Whenever I start getting all nostalgic about SpeedTV, I watch events like this one, and realize how terrible their announcing team was. They all sound like 12-year old farm boys who are watching ... oops "watchin'" ... their first mo-sickle race. I love flat-track, but SpeedTV's coverage was painful.
Classic Springfield. A wide open drafting clinic. These guys have a lot of tricks up their sleeves.
I remember Springer and Nixon having way to much fun back in the day.
I saw Springer and Poovey race in the 70s. The first I saw Poovey was riding singles short track.
the Springfield mile - big steel cajones - but Chuck Lantz I have to agree
I always though Jay Springstein raced speedway bikes it takes a great rider to do both
Nope, Jay never raced sPeEdWaY.
I sure miss this format. They don't even have 18 bikes. Show up, your in the main...
I love the sound of the engines and these guy's won't shut up ,...they do the same thing for car racing it's disappointing
Whenever I start getting all nostalgic about SpeedTV, I watch events like this one, and realize how terrible their announcing team was. They all sound like 12-year old farm boys who are watching ... oops "watchin'" ... their first mo-sickle race. I love flat-track, but SpeedTV's coverage was painful.
I love this announcing!
Well, they tried to call you, but you wouldn’t answer your phone😊