Can we save this ABANDONED log skidder??

  • Опубліковано 26 гру 2024


  • @CaseyLaDelle
    @CaseyLaDelle  Рік тому +42

    Go check out Quinton’s version of this recovery!

    • @desireegoulett69
      @desireegoulett69 Рік тому +2

      Thanks brother....enjoyed yours for a long lunch....and will watch Q's with dinner😋

    • @lucasmcmillan6915
      @lucasmcmillan6915 Рік тому

      Nice 518 skidder

    • @WilliamQuisno
      @WilliamQuisno 7 місяців тому

      How did you film along the truck as you were driving up the pavement? It was a nice angle of filming

  • @craigpridemore7566
    @craigpridemore7566 Рік тому +100

    The whole time you were driving up, I kept asking myself, 'Self, if Casey's doing this rescue, what other crazy person is coming up to rescue HIM?' Nice work.

    • @ckm-mkc
      @ckm-mkc Рік тому +6

      The guy with the 6x6 military tow rig we've seen during forest cleanups..... After that, maybe Matt & his friends, HeavyD's HET or his friends with the Chinook.....

    • @Buck1954
      @Buck1954 Рік тому +10

      The guy with the running skid loader.

    • @Project337
      @Project337 Рік тому +3

      @@ckm-mkc Definitely Troy.

    • @bobbyt2657
      @bobbyt2657 Рік тому +2

      what other crazy person is coming up to rescue HIM?'
      I will give you three guesses ... and they are all able to do it !!!!!

    • @leewaters4100
      @leewaters4100 Рік тому +2

      And NOW we fully understand why it's Cascade Heave Rescue

  • @genejones7124
    @genejones7124 Рік тому +34

    Always impressed with Casey's foresight, foreword thinking, and pre-planning

  • @glenncombs3471
    @glenncombs3471 Рік тому +65

    You removing the gravel from your trailer to prevent damage to other vehicles (about 18:20) says a great deal about you, Casey.

      @UNCLEBGA Рік тому +2

      Oh yes. Also that's mandatory in Canada.

    • @SlipFitGarage
      @SlipFitGarage Рік тому +3

      Well, it IS the law... 😉

    • @anacleta424
      @anacleta424 Рік тому +4

      But guy’s not every citizen follows the LAWS ✌️

    • @SlipFitGarage
      @SlipFitGarage Рік тому +2

      @@anacleta424 Commercial truck drivers who regularly get lose gravel and sand on the their truck follow the laws because if they don't it easily results in commercial tickets from the DOT. We're not talking about the average ticket a cop gives to someone driving a car, we're talking about commercial vehicle tickets written by the DOT..... who, by the way, can pull you over at any time WITHOUT a reason. If you don't brush your truck off, you WILL get tickets from the DOT.... and it doesn't take many tickets from them for a driver to get his act together. Casey was just doing what he and every other commercial driver is required to do. I have wiped (swept) sand and gravel off my lowboy trailers and the back of my dump trucks literally hundreds of thousand of times over the last 30+ years as a commercial driver. Casey did the right thing, for sure.... but so does everyone else in the this business. What you saw Casey do is the rule, not the exception.

    • @glenncombs3471
      @glenncombs3471 Рік тому +1

      Agreed that this is the law, but I've lost a windshield following a dump truck before. All the laws in the world won't stop thoughtless idiots. The fact that Casey showed this is classy, IMHO.

  • @BobbieJeanM
    @BobbieJeanM Рік тому +82

    I absolutely love your shenanigans videos! This definitely qualifies! The people who said you shouldn’t take a long truck on that road didn’t know Casey’s driving skills! 💕😊👌💕👍

  • @nobodysbusiness
    @nobodysbusiness Рік тому +14

    I seriously Laughed out Loud at Quintons Turn 22:30.

    • @georgevindo
      @georgevindo Рік тому +2

      Yeah me too! I'm still laughing about it. Yet some truck drivers don't know about that trick.

  • @cindysilfies5505
    @cindysilfies5505 Рік тому +24

    Pretty awesome that cats worked hard, but the original owner took damn good care of it for it to sit for that length of time and not to have no issues

    • @Clem_Kadidlehopper
      @Clem_Kadidlehopper 8 місяців тому +1

      I wouldn't say took care of or no issues but it started. It was iffy it cranked so slow but it did start.

  • @drumorrison7625
    @drumorrison7625 Рік тому +60

    That was fun!! I know nothing about what your doing but watching big trucks in areas where they should not be but have to go is very entertaining. More please.

  • @BFVgnr
    @BFVgnr Рік тому +21

    The view from your office window continues to amaze and astound. What a great way to start a saturday!

  • @margreetanceaux3906
    @margreetanceaux3906 Рік тому +31

    Congratulations with this first serious job for the trailer! If anything deserved the by now world famous Post (OR) meatloaf, it was this.

  • @duaneb193
    @duaneb193 Рік тому +15

    So cool to see you not only back at work, but to see you in your previous career and enjoying it.

  • @Munguy-i8j
    @Munguy-i8j Рік тому +1

    Thank you Casey. I like the Austin powers turn😂😂😂. I made meat loaf when I saw this video.

  • @novavroomvroom3435
    @novavroomvroom3435 Рік тому +20

    I really like this trailer... the scissor ramp is way better than the other system that detaches

  • @pauldemello6611
    @pauldemello6611 Рік тому +10

    Your greatest friends are the ones who will still take the piss out of you even when you are helping them out, that two point turn had me laughing more than it should have ☺

  • @jeffmcdonald101
    @jeffmcdonald101 Рік тому +17

    Casey you sound so much happier now you're back to hauling with a functional truck. So good. The other rigs will come good :-)

  • @wornoutwrench8128
    @wornoutwrench8128 Рік тому +10

    Heavy haul lowbed guys know how to get it done. All the local guys I know with lowbeds are all incredible drivers. The places those guys go, oh yeah!.

  • @wesjohnson3035
    @wesjohnson3035 Рік тому +15

    Great Job driving , Casey! ESPECIALLY whild holding the video stick!!! amazing!!

  • @michaelcauser474
    @michaelcauser474 Рік тому +10

    Good afternoon Mr. Casey. Apart from all your other "crimes' against the UA-cam "experts", you really are in the top echelon of genuine professional heavy semi drivers. Great job as usual, with no BS.

  • @Munguy-i8j
    @Munguy-i8j Рік тому +7

    Why do Ford diesels sound like a rock crusher eating boulders?😂😂😂.

  • @desireegoulett69
    @desireegoulett69 Рік тому +2

    Best Entertainment/Saturday Project Distraction in Oregon😂 Thanks Casey🥰😎

  • @chim_7
    @chim_7 Рік тому +17

    Ngl Casey, you have some great friends and companions who just make your videos which are already fantastic even better. Videos with Ben, Quinton, Grumpy and Jeremy are always a blast! Btw what happened to David?

  • @seanmays7551
    @seanmays7551 Рік тому +6

    Always good getting a Casey video!

  • @rhondasweeney7271
    @rhondasweeney7271 Рік тому +8

    That was one mighty Recovery! Thank you for sharing! 👌 😊

  • @warrenjohnknight.9831
    @warrenjohnknight.9831 Рік тому +9

    Another perfect recovery. 😊.

  • @wendy833
    @wendy833 Рік тому +4

    That purchase was awesome. And it starting was even better. The Meatloaf Sami shop was a nice extra.

  • @legogummybear5
    @legogummybear5 Рік тому +15

    Nice one Casey. You are truly a gentleman !

  • @georgiapatriot4575
    @georgiapatriot4575 11 місяців тому

    20:30 - a perfect example of "you are driving the TRAILER, not the truck". Very nice setup. This is something I think a lot of drivers don't get. First you get the trailer where you want it set up for the turn and then you position the tractor. The reason this works is that in the first 8 or 10 feet you back up, no input you make to the steering has any affect on the trailer. This means you are just moving the trailer back and forth in the same spot to get the tractor set up to go around the turn. Well done! 👍

  • @lonpearson2134
    @lonpearson2134 Рік тому +12

    Your experience hauling oversized loads, paid off big time. You made this whole recovery look easy and that expensive piece of equipment sat there for years, just waiting for you to get the right combination of equipment.

  • @knoester7714
    @knoester7714 Рік тому +8

    Another successful and good recovery job guys

  • @grundyb
    @grundyb Рік тому +8

    I think that would be a perfect start for a mountain rescue vehicle.

  • @wdrdiyman1674
    @wdrdiyman1674 Рік тому +16

    A great adventure with no complications...even a huge space in which to reposition the trailer. If you have the time, please explain the functions of all of those analog gauges on the dashboard of your massive truck. Good grief !!

  • @lonhoschar1943
    @lonhoschar1943 Рік тому +4

    Man, did you luck out!! The old Cat started, ran, and the hydraulics worked!! AND, even better... you got a meat-loaf sandwich!! A day just can't hardly get any better than that!!! LOL!! Looks like your trailer is doing it's job very nicely!! Great video!!

  • @native82
    @native82 10 місяців тому

    Super cool! My dad started on a 518 back in the 80s. And that ole powerstroke is definitely a loggin crummie😅

  • @kpkp6322
    @kpkp6322 Рік тому +5

    Casey you need to get new friends between Quinton and Ben there using you for your truck and trailer making you do these crazy adventures !😀😀😀😀 Love how that trailers front goes down to load !

  • @jackmoyer2174
    @jackmoyer2174 Рік тому +2

    Root beer floats are WAAAY better than milkshakes!!! Next trip!!

  • @ronneidert
    @ronneidert Рік тому +4

    I have always liked the look and reliability of Western Star. Pair that with a very functional trailer and you’ve got a great combination sir!

  • @randysinger2673
    @randysinger2673 Рік тому +6

    Off Road Western Star, Matt, Paul and Rory have some catching up to do

  • @tatehogan5685
    @tatehogan5685 Рік тому +5

    Casey, it may be my imagination but it looks like your rear drive tires are underinflated. The center is deep tread but your edges are worn. And I definitely enjoy your videos, thank you for bringing us along!

  • @joeturner2335
    @joeturner2335 Рік тому +1

    I got up for work today & started watching this video. While you were having your meatloaf sandwich, I realized I had a Post General Store t-shirt on.
    I stop there whenever I pass by.

  • @Stephen06GT
    @Stephen06GT Рік тому +1

    I know what I want for dinner tonight, a meatloaf sandwich and a milkshake. Thanks for another great video.

  • @krisluffman6030
    @krisluffman6030 Рік тому +5

    Congratulations on 200k subscribers! Another GREAT video.

  • @DeeRebel44
    @DeeRebel44 Рік тому +2

    Another great video, shenanigans and all. Thanks Casey!!!

  • @leonascherer1617
    @leonascherer1617 Рік тому +3

    You are a genuinely nice man. You respect people and nature. Very unusual in these times when there is so much hate. Not to mention you drive that truck like it's a VW

  • @akomni-vr5gt
    @akomni-vr5gt Рік тому +7

    That was some good steering! I got almost 2 miilion miles hauling everying in the 7 western states including AK, in last 30 years, with most of it being heavy haul. With every kind of trailer you can imagine.Good job, i thought you were a little light on tools and supplies to "rescue a rig thats been sitting" but i guess everything was in support truck. Good Job!

    • @simpledj509chromo7
      @simpledj509chromo7 Рік тому

      I know Casey has plans for that truck, but I'm still wondering what he's doing with it if he's not putting an apartment on that wheelbase. At my last company I was a little over 300 inches with a 53' quad axle chip trailer and as a rookie with only a few years of part time driving under my belt that rig was a pain in the butt in town. Casey has to be 330 on that truck or more. Or maybe the camera is just playing tricks on me.

    @JT-SE-OHIO Рік тому +2

    Casey's skills win again. I can't wait to find out what you have traded your turning radius for.

  • @boh348
    @boh348 Рік тому +5

    That was cool video of how smooth they are supposed to go. I saw a trailer like yours years ago that had one very short and very fat cylinder in the middle with a 3ft diameter foot on it. This cylinder was mounted in the balance point with the tongue flat. They guy pulled in a tight yard and unhooked. Then with this center cylinder picked the trailer up maybe 4 inches and him and his wife spun the trailer 180 degrees by hand. absolutely the neatest thing I have even seen on a trailer. He said he carried many trackhoes for swimming pool companies in tight neighborhoods and being able to do so was nice. I did not ever see his new trailer he was having built with the same pivot cylinder that he told us would also have steering rear axles to be able to go down alleys in nicer neighborhoods without knocking over gas meters. Very nice job on the recovery for sure. I like the western star allot. good looking truck. I wish international would get there gremlins resolved. We finally just sold all of ours.

  • @peterthompson3790
    @peterthompson3790 Рік тому +3

    That rigs looks great especially out in the woods

  • @gerdriechers8426
    @gerdriechers8426 Рік тому +4

    Oregon, what a landscape! Wonderfull.

  • @deshb22
    @deshb22 Рік тому +6

    Cool piece of equipment. Look forward to what it'll look like once he's all done with it

  • @edwinschlee8374
    @edwinschlee8374 Рік тому +8

    That was a good way to start with the trailer you finally got! I like these kinds of video with heavy haul trucks! Good job Casey!

  • @sumguy00
    @sumguy00 Рік тому +3

    that was a fun trip. Good that you have that short trailer. You might not need to have a pin or extra chains when the machine articulates in Oregon, but other areas do require it. Some machines just have a big pin that drops in a hole and its done.

    • @CaseyLaDelle
      @CaseyLaDelle  Рік тому +2

      Wrong. Not required anywhere in the US.

    • @sumguy00
      @sumguy00 Рік тому +2

      It’s ok for you to admit when you’re wrong Casey

    • @chrisrowley3261
      @chrisrowley3261 Рік тому +1

      @@sumguy00 Yup, it is required, if you're required to follow FMCSA load securement regulations anyway, guess depends on if the state adopted them or not. 49 CFR 393.130(b)2 : articulated vehicles shall be restrained in a manner that prevents articulation while in transit.

    • @sumguy00
      @sumguy00 Рік тому

      @@chrisrowley3261 yes well it seem Casey can’t admit when he’s wrong but at least the rest of us will do it the correct way.

  • @chunkychambers1530
    @chunkychambers1530 Рік тому +3

    I’m really digging that scissor neck trailer! Seems like a great design.

  • @localchipper4485
    @localchipper4485 Рік тому +8

    You sir, are a class act through and thru. And the way you use that 360 cam like you just bought it (although it’s been a long time) speaks to your commitment to quality content. Then to find out it’s gonna become a fire fighter after all that is just the cherry on top of the whipped cream on the milkshake! (So to speak).

  • @garypurdy1199
    @garypurdy1199 Рік тому +1

    Quinton should buy lottery tickets for you guys, I cannot believe that thing started after setting a year.

  • @elainemiller6765
    @elainemiller6765 Рік тому +3

    We have two CAT 518 Skidders. Great machines!

  • @krishanson1639
    @krishanson1639 Рік тому +1

    That went smooth. What a fun video!

  • @renevelez9444
    @renevelez9444 Рік тому +3

    Love to see what that becomes. Honest work.

  • @mh-im2kq
    @mh-im2kq Рік тому +1

    Who could ever tire of watching that man... awesome

  • @sc4808
    @sc4808 Рік тому +1

    Love those old 518 Cats, great machines.

  • @mastweiler22
    @mastweiler22 Рік тому +2

    Skidgine... interesting bit of kit. Look forward to seeing more of that.

  • @CrimeVid
    @CrimeVid Рік тому +3

    I like the idea of a recovery of something that actually works !

  • @xAllSystemsReadyx
    @xAllSystemsReadyx Рік тому +3

    Its amazing that the Cat even cranked, it goes to show you how good a Cat is....

  • @Captain-Max
    @Captain-Max 5 місяців тому

    So many memories come to mind watching your videos. Way back in 1975, I was a young mechanic for a logging, mining, construction, and forestry equipment dealer. I also drove the single axle roll back truck and helped when needed on heavier equipment hauls. As a young man fresh out of the military, it started my career, which went on to me becoming a Highway Maintenance Foreman for the largest county in Minnesota. I've worked on, around, and with most everything you do and being long retired watching you work really takes me back.

  • @opendstudio7141
    @opendstudio7141 Рік тому +3

    For a camera operator/editor, you can handle that truck pretty good. Need to visit your truck driving aunt & uncle more often. Great stories.

  • @samellis4054
    @samellis4054 Рік тому +2

    This is how legendary stories are made!!

  • @edduke897
    @edduke897 Рік тому +3

    That looks like it was quite challenging with the camera out the window through the mirror and shifting. Congratulations on doing that.

  • @michaeldye4318
    @michaeldye4318 Рік тому +2

    Those excellent driving skills only come through lots of pro practice. Very nice Casey.

  • @chefbill20781
    @chefbill20781 Рік тому +5

    Thank you - love your content

  • @bobbyt2657
    @bobbyt2657 Рік тому +1

    First Heavy offroad lift fhe new trailer ... WTG !!!!!

  • @peteraltman6374
    @peteraltman6374 Рік тому +7

    As usual Casey this was another great video from you, i really enjoy the heavy equipment hauling thx👍👌

  • @echohunter4199
    @echohunter4199 Рік тому +2

    My first job when I was 17 was setting choke on one of those things! Nothing scarier then double choking a huge tree and the skidder driver has to drop the front blade into a creek bed to get the tree moving!

  • @gregadomeit4020
    @gregadomeit4020 Рік тому +7

    Great Video brother and the trailer is awesome with the way it functions. Oh the Western Star is one great looking truck and i for one, am really looking forward to your project behind the cab. Take care and be safe out there. Greg

  • @joeb2480
    @joeb2480 Рік тому +2

    OMG I want a meatloaf sandwich now. Need to plan a trip up there.... Nice video, thanks!

  • @741662027
    @741662027 Рік тому +11

    I never knew trailers could have engines! That's a powerful piece of equipment, to lift the loaded trailer! I sure thought you would paint it, given how well you keep the rest of your gear. I have to say, you busted Quentin for parking by the fuel pump... and then parked illegally on the wrong side of the road!

    • @timothygeiger8271
      @timothygeiger8271 Рік тому +5

      A lot of heavy haul trailers have auxiliary engines for the hydraulics. If you don't have an engine on the trailer, the tractor has to be set up for hydraulics, which gets pricey, & in some situations not practical.
      It's usually like a lawn mower engine, only a little bigger. Doesn't take alot to run the hydraulic pump.

    • @RandomName100
      @RandomName100 Рік тому +3

      Not illegal to park off the road facing the ‘wrong way’. Not when there are a surface meant for parking.

  • @dennisvandermarkt8263
    @dennisvandermarkt8263 Рік тому +13

    Love watching this stuff Casey

  • @Munguy-i8j
    @Munguy-i8j Рік тому +1

    Man that is a sweet running semi truck.😊

  • @jttours6036
    @jttours6036 Рік тому +3

    Anytime I get to Oregon I am going to the center of the state while I am there to get at least one meatloaf sandwich; and maybe several for the cooler.
    After seeing you there before, I have to try one of those sandwiches.
    Another good recovery!

  • @jimderrick846
    @jimderrick846 Рік тому +2

    New toys are always soooo much fun. Keep it up Casey

  • @ken-do7np
    @ken-do7np Рік тому +7

    Your videos are getting better and better! Both in quality and content.

    @FILIPFROMSALMO Рік тому +1

    I enjoyed the dramatic pictures of the truck driving the narrow roads, very nice video

  • @petgranny194
    @petgranny194 Рік тому +1

    Did anyone else say 'oh geeze' when they crossed that small bridge at 3:24? Another nice recovery.

  • @andrewsnow7386
    @andrewsnow7386 Рік тому +4

    I was thinking it might be convenient for you to have a grapple skidder you could borrow for abandoned vehicle removals. :) Well, maybe there is another one.

  • @wendellharker6690
    @wendellharker6690 Рік тому +1

    That was cool thanks for letting me watch.

  • @tutekohe1361
    @tutekohe1361 Рік тому +1

    518 is a great model of Skidder. The 528 is better.

  • @craigvanhousen559
    @craigvanhousen559 Рік тому +2

    Nice seeing you getting back into moving heavy equipment.

  • @denisep3306
    @denisep3306 Рік тому +2

    You have the best friends!

  • @michaelbratton3319
    @michaelbratton3319 Рік тому +1

    "A hail shower?"you know what that means?YESSSS!WINTER IS ON ITS WAY,TIME TO GET MY THERMOS,AND BIG BLANKET READY FOR SOME RESCUE MISSIONS😂😂😂😮from a chuckling BIGMICK in the UK 🇬🇧

  • @gerryhartung736
    @gerryhartung736 Рік тому +3

    No more questions about your truck and trailer choice. Worked to perfection. Now Clinton has to buy more equipment to keep you working the big boy toys! Fun video.....Casey never disappoints viewers. Even on reviews

  • @patriciamccormack7626Teashee
    @patriciamccormack7626Teashee Рік тому +5

    Fantastic video/job Casey 👍🏆❤ 😮 that was a tight bend, and your horsepower was kicking up some dust 😂

  • @sirhcmi3
    @sirhcmi3 Рік тому +2

    Nice driving on that chicane! 😅

  • @dougdean3134
    @dougdean3134 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for walking through the turns to understand the plan. Definitely not your first rodeo!

  • @edrouse9578
    @edrouse9578 Рік тому +6

    Casey. If they put a fence around it and call it quicksand springs you might just want to look over the fence and smile.

  • @sharonbull4483
    @sharonbull4483 Рік тому +1

    Enjoyed so much. Such great backing up. Admire that so much. I suck so bad sometimes at backing up. 😊

  • @Thewierdone2025
    @Thewierdone2025 Рік тому +3

    I think you’ve done this before. That was an awesome buddy.

  • @ibyogi714
    @ibyogi714 Рік тому +2

    Casey Does Shenanigans! My favorite channel.

  • @richard3141592638
    @richard3141592638 10 місяців тому

    I saw the rollback and was hopeful....thanks Casey - nice to see the video, even if it's old...

  • @GrumpyForester
    @GrumpyForester Рік тому +2

    WOW!! Thank you this trip down Memory Lane! I spent weeks and weeks driving every single little ratty dirt road out there in the Wolf Creek area for a timber sale planning effort a number of years ago. Glad to see you giving much love to the Post Store (one of my favorite places to stop for milkshakes on the way back from Rager country). Nice Shenanigans Video!! Quinton bought lunch, right?

  • @stuffilike4498
    @stuffilike4498 Рік тому +2

    Look forward to your adventure to check out Quicksand Spring.

  • @EdD-ym6le
    @EdD-ym6le Рік тому +4

    Neat trailer , I've never seem one like it .

  • @LiLBitsDK
    @LiLBitsDK Рік тому +1

    Casey and his friends doing shenanigans :D love it