How To Fix Your Garbage Galaxy Watch Battery Life in 2024!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TechisodeTV
    @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому +4

    ⚠*50% OFF* the Deep Dive Galaxy Watch Guide:

  • @jordibarguno
    @jordibarguno Місяць тому +63

    I f you turn off every feature in your watch, you can increase your battery life, jajajaja.

    • @naanbread_xd1411
      @naanbread_xd1411 28 днів тому

      was looking for this 😭😭😭

    • @87CVH
      @87CVH 28 днів тому +4

      Might as well have a £50 watch

    • @JovelsonFenis
      @JovelsonFenis 15 днів тому +1

      Garbage watch if you dont activate this features 😅

    • @永神金
      @永神金 11 днів тому

      Exchange your galaxy watch to casio they have 10year battery life

  • @frankernstorfer372
    @frankernstorfer372 Місяць тому +8

    The work you put into this video is great!!!!! Thank You so much!!!

  • @IncognitoSahil
    @IncognitoSahil 28 днів тому +3

    1:50 gps is important for times you misplace the watch or in cases of theft, so can't be turned off.

  • @jamesazzarella5721
    @jamesazzarella5721 27 днів тому +2

    I had no clue about the holding the home button and talking for speech to text That's awesome Thank you

  • @mrufo2297
    @mrufo2297 Місяць тому +5

    Loved the part to setup things like AOD when leaving the house

  • @rossvandeventer
    @rossvandeventer Місяць тому +10

    The comment about skin temperature only being used for cycle tracking is actually not true. Skin temperature can actually give you insights into how the temperature of your sleep environment affects your sleep. When you see spikes, that means that your room is too hot. Obviously, if you don't need it don't use it.

    • @pawansripada
      @pawansripada 25 днів тому

      And also for stress monitoring, it considers sleep temp

  • @jimbryant2157
    @jimbryant2157 Місяць тому +1

    SO MUCH INFORMATION!!! Once I have me watch in hand (currently on the top of my Christmas wish list), I will have to sit down with the watch and your video. Thanks for sharing all these tips!

  • @syedali7285
    @syedali7285 28 днів тому +3

    I wish you'd share the link to the watch faces. They look great.

  • @studiorat67
    @studiorat67 23 дні тому +2

    what is the watch face at 2:41 the green with big seconds....

  • @richardgrilk57
    @richardgrilk57 16 днів тому +1

    About the holding the home button and talking for speech to text, I can't do that as it will just launch google assistant? Thanks for all the tips btw..will be getting the guide!

  • @Timmymao163
    @Timmymao163 Місяць тому +6

    A comparable Huawei smartwatch lasts 2-3 weeks on a single charge.
    Why can't apple or Samsung figure it out?

    • @KizuBurn
      @KizuBurn 23 дні тому +2

      Because its not WearOS (google) That alone is enough.

  • @JoshuaWilsonpossible
    @JoshuaWilsonpossible 21 день тому

    incredibly comprehensive. subbed!

  • @gobliwarr
    @gobliwarr Місяць тому +1

    Cheers for the video! Any idea why my galaxy watch ( GW6 classic paired with S24 phone UI6.1 ) is not in the "Add action" list at 18:40?

    • @jgerajak
      @jgerajak 10 днів тому

      No clue man, my GW6 appears in my S24 Ultra

  • @DimusTech
    @DimusTech Місяць тому +2

    For some rason I don't have the "Galaxy Watch" option on the actions of the modes on phone, any ideas why? (S22 Ultra with watch 5 Pro)

  • @johnchang3807
    @johnchang3807 11 днів тому

    Very good tips for me to try as My 40mm watch 7 starts at 7am and dead by 3pm. Alternatively, get a Casio if you are savvy type or garmin if you are rich enough.

  • @ryanalban
    @ryanalban Місяць тому +2

    Hmm, I don't have that Galaxy Watch action from 18:41 available to me in my Modes & Routines. I only have a Plugin option to change the watch face. Any thoughts on how to these (Watch Ultra + Galaxy S22 5G usa)

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому +2

      Hmm, you can try a few things to get those to show.
      1. Swipe down on your watch face to reveal your quick panel, then long press the "Modes" toggle. When the Modes menu appears, scroll to the bottom and make sure "Sync modes with phone" is enabled.
      2. Check both your watch and phone for updates and update them to the latest versions.
      3. Check both your watch and phone for app updates and update all available apps.
      4. Restart both your watch and phone.
      Hopefully one of those things fixes it so you can use all the features :)

    • @MrKrille80
      @MrKrille80 Місяць тому +3

      It's a feature of One UI 6.1.1. The s24 series just recently got it and it was launched with the Flip6 and Fold6.

    • @ryanalban
      @ryanalban Місяць тому +1

      @@MrKrille80 just found the same info in a Reddit thread. Thanks!

    • @rattytattyratnett
      @rattytattyratnett Місяць тому

      My Galaxy watch 5 pro doesn't have the camera controller function. Where can I get this function?

    • @babulmohanty9307
      @babulmohanty9307 Місяць тому

      Same here on a S20 FE 4G. Galaxy buds option is there but not Watch. Could you get around the issue Ryan Alban?

  • @mehdieshtiagh2742
    @mehdieshtiagh2742 Місяць тому +2

    In modes where I want to add an action, I can't see the Galaxy Watch option! Why is that? My watch is connected.

  • @brendonj6504
    @brendonj6504 Місяць тому +2

    Why don't I have the option to select "Galaxy Watch" when I tap add action?

  • @liljon1018
    @liljon1018 Місяць тому +7

    honestly with everything on i still have about 60 percent by 8pm from a full charge the same day starting at 7am fyi i wake up at 5-6am everyday, best time for me to charge is in the marking before 7. i love the watch

    • @Ez-sk8ig
      @Ez-sk8ig 16 днів тому +3

      I do the same, I wake up, put my watch on the charge, and by the time I leave for work, it is fully charged.

  • @Slamx3
    @Slamx3 20 днів тому

    Dude is brilliant. Thank you for the great tips!

  • @GenikaXVI
    @GenikaXVI 26 днів тому

    great video brother, good work

  • @spacecowboy306
    @spacecowboy306 28 днів тому

    Thanks this is the best video I have seen. Helped me a lot

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  27 днів тому

      Thanks! I'm glad it was helpful!

  • @slebon622
    @slebon622 Місяць тому +12

    Three months ago they never heard of this guy, and now he can go toe to toe with other Premier League Managers. Even my dogs know that.

    • @kingsleyselorm
      @kingsleyselorm Місяць тому +6

      Wait what? 😂😂😂 wrong video bro. Slot ain't here

  • @MGutter
    @MGutter 23 дні тому

    excelente video! felicitaciones!!

  • @sethperry5260
    @sethperry5260 Місяць тому

    Great tips thank you!

  • @saboariaaterra8556
    @saboariaaterra8556 19 днів тому

    so, after doing this, how much the battery will last on average?

  • @williss9995
    @williss9995 29 днів тому

    Garmin, Souyie and Kospet smartwatches all have batteries that last longer than a week on a single charge. Why not Samsung? Great review Btw.

  • @teeknowstech
    @teeknowstech Місяць тому

    My friend what watch face is that you using on your ultra watch

  • @bananaZn
    @bananaZn Місяць тому +1

    Thanks for the awesome guide!

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому

      Thanks! I'm glad it was helpful :)

    • @ccjh0806
      @ccjh0806 Місяць тому


  • @jeinnerabdel
    @jeinnerabdel Місяць тому

    Great video as usual! Quick question: I keep my GPS active at all times as a measure to keep track of where the watch actually is (sometimes I leave it in my car or somewhere else) as well as wifi. I never use my watch for exercising so... should I turn the GPS off?

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому +3

      Thanks! And in that case, I'd just set up the "notify when left behind" feature in the SmartThings app. It's a bit complicated to explain in a comment, so here's a custom link to the portion of my written guide that explains how to do that:
      Also, just a head up, the links within the guide won't work, but it'll at least show you how to set up the feature.
      Once "notify when left behind" is enabled, you can turn off Wi-Fi and GPS and still be able to see the last place where your phone was connected to your Galaxy Watch. It may not be quite as accurate, but it'll at least tell you if it was left at a friend's house, work, home, etc.

    • @jeinnerabdel
      @jeinnerabdel Місяць тому

      @@TechisodeTV Awesome, I really appreciate you taking the time to reply to my inquiry! I'd subscribe to your channel but I'M ALREADY SUBSCRIBED!

  • @Scuba_Son
    @Scuba_Son Місяць тому

    Very helpful, thanks.

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому

      Awesome! I'm glad it helped! :)

  • @nawiribrahim
    @nawiribrahim Місяць тому

    Fantastic help. I'll get your watch and phone manual as well

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому

      Thanks so much! Be sure to choose the bundle option to save 30% on both guides. That sale is running through today and tomorrow. Here's the direct link to the bundle:
      If you have any issues, you can contact me with the form on the website and I'll get it sorted out. Here's the form link:

    • @ccjh0806
      @ccjh0806 Місяць тому


    • @ccjh0806
      @ccjh0806 Місяць тому


  • @johnhorchler5447
    @johnhorchler5447 Місяць тому

    How do you use /bring up the sleep track of the watch ??

  • @mr.a8444
    @mr.a8444 Місяць тому

    Excellent 🔥

  • @IncognitoSahil
    @IncognitoSahil 28 днів тому +2

    Bro first turned on every feature that no one uses, then told to turn off all of them.

  • @axlcrush
    @axlcrush Місяць тому

    When I hold the home button in the message composition screen, it doesn’t do the voice to speech thing. It does something else like giving option to turn off watch. How do u enable that?

  • @tahaiqgame1113
    @tahaiqgame1113 Місяць тому

    Bro, I have a problem with the Bixby app... Every time I open the application on my Galaxy Watch 6 Classic Astro, a window appears saying "Syncing account", then a window appears about my account and more information only, and I cannot complete the step in any way and run the Bixby assistant... Have you experienced this problem before? Please give me a solution

  • @octalayzrr
    @octalayzrr Місяць тому

    Good job ❤👏

  • @PauloRenato23
    @PauloRenato23 Місяць тому

    Fantastic video!

  • @lizvickers7156
    @lizvickers7156 27 днів тому

    I never have AOD I dont need it. My battery lasts 2 and a half days. I dont need all those features of moving my arm to do this or that. No assistants or bixby or anything that wakes my watch up. I just need it for notifications which i have on vibrate and thats it. All you need to do is not sleep mode but do not disturb that connects to my phone as well and is just as good as sleep mode.

  • @vinay6197
    @vinay6197 Місяць тому

    I have samsung watch 7 initially when i bought it i had modes icon and now its missing i have check all setting i couldn't find it

  • @NightclientBW
    @NightclientBW 19 днів тому

    it's been 4 years since the last video lol!! about this topc

  • @lukeskywalker6691
    @lukeskywalker6691 5 днів тому

    What watch face is it at the start

  • @StevenWarren-h1e
    @StevenWarren-h1e День тому

    Double press for Google assistance single long press for Bixby

  • @Lonewolves31
    @Lonewolves31 Місяць тому

    Nice video

  • @blingbling54321
    @blingbling54321 4 години тому

    i get 2 full days while being on >
    1 no aod
    2 network on (esim)
    3 lte on (for internet)
    4 bluetooth off
    5 powersaving
    btw i got gw7 40mm one

  • @sethcarroll8926
    @sethcarroll8926 25 днів тому

    Is this the 40mm or the 44mm?

  • @planettudor
    @planettudor Місяць тому +2

    What's the point of using a smart watch if you turn of the features that make it smart 🤓

    • @georgeandronis6111
      @georgeandronis6111 Місяць тому

      The vast majority of them concern health tracking that does not have to do a lot with the smart term. For example your phone is smart I guess but does not measure blood oxygen. Don’t get me wrong health tracking is super important for many people but continuous health tracking is not something that it’s critical for the majority of buyers

  • @joemammatube
    @joemammatube Місяць тому

    Great 😊

  • @vincedaniellereyes4142
    @vincedaniellereyes4142 Годину тому

    How did you get 1 day battery life i only got 19 to 20 hours

  • @gutawafang
    @gutawafang 27 днів тому

    At this point you might as well just wear a 10 dollar waterproof g shock hahahaha

  • @scottrixon5312
    @scottrixon5312 Місяць тому

    Great video.. Most haven't arrived on my Watch 5 though, I'd love more control through the routines to switch things on and off...

  • @chaseezell5929
    @chaseezell5929 11 днів тому

    I wouod like to think that everyone is not turning ALL of these features off, but more fine tuning the less important features to your personal likes to improve battery life.

  • @Brooklyn6458
    @Brooklyn6458 Місяць тому

    They need to fix the quick response when someone calls you if you busy you can't send a quick response when a call comes in it doesn't work

  • @notquitecopacetic
    @notquitecopacetic 24 дні тому

    After two weeks, my Ultra presented a message that said, "Stress Level. Here are some good places to research planning your funeral, tubby" Is this normal?

  • @ioguhrte
    @ioguhrte 3 дні тому +1

    my watch turned off can do a 10 days.

  • @gx_pro2277
    @gx_pro2277 Місяць тому

    Only use a few of these dont limit features too much

  • @official_NelsonR
    @official_NelsonR 28 днів тому

    You skipped my Gear S3 Classic and Frontier

  • @drewsarkisian9375
    @drewsarkisian9375 7 днів тому

    Um, this isn't particularly difficult to do. I'm getting 2.5+ days of battery life through a few simple adjustments.

  • @eylonaharon6560
    @eylonaharon6560 Місяць тому

    I clicked so fast 😂😂
    The only bad thing in my watch 6 is the battery....

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому +1

      Lol 😆 This video is definitely going to make a huge difference then :)

    • @eylonaharon6560
      @eylonaharon6560 Місяць тому

      ​@TechisodeTV Some of the features you showed aren't available on my watch 6 classic 🤔😕
      There aren't any options to control the watch in the modes, and in the routines, I can only change the watch face
      And there are other features missing as well 😔
      Do you know why?

    • @Haltrem
      @Haltrem Місяць тому

      ​@@eylonaharon6560 I have Watch 6 classic and I have the same problem as you. It's probably because our watches still run on Wear OS 4 (One UI 5 watch). Probably with the update of our watches to Wear OS 5 we will get these features

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому

      @@eylonaharon6560 It could be a couple things. If you're connected to a non-Samsung android device, then you won't have all the features shown. Alternatively, if you Galaxy Watch hasn't been updated to One UI 6.0 Watch yet, you may also be missing some features until the update comes through. The Watch 6 should be getting the update within the next few weeks. Lastly, if you have a Samsung phone and it doesn't have the One UI 6 update either, some things will also be missing.
      To see which version you currently have, go to the settings on your watch, then "About watch" at the bottom, then "Software information" and you'll see the software version at the top.
      To check your phone's software version, go to settings, then "About phone" at the bottom, then "Software information"
      I hope that helps!

  • @Curkevin
    @Curkevin Місяць тому +1

    First! (technically)

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому +1

      For real. I don't think the video was even up for more than a minute before your comment landed haha 🙂

  • @dj.mb_one
    @dj.mb_one 29 днів тому

    the white or black pixel are a myth and have nothing to do with how much battery is used :)
    its the same in phones or tablets.

  • @tahaiqgame1113
    @tahaiqgame1113 Місяць тому

    18:39 I didn't hind my watch here

  • @FemiOkedey
    @FemiOkedey Місяць тому

    There are so many things I didn't know I had turned on. Thank you
    Also, that is a beautiful watch face. Please what watch face it that

    • @TechisodeTV
      @TechisodeTV  Місяць тому

      Awesome! I'm glad the video was helpful! And what time does the watch face you want show in the video?
      Also, the first time each watch face shows in the video, there should be a popup in the lower left corner with the watch face name :)

  • @planettudor
    @planettudor Місяць тому +6

    I have a better trick. Just turn off you watch and your battery will last for 5-6 months 🤣

  • @Yotis
    @Yotis 6 днів тому

    the next thing this guy gonna tell us it would be that if you turn off the device will save more power. logic took some damage

  • @giusepppe
    @giusepppe 7 днів тому

    if you make shorter videos, our charge will stand longer 😅

  • @ccjh0806
    @ccjh0806 Місяць тому +1


  • @noboe2
    @noboe2 12 днів тому

    Why read the Bible? There are so many more good fictional books out there 😂😂

  • @jtreat2100
    @jtreat2100 26 днів тому

    Thanks for putting this front and center in your intro.
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." - John 3:16

  • @fragerhoskin3528
    @fragerhoskin3528 Місяць тому

    You wouldn't have to worry about battery saving tips if you just bought a regular watch what's the purpose of a smartwatch when you always going to have your phone with you anyway yo tech people on here need to stop being so slow

  • @IDNHANTU2day
    @IDNHANTU2day Місяць тому +1

    Is that garbage Samsung watch only for us Trump supporters?

    • Місяць тому +1


    • @IDNHANTU2day
      @IDNHANTU2day Місяць тому just a joke. Biden said Trump supporters are garbage. The title says garbage galaxy watch.