That level of finish in a 1/72 is ridiculous!! Seriously, I'm gobsmacked. Due to arthritis me and 1/72 are on opposing sides. I could happily apply this to 1/48's I have yet to attempt. Thank you.
Thank you, this was a fun build. Airbrushing can be a bit of an investment at first, but it can have high rewards and like everything, it takes some practice.
I may have commented on background music in one other video, but your choice here is VERY relaxing! I just glued this kit together a year ago just to get some skills back after a long layoff, and found it an absolute joy to put together. After watching this video for the umpteenth time I've ordered another kit (so cheap!) and am really, really inspired by your work. Isn't this little kit one of the best value kits around? Good ol' Airfix, not forgetting its customer base. I'm loyal to the brand which got me started with simple kits in bags from my newsagent 50 years ago. The company has worked really hard to improve their product. Bravo! EIDT: I just saw the comment I made 8 months ago. LOL.
Thanks man! I have to agree with you, these newer Airfix kits really are great value for the money! I never built Airfix as a kid, for me it was Revell and Monogram, but recently, these Airfix kits have really impressed me. I have quite a few in my stash waiting to go. Thanks for your continued support! Cheers!
Here you go: I have a video already talking about the scenic bases I make, I'm planning a sequel video as well related to carrier deck bases, but its a ways off.
Thank you, The brushes I used in this video are from this brush pack: They are pretty inexpensive craft brushes, but they do well.
Thank you, The paint brush is from a brand called Craft Smart, link to follow"
Looks amazing, but please please put a paint list in the description of the video. It is so hard to match the colors using just the video footage. Thanks!
Thank you, good luck with your build. The mottling is difficult, especially in 72nd scale, but in the end, not as bad as I was expecting. You got this!
Thanks for watching the video and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also, thank you for the feedback. Yeah, that video is a little rough when showing which paints I used. I've really tried in more recent videos to make sure that I keep the paint bottles on screen long enough for people to actually read them.
Groovy grooves. Completely exaggerated. Reminds me of the old matchbox kits. And of course the model has to be finished in the legendary RLM 71/02/65-scheme. There's life in the old dog yet. By the way: since late 1939 the old RLM 70/71/65-scheme was replaced by the new grey RLM 74-75-76-scheme. Meanwhile several good quality colorphotos of Bf 109 E in this grey scheme have been published, but an oldfashioned modeller doesn't care and shys away from leaving the beaten path...
Thanks, I'm not very knowledgeable about German camo colors so I just tried to replicate the instructions as best I could. It was still very fun and eventually I'll get around to doing another 109 in a larger scale.
@Fasold: Your so called "old fashioned modeler" takes care of the colours of the choosen paint scheme and doesn't finish his model in any other colours. 😉 Most of the 109 E-4 had the 71/02 scheme.
Okey, i’ve whatched this video now, for the first time so sorry about the late comment… You have an incorrect informations about RLM colors.. Actually, 65,70 and 71 were active from 1939. until 1942. so Every Emil was painted with those colors plus 02… The RLM 02 was used for interior until 1943. when it was changed for RLM 66, but was used for landing gear lega, bay and droors until the end of the war. Propelers were painted in RLM 70 until the end of the war also…
That has to be the best 1/72 109 build I've seen, and that's a lot. I built this kit, and will build another. It really is that good.
Thank you Steve! This kit really was a fun one to build, I will definitely need to build another one.
Try Special Hobbys Bf 209 E, no comparison to Airfix! The Airfix kit maybe good, but the SH is better!
That finish you got there just amazing
That level of finish in a 1/72 is ridiculous!! Seriously, I'm gobsmacked. Due to arthritis me and 1/72 are on opposing sides. I could happily apply this to 1/48's I have yet to attempt. Thank you.
I appreciate that, thank you.
Wow. Can only say that is brilliant. I can only aspire to be even close to your level of skill mate. Thanks for sharing 👍
Thank you! Cheers!
Beautiful bf 109 E4
Thank you!
What a beautiful and inspiring job. I made one around the same time, didn't look like this though, mind you I really must get into airbrushing.
Thank you, this was a fun build. Airbrushing can be a bit of an investment at first, but it can have high rewards and like everything, it takes some practice.
I may have commented on background music in one other video, but your choice here is VERY relaxing!
I just glued this kit together a year ago just to get some skills back after a long layoff, and found it an absolute joy to put together. After watching this video for the umpteenth time I've ordered another kit (so cheap!) and am really, really inspired by your work.
Isn't this little kit one of the best value kits around? Good ol' Airfix, not forgetting its customer base. I'm loyal to the brand which got me started with simple kits in bags from my newsagent 50 years ago. The company has worked really hard to improve their product. Bravo!
EIDT: I just saw the comment I made 8 months ago. LOL.
Thanks man! I have to agree with you, these newer Airfix kits really are great value for the money! I never built Airfix as a kid, for me it was Revell and Monogram, but recently, these Airfix kits have really impressed me. I have quite a few in my stash waiting to go. Thanks for your continued support! Cheers!
Wondered if you could make a video on how you make your bases for the aircraft. They look excellent. Thank you.
Here you go:
I have a video already talking about the scenic bases I make, I'm planning a sequel video as well related to carrier deck bases, but its a ways off.
I enjoyed your work looking forward to seeing your next build👍🇩🇰
Beautiful. I'm going to look into 1/72 scale.
I used to really be a 48th scale guy, but the quality of the 72nd scale kits these days are great and they take up way less space in the display case!
Beautiful Emil! What are the small sharp brushes you use for tiny elements (eg painting belts, cables, etc)
Thank you, The brushes I used in this video are from this brush pack:
They are pretty inexpensive craft brushes, but they do well.
What a lovely build
Thank you!
Great job..just about to start Airfix’s 1/48 kit so a big help 👍
Excellent, good luck with your build!
Very well done! Could you please tell me the brand/tool you used on the cockpit, around the 3:00 mark? Looks like a very narrow brush? 🤔. Thank you!
Thank you,
The paint brush is from a brand called Craft Smart, link to follow"
Very nice indeed. Great scheme. Excellent job.
Many thanks!
Nice build! I really like it. BTW what airbrush do you used on this? Seems like the nozzle was too big for the complex paint scheme.
Thanks, I used an Iwata Eclipse with a .5 nozzle. Admittedly, it was a little rough on the mottling of the aircraft.
Okay, I guess a .4 or smaller nozzle and needle of course, would help in this scale. Nothing the less, it turned out very well and was fun to watch.
Building this kit for the first time as a novice wish me luck 😂
Good Luck! Its a good kit to start with, enjoy!
Looks amazing, but please please put a paint list in the description of the video. It is so hard to match the colors using just the video footage. Thanks!
I appreciate the feedback. I will make an effort to list paints used in the description. Thats a good idea. Thank you for watcing.
What is the blue stuff you use to stick the small pieces to the popsicle stick for painting?
Around here its called blue tac, but basically its poster putty, stuff you'd use to put up a poster on a wall.
Beautiful job!
Many thanks!
Nice Job! I built this kit like 8years ago. I'm going to build another.
Thank you! I will probably build another one as well, it was a good little kit.
That kits a beauty mate. Well done :).
Thank you!
Nice one! I'm doing the same kit now. Working up the courage to have my first go at the mottling!
Thank you, good luck with your build. The mottling is difficult, especially in 72nd scale, but in the end, not as bad as I was expecting. You got this!
Well done! Bravo Zulu!
Thank you!
Was this scheme used in The Battle of Britain? Because I’m doing a school project
Yes, I believe these markings were used during the battle of Britain.
@@HammerheadModelMaking thanks you so much really appreciate it
Nice work there, just one thing the wheel bays are not the correct colour.
Thanks. It doesn’t surprise me it’s the wrong color, I didn’t spend my due diligence in proper research, but I will do better the next time!
Thank you! Cheers!
Great build, paint and video. Showed the Vallejo colors too fast, some less than one second, especially the colors for the tops of the wings.
Thanks for watching the video and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also, thank you for the feedback. Yeah, that video is a little rough when showing which paints I used. I've really tried in more recent videos to make sure that I keep the paint bottles on screen long enough for people to actually read them.
thats real schmexy
Groovy grooves. Completely exaggerated. Reminds me of the old matchbox kits. And of course the model has to be finished in the legendary RLM 71/02/65-scheme. There's life in the old dog yet. By the way: since late 1939 the old RLM 70/71/65-scheme was replaced by the new grey RLM 74-75-76-scheme. Meanwhile several good quality colorphotos of Bf 109 E in this grey scheme have been published, but an oldfashioned modeller doesn't care and shys away from leaving the beaten path...
Thanks, I'm not very knowledgeable about German camo colors so I just tried to replicate the instructions as best I could. It was still very fun and eventually I'll get around to doing another 109 in a larger scale.
@Fasold: Your so called "old fashioned modeler" takes care of the colours of the choosen paint scheme and doesn't finish his model in any other colours. 😉 Most of the 109 E-4 had the 71/02 scheme.
Okey, i’ve whatched this video now, for the first time so sorry about the late comment… You have an incorrect informations about RLM colors.. Actually, 65,70 and 71 were active from 1939. until 1942. so Every Emil was painted with those colors plus 02… The RLM 02 was used for interior until 1943. when it was changed for RLM 66, but was used for landing gear lega, bay and droors until the end of the war. Propelers were painted in RLM 70 until the end of the war also…
Thank you!
the kit was wonderful, but you forgot to paint something on the nose of the plane
Care to elaborate so I can fix it?