  • Опубліковано 1 жов 2024
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  • @kouassiromeokonan3738
    @kouassiromeokonan3738 Рік тому +1

    3 Now let’s come back to verse 6. Where does the angel of verse 6 come from? This angel comes from the deposit of the Word that is in the Heaven according to Psalm 119:89 and not in the Bible. The Word of God comes from Heaven through an angel while the word of the devil comes from the abyss through pastoral school. This angel comes from the temple, from the model of the Church which is in Heaven and not in the book of Acts of the Apostles, in the Vatican or in the United States. God revealed It to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and to all the prophets. [Kc.3v1-3] [Kc.57v8]
    2 Well. The entire earth constantly prays for an awakening. And given the importance of such a request, God will answer. But the awakening comes only by the Word of restoration. The Jews were expecting an awakening but according to their taste.

  • @nzorogregoirenguessan9906
    @nzorogregoirenguessan9906 Рік тому +1

    44 Si quelqu’un n’a pas un Message prophétique venant de Dieu, comment Dieu peut-Il lui donner des miracles et des prodiges ? Pour confirmer quoi ? Selon Apocalypse 16:13-14, la Bible dit qu'ils feront ce qu'ils sont en train de faire et les fils du diable selon Genèse 4:17-23 mettent leurs biens à leur service afin de corrompre la terre et envoyer plus d'âmes en enfer.

  • @magnoliakouakou8744
    @magnoliakouakou8744 Рік тому

    1 Like the prophets of the Bible, in April 1993, I, Kacou Philippe, a man who had never been in a church, I receive in a vision, the visitation of an Angel who
    commissions me for a Message destined to the whole earth in fulfillment of Matthew 25:6 and Revelation 12:14. This is the account of my conversion, as well as the three great visions of the call and commission as I received them:
    Prophet kacou Philippe

  • @marcadja4731
    @marcadja4731 Рік тому

    1 I would like to preach on the subject: woman’s ministry. First we notice that God created man on the sixth day and in the last place, and there was no woman. Then He rested on the seventh day, in which you must see years and years. Then seeing that the man was alone, God decided to make him a helpmate. If not, in the original plan, God had not found it necessary. That is why the good reading of Genesis 2:18 is: "And Jehovah Elohim said, It is not [too] good that man should be alone; I will make him a helpmate, his like."
    2 So woman was not in the original plan of God but she is a by-product of man. Female dogs, hens and the other females are original creatures of God but it is not so with woman. That is why within each animal species, the mating takes place per period, contrarily to humans. And you will not see a dog mounting on a pregnant female. You see? Which is not the case with humans. Even an elderly woman who is already past menopause still has some sexual relations. You see? I can therefore say with respect that woman is the lowest in the creation.
    3 And it is God Himself who has sovereignly placed her under the authority of man. Thus, when she is not under the authority of her father, she is placed under the authority of her husband. Her father or her husband has the right to cancel her vows. See Numbers 30 ... You see! And the Lord Jesus Christ did not come to abolish these things.
    4 So we understand, in accordance with Genesis chapter 2, that woman was not there when God was giving the instructions to Adam in the Garden of Eden. There is a reason to that! She was not there when Adam was naming the animals, the birds and others! You see? God did all that so that woman may humbly recognise her place.
    5 And speaking of her ministry, if a man has not come on earth to fulfill a mission like Judas Iscariot, he cannot admit a woman in the pulpit; and if you are not a goat, born to be seduced, you cannot sit to listen to a woman preach or lead songs when men are there! Even if she does it well, it is the devil that is behind. Nature itself teaches us that a woman is not carrier of seed. She can therefore not preach and bring eternal Life. And only one boy among a thousand of women makes the "they" feminine change into "they" masculine because of the authority of man.
    6 A child of God cannot go against what God has established; even without the Holy Spirit, he will be disturbed. The Bible cannot contradict itself. If Jesus had established a woman apostle or disciple, then he would have not been the Messiah. If Paul allowed woman to preach then Paul would be false. No matter his miracles, they would be miracles of seduction. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].
    7 Woman’s ministry and the marriage of homosexuals are the two biggest abominations of the end of times. And a person who enters into a church where women preach, it is like a person who takes part in a parade of homosexuals. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day, homosexuals were going to parade in Jerusalem. 2000 years ago, mankind did not know that one day a woman, despite her menses, was going to preach before people in some churches. [Ed: The congregation says: “Amen!”].
    8 In the entire Old Testament, there was no woman priest. Even in the world, there was no woman minister. It is emancipation that has placed woman there! The feminine for "minister" did not exist. And we know that women came on the scene of the nations through emancipation. The first emancipated woman of the earth was Naamah, a daughter of Cain. And the first emancipated woman in Israel was Jezebel, a foreigner. But in the beginning, it was not so. And we have seen some women fighting for the right to vote in Europe and America but at the beginning in the Old Testament, in Israel for example, women were not counted. And in Africa, a woman cannot be a village chief. Even, in the villages, when men gather, women do not have the right to speak. [Kc.10v58] [Kc.22v24]
    9 What God gave to the Jews in writing, He also gave it to the pagans in their heart! Is it you who taught the nations the dowry in the marriage, the first-fruits or to give the name of the father to the first son? And in case of serious sins or of alliances, to make blood sacrifices? It is God who did that! And that is how God also revealed the position of woman to them. Even with no teaching, they know for example that the original sin is a sexual act. With no teaching, a true son of God knows in his heart that sexual act is the sin that Adam and Eve had committed. But when they go to the churches, the devil takes that from them. And it is the same devil that places woman in the pulpit. A church is supposed to be the bride of Christ. And a church which accepts a woman in the pulpit is a lesbian church. And all the women who go in the pulpit have male genitals in their dreams and many confessed that to me.
    10 And I do not understand that people who have the Bible in their hand can act this way, placing women in the pulpit to preach or lead the worship songs while men are there. And it even happens that some women are with menses and wear some pads underneath them and come to stand in the pulpit. You who attend such churches, you have no conscience! You are sub-humans, you are descendants of the serpent, you are worse than Catholics and Muslims and you are seeking to evangelize them. If you are not pursuing another goal, you will not go and sit in such a church. Be it preaching or the songs, it is the same thing. Being guilty in part, it is to be guilty in all. [Ed: The congregation says, “Amen!”]. A woman must remain quiet in the church. Paul says that the fact that a woman must not preach in the church is a commandment. Paul says in 1 Corinthians 14:34 “Let your women be silent in the assemblies, for it is not permitted to them to speak; but to be in subjection, as the law also says”. You see? The law says that a woman cannot speak in the assembly. And there is no woman in the priesthood.
    WWW. Philippekacou. Org le

  • @ahibejosephadonisowo8642
    @ahibejosephadonisowo8642 Рік тому

    34 Et Dieu n'a-t-Il pas envoyé ce Message pour les dévoiler? La Bible n'a-t-elle pas dit dans Matthieu 24:24 qu'il s'élèvera de faux christs de l'abîme? Comment quelqu'un peut-il se dire prophète, c’est-à-dire porte-parole de Dieu alors qu'il n'a pas de Message et que tout ce qu’il dit, ce ne sont que des récitations de la Bible. Il se met à faire des miracles pour confirmer quel Message? Comment un prophète peut-il fonder une église, une mission ou un ministère sur la Bible au lieu d'apporter un Message nouveau que l’humanité ne sait pas? Ce sont des devins et féticheurs même s'ils sont en veste avec des bibles en main. Il n’y a pas deux Élisée ni deux Jourdain. Ce sont tous des féticheurs et les jeûnes qu'ils vous demandent sont une image des cabris noirs ou des poulets blancs.
    35 Pour les élus, les véritables Naaman, la Bible a dit dans Matthieu 25:6 et Apocalypse 12:14-17 qu'un Évangile viendra et les portera loin de la séduction… loin des églises catholiques, protestantes, évangéliques et branhamistes y compris l’islam et le judaïsme, loin de ces faux prophètes. Vous voyez? Et comme au temps de Noé, en dehors de cette voix que vous entendez aujourd’hui, il n’y a point de Salut nulle part. Et au jour du jugement, vous ne direz pas que vous n'avez pas été avertis! Et que celui qui a des oreilles pour entendre entende! [Kc.7v49]

  • @cyrilgouillard3669
    @cyrilgouillard3669 Рік тому

    Ponant est à part ! Attention aux excés et préservons les essences, les essentiels, les différences, ...

  • @yayathiongane1299
    @yayathiongane1299 Рік тому +1

    Excellent documentaire !!! Le monde est divers , on apprend toujours quelque chose et c'est bien de le conserver ainsi, ce monde .

  • @toontxr8921
    @toontxr8921 3 роки тому +2

    Vive la culture !,,!

  • @drakkartsstudio
    @drakkartsstudio 2 роки тому

    J'ai vécu des années en Calédonie .... JAMAIS vu ce folklore, et pourtant des coutumes j'en ai fait !!! Donc ce film met en scène une irrealité. La coutume c'est communément plus simple, sans tout ce vaste. Dommage que la réalité ne soit pas montrée au gens, c'est quelque part ne pas respecter ces tribus et clans si loin là -bas !

  • @kavakitogakafotamaki4473
    @kavakitogakafotamaki4473 3 роки тому +1

    Une émotion ethnologique.. ,

  • @chaveliekipre5140
    @chaveliekipre5140 Рік тому

    25 But because of the sin and because of the churches, know that the world will go from suffering to suffering. And it shall come to pass that a man will not be able to shake hands with his brother or his best friend for fear of being contaminated with the disease. People shall walk without touching one another. Schools will be closed and you will hear people say: "I'm afraid of taking the underground or the bus, I am afraid of being contaminated.” You see? The righteous one will say to the wicked one: "Go and show off your nudity on the beach!" and the wicked one will tell him: "I won’t!". You see? [Kc.141v49]

  • @hekalkal8111
    @hekalkal8111 9 місяців тому


  • @desales1968
    @desales1968 3 роки тому +1

    J'ai trop aimé la musique a partir de 34:13

  • @RobertVanessa-z2j
    @RobertVanessa-z2j Рік тому

    Merci d'avoir visité nos île ❤

  • @valnoelboubouzigues4890
    @valnoelboubouzigues4890 9 місяців тому

    superbe, vous me faites revivre des expériences de vie !!!

  • @faroukafoun879
    @faroukafoun879 3 роки тому

    لهذه الجزيرة هرب الجنرال المستغانمي بلقصير صاحب مشروع الباديسية النوفمبرية ...

    • @aminem173
      @aminem173 3 роки тому

      قصدك الجنرال الجزائري صاحب النهب و السرقة

    • @faroukafoun879
      @faroukafoun879 3 роки тому

      قصدي هذا الجنرال كان وراء مشروع صفر قبائلي ...

  • @allegriniedmond9885
    @allegriniedmond9885 3 роки тому

    pour moimque de souvenirs de cet archipel je pense souvent a ces gens et c ést térrible de ne plus pouvoir revenir finr mes jours...

  • @vetearomainstrippoli6475
    @vetearomainstrippoli6475 2 роки тому

    Tama Maitai!!

    • @hekalkal8111
      @hekalkal8111 10 місяців тому
