how I teach u to I'm scare to you're ugly voice !? Hahaahahahahhaahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahhhahahahahahah GG hahaaha with I can say one OK her dogvioce
@@myseveredwrjsts Aight bro, first that spoiler warning did no help and also that has nothing to do with the original comment 😂 The poor people who havent read yet
Ahhh, Shinobu. Beautiful and Dangerous at the same time. I'm so in love! Edit: idk what you guys get from spoiling? As someone who have read the manga too, I want other fan to enjoy and feel the same feelings I felt. What do you get from doing it?
I think what creeps people out IS the juxtaposition between her act and her true intentions. Shinobu wears a mask, a fake smile. she's actually a very different person. One completely filled with rage, Who despises demons with every cell in her body. She's legitimately scary because her front doesn't give you any clues as to what she's thinking or feeling. And imo It also makes her a supercool character.
Ok but.. the web lady/spider demon person(sorry I didn’t watch Demon Slayer- planning on it tho!) her voice reminds me of Sabrina from Major Shoujo Site •w•
Oh please don’t say that 😭 I want you to live don’t die please 😢 just live a happy life and find a woman like Shinobu Fall in love 😍 and have so many kids and die when turn really really old
"I like her but she scares me"
Typical Horror Movie Character (Innocent Num at Xoman XXsolic Church)
Bruh I don't like anime waifu
@@manjirosano6846 *when she is below 18
@@chapri_from_chapra5443 ok
how I teach u to I'm scare to you're ugly voice !? Hahaahahahahhaahhahahaahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahhhahahahahahah GG hahaaha with I can say one OK her dogvioce
Fun fact: Her voice actor is the same voice actor of Yumeko from kakegurui! Thta'w why their voices r calm and creepy
Calm, creepy and sexy :)
Thats why she reminded me of her
And the roach R*chel from TOG
Omg my two fav characters voiced by the same voice actor 😍😍
Damnn...yumeko is something else....dammit...
I want that calmness and angry at the same time
I believe the trope is called 'Tranquil Fury'.
@@sebastienbusque2312 i'd call it "raging behind my smile" ahaha but tranquil fury sounds more mysterious
@@sebastienbusque2312 yandere
@@alteriasaber she's not lovesick tho
Imagine coming home to Shinobou after she finds out you cheated on her
Why would I cheat on her though?
Ayeee Mitsuri's just a friend 😉
Simpanor Sama mitsuri wouldn’t she’s loyal to obani
Who tf is Obani? Its Obanai m8!!
Andiko Azri well sorry it’s only a spelling error no need to get mad
@@andikoazri snake duds
Shinobou definition
“Floats like a butterfly stings like a bee”
-Mohammed Ali
"Oh she's sweet but a psycho" "Poison but tastyy" "Out of mimind"
That's... fitting, really.
@@sebastienbusque2312 there is an amv of her with that song.
Just like 'Douma'(Upper moon 2)
@@ultrainstinct4542 he is talking about how it's fitting because she got eaten!
@@Jonas-jx3kw Spoiler tag please!
I wonder
Does Shinobu pose and introduce herself after every demon she kills?
Introducing herself probably yes,since she wants to befriend a demon lol
@@myseveredwrjsts if you’re going to post a spoiler then at least make the spoiler in read more
@@charlesss7797 ikr there’s like no point of putting “spoiler:” then
@@myseveredwrjsts Aight bro, first that spoiler warning did no help and also that has nothing to do with the original comment 😂
The poor people who havent read yet
@@myseveredwrjsts really?!? I just started to read the manga😐😑
Beautiful, calm, polite, and deadly. Not to mention, masterful with that sword. Imagine seeing her on 'Deadly Women'.
Ahhh, Shinobu. Beautiful and Dangerous at the same time. I'm so in love!
Edit: idk what you guys get from spoiling? As someone who have read the manga too, I want other fan to enjoy and feel the same feelings I felt. What do you get from doing it?
@@lucascruz3512 congratulations you spoiled him
Lucas Cruz Can you not
Sweet but psycho😂☝️
Actually tho can u not
Welcome to another episode where Shinobu Is more scarier than the demon.
What the hell are you doing here bro you are from manga
@@ishantripathi1764 wa-
"girrrl she's so coooool"
relatable reaction
That sword spin flex...
its just ufotable flexing how much money they have.
@@hyjaph even in manga they did that
Why so Serious yeah but I mean the amount of detail is crazy.
I love how shinobu is so calm when fighting
Shinobu is so pretty
But scary
@kanae kochou Onee-san!
@kanae kochou I became a demon slayer just for you...
One of the most iconic scenes in Kimetsu no Yaiba
Every guy when he wants to ask a girl out: “oh I like her, but she scares me”
Shinobu looks like a kind person but the truth is she's terrifieing
No, she IS a kind person. She’s just filled with anger on the inside because of demons and demons alone.
What do you mean? She is a kind person.
harrowing anger doesn't make you any less kind
this was the scene that made me fall in love with her LOVE
shinobu flipping that Katana like a pro
EVERYONE: yas yas yas shes my wife
Indeed she’s the reason I’m bi (at least I think in bi)
Flipping katana?
Ken senpai: Shinobu?! Yow I like her bro!
F to pay respects for this man
Should probably add a spoiler warning for those who havent read the manga. Poor souls
@@dhruvsinghjamwal1587 hahaha look i gave a spoiler hahaha so funny
@@gabrielneves2204 btw manga is trash i am only waiting for anime adaptation
@@dhruvsinghjamwal1587 the art is but the story isnt
I think what creeps people out IS the juxtaposition between her act and her true intentions.
Shinobu wears a mask, a fake smile. she's actually a very different person. One completely filled with rage, Who despises demons with every cell in her body.
She's legitimately scary because her front doesn't give you any clues as to what she's thinking or feeling.
And imo It also makes her a supercool character.
Watches Shinobu fight : You're filled with Determination
5:00 this dude in the bottom left corner in love
AHAHAHHA I just noticed 😂😂
Dangerous, Adorable, Smart and Caring. That's why she's my Favorite! (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Vaibhav Srivastava
.Thats why she died in manga, against upper moon 2
@Fuji Lor bro the mangá has been finished like 5 months ago, if you dont read make sure to read, i'm gonna put a alert from spoolers in the comment
@Fuji Lor i sayed this for people that doesn't see the mangá
Tom hates her
@@arion1717 この(イノセントな少女がニコニコ笑いながら(神の名の下に)メチャクチャする)っての欧州のホラーのパターンみたいですね。
(宗教的恍惚)の中で(迷い込んだドイツ軍兵士の)内臓とか引っ張り出しちやうの。。Xーマ・Xトリックの修道女 が定番っす・・
鉄の処女(アイアンメイデン)とかの流れですかね? 駐車違反とか 絶対見逃してくれない婦警さんとか。。
4:58 "Yo! I like her bro!"
Me too man, me too, I- *sniff , I-.. But, in the manga. I-.. I can't..
I feel you bro😭
fucking spoiler man, cmon uncool
what happen? i not manga reader
She ded
@@melvinmorales209 Delete the comment, you spoiled everyone
If Shinobu were a mom and caught you in a lie, your cheeks are dead!
I like how that one guy brought up Liu Kang
I watched it and went "did she just bicycle kick her?"
4:04 Ken Senpai: Wait why isnt her head beheaded?? Later... You shouldnt have doubted her
The best woman
Ken: She is scary omg.
After a minute Ken: Yooo Shinobu i like her
istg, she sounded so sweet but Shinobu scared the shit out of me in this scene. She's really scary. 😱
Yep they chose the perfect voice actress for her and infact for every character
3:34 - "I actually wouldn't mind a death like that..."
... wait for it...
The pain I feel when I see her now that I know what happens to Shinobu...
Oh shit now I am scared...plz dont be what I think it is..
Next time, use spoiler alert in your comments.
Even implying something isn't cool for people who haven't read the manga.
SPOILER por favor pon una alerta de spoiler, hay personas que no leen el manga y no es bonito ver un comentario asi
Oh god plz no...
Oh no! I tell you shes D E D
The thing that make your video worth watching is how much effort you put on making this reaction mashup.
Looks like its time to rewatch this anime again :3
You are so funny 😂 🤣🤣🤣
It is just crazy how we had the same way of thinking 🤣.
Shinobu is so beautiful and kind!
Famous last words
And scary at the same time... 😰
4:56 しの↑ぶ↓〜〜
I like how everyone has their different reactions and the guy on the bottom left is just: 0o0
Wow butterfly vs spider •w•
2:41 oh i like her but she scares me :d
村田さん この後 全裸で帰還したのかな
everybody gangsta until douma appears
Oh Please don’t mind me 😤 she was my favorite character 😞😫😭
@@khadidjatekouk8138 lol
i love her she's so unhinged
しのぶたん 大好き
Ei! you finally posted shinobu's reaction!
Shinobu: Kocho SHINUBO
*Teeaboo is just straight out simping lmaoo*
Shinobu kawaii ✊🏻😌✨
Shinobu sama I am your servent!! "bow down to her"
The guy in the left-middle panel just got his new waifu
UA-camrs:She is scary!
Ah, an Ara Ara waifu but at the same time a scary one.
Yes and that’s crazy
Shinobu is a beast.
The most powerful .... Tengen and muzan know that
I just remembered the demon king of league of legends while watching this....Dammit Teemo you gave me trauma
She straight up scares the f outta me...but she seems nice...but scary
I love her!
Shinobu - Sting like a bee!
0:11 the reactors on top right and bottom right corner are exact same reaction 😂 lol
Lets be honest here, we all had the same reaction of the guy in the bottom left
Aha...the pretty poison
Teaboo: you are terrifying
Can’t agree more
So any manga readers? Anyone? Okay im just gonna cry in the corner our pain is far GREATER THAN YOURS
I wanna marry shinobu's voice
You mean voice actress
@@khadidjatekouk8138 no mate, I mean her voice. I like the VA but I like her voice more haha
People to me after watching Demon slayer: So which waifu do you like from Demon Slayer. Shinobu, Kanao, etc.
Me: Yes.
i miss shinobu
SHINOBU BEST GIRL AHHHH but manga readers dont tell them
*sneaks up on the demon* how amazing! do you release that from your plam?
shinobo is epic
4:54 The bottom left guy seems to be thinking about something weird
これ見ると X奈川県警の交通課の婦警さん思い出します。 ニコニコしていたけど全然見逃してくれません。(また駐禁ですね。今年何回めですか?)
My favorite.
I heard that dude said-
That dude:dude,she's scary!
0:34 Liu Kang?
😂😂😂 from MK
1:10シーズ カナシバリ!
Ken I think shinobu is a good character too
Ok but.. the web lady/spider demon person(sorry I didn’t watch Demon Slayer- planning on it tho!) her voice reminds me of Sabrina from Major Shoujo Site •w•
Shinobu and Animaechan
they actually look similar.
"I actually wouldn't mind a death like that."
You wouldn't want a death like that😅
Oh please don’t say that 😭 I want you to live don’t die please 😢 just live a happy life and find a woman like Shinobu
Fall in love 😍 and have so many kids and die when turn really really old
@@khadidjatekouk8138 tf
@@banana6108 😂😂😂😂
Me reading this 11 months after realizing I was a weirdoo
It got me lmao
Yeah you right tf 😂😂😂😂
nice videoo!!! please do one piece op 🥺👉🏻👈🏻
Based on that, it should be clear that Shinobu is a Yandere
Saying the moon is lovely is also like confessing your love in japan so did she confess to the demon 0.-l
She also said that to tomioka
0:33 Watatatata!
Shinobu is like a calm witch
damn man she is so passive agressive
A butterfly🦋 and A Spider 🕷️...hmmm.... sometimes I wonder which one of them is the predator???
Oh !! trust me it butterfly 😌
At least in kimitsu no yaiba series🌚
Click for instant *Hayato*
Coming through 🐗⚔️❗️