamie, wisq poddata tajba u interresanti
Proset podcast interessanti hafna
Prosit tal programm, imma Jamie helu wisq
With regards to the discussion about package size -- man is another man's worst bully. Very sad to see that these things are almost considered a joke, to cover up the bullying.
Karattru helu wisq