• @resipsa6874
    @resipsa6874 4 роки тому +99

    By noon on September 11, 2001, I was in an army recruiting office. I believed I was doing the right thing for the country. I spent the next four years as a combat medic with two deployments. I don't know that I did the right thing, but I didn't know any other way to respond. I'm still haunted from over there, and disgusted by the lies we were fed by politicians. I desperately hope that something we did over there mattered. Thank you if you've taken the time to read my words. Take care of yourselves and each other, especially now.

    • @Gregory......
      @Gregory...... 4 роки тому +9

      I desperately hope that something we did over there mattered. " Oh it matters, it always matters ! " Thanks for your service "

    • @mopar546
      @mopar546 4 роки тому +9

      it mattered to me.thank you

    • @robertakline9785
      @robertakline9785 4 роки тому +8

      Thank you for your sevice. I am sorry for any suffering you may endure and pray God blesses you with peace and joy. I know everyone says it and it may ring shallow but if you need a friend just holler.

    • @shawnmierczynski9830
      @shawnmierczynski9830 3 роки тому +5

      Thank you for your service

    • @nancytucker6365
      @nancytucker6365 3 роки тому +5

      What you did mattered!!!

  • @georgewodicka4839
    @georgewodicka4839 4 роки тому +60

    The fact that you were not yet a sparkle in your parent's eyes and had this genuine reaction to these events speaks volumes to your character. I knew one of the NYPD officers who ran into the building. Never forget. I won't. 🇺🇸👮

  • @stephanietip
    @stephanietip 3 роки тому +27

    There is an actor who has been in some really big movies, including The Bruce Willis movie Armageddon,named Steve Buscemi,who at one time was a NYC fire fighter,and during 911 went back quietly without the "look at me"crap and temporarily rejoined his unit and worked 12 and 15 hour days searching the rubble for survivors and recovering remains

    • @quinny6920
      @quinny6920 2 роки тому +1

      I’ll never forget him for doing that

  • @jilliant.4550
    @jilliant.4550 4 роки тому +9

    I had a very good friend who was in the north tower. He made it out safe, lost 6 of his coworkers, but spent years struggling with depression, guilt, and ptsd. A year ago he committed suicide. My heart goes out to all those who lost their lives that day, but also to all those whose lives it has claimed since.

    • @theresapatterson4329
      @theresapatterson4329 3 роки тому +2

      I'm so very sorry for the loss of your friend. God bless you.

  • @RevJacobDavis
    @RevJacobDavis 4 роки тому +24

    Daniel, I was 17 when 9/11 happened. I watched the towers fall in real-time via a newscast on a classroom television. I was also in high school two years earlier when the Columbine massacre occurred. When you say, "Let's just stop the taking of human life, please," it cuts deep. Even in my own lifetime--even in yours--there's been so much needless death. We so carelessly devalue each other, so often fail to see the Image of God in the face of our neighbors, so quickly let hurt turn to anger and violence instead of grace and forgiveness. It robs us of each other, it robs us of ourselves, and it is heartbreaking. Keep listening to the music, Daniel. Keep digging deep into the meaning of each incredible piece of art. Keep seeking out the goodness, truth, and beauty that, by providence, still exists in the world, even amidst the brokenness.

    • @pamelajordan5948
      @pamelajordan5948 3 роки тому +1

      Working at a nursing home 21 walked into my apartment so tired turned my TV on well know the rest 😫😫😫😫😫😫

  • @timwirasnik5878
    @timwirasnik5878 4 роки тому +19

    I was sitting at my local VA waiting on an Appointment watching it on TV with a room full of other veterans, all our jaws on the floor, we all knew we were under attack, and none of us were in a position to help, and man that is the most helpless feeling in the World!

    • @shawnmierczynski9830
      @shawnmierczynski9830 3 роки тому +2

      First of all thank you for your service also I’m sorry you were treated so poorly by the VA when you came home

    • @deedee-qf2ne
      @deedee-qf2ne 3 роки тому +1

      Tim, your comment broke my heart. Thank you for your service and God bless you.

  • @stephaniekissel1178
    @stephaniekissel1178 4 роки тому +42

    You seem to interpret "pray for the ones who don't know" as referring to people who hadn't heard of the attacks yet. Maybe it isn't something younger people are told, but they spent days, maybe even weeks pulling people out of the collapsed towers, so my mind has always gone to those who didn't know if their loved one was buried alive, awaiting rescue or already dead.
    I was less than a week away from turning 9 in the 3rd grade. It was a beautiful day with the bluest sky. We had our 1st ever day of statewide standardized testing, so we were a bit anxious, but one girl brought in cookies to celebrate her birthday, so that made things a bit better. We came back in from recess that afternoon asking our teacher why there was a cop standing guard outside. She nearly broke down in tears as she told us that we were under attack, and that the tallest buildings in NYC and the Pentagon had been hit. I didn't really know what she was talking about, so it didn't really sink in until I got home and saw the images on the news. It seemed like they showed nothing else on the news for weeks, just first responders digging through rubble. There was a real sense of unity afterwards that I wish we could have kept up for far longer than it actually lasted, because we sure could do with a touch of that in this country now.

    • @kp699742ph
      @kp699742ph 3 роки тому

      9/11 happened 2 days before my 2nd birthday. I remember what my mom told me about where we were. both parents are retired military. Dad was still military at the time. We were in Europe cause my Dad had training he had to do. We lived on the British or American base (Can't for the life of me remember, but we were in Europe(P.S. We are Canadian's)). Mom left the base a while later the first tower was hit. On the way back the Second one was hit and the first collapsed.
      We left the Base and it was normal.. We returned and they had the tanks and full assault gear on... That's when she heard what happened. She doesn't remember how she got home or how I was in the house.
      That's all I have been told. My dad did 2 tours in Afghanistan and one in Bosnia before that.

    • @gwolfstahl
      @gwolfstahl Рік тому

      In some cases, there were no remains recoverable, but lord, the volunteers worked tirelessly and continually to recover Everyone and Everything they could for next of kin.

  • @wallyboy6666
    @wallyboy6666 4 роки тому +19

    Daniel, thank you for doing this... and for keeping politics off your channel. ♡
    My son turned 18 in July of 2001. In August he won tickets to the David Letterman Show. (Some of the Top 10 items he sent in where chosen!)
    His car was a clunker, but he made the trip with a friend along with him. Of course, his car broke down in Queens.They had no extra money on them. (Very unprepared, small town mentality, biggest city they had ever been to was Pittsburgh!) Several New York Policemen took pity on them. They paid the subway fare for them, made sure they made it to the David Letterman Show. They even paid to have the car towed to a garage there. Amazing men! My son & his friend made it back home with many memories. ♡
    When September 11, 2001 happened, along with the rest of the country, we mourned all of those lost innocent lives. When the towers collapsed our thoughts went to all of those heroes that were on their way UP the stairs to help. God Bless those Heroes! ♡
    We will always wonder if those New York City Policemen that helped my son that day in August were among the casualties. ♡ My son regrets not remembering their names.
    We live about an hour from where Flight 93 went down. ♡

  • @aplacetohideaway
    @aplacetohideaway 4 роки тому +7

    Thank you for honoring those lost by scrolling their names. When 9-11 happened, I was home taking care of my young daughter. Her dad called me and told me to turn on the news. It took me a while to comprehend what was happening. It left me feeling quite unsettled for weeks. I would like to encourage you to listen to a beautiful song written by Mary Chapin Carpenter after she heard the experience of a man who worked in the hours after 9-11 looking for survivors amidst the rubble. He talked about bearing the weight of those lives lost, which I think you will connect with. It was such a powerful experience and is such a beautiful, powerful song. It's called "Grand Central Station". Please give it a listen, and find out the story behind it.

  • @perijetton9275
    @perijetton9275 4 роки тому +14

    Alan Jackson is a valuable comity for any genre of music. A wonderful writer and great singer. He’s one that always unites us in times of trouble. This song meant so much to so many during this time. He was able to say what we were all feeling in this horrific situation.

  • @georgewodicka4839
    @georgewodicka4839 4 роки тому +10

    Yes, I stayed to the end. And it was a very fitting and heartfelt tribute."It is not up to us to change everybody else. It is up to us to change ourselves".- Daniel.

  • @theblackcat5416
    @theblackcat5416 4 роки тому +16

    My late husband and I were in our home office in Rock Hill, SC when the news came over the radio and then we turned on the TV. We held each other while we watched in horror. To this day it is hard to believe that what we saw really happened. After those first few days of seeing the devastation over and over, I haven't been able to watch it. Felt so helpless....😥 We had a flagpole in our yard and my husband walked straight outside to lower the flag to half-staff. 🇺🇸

  • @1980bwc
    @1980bwc 4 роки тому +3

    I was repairing a flat tractor tire that morning at work. I had just turned 21 a couple months earlier. I know I grew up alot between waking up that morning, and going to bed that night. Alot of us young guys were seriously thinking it was a chance the military draft would be reinstated, and that we might have to go fight these evil murderers. We were scared, but we would have done it in a heartbeat! This country was a different place than it is now. We were all united by this. We became a team, in a way I cant imagine ever happening again. The world completely changed that day. We lost ALOT of our freedoms that day.

  • @nikkiplatt316
    @nikkiplatt316 3 роки тому +3

    I was in 10th grade history class- we had just started a chapter on world religion. Absolute panic hit. Parents came running to the school to sign kids out. I came home and found my WW2 Vet Grandfather crying and shaking with anger. That’s was my day.

  • @mmay2669
    @mmay2669 4 роки тому +6

    The day this happened, my team at work had a meeting in the morning with a vendor that we were looking into buying their software product. They were from New York and their headquarters was in one of the upper floors of one of the towers. While they were meeting with us, their coworkers were dying. At the time they did not know their fate. I learned the word "surreal* that day. Never forget.

  • @ritathomas5167
    @ritathomas5167 4 роки тому +7

    I was a stay-at-home mom at that time. I was home that morning taking care of our 2 year old son and doing things around the house. My husband was at work, which was only a couple of miles away. Our daughter was either in Kindergarten or 1st grade and was at school. My husband called me from work and asked if I had the TV on. I didn't, but when he told me a plane hit one of the World Trade Towers, I turned it on. Right after that, the second plane hit. We knew at that moment that it wasn't just some sort of freak accident. We knew we were under attack. My husband came home from work, and picked up our daughter on his way home. Lots of people went home from work that day, and lots of parents were picking up their kids from school. Nobody knew exactly what was going on, how many planes were going to be flying into buildings, or how safe we were as Americans. While my husband and I watched TV for most of the rest of the day, our children played and went on about their childish lives. Or so we thought. About 6 or 7 years later, we were thinking about going to New York City, as my husband's parents lived not too far away in New Jersey, and thought we would take the kids to see New York while we were in the area. We learned just how much 9/11 had affected our daughter when she said that we should go, because acts of terrorism had ramped up around the world by then, and nobody knew how much longer the Statue of Liberty would still be around. Quite a statement from someone so young. As it turned out, she wound up majoring in international studies in college, wrote many papers on terrorists and terrorism, and today works in D.C. for our federal government, doing her part to protect our nation. That's a true story. I am sure she isn't alone in her age group (now in their mid-20's or so) in wanting to protect our nation after living through such an act of terrorism in our country.

  • @rebecajohnston1135
    @rebecajohnston1135 7 місяців тому

    I was at work thinking one small plane had hit the tower. My sister called me and told me a second plane had hit. We knew then that life as we knew it had changed. I knelt with my kids praying for just one more to be pulled from the rubble. It's a day I'll never forget. I'll never forget the people who jumped rather than burn. Thank God they quit showing those pictures! They were people with families! There were the stories of those who were late to work for one reason or another and that saved their lives. My sisters and I went to NYC last year and paid our respects despite the tears. The names with "and unborn child" tore my heart apart.

  • @89801wink
    @89801wink 2 роки тому

    When you said, "Sorry" for saying what you feel...never, never apologize for stating your beliefs. Thank you for showing us your humanity.

  • @marlarogers9304
    @marlarogers9304 4 роки тому +3

    I was asleep when the first plane hit. I woke up, turned on the TV, and watched the second hit. I reached for the phone and dialed my mom. I asked only, "is this real?" She said yes, and we just went silent, and cried. For months, I cried every day.

  • @lindaslater7782
    @lindaslater7782 3 роки тому +1

    A few years after 9-11, three of my children and I took a vacation to the eastern United States. Along the way, we visited Shanksville, PA, NYC, and Washington, D.C., to pay our respects for those who died in the horrible attacks. I cried when I saw where the towers once stood, I cried when we drove past the Pentagon, but I cried the hardest in Shanksville as we stood looking over the field at the flag which marked the place where the plane hit. At that place, there was quiet, no sound of traffic or people talking, just the birds chirping. Memorials now stand at the three sites, but seeing it still "raw" gave me memories I shall never forget. My heart still cries for all those lost in the attacks.

  • @beckhutton47
    @beckhutton47 4 роки тому +2

    I was doing eye exams and my husband was working in Florida. I was in a panic. The entire city of Atlanta was shut down. No cell phone available and we had no idea what would happen next. I prayed and thought that this might be the end. Thank you Jesus that my family was safe.

  • @loriellerbrook6158
    @loriellerbrook6158 3 роки тому +1

    I worked 3rd shift at the time and just got from work and was unwinding and watching tv before going to bed. I didnt go to bed for awhile that day. I remember I called my grandma and said" Mimi are you watching this? "She said yes and "I'm so glad you all home". My sister and our aunt and I had been in Washington DC about 3 weeks before that.

  • @LillyMarz777
    @LillyMarz777 4 роки тому +8

    Excellent choice. I love Alan Jackson. His version of Amazing Grace is one of my favorites. Love murder on Music Row with George Strait too. Ok, who am I kidding, I love just about everything he has done.

  • @JoeTyria
    @JoeTyria 4 роки тому +4

    A friend and myself had been anticipating 9/11/2001 for weeks as we were going to see one of our favorite bands, Journey, at a local county fair. I was working as a security guard at the time, and had just worked the graveyard shift the night prior. So, I was asleep when the first plane hit. Said friend called me, woke me up, and asked if I had the TV on. I used to use news channels to lull (bore) me to sleep, so it was already on one of the cable news channels (don't remember which at this point). As I'm watching this, and trying to wake up, I just couldn't process it. I quickly ended the phone call, got dressed, and went to my Grandmother's house, whom I was always very close with.
    She was watching the news coverage from our local CBS affiliate on her big screen TV. Made what we were watching all the more real. I called my friend and asked him to meet me at her house as there was a ticker at the bottom of the screen which announced that the Journey concert had not been cancelled. He decided to come over right away, and the three of us watched the towers fall.
    We left Grandma's for the fairgrounds. We tried to turn on the radio for some music, if for nothing else a moment of escape, but every channel was covering (rehashing) what had happened. I told my friend to shut it off and we ended up singing songs as we made our way to the fairgrounds. I am a singer in my off time, so it was quite an emotional release just to open up and let it fly.
    When we got to the fairgrounds, it was a veritable ghost town. Kids had been let out of school early, but not a one was at the fair. It was eerie because it was so quiet even with the funhouse and carousel music playing. No planes overhead, they'd all been grounded because of the days' events.
    We got some food and just chilled out. During the process, we got to hear Journey doing their sound check, which was cool. We knew we were in for a great concert.
    People started pouring into the fairgrounds as it got closer to showtime. I distinctly remember a young man with a huge American flag. Despite all our differences, we were truly the "United" States of America that day. That sentiment continued throughout the concert, especially during Neil Schon's guitar rendition of "The Star Spangled Banner." I remember every nuance of that night even all these years later. It's visceral.
    I think back on the palpable sense of unity we had after those attacks, and how we've forgotten that we can only stand if united... And it saddens me to realize how divided we've become ever since.

  • @sidecardog5244
    @sidecardog5244 4 роки тому +7

    I was camping with my dog, I was without telephone, TV, Radio. Found out 3 days later.
    Great song. Brings back a lot of bad and good memories. Damn, I miss that dog.
    Ps, thanks for doing this song.

  • @nancytucker6365
    @nancytucker6365 3 роки тому +1

    Dear child you have restored my faith in our younger generation. The fact that this song gave you cause to self reflect is one of the best things I've witnessed in a long time. And please remember it wasn't just two planes into the towers, one also hit the Pentagon, and one was taken back over by Brave selfless Americans that choose sacrifice their lives and literally forced the airplane to explode killing them rather than hit the target of the mad men sent from hell. Thank you sir!!!

  • @stparisian
    @stparisian 5 місяців тому

    The fact that you were not yet born serves as proof that life will go on and persevere despite the efforts of hatred to wipe us out - am SO glad you came along after/despite the effort to end us. Love, an American grandma. 🥰😘 PS: Kiss your parents for us.
    The depth of absolute compassion in your eyes keeps me coming back here. Thank you. You are beloved. 🥰

  • @pamking704
    @pamking704 Рік тому

    I am a healthcare provider & was making rounds in a hospital. It was on every TV in every room. I will never forget the devastation & loss.

  • @janetgiddings5538
    @janetgiddings5538 3 роки тому

    Alan Jackson is a country music living legend, a true icon; this song is part of the reason.
    He wasn't going to perform or record it, because he didn't want to be taking advantage of the situation. His wife and music people heard it, and told him that people needed to hear it. Rather than the song he had planned to do on an awards show, he performed this for the first time! Hearing it was like putting a big Band Aid over our hurts. 💔 I believe it truly helped with our healing.
    Now, for a lot of fun, check out Alan's song and the official video for, "Chattahoochee"!
    I hope you aren't an unusual young man, because we sure need a lot more people like you! 🤠

  • @ellenstrack6274
    @ellenstrack6274 3 роки тому +1

    I am a nurse in NJ and was off and got up just before it happened. In anticipation of the magnitude of injuries we were anticipating I called work put on scrubs and let them know I would be in and be part of the front line team, it was something I would do, I had run EMS for years. I was explaining to my Mom I was going and why and watched the first tower come down and knew it was over. They called me from work and let me it was not necessary to come in. I drove 3 miles East to the harbor and stood watching the outcome after the Towers came down. We could see the large volume of boats moving toward Manhatten.

  • @lorrainehalle2597
    @lorrainehalle2597 2 роки тому

    I saw your reaction video on UA-cam. You are so young and yet so wise. My hope is that your generation will bring the change in the hearts of humanity. We need to come back together in this country. I pray for this every night before I go to sleep. God bless you.

  • @gustavopanesso7297
    @gustavopanesso7297 2 роки тому


  • @stparisian
    @stparisian 5 місяців тому

    I’m an American grandma … I’m not sure I can tell you the difference between Iraq and Iran but I did give my own blood … I DO know that I love you. Thank you for the reaction 😘🥰

  • @virginiapudelko6280
    @virginiapudelko6280 4 роки тому +4

    I was getting ready to work at the school my daughter attended. My father was in the air that day, heading out for a work related trip. My uncle was in NYC making a delivery and actually saw the towers fall while looking in his rear view mirror. It was a horrible day. We lost thousands of people that day in a most horrific way but many more would die (and continue to die) from the after effects of being on the site of those towers calling.

  • @Gregory......
    @Gregory...... 4 роки тому +5

    To this very day, this event still puts a lump in my throat. Just so senseless.

  • @twanajoyhildebrecht9718
    @twanajoyhildebrecht9718 2 роки тому +1

    Thank You for Being You and Keep Doing What You Do ♡ Love and Prayers from Southern Ohio🥰🇺🇲

  • @JamesSavik
    @JamesSavik 4 роки тому +6

    Thanks for doing this one Daniel. I was driving to work when I heard. I had just gotten there when the 2nd tower was hit.
    Being part of a military family, I was expecting war.

    • @gingergaia
      @gingergaia 4 роки тому +1

      Me too, heard on way to work on radio( thought a horrific accident) rushed in and then saw the 2 nd plane hit. Then I knew we would be at war. My 2 sons in the army, I burst into tears when the Pentagon was hit, bone chilled in fear. Thank God my boys made it home from that eventual war.

  • @larynanntapp6333
    @larynanntapp6333 3 роки тому

    As a retired EMT and volunteer firefighter, I remember. I was working at a small vet clinic...the veterinarian and I were in surgery. We didn't have a TV but did have a radio. The receptionist came into the surgical room and told us...the vet thought someone was pulling a joke on listeners. It didn't take long to realize that it wasn't a prank. I couldn't imagine what I was hearing on the radio....smoke, jumpers, people reduced to the tiniest pieces you'll ever see. On my lunch break I went to the Chinese was empty and it was obvious that they had been crying. I just sat there and watched the "replay" of everything. I went from not being to picture it to seeing it in slow motion. I am not a woman that crys often but this song is one that I do avoid at times when I know that I can't handle it.
    .Your reaction made me a're actually paying attention to the songs...a lot of people who do reactions aren't paying close attention so they miss crucial parts.
    Alan Jackson knows the difference between Iraq and Iran...that line is aimed at those who don't.

  • @robertakline9785
    @robertakline9785 4 роки тому +17

    Unfortunately people your age don't really understand how this affected us as a nation. The greatest tragedy is you will never know the America we lived in before 9/11, it was different.

  • @Kristen242008
    @Kristen242008 3 роки тому

    I was 17 years old. I was at home, and had woke up not long before. I turned on the TV just in time to see the second tower get hit. I stood there is shock for a bit, but then broke down crying when the towers fell. I will never forget those feelings. My mom worked at the commissary on the base near where we lived. She was sent home early when the base went on lockdown.

  • @Dobbythehouseelf-ug5pu
    @Dobbythehouseelf-ug5pu 4 роки тому +1

    I was in 6th grade. We had been standardized testing all morning, and had just gotten back from music class. Our teacher tactfully told us, and turned on the news. Someone in our class had just gotten back from the WTC and New York with his family the week before. Pray for the ones who don’t know. Many families were in a state of constant grief and stress, not knowing if they would ever see their loved ones again. It was weeks upon weeks before they knew 100% sure. Will never forget that day. Many first responders lost their lives too, not just the ones on the planes or in the buildings, the ones that ran headfirst into danger to try and help their fellow neighbors, and were in the buildings helping when they went down.

  • @timcaldwell5241
    @timcaldwell5241 3 роки тому

    I just saw your reaction of nearly a year ago…you said you didn’t expect to have such an intense reaction. I didn’t expect to have such an intense reaction to YOUR reaction!!! All I can say is…your parents did an OUTSTANDING job. You are a thinking, caring and loving person…There is a real movement to not teach about 9/11…it should not be forgotten!!! To remember is not to hate, but to honor those who died. Maybe the most profound thing said in this song and reaction was said by you…(paraphrasing) The best way to change the world is to change yourself…wow…Outta the mouths of babes…THANKS

  • @blainebourg2792
    @blainebourg2792 11 місяців тому

    I was a month away from being 3 years old and I remember being in the living room with my mom who was rocking my 9 month old baby sister.. I remember the emotion that was coming off of my mom and I still to this day remember the feeling that was in that room. I don not remember much at all from that age but that is something I will never forget.

  • @SaltyMinorcan
    @SaltyMinorcan 2 роки тому

    He wrote the song in the week that 911 took place and sang it at a televised event (Grammys or country music awards?). It helped us who heard it to greave. ty for reacting to it. side note: please ask everyone to prayer send good thoughts to the Jackson family as Alan was diagnosed with a nerve disease Sept 22, 2021. Peace & Love, Y'all.

  • @darcysalas3042
    @darcysalas3042 2 роки тому

    I was working at the hospital when people came from the pentongon. Tank you so much. That song means allot.

  • @130alon
    @130alon 3 роки тому

    All these years later, I can not hear this song without crying.

  • @sharonbrady-methvin9722
    @sharonbrady-methvin9722 4 роки тому +1

    I was working with tears running down my face....

  • @karenknepp9005
    @karenknepp9005 3 роки тому

    Thank you for taking time to show the names of those we lost..." one truly dies as long as their name is spoken. " k. (TX)

  • @theresapatterson4329
    @theresapatterson4329 3 роки тому

    I'm a paramedic, and I was on my way to work when the 1st plane hit. I thought that some poor pilot had had a heart attack. Then the 2nd plane hit, and there was no doubt what was happening. Those of us at our base about to hit the streets, stood in dispatch as the buildings fell. The plane brought down by brave passengers in a Pennsylvania field saved a hit to the White House-that's where it was headed. And the plane that hit the Pentagon. God bless all those who died, may He bless all those families left behind. God bless America!! #Neverforget

  • @quinny6920
    @quinny6920 2 роки тому

    You are a wonderful human being Daniel. I’m sure ur parents are proud of the young man you’ve become. I lost my only son Daniel, 5 years ago. You remind me of him…….peace 🙏🏻

  • @richardsokolis4668
    @richardsokolis4668 4 роки тому +3

    I was 2500 miles from home driving a semi. We sat around a TV watching in disbelief. I was sitting with four men that spoke little English but we all felt the same. On my trip home full of fear and questions. My very young children were in my thoughts. I stopped driving otr to be there for them..

    • @lastmanstanding1767
      @lastmanstanding1767 4 роки тому +1

      Same thing was the next day, but I just got off of i-40, and hit 70 on a dead head to grand junction colorado. I stopped at the flying J called dispatch and told them I was dropping the load and heading home. There were something telling me what I saw the day before could happen anywhere. I guess there are some benefits of owning your own rigg. I got home and just held my boys. Been local ever since.

  • @mommadchickadee8941
    @mommadchickadee8941 4 роки тому +3

    That day those who died in the towers and the countless responders also made me connected to them knowing they were perfectly strangers but somehow melded into being an extended family member cause of how utterly sad and horrific their deaths became because an unnecessary act of violence on our soil. Thank you for this review.

  • @bryanmcwaters6983
    @bryanmcwaters6983 4 роки тому

    What a horrible day... Every morning I would drink my coffee while watching news as I would get ready for work. I turned on the news right after the first plane hit and watched, angered as the second plane hit (telling my gf that we're under attack); an anger that turned to a pain that no words can convey as we watched those who jumped from the towers.. That was the last day I would watch the news as a morning ritual.. What brings tears to my eyes isn't some silly song, it's the memory that I both hate never leaves and hope never does; it's the loss on the day of the attacks and the loss of the unity shared in it's immediate aftermath..

  • @markluxford510
    @markluxford510 Місяць тому

    That sad day I was working as a social worker. I was in a peer records review committee meeting, when a team secretary came in and told us what happened. She brought in a TV so we could follow the news. With what was going on we couldn't concentrate on doing the job of reviewing the records in the charts, so the committee chairperson suggested that we adjourn and take our assigned charts to our cubicles and work on them there. We soon learned about the long lines that were forming outside gas stations. That's another indication that uncertainty and fears were a significant effect of the attack.

  • @sharmullins3894
    @sharmullins3894 4 роки тому

    Thank you for the reaction/review. It's nice to see a young person who cares and is respectful. Your parents did a good job. ;-)

  • @carolrose8793
    @carolrose8793 2 роки тому

    My brother was in Boston on a business trip, and he was supposed to be on the plane that crashed in the field. The meeting went long, and he was supposed to catch a later flight. We didn't know that, and couldn't get through to him on the phone. We were terrified for almost a whole day before he was able to contact us. That was a horrible time. I know I had terrible nightmares for years from watching video of those poor people jumping out of those towers, rather than burn. It still brings tears if I think too much about it. A horrible horrible time.

  • @charlestatem3099
    @charlestatem3099 4 роки тому

    Daniel, you're wise beyond you're years my friend. Thanks for showing and reacting to this video.

  • @gustavopanesso7297
    @gustavopanesso7297 2 роки тому


  • @Heatsauce70506
    @Heatsauce70506 4 роки тому +1

    I had a broken foot and was unable to help my brothers. I was stuck in Louisiana. Still feel guilty about that.

  • @shanonnunn4128
    @shanonnunn4128 Рік тому

    Today is Veteran’s Day in the US…. 2022. Thank you for your perspective.

  • @lindaslater7782
    @lindaslater7782 3 роки тому

    I cry every time I hear this song, and I'm so glad you reacted to it. Thank you for such a beautiful reaction. I could tell that it hit deep into your soul. I was on my way to work and did not know about the attacks until I got there and someone had brought a tv to watch. I was 51 then, and at 70, there are three things that I cannot read/watch without tears....Normandy, Pearl Harbor, and September 11, 2001.

  • @sallyg.125
    @sallyg.125 3 роки тому

    I was at a red light not far from home. The lady in the next car started yelling at me to turn on my radio! When I got home alone watching the news, I just walked in circles, wringing my hands, crying and feeling helpless. Nothing I could do from Florida.
    You are so right, Daniel. God does not cause these tragedies, Man do this things to each other. And, what did this cause? Just more war! Even atheists have faith though they may not know it. When you flip the light switch, you have faith the light will come on, etc.. I don't consider myself a traditional Christian though I do believe in a Supreme power who I pray to. What is right and true in any country or religion is true for all. And the greatest is love.
    You need to watch some Lucy shows. You won't regret it.

  • @carolyncostner9619
    @carolyncostner9619 4 роки тому +1

    I was in class taking a final test to be a critical care nurse. One of my fellow students had a father working in the pentagon that day. They ended the class and let us go home to our families. My daughter was9 and telling her what had happened was the hardest thing I ever had to do.

  • @gustavopanesso7297
    @gustavopanesso7297 2 роки тому

    Thanks D. For these superb choices of music! .!.👍👍👍👍❤🌻

  • @Yosef1952
    @Yosef1952 2 роки тому

    I missed this first time around. Thank you, Daniel, for re-posting this.

  • @deemareedubois3137
    @deemareedubois3137 3 роки тому +1

    More than 3000 children lost a parent on 9/11, I think of them often…343 firefighters died…heartbreaking.

  • @rodgerlang884
    @rodgerlang884 4 роки тому

    You are wise beyond your years. This was very well done and very respectful as well.

  • @cindytargett
    @cindytargett 3 роки тому +1

    I just buried my stepdad it came on TV my sister's were both in NY we didn't know where they were at for days.

  • @scottmccullough3981
    @scottmccullough3981 3 роки тому

    WOW 20 years later. On that day, I was in Phoenix AZ for work, and a lieutenant in the National Guard. I spent the next few days trying to work out how to get to my unit back in Tennessee.

  • @stephanietip
    @stephanietip 3 роки тому +1

    I had child support court that day.Had just gotten out of the shower,wet hair in a towel and literally a deodorant stick under my right arm.I remember every detail like it was this morning.

  • @jonathangilbert2456
    @jonathangilbert2456 4 роки тому +1

    I was preparing to go to a job interview when someone called and said "Turn on the News." I went to the interview but getting a job seemed so trivial at that moment because everything seemed so surreal with the attacks and the lives senselessly taken.

  • @mary-ellendowning7834
    @mary-ellendowning7834 3 роки тому

    i watched the towers being built traveling from ct to nj to visit family when i was a child. the nyc skyline still looks empty and my heart feels that emptiness every time i look at it now.

  • @renee9365
    @renee9365 3 роки тому

    I live on the west coast, so I was still in bed with the TV on and my husband was in the shower. In my 1/2 asleep state, I heard them say on the TV that all airplanes in the air were ordered to land immediately and that caught my attention. I sat up and started watching what was going on. I was 36 and hadn't been to church in close to 20 years, but I was compelled to go, so yes, I did go to church and hold hands with some strangers. There were flags flying all over the neighborhood and it made me cry going down the street. That was the only time that I have ever felt that every American was together. When you look at what's happening today to believe that we were ever all together in our horror of this day.

  • @beegee1960
    @beegee1960 2 роки тому

    Alan Jackson is one of the greatest country singer ever. He wrote this songs. You might enjoy his song REMEMBER WHEN, and his tribute to the great Hank Williams, Sr. MIDNIGHT IN MONTGOMERY.

  • @carolmeindl8973
    @carolmeindl8973 4 роки тому

    I was in Montreal Canada. I remember for weeks afterwards, watching every airplane that took of from the nearby airport and flew by my kid’s school,willing it to stay in the air and just keep flying on.

  • @sailinbob11
    @sailinbob11 3 роки тому

    Corner of Manhattan Avenue, and Buena Vista. Tampa, Fl. God bless America, her troops, and all her People. Capt.Bob, SV 27th Chance, Tampa Fl

  • @mutleymutley7474
    @mutleymutley7474 4 роки тому

    Hey Daniel, well, I'm a little behind again. I've heard this song before, great song by country great Alan Jackson. Where was I on September 11, 2001? I was home with the TV on getting ready for work on that beautiful Tuesday morning when suddenly the news came that a "small" plane hit one of the towers at the World Trade Center. My immediate reaction was, how can a pilot not see such a massive building? The WTC were two massive buildings a 110 stories high and one square acre each. Very hard to miss from the ground or air. I continue to watch on TV and saw the second plane hit the south tower. Suddenly a coldness fell over me and I knew right away it was no accident. I stayed home the rest of the day and watched the collapse of the WTC, the attack on the Pentagon, the down of flight 93 in PA and the collapse of WTC building 7 that occurred early that evening. I grew up 30 miles from NYC. As a teenager my friends and I were in and out of the city all the time and visiting the WTC was a treat, especially visiting the observatory on the 110th floor and on days when the weather was nice, the roof the south tower was open to the public. Imagine standing on the roof of the WTC south tower a 110 stories up. Just you and the heavens. Sadly, my last visit was a late Saturday afternoon in August 2001 when I stopped briefly to watch a live big band concert (the music of the 1940s) open to the public on the rotunda of the WTC. There were a several hundred people and many were dancing to swing, swing, swing. It never crossed my mind that a month later the towers would be gone. About a year later, I visited ground zero to see the rubble where the towers once stood. If you get the chance, visit the 9/11 Memorial & Museum in NYC. As Americans, we must never forget.

  • @TheNascarfan999
    @TheNascarfan999 4 роки тому +2

    If you have not done so, I would encourage reading the wikipedia page for the song to learn a little more about Alan's mindset and the timeline of the song. As someone else mentioned, I absolutely believe the "pray for the ones who don't know" is in reference to whether their loves ones survived or not (and for those that didn't, whether their body would ever be recovered). Regarding the line about Iraq vs Iran, I would say that the majority of Americans knew little to nothing about either country before 9/11 and thus hearing that line then was not a surprise like it might be now. The "I Love Lucy" line is another one that feels outdated now, but in the weeks after the attacks there was a debate and struggle over what to show on TV and an avoidance of things like violence.

  • @stevekoelliker6764
    @stevekoelliker6764 4 роки тому +5

    The world was different in 2001. The country wasn’t as divided and polarized. I wasn’t political then either. Now I am. I was an airport shuttle driver in Atlanta and had just dropped off a passenger at the airport. I got a call to come back and pick him up because the airport was shutdown as the rest of the US airports were as well. It was a crazy time. We were all mad.
    CNN was different back then. They weren’t obviously political like they are now.

  • @redraven4177
    @redraven4177 2 роки тому

    I was in Washington DC. I had just started my own business handling trade shows. I was helping at a conference for senior citizens. The lady I was working with and I had to get over 1000 attendees home. Luckily my family was back in Baltimore and was lucky enough to have a cellphone (they weren't as common as today.

  • @lizs8853
    @lizs8853 3 роки тому

    I was in my early 20s, away from home visiting family. My mother and I woke up to the news, held each other and cried. Flights were canceled, I couldn't go home to my job in healthcare. On September 12th we as a nation were kind and caring for everyone. The lines to donate blood were crazy. Honestly, please donate blood, covid has created a shortage. I'm still in healthcare.

    • @lizs8853
      @lizs8853 3 роки тому

      I don't think you totally get the point of did you close your eyes and not go to sleep. Imo most of America we didn't go buy guns, we were in shock. Strangers held each other in grocery stores and cried and prayed. Talking to strangers on the street was honest to God how are you doing friend and people really cared. I'd never wish for a September 11th but on September 12th we loved each other like we were all family. The lines to donate blood were long and nobody cared. It was important to help.

  • @davesisk4791
    @davesisk4791 3 роки тому

    I remember every sec of that day.. saw it all from the first plane on

  • @lisaray9944
    @lisaray9944 3 роки тому

    9/11 I had just dropped all my kids off at the school I Drive a School Bus in Texas . We got the call to go on stand-by if we would send kids home . I ran to the school and picked my son up no matter what my child was coming home . We sat at watched together the live news all day . My husband came home from work and he never does that in 25 years he’s only taken off work maybe ten days and this was one of them .

  • @connieromine7931
    @connieromine7931 4 роки тому

    God bless America

  • @tymmgwayn302
    @tymmgwayn302 4 роки тому +1

    Thank you, Daniel, for looking at this song. I was on my way to work here in Washington State. I heard it on the radio. When I paid for gas and saw the tv in the store, I was shocked. The second tower had just been hit. At work, we had the radio playing in the warehouse and the tv on in the break room. When we took our lunch, the towers fell. We continued the day. I went home, sat on the sofa and watched the news. I wept. I sobbed. All I could think about were all those lives. I wasn't listening to the conjecture. I wasn't thinking about wanting to destroy muslims. I was completely fearful for my country, and saddened at the immense loss of life. When the story of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania became known, I wept more. They showed video of the people jumping from the windows... they were the most horrific scenes of the day. I was a zombie for an entire week. Weeping for no reason throughout the days.

    • @theresapatterson4329
      @theresapatterson4329 3 роки тому

      I remember those people that decided to jump out of windows rather than die from the fire. It was heartbreaking. The next day this country was united like nothing I've ever seen. We should be like that all the time.

  • @LlamaLlamaMamaJamaac
    @LlamaLlamaMamaJamaac 4 місяці тому

    “People who are killing in the name of God are not really killing in the name of God” this is so profound and so true. These 19 men claimed to be killing in the name of God, but forgot one little detail about our religion: it considers murder to be the most heinous sin and is forbidden *even in “j!had”* (which means struggle/striving… it no more means killing than the fight/struggle for racial equality or women’s suffrage, or the fight/struggle against a personal “demon” like substances.)
    Alan Jackson premiered this song at the CMA awards very soon after 9/11; I want to say he had written the song only the week before. I don’t watch a lot of awards shows but I did watch this one, and wow what an experience… I can’t imagine there were many dry eyes in that house. Years later I heard it described as Mr Jackson’s voice and song giving the country a big hug, and that’s exactly what it felt like to me.
    Thank you (3 years later 😆) for such a beautiful and heartfelt reaction, and for sharing your thoughts

  • @jakemasters2674
    @jakemasters2674 2 роки тому

    I was in 3rd grade, didn’t really comprehend the severity of it at the time…but it was the first time I saw fear in my parents eyes. My dads words verbatim “pilots don’t hit buildings they can see” Dad was a combat controller and mom just got out of the Air Force as an air traffic controller so they both knew he was going to war but was mom gonna be recalled (sorry if that’s the wrong term)
    I can’t imagine the emotions they felt in that tiny living room.

  • @carolyn64
    @carolyn64 4 роки тому

    That Tuesday morning I was home from work waiting to take my daughter to her prenatal doctor appointment. My late husband and I were watching Good Morning America. They announced that there was a fire of some sort at one of the World Trade Center buildings. A live close up shot of the building showed a large hole in the side. My husband said that wasn't a small plane! While we watched a second plane banked around the other building and flew right into the side of it in a large explosion or flames and smoke! We just sat there not believing what we had just seen! The whole Country was in s state of shock for days and weeks after that day. I can't think of any other event of that impacted so many lives other than Pearl Harbor that marked our entrance into WW2! There are just some things that you live through that leave a larger than life impression.

  • @beegee1960
    @beegee1960 3 роки тому

    I was retired. I had a hair appointment and was dressing. So I did not have my T V on. When I got in my car, the news was on, and I was stunned. At the beauty shop, they had the TV on and I saw the pictures for the first time.

  • @patviola3527
    @patviola3527 3 роки тому

    Yes it home with me I am a 9/11 survivor I was in the south tower the plane hit 10 floors above me and I got out of the south tower just as it started to fall I was buried for 10 hours and i almost died from loss of blood and crush skull among other injuries and burns. I lost alot of friends including my best friend I will never forget

  • @wudunord7168
    @wudunord7168 3 роки тому

    Being only 7 at the time I don’t remember much, but I do remember watching tv when the 86th floor call was aired. I do remember the sadness and frenzy after that day more. I’m shocked sometimes by the attitude of some of the younger generation when events like this are brought up. I’ve watched many documentaries about this too, and they average 3000+ people were killed but only 300 bodies were found in the rubble.

  • @beegee1960
    @beegee1960 3 роки тому

    I liked how the song addresses this from the viewpoint of the average American when they saw what happened. Most of us can identify with those feelings. The pain, horror, and heartbreak of that day, will be imprinted on our souls forever. And it should.

  • @Hartlor_Tayley
    @Hartlor_Tayley 4 роки тому

    Thank you for honoring and remembering the people who were murdered on 9/11. Many more were injured and died from the lung disease and the families that still suffer from the trauma and loss should never be forgotten. I can’t forget, every year it’s a day of flashbacks. Bless you Daniel you’re a good man. 🙏🇺🇸🙏. Here’s another song.

  • @sharonwilkins8274
    @sharonwilkins8274 3 роки тому

    I was at home getting ready for work and actually worked at an army base. I couldn't believe what I was seeing on tv.

  • @lauriebowman6979
    @lauriebowman6979 3 роки тому

    I was at work and people kept getting texts and phone calls from their families telling them what happened. I got home...turned on CNN and spent the rest of the night staring at the TV in total shock. We had a few Americans working at our plant in Canada and because everything shut down they couldn't go home. I didn't know what to say to them... I just offered a hug if they wanted one. It was a very sad day.

  • @HottnTrottn08
    @HottnTrottn08 4 роки тому

    I was 11 years old when the attacks happened. Instead of going to school that morning, I was getting ready to go to my grandfather's funeral. Me and my entire family was glued to the TV , and we were in total shock. There were a lot of tears shed that day, and emotions were everywhere. It was the most beautiful day, with blue skies perfect temperatures. I hear everyone talked about unusually beautiful weather all over our country.

  • @catsathome
    @catsathome 2 роки тому

    I was 12 when it happened and at home not feeling too well. Mom had gone to the library which was in walking distance. Then my grandmother called asking for mom. When I asked what was wrong she told me to turn on the news. I remember watching and being so scared that even though I didn't feel good I wound up walking to the library to tell mom and my librarian about what was happening. They and several other people were watching on the computers and crying. So was I.

  • @geoffreyhamilton6494
    @geoffreyhamilton6494 3 роки тому

    I was stationed at Ft. Belvoir Virginia ...3 hours later at the pentagon ... two weeks before I even saw video. I grew up in a town called Pearl River New York heavily populated with NYPD/FD my father said there were funerals weekly for months.

  • @sandymorrow6375
    @sandymorrow6375 4 роки тому

    6th grade English class. Talk a test. The teacher came in and locked the door and said the school was on lockdown. 2 hours later we were sent home early. My mom met me and old sister(who was in high school) at the bus stop and we walked home and watched Disney movies.

  • @MrBlueSkyof1607
    @MrBlueSkyof1607 3 роки тому

    My mom was getting her first managram. She was done and entered her car when the first plane collided. Later, she was working at her place when her boss ordered everyone home. She worked in Buffalo, you see, and the building was very tall. They weren’t taking any chances. I wasn’t born yet.