I agree that we shouldn’t stigmatized divorced women. I’ve never liked the double standard about divorced men and women in our community. A Hmong man can get away with multiple divorces, but all hell breaks lose if a Hmong woman divorces. To hell, I see a lot of my Hmong sisters in bad marriages having the nerves to talk down on divorced women. They’re just as bad as the Hmong guys that are vocal about their disdain towards divorced women. You do you and one is better off single than staying married to someone who makes their life miserable. Marriage is not easy, but ppl that marry the wrong person will have it 10x harder than those that are in healthy marriages.
@@bchang227 those men are hypocrites and that story is for later. I’ve seen a lot of Hmong women talk crap about divorced men but be giving them the benefit of the doubt bc they want to be more special than the ex-wife. Both parties are equally bad bc they shamed divorced Hmong women.
Damn what a fav kawm siaj khib ciaj khib tuag husband Thank goodness you got out before you are found dead Rhaub Koj ces pov tseg khib nyiab zoo dua os
A marriage that is abusive and miserable is NEVER worth staying in---abusiveness also comes in the forms of mental and emotional, not just physical. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with being divorced if your life and happiness are on the line. Hmong women DON'T have to put up with a bad, abusive husband anymore here in the U.S.---be free, be safe, be happy!
This is the same exact reason I've been divorced for 20 yrs and never got remarried. Never again! I also put a restraining order on my ex and just left. Good thing we didn't have a marriage license. He still hates me till this day. I'm glad you left and survived too.
My hmong sisters please please when you leave the first time. Don't effing go back no matter who says what. Don't let anyone determine what to do with your life.
I can't even listen to the rest of this story. Domestic violence in the hmong community ir aby community is no joke. It breaks a person's spirit and their will to live with that person. We need to do better for our mothers, sisters, nieces and loved ones. Stories like these are scary, and ican feel her fear through this story.
@@mainenglee-xiong3344 people don't have to hide anything if they're married to a violent person. That person has mental health issues that need to be resolved.
Leej twg tsis tau tus txiv ua nom phaj thiab khib poj niam mas yeej tsis paub. Sim neej no mas dhuav cov txiv uas khib poj niam tshaj plaws. Yus yeej tsis tau luag nrog luag tej muaj phooj ywg mus qhov twg li.
This story agitates me because of the weak woman who allowed stupid man to harassed and abuse them in such a way that is not tolerable in America. I want every woman to know that THE LAW IN THE USA PROTECTS WOMEN FROM ALL TYPES OF ABUSE so don't be afraid to seek happiness for yourself because you deserve that. Set examples for all womans and daughters!
This is so very scarry. These people need help so very bad. Their fear has taken over their life, and there is no reasonableness. They cannot ration morality or ethics and will cause great physical harm including murder. They don't even see the extreme emotional abuses that they are doing. It's a condition of the mind triggered by very strong feelings of fear. The only way to help is somehow to reach deep enough to recondition the fear. Most, like this man need professional help. The culture beliefs cannot help because we have not accepted the problem. I suppose if you align it with some extreme spiritual cause and remedy it to non-jealousy. But, Hmong do not see jealousy as a potential mind disease, so they cannot use the reasoning. It is very sad that in the home country women get kill by this again and again, and the men goes scooched free. If you see anything like this, please call the police.(Women can be like this too.) Dear sister, I was very scared for back then but very glad that you escaped. And, I know you are traumatized that is why you are so scare of men and guns. You have to get over this so that you can have a chance at a normal life. If you believe in cultural rituals, do one, and wash away the fear. What you went through is very, very scarry, but it is not the norm. Most people are good and kind and loving. Don't be afraid but be brave, for there is so much life ahead.
Cov txiv neej zoo li ko ma TSO quav nruab deg los txhaum TSO quav nruab nqhuab los txhaum mas ua neej lwj Siab, dhuav Siab tshaj li aw, vuag ua npaum li ko CES poob plig tag li lawm os kuv na😁
Peb nyob tiam 21 no os tsis need nyob niaj hnub uv nws ua neej ntshai txhua lub sijhawm na! Nej pheej yuav kkk txog cov niag tsa nees ntawv lawv twb tsis rau yus sab khau es pheej yuav uv mloog li lawv hais os yus txoj sia tseem ceeb tshaj tsis xav tuag ces tawm xwb os..cov niag txiv dev khib pojniam tsis nrog cai li ko tsim nyog mus pw qab nyom xwb os cas ntuj tsis muab tshau mus sai lau!! Zoo kawg uas koj dim plaws mas yog kuv ntshe nws mag kaw pes tsawg lwm thiab twb nrauj thawj zaum nws taw phom rau koj thawj zaug saum txaj os..koj siab zoo dhau xwb os! Txhob siab zoo zoo thiab tsam tuag txias zias os
All I got to say is if your in a abusive relationship, go get help. If your family refuse to help you there is women shelters. What most Hmong women mistake made is cheating to get out of an abusive relationship and that’s y there’s soo many suicide killing. I’m glad you got out. REMEMBER we are in America and there’s many programs that will help if your family refuse to help.
Hmoob os hmoob aw tej tuaj comment rau hauv no cas nej tsis tuaj sau ntawv hmoob xwb es tej neeg laus neeg hluas los thiaj tuaj nyeem thiaj li nkag siab thiaj tuaj kawm tau mus ua neej es tuaj comment tuaj sau ntawv English xwb es hmoob cov ua tsis paub lus English yuav ua li cas paub txog nej tej lus tuaj teb rau saum socialmedium no mas hmoob tsis paub yus cov ntawv thiab yus cov lus lawm ces tsis txhob tuaj hais yus tsuas hais rau yus ib leeg paub xwb ho zoo dab tsi na hmoob.
I know your feeling/story. But I was depressed n didn't mind if my ex killed me. But thank goodness I left n we got divorced even though he threatened to kill all my family. I had to get restraining order for my work place n family n moved to somewhere else. That was 23 years ago.
Yog mas. Vim peb muaj txoj niag cai siab phem tsis pab tej ntxhais es tsuas xav kom Mus lawm ces tsis rov los vim tsis zoo no ces peb ib co ntxhais Mus ua lub neej tsaus Ntuj nti tsis muaj 3 hnub zoo los uv2 tuag kus mas
Khiav kom deb xwb nawb cov zoo li kos tsam nws khib dhau ces cia li tua yus pov tseg aws. Yeem ntxia ces yeem khiav deb xwb txau ntshai dhau xwb. Cas koj tsi coj mus rau police nas ntuj es txau ntshai dhau lawm os
Nyias laus nyias lawm ces cia nyias lub siab mam qhuab qhia tswj tsav nyias tus kheej kom siv taus thiab haum nyog rau nyias tus partner xwb. Koj yog tus txiv tsev thiab txawj yoog nraim txoj kev ua neej nrog koj tus poj niam xws teb chaws mas koj tus poj niam tsis lam tham hluas nraug. Tib yam li no rau tus poj niam raug ua poj nrauj vim nws tus txiv txaus siab sau nra mus caum lwm tus poj niam lawm.
Ntuj aw laus tas tsw quav hniav tas tseem yuav kom hnia nplaig sib kauv yuck Kuv mas ua tsis taus li vim laus tag hos tsw quav hniav npaum Tim chaw tua qaib es cov quav qaib tid xwb es kuv tuaj tsis taus li os.
Thaum coj yus Mus hais ntshe kuv luag nrov2 xwb os . Hahaha kuv niag husband kuj ua tau ib qho rau kuv mas luag tsis taus li thiab hos. He found 1 big suit jacket in our closet. The jacket is big. I remember 1 time my son bought one so he have it for going out to koom friends or families party . When I saw when my son bought it it was t look nice. I told my son it’s not a nice jacket but maybe he didn’t have much room in his closet and he never wear it so it’s probably got moved it to our closet but never find it again until one day my husband found it and brought it out whe my daughter was there. He said who’s jacket it this? It’s too big! And yes my son is very big. He is probably 280-300 lb. My husband keep go on and on to my daughter , your mom is strange? Why she hide or have this jacket in our closet? She’s hiding for some big man? I couldn’t stop laughing. Lmao. I went to work and think about it and laughed to myself
Kuv twb zoo li koj thiab os cem yus thaum twg ces khav qhov yuav muab mos txwv rau yus noj xwb kuv thiaj ua 1siab muab nws nrauj pov tseg lawm thiab os qhov zoo siab tshaj ces yog qhov yus dim lawm xwb os
Yog yus mus ces mus kom kawg tsis txhob tig rov qab los lawm os mog, yog yus mus tsis kawg tsis taus ces tsis txhob mus zoo dua nawb mog tus viv ncaus aws. Someone who threatened you they going to kill you 😡 murder you there's no reason to go back with them and if you fall for their trick then it's your lost you loose forever end up in their trap dead end. You are not the only one who got threatened by their spouse, there are many others in your shoe as well as myself too.
Koj niag txiv Ruam tsab ntse ko Mas ntxim ntxub ib yam li kuv niag thiab. Npav lub Liam yus nkaus xwb ...dhuav tshaj plaws li ..cov niag txiv quav dev tshob cuab li ntawd na...Nrauj tag nrho yus dim plaws nws yus Mas Kaj siab lug xwb o
This guy is super extreme. sometimes I wonder how hmong woman make the choice to marry these people? It's one thing if they were soooo in love and he was super nice in the beginning. But I find it hard to believe that this extreme behavior "just happened overnight"... usually there are tons of red flags BEFORE even marrying him.
Sister, f what your parents said to you!! Your life is more precious than anyone else, you have to love yourself. If you don't love and respect yourself, no one will. You should have divorced and not went back him when he threatened you when he first did it. Your ex is too much more than my husband. He is almost like yours too. Glad you got away from a dangerous person.
Wow after him sticking his gun on your head, you still stayed for 2 months. I would have left the next morning after he leaves to work. I only have evil thoughts for your husband
& Here I Thought I Sometimes What We Are Going Thru Is Bad But WHHHHHAAAAA ... With Words Only!! Omg, I Rather Run Than Walk Away!! My Lord, Using An Ex To Argue & Make You Believe He Is Jealous! Jealously Comes In A Good Way, Be A Good Man or Women By Being There & A Good Person Will Understand & Stay & If Not, Let Them Go!!! But, Don't Use A Weapon To Threaten You, Unless Everyone Thinks Your Crazy & You Haven't Done Nothing But Be Good To Everyone & All You Get Is Negatives Vibes!
Npaum li koj es koj tseem g hu police rau tus tshej muag neeg ruam ntawm koj mas ruam tiag2 koj tus txiv dev liam ntawm koj mas muab nws coj mus kaw nkuaj kiag xwb
Tus neeg ruam li koj tus txiv no hu police cab nws mus kaw kiag xwb es nws thiaj paub tab cov ruam li koj tus txiv ntawm koj nas tus txiv ruam li koj tus ces muab nws pov tseg hauv trash xwb mas
Stupid husband. Koj niag txiv dev txiv vwm txiv xuab. Txiv qias neeg. Cas Koj tsis hu police muab koj niag txiv dev phim nyoos yais ko mus lock in jail naws. Put him in Jail he is dangerous my gosh
That's is way too much loving.....my husband and I kiss when we gonna go places without each other or go to work...we just peck on the lips and say safe travels and see u later...we don't tongue play like that....tongue play is for the bedroom lol.
Koj niag qub txiv ntawv mas crazy thiab ntxim ntxub ua luaj li os. Ua dabtsi los txhaum tag li. What a psycho and controlling freak! Glad you escaped from him.
Hopefully, you feel the same when it happens to your own daughter or sister. Hmong women keep dying by the hands of their abusive husbands because people think like you.
I agree that we shouldn’t stigmatized divorced women. I’ve never liked the double standard about divorced men and women in our community. A Hmong man can get away with multiple divorces, but all hell breaks lose if a Hmong woman divorces. To hell, I see a lot of my Hmong sisters in bad marriages having the nerves to talk down on divorced women. They’re just as bad as the Hmong guys that are vocal about their disdain towards divorced women. You do you and one is better off single than staying married to someone who makes their life miserable. Marriage is not easy, but ppl that marry the wrong person will have it 10x harder than those that are in healthy marriages.
Agree with you.
Hmong dudes talk crap about divorced ladies but they're the first ones to get into the divorced ladies pants if given the chance. LMAO!!!
@@bchang227 those men are hypocrites and that story is for later. I’ve seen a lot of Hmong women talk crap about divorced men but be giving them the benefit of the doubt bc they want to be more special than the ex-wife. Both parties are equally bad bc they shamed divorced Hmong women.
More hypocrites are the insecure women talk bed about divorced women, because their own men aren’t faithful toward them.
So happy you got out of that crazy's life!
Using fear to control other is not true love.
I rather have a divorce daughter than a dead daughter.
OMG! my adrenaline when he pointed guns at you. You are a strong woman, happy you are with him no more.
Damn what a fav kawm siaj khib ciaj khib tuag husband
Thank goodness you got out before you are found dead
Rhaub Koj ces pov tseg khib nyiab zoo dua os
Abusive 1975 Hmong men. Lock him up
A marriage that is abusive and miserable is NEVER worth staying in---abusiveness also comes in the forms of mental and emotional, not just physical. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING wrong with being divorced if your life and happiness are on the line. Hmong women DON'T have to put up with a bad, abusive husband anymore here in the U.S.---be free, be safe, be happy!
Poj niam hmoob meskas liam liam soj nej tus niam tsev kom zoo nawb cov kwv tij hmoob aw...
This is the same exact reason I've been divorced for 20 yrs and never got remarried. Never again! I also put a restraining order on my ex and just left. Good thing we didn't have a marriage license. He still hates me till this day. I'm glad you left and survived too.
You had an abusive husband. I feel your fear of him and understand why you would rather be a divorcee.
Let's hear from the husband.
Txawj hus kwjtse kawg. Tso quav rau qhovtwg los yeej txhaum tag li os.
Koj lub tshuaj khib zoo2 tuav ntxim nws kawg siab kawg ntsws nws thiaj khib koj npaum li ntawd txhob chim 😂😂
I feel your pain. Thaum zoo li no ces nws zoo li tus dab lawm xwb es zoo nws kam nrauj koj os. Glad you're happy now.
Ab ua poj nrauj kuj tsis phem thiab tsuav tseem muaj txoj sia nyob xwb mas
My hmong sisters please please when you leave the first time. Don't effing go back no matter who says what. Don't let anyone determine what to do with your life.
Kuv ntxub cov txiv neej ruam2 li koj tus no kawg kiag, zoo qhov koj tsis yuav tus txiv dev 🐕 ruam2 no lawm👍👍
Cas zaj no khws kuv lub neej kawg ne
I can't even listen to the rest of this story. Domestic violence in the hmong community ir aby community is no joke. It breaks a person's spirit and their will to live with that person. We need to do better for our mothers, sisters, nieces and loved ones. Stories like these are scary, and ican feel her fear through this story.
Hmm, this lady is hiding something. She’s not being honest about herself.
@@mainenglee-xiong3344 people don't have to hide anything if they're married to a violent person. That person has mental health issues that need to be resolved.
Leej twg tsis tau tus txiv ua nom phaj thiab khib poj niam mas yeej tsis paub. Sim neej no mas dhuav cov txiv uas khib poj niam tshaj plaws. Yus yeej tsis tau luag nrog luag tej muaj phooj ywg mus qhov twg li.
This story agitates me because of the weak woman who allowed stupid man to harassed and abuse them in such a way that is not tolerable in America. I want every woman to know that THE LAW IN THE USA PROTECTS WOMEN FROM ALL TYPES OF ABUSE so don't be afraid to seek happiness for yourself because you deserve that. Set examples for all womans and daughters!
Ntiaj teb txiv zoo tas lm o
Using fear to control the other is definitely not love. I'm agreeing to one of the comments below. This husband is an insecure crazy dude.
😲 😱 😲 😱 😲
This is so very scarry. These people need help so very bad. Their fear has taken over their life, and there is no reasonableness. They cannot ration morality or ethics and will cause great physical harm including murder. They don't even see the extreme emotional abuses that they are doing. It's a condition of the mind triggered by very strong feelings of fear. The only way to help is somehow to reach deep enough to recondition the fear. Most, like this man need professional help. The culture beliefs cannot help because we have not accepted the problem. I suppose if you align it with some extreme spiritual cause and remedy it to non-jealousy. But, Hmong do not see jealousy as a potential mind disease, so they cannot use the reasoning. It is very sad that in the home country women get kill by this again and again, and the men goes scooched free. If you see anything like this, please call the police.(Women can be like this too.)
Dear sister, I was very scared for back then but very glad that you escaped. And, I know you are traumatized that is why you are so scare of men and guns. You have to get over this so that you can have a chance at a normal life. If you believe in cultural rituals, do one, and wash away the fear. What you went through is very, very scarry, but it is not the norm. Most people are good and kind and loving. Don't be afraid but be brave, for there is so much life ahead.
Hahahahhaa funny story 🤣 😂 😄
kavtsij ntxoov nrauj mas tej tug ko ces tsis tuag ib hnub los yuav tuag ib hmos kavtsij coj mus nyob nram nkuaj kom txog hnub tuag xwb mas.
Yus nyob twg nyob ntawd ces thiaj hlub yus mas lol.
Yog yus tau ua mas nyaj yuav luag tsis taus tabsis yog tsis tau ua no txaus2 luag xwb
Cov txiv neej zoo li ko ma TSO quav nruab deg los txhaum TSO quav nruab nqhuab los txhaum mas ua neej lwj Siab, dhuav Siab tshaj li aw, vuag ua npaum li ko CES poob plig tag li lawm os kuv na😁
Aib Thaub ntawm kov tsis puv 100 ! Kom rua nws on lub eyes es saib neeg UA neej os. Nws lub maib 75 siv tsis tau os.
Peb nyob tiam 21 no os tsis need nyob niaj hnub uv nws ua neej ntshai txhua lub sijhawm na! Nej pheej yuav kkk txog cov niag tsa nees ntawv lawv twb tsis rau yus sab khau es pheej yuav uv mloog li lawv hais os yus txoj sia tseem ceeb tshaj tsis xav tuag ces tawm xwb os..cov niag txiv dev khib pojniam tsis nrog cai li ko tsim nyog mus pw qab nyom xwb os cas ntuj tsis muab tshau mus sai lau!! Zoo kawg uas koj dim plaws mas yog kuv ntshe nws mag kaw pes tsawg lwm thiab twb nrauj thawj zaum nws taw phom rau koj thawj zaug saum txaj os..koj siab zoo dhau xwb os! Txhob siab zoo zoo thiab tsam tuag txias zias os
Ntuj os ntuj aw!!! Cas koj yuav rau kiag kuv sab khau thiab os me niam laus aw
Khib dhau cai lawm tiag nawb
Txhob ntshai, vim koj mus yuav tau nkajlem xiam hlwb lawm xwb
And I hate parents who don't support their daughters
All I got to say is if your in a abusive relationship, go get help. If your family refuse to help you there is women shelters. What most Hmong women mistake made is cheating to get out of an abusive relationship and that’s y there’s soo many suicide killing. I’m glad you got out. REMEMBER we are in America and there’s many programs that will help if your family refuse to help.
Yeej muaj ib co txiv neej npab txog qhab no kawg os nws tsis pub yus tsav tsheb yus nyob nrog nws 24.7 los nws yeej tseem tias yus nyiag ntshw tham hmong vim thaum yus mus hoobnaab tsis coj nws
Hmoob os hmoob aw tej tuaj comment rau hauv no cas nej tsis tuaj sau ntawv hmoob xwb es tej neeg laus neeg hluas los thiaj tuaj nyeem thiaj li nkag siab thiaj tuaj kawm tau mus ua neej es tuaj comment tuaj sau ntawv English xwb es hmoob cov ua tsis paub lus English yuav ua li cas paub txog nej tej lus tuaj teb rau saum socialmedium no mas hmoob tsis paub yus cov ntawv thiab yus cov lus lawm ces tsis txhob tuaj hais yus tsuas hais rau yus ib leeg paub xwb ho zoo dab tsi na hmoob.
Yog lawm xum ua poj nrauj zoo dua tsis xum nyob 6feets under 😄😄😄
This guys beyond 🤪. It's 2023 and we still have folks with these mind sets. Lol
Poj niam hmoob meskas liam liam koj tus txiv tsev tsis yuav kev kiag li ntag nawb..
I know your feeling/story. But I was depressed n didn't mind if my ex killed me. But thank goodness I left n we got divorced even though he threatened to kill all my family. I had to get restraining order for my work place n family n moved to somewhere else. That was 23 years ago.
Yog mas. Vim peb muaj txoj niag cai siab phem tsis pab tej ntxhais es tsuas xav kom Mus lawm ces tsis rov los vim tsis zoo no ces peb ib co ntxhais Mus ua lub neej tsaus Ntuj nti tsis muaj 3 hnub zoo los uv2 tuag kus mas
Ntsej muag txiv dev g yog txiv tswv ces li no mos koj thiaj uv nws xwb os
Me muam luag g hlub kj lo kv mm hlub kj rau luag ntsia os MOG kv xav tau tu NM tsev zoo lo nrog kv nyb heev lo kv mm hlub kj os
He's one crazy ass. situation is similar but no gun. Glad you decided to let it go!!!!
Cov txiv neej coj li ko ces yog vim nws niag qau me me es nws ntshai ntshai tsam koj paub qau loj zoo li cas xwb ma
I really hate that kind of man,sorry sister if me I recycle him long ago!! But I’m glad that you did..
Vuag niag txiv siab phem npaum kod es koj tseem nrog nws mus tua nas thiab!
Thank goodness u got urself out of that environment. Take some self defense classes
Khiav kom deb xwb nawb cov zoo li kos tsam nws khib dhau ces cia li tua yus pov tseg aws. Yeem ntxia ces yeem khiav deb xwb txau ntshai dhau xwb. Cas koj tsi coj mus rau police nas ntuj es txau ntshai dhau lawm os
I can’t even finish this story.. 😂 ✌️
Nyias laus nyias lawm ces cia nyias lub siab mam qhuab qhia tswj tsav nyias tus kheej kom siv taus thiab haum nyog rau nyias tus partner xwb. Koj yog tus txiv tsev thiab txawj yoog nraim txoj kev ua neej nrog koj tus poj niam xws teb chaws mas koj tus poj niam tsis lam tham hluas nraug. Tib yam li no rau tus poj niam raug ua poj nrauj vim nws tus txiv txaus siab sau nra mus caum lwm tus poj niam lawm.
Ntuj aw laus tas tsw quav hniav tas tseem yuav kom hnia nplaig sib kauv yuck Kuv mas ua tsis taus li vim laus tag hos tsw quav hniav npaum Tim chaw tua qaib es cov quav qaib tid xwb es kuv tuaj tsis taus li os.
Thank goodness Sister!
😂😂😂how they kiss before go work so funny funny
Thaum coj yus Mus hais ntshe kuv luag nrov2 xwb os . Hahaha kuv niag husband kuj ua tau ib qho rau kuv mas luag tsis taus li thiab hos. He found 1 big suit jacket in our closet. The jacket is big. I remember 1 time my son bought one so he have it for going out to koom friends or families party . When I saw when my son bought it it was t look nice. I told my son it’s not a nice jacket but maybe he didn’t have much room in his closet and he never wear it so it’s probably got moved it to our closet but never find it again until one day my husband found it and brought it out whe my daughter was there. He said who’s jacket it this? It’s too big! And yes my son is very big. He is probably 280-300 lb. My husband keep go on and on to my daughter , your mom is strange? Why she hide or have this jacket in our closet? She’s hiding for some big man? I couldn’t stop laughing. Lmao. I went to work and think about it and laughed to myself
Kuv twb zoo li koj thiab os cem yus thaum twg ces khav qhov yuav muab mos txwv rau yus noj xwb kuv thiaj ua 1siab muab nws nrauj pov tseg lawm thiab os qhov zoo siab tshaj ces yog qhov yus dim lawm xwb os
Tus niam tsev koj ua yog lawm, txiv zoo li koj tus no ces yog txiv qhovquav xwb os...he thinks he's God but he's nothings...
Txoj kev khaus pim ces zoo li ko ntag lauj. Ca yuav nqhis qau tag npaum li es yuav muab yug txoj sia mus pauv ib tsab qau xwb yom
Y do allow a freak to control u. Don't blame on your kids. Report him n put a restraining order on him
Yog yus mus ces mus kom kawg tsis txhob tig rov qab los lawm os mog, yog yus mus tsis kawg tsis taus ces tsis txhob mus zoo dua nawb mog tus viv ncaus aws. Someone who threatened you they going to kill you 😡 murder you there's no reason to go back with them and if you fall for their trick then it's your lost you loose forever end up in their trap dead end. You are not the only one who got threatened by their spouse, there are many others in your shoe as well as myself too.
Koj niag txiv Ruam tsab ntse ko Mas ntxim ntxub ib yam li kuv niag thiab. Npav lub Liam yus nkaus xwb ...dhuav tshaj plaws li ..cov niag txiv quav dev tshob cuab li ntawd na...Nrauj tag nrho yus dim plaws nws yus Mas Kaj siab lug xwb o
This guy is super extreme.
sometimes I wonder how hmong woman make the choice to marry these people? It's one thing if they were soooo in love and he was super nice in the beginning. But I find it hard to believe that this extreme behavior "just happened overnight"... usually there are tons of red flags BEFORE even marrying him.
I new a few mens are like that to so, not just your husband
Sister, f what your parents said to you!! Your life is more precious than anyone else, you have to love yourself. If you don't love and respect yourself, no one will. You should have divorced and not went back him when he threatened you when he first did it. Your ex is too much more than my husband. He is almost like yours too. Glad you got away from a dangerous person.
Wow after him sticking his gun on your head, you still stayed for 2 months. I would have left the next morning after he leaves to work. I only have evil thoughts for your husband
& Here I Thought I Sometimes What We Are Going Thru Is Bad But WHHHHHAAAAA ... With Words Only!! Omg, I Rather Run Than Walk Away!! My Lord, Using An Ex To Argue & Make You Believe He Is Jealous! Jealously Comes In A Good Way, Be A Good Man or Women By Being There & A Good Person Will Understand & Stay & If Not, Let Them Go!!! But, Don't Use A Weapon To Threaten You, Unless Everyone Thinks Your Crazy & You Haven't Done Nothing But Be Good To Everyone & All You Get Is Negatives Vibes!
Koj niag txiv kom vwm lawm os. Cas koj yuav ruam ua luaj thiab tseem nrog nws mus thiab na.
Koj yuav tau noob khib noob nom phaj lawm xwb.kuv cov neej tsa los zoo ib yam li koj cov thiab.koj ntsuas koj lub neej yog kawg thaum nyob tsis taus cev kawg nrauj xwb txhob tuag kom yus menyuam muaj niam
Npaum li koj es koj tseem g hu police rau tus tshej muag neeg ruam ntawm koj mas ruam tiag2 koj tus txiv dev liam ntawm koj mas muab nws coj mus kaw nkuaj kiag xwb
Smh...how do you continue to love someone so controlling. He might as well control your breathing
Tus neeg ruam li koj tus txiv no hu police cab nws mus kaw kiag xwb es nws thiaj paub tab cov ruam li koj tus txiv ntawm koj nas tus txiv ruam li koj tus ces muab nws pov tseg hauv trash xwb mas
Stupid husband. Koj niag txiv dev txiv vwm txiv xuab. Txiv qias neeg. Cas Koj tsis hu police muab koj niag txiv dev phim nyoos yais ko mus lock in jail naws. Put him in Jail he is dangerous my gosh
That's is way too much loving.....my husband and I kiss when we gonna go places without each other or go to work...we just peck on the lips and say safe travels and see u later...we don't tongue play like that....tongue play is for the bedroom lol.
Koj niag qub txiv ntawv mas crazy thiab ntxim ntxub ua luaj li os. Ua dabtsi los txhaum tag li. What a psycho and controlling freak! Glad you escaped from him.
LMAO his jealousy. Sorry.
Koj tus txiv ua npaum koj es puas txawj yaim paum mas.
Koj tus txiv hlub2 koj xwb os…yog koj muab nws recycle ces Kuv mam li Khaws kom thiaj tau lubHlub kiag
Jesus you sound so stupid and desperate! Great way to take Hmong women a step backward to equality. Smh 🤦♂️
Funny a## story
Hopefully, you feel the same when it happens to your own daughter or sister. Hmong women keep dying by the hands of their abusive husbands because people think like you.
Koj npam los yog koj vwm
You're crazy or are you crazy
Makes no sense