I’ve done it a few times now, the 1st time I couldn’t quite believe how far out it was. I thought it was a small rock, quite close in. After 30 minutes paddling I realised it was a big rock, quite far out!
@@TheOptimisticAdventurer I'm in West Sussex. We bought a mega SUP last summer which is great fun. Had so many people giving it a try. As you say won't be too much longer👍 All the best
Looks a great place to paddle around. Hoping to paddle off meadfoot beach next week. Fingers crossed for decent winds!!! The rock will be too far out for me!!
Heavenly beautiful 👏
Thank you! It’s a cracking location.
Always wanted to paddle over when i lived in torbay but never got round to it. Looks lovely
I’ve done it a few times now, the 1st time I couldn’t quite believe how far out it was. I thought it was a small rock, quite close in. After 30 minutes paddling I realised it was a big rock, quite far out!
Looks an amazing spot to paddle, can't wait until the sea warms up a bit
You and me both! Won’t be long until longer evenings and paddles after work. Where do you paddle?
@@TheOptimisticAdventurer I'm in West Sussex. We bought a mega SUP last summer which is great fun. Had so many people giving it a try. As you say won't be too much longer👍 All the best
Looks a great place to paddle around. Hoping to paddle off meadfoot beach next week. Fingers crossed for decent winds!!! The rock will be too far out for me!!
Winds have been terrible for so long. Fingers crossed for you mate. You up for any company?
@@TheOptimisticAdventurer I will politely decline as it would be a first on the sea and best to gain experience first!!!
Also how long did it take to paddle out ? Im gonna head out when im down
Around 40 minutes but we all had recreational boards, 10ft 8”, a good 14ft tourer would get you there quicker!